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The U.S. Health Care System Is Terrible, In 1 Enraging Chart


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Defensive medicine is a significant force driving the high cost of healthcare in the U.S. Not only are the vast

majority of physicians practicing defensive medicine, more and more younger physicians are taught to do so in

order to protect their livelihoods and reputations against the threat of lawsuits.

Plus, defensive medicine appears to be unique to U.S. physicians in the private sector.

Here are highlights from Jackson Healthcare’s ongoing research:

Ì Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine to be in the $650-$850 billion range, or between

26 and 34 percent of annual healthcare costs in the U.S.

Ì Physician compensation accounts for only about eight percent of total U.S. healthcare costs

Ì About six percent of physicians’ total compensation comes from medical orders such as prescriptions,

imaging, lab tests, admissions and surgery fees


Researching this, there are tons of manufactured surveys on both sides.

We will never really know the truth about all this.


I COMPLETELY agree with the point of this post. In my opinion, the healthcare cost due to defensive medicine is FAR greater than is the healthcare cost due to actual liability--such as malpractice insurance and litigation costs and actual payments. From what I see, defensive medicine is getting more and more prevalent. Physicians are increasingly concerned with protecting themselves and making their patients happy, when they should be concerned with doing what their training and experience tells then is the best thing for the patient. In general, I'd say that a fearful physician is far more dangerous than a fearless physician.

Shhhhhhhh! Physicians are the devil, right along with insurance companies, investors, and productive American citizens.

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I don't think the healthcare is terrible in this country. We have most likely the best available health care of any country in the world. I think there are two very good reasons for our position on that chart.

First, our healthcare is too expensive. That is the reason Obamacare was started in the first place. According to Time Magazines "Bitter Pill' story back in the spring, the USA spends more money on healthcare than the next 10 countries combined. Let that one sink in. A large portion of Americans can not afford healthcare in this country. There are a lot of reasons why our healthcare costs are out of control. Rampant malpractice and drug lawsuits is the reason I like to pick, but feel free to pick another of your choice. For the record I do not like the Obamacare plan, but I do agree something has to change regarding the cost of healthcare in this country.

Second, our life expectantcies are lower than similar countries because of our diets and health problems related to it. We are by far the most obese country in the world. The best doctors in the world can't help us if we eat ourselves into diabetes, coronary diseases, etc. I think all the government subsidies towards farmers and food have come back to haunt us. Our stores are full of cheap junk food and cheap unhealthy fast food. It is much cheaper, faster, and easier to eat bad food than it is to eat healthy food. On top of that we are at record levels for government food assistance so we are getting fatter on our EBT cards.

Another reason for lower life expectantcies is too many teen mothers having babies that are not prepared. Research Babyland, or Beyond Babyland, regarding the infant mortality rate in Memphis, TN. The infant mortality rate there would embarrass a third world country. Memphis is home to what may be the worlds best children's hospital but that can't save children that are dieing once every 43 hours. Once again pick your reason for this problem because there is plenty of blame to go around. Some say these teen mothers are not getting enough support, but I blame our societies general acceptance of teen pregnancy.

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I don't think the healthcare is terrible in this country. We have most likely the best available health care of any country in the world. I think there are two very good reasons for our position on that chart.

First, our healthcare is too expensive. That is the reason Obamacare was started in the first place. According to Time Magazines "Bitter Pill' story back in the spring, the USA spends more money on healthcare than the next 10 countries combined. Let that one sink in. A large portion of Americans can not afford healthcare in this country. There are a lot of reasons why our healthcare costs are out of control. Rampant malpractice and drug lawsuits is the reason I like to pick, but feel free to pick another of your choice. For the record I do not like the Obamacare plan, but I do agree something has to change regarding the cost of healthcare in this country.

Second, our life expectantcies are lower than similar countries because of our diets and health problems related to it. We are by far the most obese country in the world. The best doctors in the world can't help us if we eat ourselves into diabetes, coronary diseases, etc. I think all the government subsidies towards farmers and food have come back to haunt us. Our stores are full of cheap junk food and cheap unhealthy fast food. It is much cheaper, faster, and easier to eat bad food than it is to eat healthy food. On top of that we are at record levels for government food assistance so we are getting fatter on our EBT cards.

Another reason for lower life expectantcies is too many teen mothers having babies that are not prepared. Research Babyland, or Beyond Babyland, regarding the infant mortality rate in Memphis, TN. The infant mortality rate there would embarrass a third world country. Memphis is home to what may be the worlds best children's hospital but that can't save children that are dieing once every 43 hours. Once again pick your reason for this problem because there is plenty of blame to go around. Some say these teen mothers are not getting enough support, but I blame our societies general acceptance of teen pregnancy.

Obamacare was not started because healthcare is too expensive. If it was then it would probably focus on cutting healthcare costs.

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Good post, berrytgr! A lot of truth in there (except the reason ObamaCare was passed). ;)

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I don't think the healthcare is terrible in this country. We have most likely the best available health care of any country in the world. I think there are two very good reasons for our position on that chart.

First, our healthcare is too expensive. That is the reason Obamacare was started in the first place. According to Time Magazines "Bitter Pill' story back in the spring, the USA spends more money on healthcare than the next 10 countries combined. Let that one sink in. A large portion of Americans can not afford healthcare in this country. There are a lot of reasons why our healthcare costs are out of control. Rampant malpractice and drug lawsuits is the reason I like to pick, but feel free to pick another of your choice. For the record I do not like the Obamacare plan, but I do agree something has to change regarding the cost of healthcare in this country.

Second, our life expectantcies are lower than similar countries because of our diets and health problems related to it. We are by far the most obese country in the world. The best doctors in the world can't help us if we eat ourselves into diabetes, coronary diseases, etc. I think all the government subsidies towards farmers and food have come back to haunt us. Our stores are full of cheap junk food and cheap unhealthy fast food. It is much cheaper, faster, and easier to eat bad food than it is to eat healthy food. On top of that we are at record levels for government food assistance so we are getting fatter on our EBT cards.

Another reason for lower life expectantcies is too many teen mothers having babies that are not prepared. Research Babyland, or Beyond Babyland, regarding the infant mortality rate in Memphis, TN. The infant mortality rate there would embarrass a third world country. Memphis is home to what may be the worlds best children's hospital but that can't save children that are dieing once every 43 hours. Once again pick your reason for this problem because there is plenty of blame to go around. Some say these teen mothers are not getting enough support, but I blame our societies general acceptance of teen pregnancy.

Obamacare was not started because healthcare is too expensive. If it was then it would probably focus on cutting healthcare costs.

They tried, but Republicans cried "death panels!"

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