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if satan leaves can we say gus helped run him off?


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I do not like to brag, and will not do so. With this being said, I mentioned several months ago that Saban is a candidate for the HC at UT Austin. I have family in Austin, Texas that are heavily involved in sports at UT, and contribute $$$ to the university for scholarships. They are not front-line UT movers and shakers, but are very creditable sources for what goes on at the University of Texas. Money is absolutely no issue for UT for the right coach. I think at this point Saban is ready to move on to greener pastures. There are just too many things that are irritating Saban at UAT. Saban is ready for another challenge, and few schools out there have as much to offer Saban like the University of Texas. Even if bammer matches the money Saban will be offered from UT, Saban is at the point where he needs another challenge with fewer headaches than the HC job at bammer. There is no better opportunity in the country where saban can win another BCS at another school in another conference than UT. I feel 85% certain that UT will interview Saban, and a good chance that he will be offered the HC job at UT.

If this plays out, look for bammer to hire Kirby Smart as its new HC. Dabo Sweeney would be another option. I do not think bammer would go after another SEC head coach. If bammer for some reason or another goes after another HC in the SEC, it would be James Franklin. I really do not think though that bammer would go after any SEC HC. Anyhow, some interesting things are about to start taking shape, and they are not good for bammer.

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If wee man left...domestic violence would reach biblical proportions in the state of Alabama. Irish rose sales would skyrocket. Dentist offices would shut down. Wal-Marts would become major breeding grounds. Social services would collapse. Mass hysteria on the parts of the gumps.

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the meat of the article is about halfway down..............

Well this past week has been a quiet one news-wise BUT don't confuse what is seen by the eye as to what is really going on underneath the surface- as the saying goes "still waters run deep!" A couple of weeks ago I had mentioned that information was going to get scarcer to come by going forward and that in fact has been the case. Why? We'll discuss that in week's edition of Crossfire as well as information that had already been shared as it pertains to the hiring of Steve Patterson and validate some of the information that has been already discussed as it pertains to his hiring. We will also talk in more detail about Terry Saban and her house hunting in Austin. Is it true that Saban upset with the Hicks boys? What does this mean for Nick Saban and his chances of coaching at the 40 Acres next season? We will answer all of that and more in this weeks' "Crossfire."

First, I spoke to my contacts and shared information back and forth over the past few days and as I mentioned in the outset- information is tougher to come by these days. Why is that? Well first of all, things have changed a bit with the hiring of Steve Patterson as AD. One of the things that was shared with me by one of my contacts pertains to keeping things on the "DL". Saban was/is furious about these types of distractions taking place. Noise is clutter and Saban does not like clutter. He detests it! Saban's comment was, "Do these guys even KNOW HOW to go about hiring a Coach?" He was PISSED! Now before anyone panics reading this and says McPhaul is saying Saban aint coming to Austin let me be clear: I AM NOT SAYING THAT! I will get to predictions later I promise! What I AM saying is expect all negotiations to go into "double-secret probation" mode going forward with Patterson at the helm. There's a reason Steve Patterson is respected by agents the way he is. He is a professional and he truly DOESN'T do Clown Shows. Things will be done in a professional, confidential manner going forward with Sexton/Saban.

During my previous "Crossfire" I posted that I had been told that there were a few AD's that Saban would prefer working with as opposed to others. Patterson, Haden (USC), Castilogne, Long (Arkansas), & Tanner (South Carolina's) were all included on the list that Saban would prefer working with. Glaringly missing on that list was Oliver Luck- but why? Keep in mind, Luck was the "odds-on" favorite of the Bellmont establishment. Powers felt comfortable with him as Deloss' replacement. Dodds felt comfortable with him as his replacement. We've been told that Mack was comfortable with Luck as the new AD. So what gives? Well perhaps THAT is the reason at the end of the day Saban didn't include Luck on that list? Perhaps he wanted someone OUTSIDE of the establishment as the new AD? Perhaps he wanted someone that he could go into a relationship with carte blanche from the outset as opposed to an AD that has loyalties with the previous establishment. Keep in mind, Saban has a certain way of doing things and doesn't deviate from that plan. If Luck is AD then Saban's approach to building a program might be compromised and prevent Saban from coming to UT altogether. In contrast, Patterson has been a President at a Professional Sports Program before. Patterson has been hired and Patterson has been fired. That being said, Patterson is the ONLY candidate that has faced all of the adversity of building a franchise/program from the bottom-up with professional organizations AND a Collegiate Athletic

Program None of the other candidates can say this. Debate this if you want but this is what was shared with me.

Furthermore with Patterson as AD, it is expected to be less bureaucratic and more "results oriented" than where we are today. I was told by several of my contacts to a person that one of the things that differentiated Patterson from Luck was the way Patterson talked about the ENTIRE Athletic Department AS A WHOLE and Luck seemed to be more focused on the Football Program throughout the interview process. Being an Athletic Department with more than 1 program limping along right now, that is probably a HUGE selling point to the AD Selection Committee- it would be to me and it was to my contacts!

Another thing to consider is there are currently 500 student athletes and 400 folks in the Athletic Department to support each of those student athletes. With that kind of student athlete/Athletic Department support personnel you are talking about a bureaucratic monster that needs to be DRAMATICALLY reshaped and resized altogether! Hell, we are damned-near looking today at our Athletic Department having a ratio of damned near 1 administrator for every student athlete. As my contact said, "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ALL ABOUT?" You would expect if we had an administrator for every student athlete that we would be winning National Championships in EVERY sport we participated in wouldn't you? You sure wouldn't expect that the University of Texas have a JUCO transfer football player not knowing whether or not they are academically qualified to practice/play until the 3rd week of Fall Camp! Keep in mind these 400 bureaucrats loyalties are going to lie with the powers that be that put them into power- namely Deloss Dodds. The bottom line is that that type of model for our Athletic Department cannot sustain itself and remain successful- there is just too much bureaucratic red-tape to hide behind.

Now on to the reason you're REALLY here- what is going on with Saban coming to Texas. Cut to the chase McPhaul! Why is it so quiet on the Saban front? The Hicks' stuff you're referencing concerns us. Well, in the past I have been more conservative than Jesus and others coming in at 60%. Today that number changes. For the worse? For the better?

What gives?

From what I hearing, this quiet that we are witnessing means the relationship is very serious. Here is the rub on the Saban front. As I mentioned from the outset, Nick Saban is extremely disappointed in our inability to keep things quiet (Hicks brothers). However Saban is also concerned about our ability to effectively manage the Brown resignation in the time period we had led Sexton/Saban to believe we would receive Mack's resignation by. In addition, Brown still has the ability to make this an ugly situation with each victory with a Big 12 Championship and BCS Bowl all still a possibility.

Saban does not want to appear as the coach that was hired at the expense of forcing the removal of Mack Brown when in reality THAT IS THE CASE! As things stand today, you are hearing it hear first: AS THINGS STAND TODAY, Nick Saban will be the Head Coach at the University of Texas next season. There! I said it! It's out of the bag! Now the fallout from Mack's perspective: from an image standpoint, Mack is extremely upset that his departure from Texas will look like he has been forced out.

That is why his camp has continuously puts out the message that Mack will leave on his own terms when in reality they know it is the end for Mack Brown Texas Football. Understandably so, the members of the Selection Committee are squirming in their collective seats! You could not get anyone one of them to admit in public that they had wished Texas had already lost a game or two more but. Nevertheless, there is no denying that with each win, Mack Brown delays the deals they are trying to cement in bringing Saban to Austin. Consequently everyone involved from both sides wants the talks about Saban squelched. The good news is Mack has indeed confided to confidants that he is retiring at the end of the year (would match perfectly with his more relaxed demeanor on the sideline and in post-game interviews).

Now for some additional information, I just finalized a conversation with my friend on the Board of Regents and he made an interesting comment. My friend told me that "Hicks absolutely had the blessing of Powers to approach Saban. Hicks got Hall involved for reasons he can't understand. Then he dropped the bombshell that there is money available from the people that you would expect to go and get Saban no matter what the cost." My contact however believes that the money will be so large that eventuallyPowers himself will be the person to push back on the finances of the deal. Right now, we're hearing the deal is $8.4M/yr.

Our friend Santa Gertrudis leaked yesterday that Terry Saban had looked at a friend of his home on her last trip to Austin. To reiterate, the price on the home in question was $6.5M, 8,000 sq. ft home. On a different front, Paul Finebaum had been stating that the home in question was being looked at as a home for one of the Sabans' children (age 26 & 21). Santa somewhat debunked the assumption by Paul Finebaum that the house was a purchase for one one of the kids (again, who purchases a 8,000 sq. ft home for $6.5M for their 20 something year old kids as a starter home?). Well what I have learned is that Nick & Terry Saban have put a contract on a house in Austin that will close in late January. The contract would not be publicly available information and the purchaser was an LLC that has not been used before. I heard this prior to what was posted on IT last night, but that information is consistent with what I've been told.

Finally, I have been catching some heat for my 60% belief that Saban will be the Head Coach at the University of Texas next season. My goal is to ALWAYS be truthful to our members and if I post something then it is genuine and NOT pre-fabricated for effect! Having said that, after what I have heard over the past few days I am ready to bump that percentage AS OF RIGHT NOW to 100%! That's right. I said it! 100%. Things change but AT THIS MOMENT UNLESS THINGS CHANGE I am saying it is a 100% chance Nick Saban is the Head Coach at the University of Texas next season. How's that for a "Crossfire?"

Anyway, that's all I've got for now- and that should be enough. Until next week, "Hook em Horns and BEAT THE HELL OUT OF THE COWPOKES!"

Thanks... good read. Appreciate all the information and please post more......

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I say Mack Brown stays.Penn St did very similar thing few years ago when Paterno had 2 bad years got off to bad start the next season and got hot. I think we will try NFL again, worked for Pete Carroll. I can see Tampa next year for Saban. Especially since he would get JaDevon Clowney and would have Darell Revis. Doug Martin would give him a power running game like Alabama. Tampa has a very good defense which would be tempting. They need a rehaul on offense outside of Doug Martin.

Tampa doesn't have a qb. That was the biggest problem for Saban at Miami. He wanted Drew Brees but he shoulder problems prevented that deal from ever happening. If you are going to win in the NFL a qb is a must.
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I've got friends who change jobs and even careers all the time. ADD or something - they're builders, not operators. I'm not saying that's Saban, but for some, after they've built something, they move on and do it again. It's how they're wired.

We'll see.

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Does he care about winning at 3 different schools over the total amount? I wouldn't.

8 mil a year plus? if bama does not meet or better his offer i bet he leaves.

While he would take a raise, it is not about the money. It would be about potentially winning MNC at 3 different schools. It it was about money, he would got to UAT right now and say I need (insert amount here) and they would give it to him.

I have no idea if there is any validity to what the guy writes, but I would not be surprised. I believe Saban is extremely egotistical and I could see him wanting to try to do this and go down as the "greatest college coach ever". He is at UAT because it is a job; not because he loves the place.

At 8mil+, its about the money!! :)

No way it's about money. It's all about ego.

Look, if you're already making $5 Mil a year, you can't spend it all anyway. Even his wife can't spend it all. What difference does it really make bumping it up to $8 or even $10 Mil? Unless he's made some really bad investments and needs to build up his retirement portfolio, it's not about money. He will probably want more money (at least his agent will), but it's because getting the biggest contract in the history of the game is another way of saying you're the best coach in the history of the game. And winning a national championship at his third school will pretty much guarantee he's perceived that way for the rest of eternity. IF he leaves, then it will be because THAT is what he wants.

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Guest jojo1515

Does he care about winning at 3 different schools over the total amount? I wouldn't.

8 mil a year plus? if bama does not meet or better his offer i bet he leaves.

While he would take a raise, it is not about the money. It would be about potentially winning MNC at 3 different schools. It it was about money, he would got to UAT right now and say I need (insert amount here) and they would give it to him.

I have no idea if there is any validity to what the guy writes, but I would not be surprised. I believe Saban is extremely egotistical and I could see him wanting to try to do this and go down as the "greatest college coach ever". He is at UAT because it is a job; not because he loves the place.

At 8mil+, its about the money!! :)/>

No way it's about money. It's all about ego.

Look, if you're already making $5 Mil a year, you can't spend it all anyway. Even his wife can't spend it all. What difference does it really make bumping it up to $8 or even $10 Mil? Unless he's made some really bad investments and needs to build up his retirement portfolio, it's not about money. He will probably want more money (at least his agent will), but it's because getting the biggest contract in the history of the game is another way of saying you're the best coach in the history of the game. And winning a national championship at his third school will pretty much guarantee he's perceived that way for the rest of eternity. IF he leaves, then it will be because THAT is what he wants.

Funny you should mention bad investments. It has been widely reported that he has lost A LOT of money in bad real estate deals. Not sure how much he lost or where, but with the economy tanking, it is certainly believable that he sunk millions into a development deal and lost almost all of it...it has bappened to a lot of people. 10 mil may be enough to pay for his lost investments and still live like a multi millionaire. Not saying it would be for the money, but the scenario makes sense.

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I want Saban to stay. I think Auburn can compete with Saban under Gus, and I enjoy competition.

I will say that the difference between $5 million and $10 million seems insignificant to the layman, but it is quite significant to someone living an expensive lifestyle and wishing to maintain such a lifestyle through retirement.

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If Satan stays or goes it doesn't matter. He will get more money next year either way. He has proven his worth in the college football world and he is probably thinking about making as much as he can before retiring in the next few years. But, If I was him I would much rather live in Austin than Tuscaloosa. He will coach were he can get the most money. Just my humble opinion, with that and five bucks you can get a cup of coffee at Star bucks ;)

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Cns wants to be a legend. He's won nc at two different schools. He's already a legend at Bama. But he wants more. He'll go to Texas to become a college football legend.

If he can win one thee and build a top program in terms of wins as he's done in the sec, he'll be in a class by himself.

He's not retiring. He's going to try to win a couple more. Either at Bama or elsewhere.

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I agree, If he leaves, it will be for more money or his ego. He is not even thinking about Gus. The man has created a football machine at bama. I dislike everything in Tuscaloosa, but if you think nick satan thinks about Gus, you are more delusional than I am. The only reason I want satan to leave is to see the bama nation suffer.

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I say Mack Brown stays.Penn St did very similar thing few years ago when Paterno had 2 bad years got off to bad start the next season and got hot. I think we will try NFL again, worked for Pete Carroll. I can see Tampa next year for Saban. Especially since he would get JaDevon Clowney and would have Darell Revis. Doug Martin would give him a power running game like Alabama. Tampa has a very good defense which would be tempting. They need a rehaul on offense outside of Doug Martin.

Tampa doesn't have a qb. That was the biggest problem for Saban at Miami. He wanted Drew Brees but he shoulder problems prevented that deal from ever happening. If you are going to win in the NFL a qb is a must.

If Saban goes to the NFL, he will probably go after Cam for a QB? :)
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I say Mack Brown stays.Penn St did very similar thing few years ago when Paterno had 2 bad years got off to bad start the next season and got hot. I think we will try NFL again, worked for Pete Carroll. I can see Tampa next year for Saban. Especially since he would get JaDevon Clowney and would have Darell Revis. Doug Martin would give him a power running game like Alabama. Tampa has a very good defense which would be tempting. They need a rehaul on offense outside of Doug Martin.

Tampa doesn't have a qb. That was the biggest problem for Saban at Miami. He wanted Drew Brees but he shoulder problems prevented that deal from ever happening. If you are going to win in the NFL a qb is a must.

If Saban goes to the NFL, he will probably go after Cam for a QB? :)

He could draft Johnny so he won't have to stay up so late anymore...

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hey i finally learned how to paste so give an old geezer a break. i know the post is long but its very interesting.

Thanks for posting that.

The guy claims to know what he's talking about and it does sound reasonable. I was thinking that Saban was using Texas to wrangle more money out of bammers. But bammers couldn't come up with $8.4M a year, plus a lot of bennies no doubt and bonuses, even though they claim to be as rich as Texas. No one is as rich as Texas.

And if (a huge IF) Saban's buddy Emmet at the NCAA has given him a heads up that he can't hold off an investigation much longer, then that would be even more impetus for him to get while the getting's good.

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I agree, If he leaves, it will be for more money or his ego. He is not even thinking about Gus. The man has created a football machine at bama. I dislike everything in Tuscaloosa, but if you think nick satan thinks about Gus, you are more delusional than I am. The only reason I want satan to leave is to see the bama nation suffer.

It would be loads of fun watching the melt down.
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Saban has changed college football and I think most feel its not for the better. He recruits only the 4 and 5* that are thinking pure nfl and a payday. It's not about bama - there's no allegence to the school. So long as it has a good tecruiting platform. The school, which ever school, is simply a means to an end. Only professional football requires 3 yrs of college before the payday. Not mlb or the nba. Saban uses this and targets the top prospects, and sells greed. His programs are purely nfl farm systems. It's not lsu or bama, it's saban inc.

Most schools will talk about being part of family, a good efucation, a great experience, and maybe the nfl. Saban simplifies the discussion. It's not amateurism, it's not what college football is, Id like him to go away. College football is better without him.


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hey i finally learned how to paste so give an old geezer a break. i know the post is long but its very interesting.

Thanks for posting that.

The guy claims to know what he's talking about and it does sound reasonable. I was thinking that Saban was using Texas to wrangle more money out of bammers. But bammers couldn't come up with $8.4M a year, plus a lot of bennies no doubt and bonuses, even though they claim to be as rich as Texas. No one is as rich as Texas.

And if (a huge IF) Saban's buddy Emmet at the NCAA has given him a heads up that he can't hold off an investigation much longer, then that would be even more impetus for him to get while the getting's good.

I have a feeling your on to more than you know with that last statement. I;m looking for bama to be on probation and for Saban to tuck tail and run before it all comes down.

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Could Gus have beaten Saban at Arkansas State?

I suspect Gus' Arky State team would have given Saban more of a headache than he'd want from Arky State, but I do not think they could pull out a win over Saban's teams from 2009 to the present. Arky State lacks the ability to overcome such a difference in talent. If they did somehow manage to win one, it would be a case of they might win 1 out of 10 matchups. Ultimately, there is only so much Gus can do.

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