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if satan leaves can we say gus helped run him off?


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i can't believe i read a post that long... was interesting though. what was the source again?

Some guy sitting in his basement blogging about Texas football while playing the most recent GTA at the same time.

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If we beat bammer and Saban leaves, I will forever beat the "he's afraid of Gus" drum.

You and me both. How many coaches do they say saban got fired or ran off. If we happen to beat them AND he leaves, I will have a really hard time not being the biggest jacka33 ever.

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You can bet your arse that Gus ran him off. As I have said before if CGC had not got in his way Gus would have beat saben in 2009 , 2010 (by a lot more) and probably 2011 also. I have no doubt that he knows Gus is coming for him this year also. He knows that iwhen AU beats uat and wins the SEC and plays for the NC the turds are going to string him from a tree in Jordan Hare West. The meltdown is coming. WDE

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You can bet your arse that Gus ran him off. As I have said before if CGC had not got in his way Gus would have beat saben in 2009 , 2010 (by a lot more) and probably 2011 also. I have no doubt that he knows Gus is coming for him this year also. He knows that iwhen AU beats uat and wins the SEC and plays for the NC the turds are going to string him from a tree in Jordan Hare West. The meltdown is coming. WDE

That's all speculative. And the offense needed to be slowed down that year anyway to give the defense a rest, which was atrocious because of the fatigue from playing so much.

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This article is similar to other information I have heard. My college roommate's wife has a brother who lives in Austin. He is saying that it is common knowledge among the UT folks in the know that Saban has been offered $10M to come to Austin. There is also confirmation that Terry Saban has been looking at very expensive homes in the Austin area. I have tried to stay at arm's length from this and just say if it happens, it happens, but clearly where there is smoke there is fire. When you take the comment by Sexton that Saban is under "special" pressure at Alabama, one can only assume that the "special" pressure is a fanbase that will expect a NC every year. I think you have to look too at where Saban will be if he stays next year. He loses much of his offense and will lose to the draft a number of his top defensive players next year. Two or three losses are not out of the question for next year, maybe more. If he wins the NC this year, I believe clearly he will want to go out on top. If he doesn't and stays, he is looking at one to two years of rebuilding before he can make a run again and he will be 64 years old. I really don't care what he does. I just care about Auburn, but it will be fun to watch.

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You can bet your arse that Gus ran him off. As I have said before if CGC had not got in his way Gus would have beat saben in 2009 , 2010 (by a lot more) and probably 2011 also. I have no doubt that he knows Gus is coming for him this year also. He knows that iwhen AU beats uat and wins the SEC and plays for the NC the turds are going to string him from a tree in Jordan Hare West. The meltdown is coming. WDE

That's all speculative. And the offense needed to be slowed down that year anyway to give the defense a rest, which was atrocious because of the fatigue from playing so much.

Welcome to the board Coach Chizik!
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You can bet your arse that Gus ran him off. As I have said before if CGC had not got in his way Gus would have beat saben in 2009 , 2010 (by a lot more) and probably 2011 also. I have no doubt that he knows Gus is coming for him this year also. He knows that iwhen AU beats uat and wins the SEC and plays for the NC the turds are going to string him from a tree in Jordan Hare West. The meltdown is coming. WDE

That's all speculative. And the offense needed to be slowed down that year anyway to give the defense a rest, which was atrocious because of the fatigue from playing so much.

Welcome to the board Coach Chizik!


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Didn't read that wall of text (I got too much ADHD to bother), but I did find it interesting that Lil' Nicky jumped into AJ's arms after the win over LSU. This is coming from a coach who wont even celebrate a national championship. So, yeah, I think the writing is on the wall. Something is definitely up with him.

Of course, I don't care either way. He can stay or go. I am not one who wishes successful coaches would leave the league, that is unless their success comes from cheating (as Saban's does).

That said, I just don't see why he would want to leave what he has. He is God in Tuscalooser. He can buy any recruit he wants and have the NCAA look the other way. He makes $5 mil a year. He has won 3 MNC's and maybe a 4th coming. He is over 60 years old, so why start over now?

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I can't help but wonder if little Nicky is ready to bail. He can leave now and preserve his legacy, maybe build something at Texas, or stay at the crapstone and watch his reign at the trailer park end. Not that he cares, he really has no loyalty to anybody or anything.

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I think he'll retire this year or next. I don't think he's leaving the pinnacle of college football right now for a step down.

I DO think he's proven all he can at Bama, and he'll want to settle down.

He wants to be seen as the best college coach of all time. Go to Texas and win one or more championships and that legacy is cemented.
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The very interesting part is about Luck and the hiring of the new AD. Everyone had pretty much assumed the job was his, and all of a sudden this new guy comes in. They didn't even tell Mack Brown, he found out about his new AD on TWITTER.

That part does make me go hmmmmm.

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No, they hired Steve Patterson.....did NOT hire Luck. Everyone assumed Luck would get the job, as he was the "establishment" candidate, but they went out of left field and hired Patterson. And they did not tell Mack, he saw it on the Texas twitter site (or that is what was reported).

Which is what made those comments about the hiring of Patterson over Luck so interesting, in regards to Nick Saban. One could see why he would not want the Texas "good ol' boy" running the AD.

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I say Mack Brown stays.Penn St did very similar thing few years ago when Paterno had 2 bad years got off to bad start the next season and got hot. I think we will try NFL again, worked for Pete Carroll. I can see Tampa next year for Saban. Especially since he would get JaDevon Clowney and would have Darell Revis. Doug Martin would give him a power running game like Alabama. Tampa has a very good defense which would be tempting. They need a rehaul on offense outside of Doug Martin.

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