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people still not giving auburn the love they deserve


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Every time a TURD says any team was lucky, the other team had people hurt, etc. I remind them what Bear Bryant said "it don't matter what the score is or how the game was played, all that matters is was it a W or L"

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Meh, doesn't faze me anymore. I could absolutely care less what other fan bases think.

Seems like someone has to say this about every day...but some folks just can't be happy unless someone is telling them how great a job they are doing. ....what we used to call back in my working days..."high maintenance employees". AU seems to have a bunch of high maintenance fans IMO...

The problem with this post is the way he worded it. I could absolutely care less what other fan bases think means you actually care what they think. sorry this phrase drives me crazy.

Well, I was neither and English nor Psych major, but I can tell you when I mean I don't care what other fan bases think of us, it means exactly that. :)/> I. Don't. Care. All i want is for AU to win ballgames. Heck, I'm not even sure what this "respect" from other fanbases that some folks complain about actually even means. I mean really, do we get something extra if we find this elusive "respect". Ha!!
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Frankly, I have to wonder if we're a tad over-rated myself. The reason I say that is that we haven't dominated anyone yet. You look at the top tier teams, say the Gumps for instance, and you ask "who have they played"? Well, they've played some of the same teams we've played (TAMU, Ark, OM), and unlike us, they completely dominated Ark and Ole Miss. The same could be said of the other unbeatens (UO, FSU, OSU, Baylor) who maybe haven't played a tough schedule (other than FSU) but are completely annihilating the teams they are playing.

That being said, of the one-loss teams remaining, none have a bigger scalp than TAMU, but some (Stanford & Mizz) have a few big scalps which would explain their higher ranking.

Having said all that, I look around at other CFB sites, and I can't tell you how many have a big ole picture of Gus or Nick or another AU player at the top of general CFB posts. I think people are taking notice.

Tell me how many teams we DOMINATED in 2010 (with the exception of South Carolina in the SEC Championship game, the second time around)?

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on other boards. we are not a very good team we are just lucky and playing with a lot of emotion. wth? i hope more than ever auburn runs the board now. i am tired of gettin little to no respect when it comes to auburn. some even claim some of the teams we have already whipped would beat us if played again. and this is more than just bumner fans. seems like the fsu fans have gotten cocky here lately. makes me want to beat my head against the wall except i am not hard headed..........

Shake yourself man and don't look for respect from other irrational message board fans of other teams. Enjoy the journey and the personality of this team. Of course we have some flaws but we also have some major strengths, both tangible & intangible that are undeniable. Last but not least, if you choose to have meaningful debates with fans from other teams, I don't recommend a message board. I work with FSU, Florida, Ole Miss & Tennessee alumni and even though we give each other hell, most of the points we debate are fairly rational.
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I have been listening to the FInebaum show recently because I do like to hear what some of the pundits are saying. Yes, Finebaum still slants his conversations toward the tide, but he is forced to be a little more even handed since his audience demographics have changed. I even heard him admit the other day that when his show was in Birmingham he catered to the Alabama fans because they became the base of his show that allowed him to move his show to ESPN and eventually will become a televised talk show on ESPN - SEC Network. Anyway, he and several of the ESPN pundits were trying to explain why Alabama deserved its number one ranking and why it was still wait and see for what kind of team Auburn would be. This was just after the AU-TAM game. They said that Alabama had three signature wins - TAM, Ole Miss and VT. They said that the VT game looked better for Alabama because VT had proven to be a better team than first thought. When asked about Auburn, they said that Auburn on had only one signature win. When pressed, they said AU's lone signature win was TAM. Asked why AU wasn't given credit for beatng Ole Miss, the response was in so many words was that Bama had already beaten them into submission before AU played them. Finebaum should thank the Updyke nation for teaching him bammer logic.

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I care totally what other teams & their fans think of us. By this, I hope that they think enough to fear Auburn and have started looking over their shoulders and hope that we are not gaining on them as fast as we really are gaining on them! Respect comes from fear, and fear comes from respect.

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In my Central Alabama neck of the woods....it has never been more QUIET among the West Vance crowd. That alone tells me that fear or respect...whichever...is alive and well. I COULDN'T care less...but at the same time, it feels really, really good. The WV crowd is as well belabored with bad press and coaching rumors, not to mention hammer-threats at a steady pace. Unlike our 2010 year when there was nothing to find, WV can only hope they fare as well. Connect the dots. Yep, it's great to be an Auburn Tiger...

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In my Central Alabama neck of the woods....it has never been more QUIET among the West Vance crowd. That alone tells me that fear or respect...whichever...is alive and well. I COULDN'T care less...but at the same time, it feels really, really good. The WV crowd is as well belabored with bad press and coaching rumors, not to mention hammer-threats at a steady pace. Unlike our 2010 year when there was nothing to find, WV can only hope they fare as well. Connect the dots. Yep, it's great to be an Auburn Tiger...

I live among the leg humpers in SW GA. They are usually beating their chests as if the only thing that beat them is the officials in any given year, especially as they approach the annual game with us. This year, they have nothing to say. No normal UGA bravado; nothing. They liked picking on inferior Auburn teams, and they know this isn't one. Therefore, they sit quietly and drink coffee. The Bammers are always quiet over here, and they still are. For that matter, the Bammers over here tend to look at Auburn folks as brothers in arms against the evil Richt empire rather than enemies. Everyone that has talked football personally, has had nothing but good things to say about us. The few reasonable UGA folks are legitimately afraid to play us.

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Working in Georgia I hear a lot of from the Dawg fans. They say they are gonna blow us out because of who they have played and beating South Carolina is always brought up. USCe does not appear to be a great a team, what am I missing?

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Frankly, I have to wonder if we're a tad over-rated myself. The reason I say that is that we haven't dominated anyone yet. You look at the top tier teams, say the Gumps for instance, and you ask "who have they played"? Well, they've played some of the same teams we've played (TAMU, Ark, OM), and unlike us, they completely dominated Ark and Ole Miss. The same could be said of the other unbeatens (UO, FSU, OSU, Baylor) who maybe haven't played a tough schedule (other than FSU) but are completely annihilating the teams they are playing.

That being said, of the one-loss teams remaining, none have a bigger scalp than TAMU, but some (Stanford & Mizz) have a few big scalps which would explain their higher ranking.

Having said all that, I look around at other CFB sites, and I can't tell you how many have a big ole picture of Gus or Nick or another AU player at the top of general CFB posts. I think people are taking notice.

The 1972 and 2010 teams rarely dominated-- they just won. That's ok with me.

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When I think about whether we are overrated or not, I just look at the teams around us in the BCS standings. I don't think many would argue that we are as good as Missouri, Oklahoma, and Miami. Those are the teams right around us. We are right where we should be. Are we as good RIGHT NOW as Alabama, Oregon, FSU, Ohio State, and Baylor? No, probably not...but that's why we play the whole season. We are 1-1 against TX A&M and LSU (both on the road). That's impressive no matter what anybody says. We also beat a good Ole Miss team pretty easily...that game was not as close as the 8 point margin of victory suggests. People love to point to the WA State and Miss St games to argue we are overrated but those were in the first 3 games of the season with new coaches running a different O and D from last year. We are hardly the same team we were in September. No one can legitimately say we aren't a top 10 team.

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Frankly, I have to wonder if we're a tad over-rated myself. The reason I say that is that we haven't dominated anyone yet. You look at the top tier teams, say the Gumps for instance, and you ask "who have they played"? Well, they've played some of the same teams we've played (TAMU, Ark, OM), and unlike us, they completely dominated Ark and Ole Miss. The same could be said of the other unbeatens (UO, FSU, OSU, Baylor) who maybe haven't played a tough schedule (other than FSU) but are completely annihilating the teams they are playing.

That being said, of the one-loss teams remaining, none have a bigger scalp than TAMU, but some (Stanford & Mizz) have a few big scalps which would explain their higher ranking.

Having said all that, I look around at other CFB sites, and I can't tell you how many have a big ole picture of Gus or Nick or another AU player at the top of general CFB posts. I think people are taking notice.

They dominated Arky but so did we just in a different way. Ole Miss they did not dominate. Ole Miss just chose to never kick a field goal. IF they kick those chip shot field goals instead of going for it every 4th down. The score is 16-12 in the 4th quarter. Ole Miss was just pressing too hard, not knowing that Bama would never totally pull away. They anticipated if they didn't get TDs they wouldn't be able to keep pace with just field goals. That wasn't the case but as they say hindsight is 20/20.

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Beat UTK, Beat UGA, Beat UAT (or at least take it to 'em) and we'll get respect. We lost it all last year, 3-9 will do that to a bunch of writers and such.

BTW, I'm not conceding the UAT game, I know we have a chance to win it...

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Every Vol fan I've spoken to expects us to win. FSU fans should be confident, they have a great team and have crushed everyone. I don't see anyone on our schedule who we've beaten that could beat us in a rematch. And I said it before and I'll say it again. I think we could beat LSU. And we will beat them next year.

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Frankly, I have to wonder if we're a tad over-rated myself. The reason I say that is that we haven't dominated anyone yet. You look at the top tier teams, say the Gumps for instance, and you ask "who have they played"? Well, they've played some of the same teams we've played (TAMU, Ark, OM), and unlike us, they completely dominated Ark and Ole Miss. The same could be said of the other unbeatens (UO, FSU, OSU, Baylor) who maybe haven't played a tough schedule (other than FSU) but are completely annihilating the teams they are playing.

That being said, of the one-loss teams remaining, none have a bigger scalp than TAMU, but some (Stanford & Mizz) have a few big scalps which would explain their higher ranking.

Having said all that, I look around at other CFB sites, and I can't tell you how many have a big ole picture of Gus or Nick or another AU player at the top of general CFB posts. I think people are taking notice.

The 1972 and 2010 teams rarely dominated-- they just won. That's ok with me.

I'm with you on this....people complaining about an 18 point win on the road. I recall pretty clearly that AU pulled a lot of rabbits out of their hats in 2010...and some against some ordinary teams like UK for example. 2010 was team that never thought they were beaten as long as there was time on the clock. This team seems to have the same attitude and that means a lot.

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Every Vol fan I've spoken to expects us to win. FSU fans should be confident, they have a great team and have crushed everyone. I don't see anyone on our schedule who we've beaten that could beat us in a rematch. And I said it before and I'll say it again. I think we could beat LSU. And we will beat them next year.

Texas A&M could beat us in a rematch. It would be a close game again but they could easily do it just like we could just as easily beat them. I'd think the way LSU's play has been lately we'd have a better than even chance of beating them on a rematch but vegas would still probably put them as a 3.5pt favorite at home. Rest of the played schedule we'd be strong favorites.

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The 2010 team was not dominant early in the season. Once the coaches figured out what they had in Newton and Fairley, the team really started to grow.

The 2010 team wasn't dominant until the SEC Championship game. They didn't call us the "cardiac cats" for nothing.

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The 2010 team was not dominant early in the season. Once the coaches figured out what they had in Newton and Fairley, the team really started to grow.

The 2010 team wasn't dominant until the SEC Championship game. They didn't call us the "cardiac cats" for nothing.

Not sure I'd be able to live through another season like that one. Waaaaay too many nail-biters

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