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sorry folks but i do not think jj is ready yet


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I wasn't suprised to see Johnson on the field but was suprised to see his play a pass. Maybe a handoff or two before we start slinging it around.

IMO Marshall needs to play enough against FAU to break a sweat then have johnson take the majority of snaps.

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Some of you need to learn that people can compliment another qb and it doesn't mean it's a slight to another guy. Earthbound has different strength and weaknesses. Just because people like Johnson or want to see Johnson shouldn't hurt your feelings

The only problem with that was after they saw JJ playing against wc high school they were wanting a change at qb, which was unbelievable to me. Besides, the back up qb is always popular! I have NO problem with that, its a nice situation to have right now.
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No way JJ is ready! Don't give me anything about how he did last week either. NM is the leader of our team. The only reason JJ needs to touch the ball now is in clean up duty to he can get some reps. We need to start NM next week and let him play the first quarter or half, then let JJ finish the game. JJ is the future, NM is now!

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You know this argument could go back and forth. Next week NM will start and play well for however long he is in the game. JJ will come in and play great too. You really can't throw a player out there for one play in a couple of series and base any kind of judgment about his ability on that. I really think Gus wanted to let JJ have a series or two but he saw early on that NM had us going and that we couldn't afford to miss on any drives. I think after next week you will see Gus give JJ a series each half and JJ will do just fine. He might not score on each one but he will do good. We should all just be happy to have two good options. I think Gus sees that this could be a special season and doesn't want to take a chance on messing it up by not having his backup QB ready if he needs him. Gus is playing this season perfect if you ask me. I believe now that Ole Miss knocked off LSU that if it had not been raining so hard in the first half of the LSU game that we would have been really close if not a winner in that game. The rest of this season is going to be a fun ride Gus has played every card perfect so far no need to second guess him.

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Let's just all pray a prayer of protection around Nick Marshall. I don't want to have to have JJ be the starter in this tough section of our season unless he absolutely has to. I think he's plenty talented, I just don't want that to happen. We've got momentum and a level of trust right now.

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Well, in his defense, you can't play one play per quarter and look like a seasoned veteran. He needs to play at least a complete series to get the feel of the speed and flow of the game.

Unfortunately that was the same plan they had for KF. It didn't work well then and it didn't work well yesterday.

One play wasn't the plan. Lashlee addressed this in his press availability on Sunday.

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If NM can dial in his passes just a little we will be really hard to beat. It might take another game or 2 to do it. Mettenberger didn't get it dialed in last year until the bama game and after that he looked pretty good. It appeared that the coaches wanted to play JJ for a series but realized that we needed to score on most possesions and after the incompletions thought it was better to put NM back in. I think if those passes were completions then JJ plays a couple more downs. Don't know what to say about the handoffs other than maybe they thought it would confuse A&M into thinking we were going to pass......

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Well hopefully JJ gets to start or play the majority of the FAMU game. I would hate to just burn his redshirt for one game. He is a fine QB that has amazing touch. He just needs a little more exp.

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To much is being made from to little. Nick has looked good at times and bad at times. Did not go through spring Practice so one day people say he is next coming of CAM next day people are saying he can't get it done. (Sometimes the same people). JJ worked hard and pushed Nick but still lost the job to a guy who did not go through spring practice. Then looked great against an inferior team so now he is the second coming of CAM then only got in on two plays where he was cold and had not worked with the players much and didn't throw well so now he is not a good player.

In the A&M game at end of first half we saw both sides of Nick in a single series a wounded duck pass on a short sideline pass where Sammy had beaten his man badly and probably would have gone all the way and then a long third down pass that he dropped into Sammy's hands that was a gorgeous pass that Sammy dropped. Nick also has the zone read down to an art form ask the other teams.

It takes time and reps to be an Elite SEC QB. Lets watch Spring Practice and then see what happens next fall and based on a real body of work lets make an honest informed Judgment on two young men who are all Auburn and who work their butts off everyday. Lets not put them on a pedestal before they earn it and lets not write them off either.

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To much is being made from to little. Nick has looked good at times and bad at times. Did not go through spring Practice so one day people say he is next coming of CAM next day people are saying he can't get it done. (Sometimes the same people). JJ worked hard and pushed Nick but still lost the job to a guy who did not go through spring practice. Then looked great against an inferior team so now he is the second coming of CAM then only got in on two plays where he was cold and had not worked with the players much and didn't throw well so now he is not a good player.

In the A&M game at end of first half we saw both sides of Nick in a single series a wounded duck pass on a short sideline pass where Sammy had beaten his man badly and probably would have gone all the way and then a long third down pass that he dropped into Sammy's hands that was a gorgeous pass that Sammy dropped. Nick also has the zone read down to an art form ask the other teams.

It takes time and reps to be an Elite SEC QB. Lets watch Spring Practice and then see what happens next fall and based on a real body of work lets make an honest informed Judgment on two young men who are all Auburn and who work their butts off everyday. Lets not put them on a pedestal before they earn it and lets not write them off either.

I've never seen a QB that makes every throw perfect, and Marshall is no exception. He misses some throws that he shouldn't, he makes some perfect throws that are dropped, and there's some throws where everything connects and they look like rockstars. We would all like to see less of the former and more of the latter, and I think we will. Just like the rest of the team, I have noticed Marshall getting better too. He just led a team that everyone expected to be no better than 8-5 (with many predicting worse) to an upset victory over a legitimate top-10 team. The coaching staff believes in him, the team clearly believes in him, and the results show that we should too. I feel better going into any game with Marshall at QB than I would with anyone else on the roster. He's no Cam, and I'm not predicting him to be another Cam either. He does look like he has the chance to go down as another Auburn great QB, and he's definitely the best that has played the position since Cam.

JJ looked good against WCU. He looked good enough that I feel good about the future of Auburn's offense once Marshall leaves and he takes over. If he can beat out Marshall for the job going into 2014, then that's good too. Marshall currently has an edge over JJ that no amount of practice can duplicate. He's got in game experience under pressure to win against good competition, and he has shown that he doesn't get rattled. As it stands right now, I'll take that over starting a freshman that can throw a little better as we head into two road games and then our main rivals. JJ is the future. Nick Marshall is the present.

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This reminds me a bit of back in 1986 I believe when we had Jeff Berger, the rough and tumble red-headed OB and a backup named Reggie Slack. Jeff was suspended for 1 game I think due to some incident off campus. The game I believe was Mississippi State. I think State was undefeated up to that game. Most of us Knew very little about Reggie Slack. I think Slack took charge of the game and lead us to a victory of 35-6 I believe. I think we have this kind of talent, if not better, on our 2013 Auburn football team.

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no way could you determine that on the 2 plays......... sorry i disagree.

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JJ will get plenty of time this weekend against FAU. Ready or not, he is a very serviceable QB. Right now, we need NM to keep the spot because the LAST thing we need is for us board pumpers and others debating the QB situation when we are 6-1 and NM was just named SEC offensive player of the week. Let's stay the course with NM and let JJ marinate a little longer.

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JJ will get plenty of time this weekend against FAU. Ready or not, he is a very serviceable QB. Right now, we need NM to keep the spot because the LAST thing we need is for us board pumpers and others debating the QB situation when we are 6-1 and NM was just named SEC offensive player of the week. Let's stay the course with NM and let JJ marinate a little longer.

I don't think we are doubting or suggesting anything else than Marshall is the one to carry us on......We need JJ ready to step in and carry this team too.
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A couple of poor plays against A&M is not enough data to say JJ is not ready yet. Just like a start and decent play against WCU is not enough evidence to say JJ is going to be an All-American and should be the starter. I think JJ has a chance to be a good QB. I am happy with the play of NM right now. Although, for us to beat uga, spuat and possibly UT, NM is going to have to show improvement in his passing game. Like others, I hope the staff uses this upcoming game to work exclusively on NM's passing for a half. I think NM can continue to improve. We are going to need for him to.


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Wow, you guys are unbelievable. NM is the starter hands down, unless he gets injured. He just earned SEC Offensive POW, and people are still questioning him? The only QB I want to see out there when the game is on the line is NM, hands down. Some of you "fans" need to let the JJ thing go for now. Yes, he will see playing time, but only if it is a blowout, a series or two, or NM is hurt. He will not take over NM. NM has intangibles that you cannot teach. Even Tre Mason said that in his interview after the game. Why can't people be happy that we have a QB who is competent and is the best we have had since Cam?

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I have cookies for everyone who knew NM was going to be great when we recruited him....I'm just glad we have two great QBs for this year and our future...FAU will be a great tune up game and get some guys rested for the Arkansas game...bad as they are playing they always seem to get up for us in Fayetteville

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We'll be in a much better position IMO to see how close JJ is to prime time if he gets (as expected) significant playing time against Florida Atlantic.

FAU is no Western Carolina. Without extrapolating too much and despite it's overall record this year, FAU is playing well right now. They lost by 1 point last week to a Marshall team that took Va Tech to OT before losing on a dropped TD pass.

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We'll be in a much better position IMO to see how close JJ is to prime time if he gets (as expected) significant playing time against Florida Atlantic.

FAU is no Western Carolina. Without extrapolating too much and despite it's overall record this year, FAU is playing well right now. They lost by 1 point last week to a Marshall team that took Va Tech to OT before losing on a dropped TD pass.

So after nearly an entire season of Nick Marshall cynicism you're already pimpin his replacement?

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Wow, you guys are unbelievable. NM is the starter hands down, unless he gets injured. He just earned SEC Offensive POW, and people are still questioning him? The only QB I want to see out there when the game is on the line is NM, hands down. Some of you "fans" need to let the JJ thing go for now. Yes, he will see playing time, but only if it is a blowout, a series or two, or NM is hurt. He will not take over NM. NM has intangibles that you cannot teach. Even Tre Mason said that in his interview after the game. Why can't people be happy that we have a QB who is competent and is the best we have had since Cam?

Agreed 100% ^^ the man can't do enough it seems, I would expect to hear this stuff from bama fans, but our own? Incredible!
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He will look ready in the second half this week. :)/>

Just wanted to assure everyone understands my post. Without a doubt NM is the Man and the starter! I was just saying JJ is also ready if he really had to go! It is a good problem to have!!
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