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Wow, talk about improvement out of QB Jonathan Wallace


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Guest jojo1515

He had ONE pass for 20 yards and SEVEN yards rushing. Start the Heisman campaign....Nick Marshall shouldn't even come to practice anymore. JW and his 27 yard performance will now start as QB and RB. He may even throw the ball to himself and play WR. I've never seen a backup perform so well under the pressure of a such a tight 30 point game. Chuck Norris better watch out cause JWall is coming................

I like JW, but this is almost as ludicrous as the Nick hating.

This post isn't the most ludicrous one I've seen from you..

Are you getting like E and need a sarcasm detector?

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The guy was a true freshman last year. I never understood all of the people who had given up on him. I think he is a good QB. I also think he will help us win games this year.


What she said.

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I really hope our players and coaches do not read these forums at times like this. Some of the discussion in this thread is mind blowing. Call me crazy but after the game last night I was all smiles. Keep in mind this was a team we beat by 29 and the Vegas line was 14, some had us on upset alert. Get behind your team and let the coaching staff worry about QB development. We are 2-0 and look tremendously better than last year with much of the same players so I think Gus has this under control.

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fyi- cumulative to date Nick is: 20 of 36 (55.6%) 2 TDs, O INTs. If the 6 passes I referred to above were added into your "hitting the open receiver" category, which is what he did, it becomes 26 of 36 (72.2%). Maybe Blue wasn't as delusional as you think. ;)/>

I'm all for stats, but there is merit to what some are saying( not changing QB). The passes they are referring to are ones that were needed to keep a drive alive. When you miss a wide open guy for a first down, it may only show as 1 incomplete on the stat sheet, but plays a much bigger part of the game. Against SEC opponents, he will need to hit a few if those. If not, our defense will have to step up again. And while the defense is getting better, they will get tired.

So your ability to quote stats is cute, but doesn't always tell the whole story.

I could live with a QB with only a 10% completion rate as long as those 10% were all for first downs keeping a drive alive.

And much of the distress fans are having over NM is from watching Kalil do the same thing last year.

The difference this year is that NM is very good at everything else. So if he can hit a few if those wide open guys for first downs against SEC teams, we stand a good chance of being in every game.

Besides, if he doesn't hit any of those, we will never get to see the offense sprint to the line and hand it off straight up the middle!

Maybe you are confused. I personally think the notion that some are offering in this thread to consider changing QBs to be totally without merit. Cute ? Stats are not "cute" they are facts of the game and they can be used to measure performance. The stats say that Nick has been on target on 72.2% of his passes thus far. Therefore my conclusion is the same, he was on target on 72.2% of his passes.

I take it you don't like that fact. Perhaps it doesn't fit in with one of your preconceived notions about Nick's performance and you want to discount it, but that can't change the stat. If you want to contend that the other 27.8% of the passes carry more weight or greater meaning to "the whole story", then do so. However to prove that, you have to do more than what you have done to this point and thus far all you have offered is your speculation and opinion. Neither of those can be confused with facts.

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I would not be surprised if there's was a qb controversy after the LSU game.

I drank a fifth of rye whisky Saturday night and even after all that booze I didn't made a statement that dumb.

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Okay, I know I had a lot to drink on Saturday night, but what the hell kind of bizarro world am I in right now? Are people truly calling for NM to be replaced with JW? Please tell me this is all just bammer retard trolls trying to stir us up! Anyone thinking NM isn't the best QB we've had since Cam is an idiot, plain and simple. His only problem right now is that he is throwing everything like a rocket, and needs to work on some touch. Other than that, NM is doing a great job, and we are 2-0.

War Eagle!

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Okay, I know I had a lot to drink on Saturday night, but what the hell kind of bizarro world am I in right now? Are people truly calling for NM to be replaced with JW? Please tell me this is all just bammer retard trolls trying to stir us up! Anyone thinking NM isn't the best QB we've had since Cam is an idiot, plain and simple. His only problem right now is that he is throwing everything like a rocket, and needs to work on some touch. Other than that, NM is doing a great job, and we are 2-0.

War Eagle!

It is quite ridiculous. I saw plenty of JW last year, and in the A-Day game. I saw nothing in either case that would make me feel confident if he were starting.

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Don't let the avatar fool you. I'm no troll. I'm a lifetime AUBURN fan of over fifty years. I can't conceive why so-called fans have to belittle one player to try and exalt another? Marshall and Wallace are both AUBURN men. I support them both and will leave the playing time up to the coaches. They are in a much better position to make the proper selection than myself or any of you others on this board. Why can't we all just accept this fact? This board should not be about bickering, backbiting, and fighting amongst FAMILY members. Differing opinions is what makes message boards tick. Condemning one for having a different opinion is just plain ignorance!

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I've only seen one post that seemed to be calling for change and it was the one talking about a QB controversy. Though I dnt agree with that. I do think the ones getting hounded are just saying NM needs to continue to improve like he has already from G1 to G2. One poster told me this was obvious, then why are people being called trolls. Just because someone has a differing opinion doesnt make them a troll.

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Again, I think most people understand that a QB who has been with a program for 6 weeks is probably going to have things he needs to work on and improve. Clearly he does but, it seems that many have completely discounted the fact that in that short time NM was good enough in the coaches eyes to beat out a guy that had been there 2 years and another who had been there 1 without even going through spring drills. Let that sink in for a second. That only tells me one thing.....the others weren't good enough to beat out a guy who just got there. Given time I suspect he will continue to improve but we're currently in so much better shape at that position versus the last couple years Im just happy as can be about it while others want to wring their hands and whine about him not being Aaron Murray or Johnny Football. He looked much more comfortable in game 2 and it stilll being so early in his acclimation process I expect he'll continue to look more and more comfortable confident and effective.I will say this..I have seen enough of him to realize the potential he brings to the position is head and shoulders over above what has been under center the last couple years.

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I'm not one of the ones thats calling for a QB change but if nick throws the ball in SEC play like he has the last two games, the defenses are gonna eat him alive just like they did our QBs last year. No offense but if it wasn't for our run game our offense would look like last year to me. I'm sure ill get blasted but o well just my opinion.

Except we aren't turning the ball over like crazy (only 2 fumbles in 2 games vs 4 INTs and 3 fumbles last year at this time)

And the offensive line is blocking way better

And Marshall doesn't look like he's scared to death

And Marshall doesn't get sacked as easily

And instead of 19 and 10 points we've scored 31 and 38 points.

But sure, other than that, it's pretty much the same.

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Ok guys. Yall sound like my fiance she knows everything too. Again nobody said spit about changing QBs get over yourselves. I stand by my opinion obvious or not. Yes he has improved but he needs more improvement, which I've said before I think he will. Yall need to have a few more drinks or a few less one and chill

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I'm not one of the ones thats calling for a QB change but if nick throws the ball in SEC play like he has the last two games, the defenses are gonna eat him alive just like they did our QBs last year. No offense but if it wasn't for our run game our offense would look like last year to me. I'm sure ill get blasted but o well just my opinion.

Except we aren't turning the ball over like crazy (only 2 fumbles in 2 games vs 4 INTs and 3 fumbles last year at this time)

And the offensive line is blocking way better

And Marshall doesn't look like he's scared to death

And Marshall doesn't get sacked as easily

And instead of 19 and 10 points we've scored 31 and 38 points.

But sure, other than that, it's pretty much the same.


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Haha naw she's usually her way or no way. I agree with you guys on a lot of things and we all agree he needs to continue to improve, so why are we still agruing about it when the majority (minus that one poster) agree there DOESNT NEED TO BE A CHANGE!!!!

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Haha naw she's usually her way or no way. I agree with you guys on a lot of things and we all agree he needs to continue to improve, so why are we still agruing about it when the majority (minus that one poster) agree there DOESNT NEED TO BE A CHANGE!!!!

IMO, there is nothing argue....dude's acquitted himself magnificently thus far considering his practice time is 6 weeks TOTAL

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Haha naw she's usually her way or no way. I agree with you guys on a lot of things and we all agree he needs to continue to improve, so why are we still agruing about it when the majority (minus that one poster) agree there DOESNT NEED TO BE A CHANGE!!!!

Well there were two on this thread insinuating that a QB controversy was on the horizon and there have been comments similar to that in other threads. That's what people are getting tired of seeing and why you're getting some of the responses you see on the thread.

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I haven't read through any of the comments outside of the first page, but I can't say that I've seen a whole lot of improvement. I'm not saying it isn't there, it's just that the only thing I saw him as lacking last season was arm strength, and he hasn't made any throws that required the zip on the ball that would indicate he has vastly improved. The big difference, IMO, is the offense he is running. He makes for an outstanding backup, because he has the moxie necessary to take command if needs be, and he has the athleticism to make the running game click, but I've seen nothing to indicate that him being the starter would do anything but limit the passing game.

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It's a damn shame we only have one option at QB. I sure hope Nick doesn't get hurt playing the game.

As was mentioned earlier, if he's going to miss a series or two expect to see Wallace. If he goes down and will be out for several games or the rest of the year, expect to see Jeremy Johnson. Even if Wallace gets the initial start.

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