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Wow, talk about improvement out of QB Jonathan Wallace


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Got to love Auburn Football. The most popular guy is the back up QB. I get the idea that is being said in the op, but this D line is the most impressive turn around. I expect we will take a few steps back when they play the big boys, but last year that same group of guys was getting pushed around by lesser opponents then we have played so far this year.

They're much improved no doubt but I expect them to get much better even still as the season rolls on. There's some big time talent there....just look at the size and the quickness. Now, with guys like Justin Delaine even showing out I am very encouraged with what Ive seen. So far so good!

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He had ONE pass for 20 yards and SEVEN yards rushing. Start the Heisman campaign....Nick Marshall shouldn't even come to practice anymore. JW and his 27 yard performance will now start as QB and RB. He may even throw the ball to himself and play WR. I've never seen a backup perform so well under the pressure of a such a tight 30 point game. Chuck Norris better watch out cause JWall is coming................

I like JW, but this is almost as ludicrous as the Nick hating.

lets start the Heisman campaign for NM

I dont whether to take you seriously or not but you're not making yourself look very smart

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He had ONE pass for 20 yards and SEVEN yards rushing. Start the Heisman campaign....Nick Marshall shouldn't even come to practice anymore. JW and his 27 yard performance will now start as QB and RB. He may even throw the ball to himself and play WR. I've never seen a backup perform so well under the pressure of a such a tight 30 point game. Chuck Norris better watch out cause JWall is coming................

I like JW, but this is almost as ludicrous as the Nick hating.

lets start the Heisman campaign for NM

I dont whether to take you seriously or not but you're not making yourself look very smart

oh maybe I should of said.... "NOT", at the end of my last post. Sorry.
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I would not be surprised if there's was a qb controversy after the LSU game.

Dude, u are unbelievable! Probably the dumbest post I've seen so far!!

ur right NM is as good of a qb as Chizik was a coach. NM wins the Heisman and brings the NT home.
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JW is one of the most hard nosed runners I have ever seen, since Cam anyway. Didn't you love the way Cam would truck defenders? Wallace does it too. With CAP in the game and Wallace, the offensive line got better and better. Plus, that 4th down stop , near the end, our defense is steady now. The running game is darn good, and of course special teams are , well, 'specially good. The passing game needs work, but I loved those passes in the flat to Prosch. He is going to be huge in the games to come. Defenders hate to see Prosch cause they never know whether to get out of his way or try to cover him. We will beat Mississippi State with an unstoppable running game and deep throws to the receivers, and short throws to Prosch. War Eagle

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I would not be surprised if there's was a qb controversy after the LSU game.

Dude, u are unbelievable! Probably the dumbest post I've seen so far!!

ur right NM is as good of a qb as Chizik was a coach. NM wins the Heisman and brings the NT home.

Where is the hate coming from with u and nick marshall? If u got a problem with him being our qb take it up with Gus!! I would love to see the reaction to that scenario if it was to happen! But I know and u know that will never happen! Cant wait to see u eat crow!!
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What is up with the inability to detect extremely blatant sarcasm?

Perhaps it's because some of the nuttiest posts are made by people who are absolutely serious...and it's pretty easy to over-estimate the common sense of some folks.

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Look I want NM to succeeded but if Barrett Trotter was qb or even JW I believe we would of sustained drive and the O would begin clicking. We'd of won both games by 21 more points a piece. I hope NM can be the man but until he begins passing better fans are going to be uneasy. What scares me most is NM only has one throw and that's the fast ball. He will have to put more touch on throws and lob the ball over linebacker and drop it into a tight window. Maybe he can I hope so, but the jury is still out on NM.

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I would not be surprised if there's was a qb controversy after the LSU game.

Dude, u are unbelievable! Probably the dumbest post I've seen so far!!

ur right NM is as good of a qb as Chizik was a coach. NM wins the Heisman and brings the NT home.

Where is the hate coming from with u and nick marshall? If u got a problem with him being our qb take it up with Gus!! I would love to see the reaction to that scenario if it was to happen! But I know and u know that will never happen! Cant wait to see u eat crow!!

Next time I go to the waffle house I will let him know.
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Look I want NM to succeeded but if Barrett Trotter was qb or even JW I believe we would of sustained drive and the O would begin clicking. We'd of won both games by 21 more points a piece. I hope NM can be the man but until he begins passing better fans are going to be uneasy. What scares me most is NM only has one throw and that's the fast ball. He will have to put more touch on throws and lob the ball over linebacker and drop it into a tight window. Maybe he can I hope so, but the jury is still out on NM.

Let me know when they can be deceptive with the football on zone reads and throw farther than 20yds on a rope in traffic! Then and only then I might give it some thought, but until then this conversation is ridiculous considering Gus see both qb's everyday!
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Look I want NM to succeeded but if Barrett Trotter was qb or even JW I believe we would of sustained drive and the O would begin clicking. We'd of won both games by 21 more points a piece. I hope NM can be the man but until he begins passing better fans are going to be uneasy. What scares me most is NM only has one throw and that's the fast ball. He will have to put more touch on throws and lob the ball over linebacker and drop it into a tight window. Maybe he can I hope so, but the jury is still out on NM.

Let me know when they can be deceptive with the football on zone reads and throw farther than 20yds on a rope in traffic! Then and only then I might give it some thought, but until then this conversation is ridiculous considering Gus see both qb's everyday!

Are you related to NM? Just wondering.

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Guest jojo1515

Look I want NM to succeeded but if Barrett Trotter was qb or even JW I believe we would of sustained drive and the O would begin clicking. We'd of won both games by 21 more points a piece. I hope NM can be the man but until he begins passing better fans are going to be uneasy. What scares me most is NM only has one throw and that's the fast ball. He will have to put more touch on throws and lob the ball over linebacker and drop it into a tight window. Maybe he can I hope so, but the jury is still out on NM.

You do realize we won by 29 last night, don't you? And these "lob" passes you speak of.....I didn't see Peyton Manning throw any "lob" passes in his 7 touchdown game a Thursday night. "Lob" passes tend to get intercepted and are rarely the appropriate throw. You might wanna step away from the keyboard for a bit. Nick hate seems to be consuming you.

BTW, how was that attempted TD pass by JWall last week? He 1-2 for 20 yards passing and has 2 rushes for 7 yards. Just give it up.....

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Look I want NM to succeeded but if Barrett Trotter was qb or even JW I believe we would of sustained drive and the O would begin clicking. We'd of won both games by 21 more points a piece. I hope NM can be the man but until he begins passing better fans are going to be uneasy. What scares me most is NM only has one throw and that's the fast ball. He will have to put more touch on throws and lob the ball over linebacker and drop it into a tight window. Maybe he can I hope so, but the jury is still out on NM.

Let me know when they can be deceptive with the football on zone reads and throw farther than 20yds on a rope in traffic! Then and only then I might give it some thought, but until then this conversation is ridiculous considering Gus see both qb's everyday!

Are you related to NM? Just wondering.

Not at all, just don't understand the hate nick is receiving, especially compared to last yrs qb's! It's like night and day, yet to some he should look like Tom Brady or Peyton manning! Smh
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Look I want NM to succeeded but if Barrett Trotter was qb or even JW I believe we would of sustained drive and the O would begin clicking. We'd of won both games by 21 more points a piece. I hope NM can be the man but until he begins passing better fans are going to be uneasy. What scares me most is NM only has one throw and that's the fast ball. He will have to put more touch on throws and lob the ball over linebacker and drop it into a tight window. Maybe he can I hope so, but the jury is still out on NM.

Let me know when they can be deceptive with the football on zone reads and throw farther than 20yds on a rope in traffic! Then and only then I might give it some thought, but until then this conversation is ridiculous considering Gus see both qb's everyday!

Are you related to NM? Just wondering.

Not at all, just don't understand the hate nick is receiving, especially compared to last yrs qb's! It's like night and day, yet to some he should look like Tom Brady or Peyton manning! Smh

That's how you called it before the season. I am glad he is our QB, but in all honesty, he has made more bad throws than he has made quality throws. We are going to have to show the ability to complete throws, down the field, or teams are going to start loading up in the box. He has one pitch, the fastball. He needs to start showing he has some touch and accuracy.

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I'm not one of the ones thats calling for a QB change but if nick throws the ball in SEC play like he has the last two games, the defenses are gonna eat him alive just like they did our QBs last year. No offense but if it wasn't for our run game our offense would look like last year to me. I'm sure ill get blasted but o well just my opinion.

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I cannot believe I just read "QB Competition." We are 2-0, with a QB improving week by week. Nick Marshall is our QB, there is no competition, get over it.

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I'm not one of the ones thats calling for a QB change but if nick throws the ball in SEC play like he has the last two games, the defenses are gonna eat him alive just like they did our QBs last year. No offense but if it wasn't for our run game our offense would look like last year to me. I'm sure ill get blasted but o well just my opinion.

you should but I'll give you a pass.

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Look I want NM to succeeded but if Barrett Trotter was qb or even JW I believe we would of sustained drive and the O would begin clicking. We'd of won both games by 21 more points a piece. I hope NM can be the man but until he begins passing better fans are going to be uneasy. What scares me most is NM only has one throw and that's the fast ball. He will have to put more touch on throws and lob the ball over linebacker and drop it into a tight window. Maybe he can I hope so, but the jury is still out on NM.

Let me know when they can be deceptive with the football on zone reads and throw farther than 20yds on a rope in traffic! Then and only then I might give it some thought, but until then this conversation is ridiculous considering Gus see both qb's everyday!

Are you related to NM? Just wondering.

Not at all, just don't understand the hate nick is receiving, especially compared to last yrs qb's! It's like night and day, yet to some he should look like Tom Brady or Peyton manning! Smh

That's how you called it before the season. I am glad he is our QB, but in all honesty, he has made more bad throws than he has made quality throws. We are going to have to show the ability to complete throws, down the field, or teams are going to start loading up in the box. He has one pitch, the fastball. He needs to start showing he has some touch and accuracy.

Agreed, and I have tremendous trust that Gus will have him ready
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Sometimes a qb will see what is called zone coverage and to be successful throwing certain passes against zone it will be necessary to throw over a lb or corners head. If the qb can lob it over that defenders head he could drop the ball in a window between two defenders and make a completion. If you throw a line drive everytime, the ball will get knocked down or intercepted. These things we call windows or soft spots in the zone get smaller and tighter against fast SEC defenses

Therefore NM must learn to put touch on passes and lob the ball over a defenders head to be successful.

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Sometimes a qb will see what is called zone coverage and to be successful throwing certain passes against zone it will be necessary to throw over a lb or corners head. If the qb can lob it over that defenders head he could drop the ball in a window between two defenders and make a completion. If you throw a line drive everytime, the ball will get knocked down or intercepted. These things we call windows or soft spots in the zone get smaller and tighter against fast SEC defenses

Therefore NM must learn to put touch on passes and lob the ball over a defenders head to be successful.

Im sure.... almost positive NM has never heard of any of that. maybe you should call Gus and set up a meeting with you CGM and NM so you can explain this very insightful observation to them.

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Sometimes a qb will see what is called zone coverage and to be successful throwing certain passes against zone it will be necessary to throw over a lb or corners head. If the qb can lob it over that defenders head he could drop the ball in a window between two defenders and make a completion. If you throw a line drive everytime, the ball will get knocked down or intercepted. These things we call windows or soft spots in the zone get smaller and tighter against fast SEC defenses

Therefore NM must learn to put touch on passes and lob the ball over a defenders head to be successful.

Im sure.... almost positive NM has never heard of any of that. maybe you should call Gus and set up a meeting with you CGM and NM so you can explain this very insightful observation to them.

I will when I see him at the Awful Waffle
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Sometimes a qb will see what is called zone coverage and to be successful throwing certain passes against zone it will be necessary to throw over a lb or corners head. If the qb can lob it over that defenders head he could drop the ball in a window between two defenders and make a completion. If you throw a line drive everytime, the ball will get knocked down or intercepted. These things we call windows or soft spots in the zone get smaller and tighter against fast SEC defenses

Therefore NM must learn to put touch on passes and lob the ball over a defenders head to be successful.

Im sure.... almost positive NM has never heard of any of that. maybe you should call Gus and set up a meeting with you CGM and NM so you can explain this very insightful observation to them.

I will when I see him at the Awful Waffle

Gotta love it when dumbazzes try to prove how smart they are

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