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remember when a year or two ago coach dye was caught


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Dye did say he was excited about this year, but not because he expected a lot of wins. IIRC he expected to see a well-coached team with much improved effort. Said we'd score and be scored upon.

No coach or person can be sure how a team will perform. All that they can do is judge the talent that the team has, its spirit and team work, and guide them to being the best that they can be.

When Pat Dye states that he has not been this exited about an Auburn team since he arrived at Auburn, he is saying a lot; -- a whole lot about the potential of this team and its coaching staff.

Couldn't agree more. I have tons of respect for his opinions of our talent and his perspective on the season

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I may be wrong. It wouldn't be an argument I know when to bow out. When you're wrong and keep arguing that's when you look stupid lol!

I'm more of a free thinker I guess, in football I look at wins and losses and I think it's crazy to say you'd rather have chizik as a coach when we're looking mediocre as a team.

I don't really get caught up with the better than the other school stuff and they are cheaters and everybody against us stuff. I think every school have good people supporting them as well as bad. U think at some point of time it's the same with leadership all schools have had good men and bad men. So with that being said I'd rather have a coach that wins. If the other team fan base hates him oh well....they will have stuff to say no matter how good or "evil"he is. Might as well have the wins as well

Sorry Cole, but Alabama really is the root of all evil....and I am sure they gain all their wins by being in league with the devil. ;D/>

but yeah, coaching is about W's and L's...

Looking at wins and losses does not qualify you as a free thinker but by contrast makes you more a part of the vast herd of knuckleheads who demand instant gratification. You put words in Pat Dye's mouth presumably in an attempt to discredit him. Obviously, you weren't around prior to Dye's arrival on the Plains.

Sigh....this is what happens when you try to be civil. Either way to me it's a stupid thing to say and no I don't take anybody's word for gold. If he had said kf was our best qb you would be crying right now still.....

And don't start any name calling.....and yeah I already know you will say you really didn't you just implied it or something like that....I don't care....probably best you don't imply it either

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I may be wrong. It wouldn't be an argument I know when to bow out. When you're wrong and keep arguing that's when you look stupid lol!

I'm more of a free thinker I guess, in football I look at wins and losses and I think it's crazy to say you'd rather have chizik as a coach when we're looking mediocre as a team.

I don't really get caught up with the better than the other school stuff and they are cheaters and everybody against us stuff. I think every school have good people supporting them as well as bad. U think at some point of time it's the same with leadership all schools have had good men and bad men. So with that being said I'd rather have a coach that wins. If the other team fan base hates him oh well....they will have stuff to say no matter how good or "evil"he is. Might as well have the wins as well

Sorry Cole, but Alabama really is the root of all evil....and I am sure they gain all their wins by being in league with the devil. ;D/>

but yeah, coaching is about W's and L's...

Looking at wins and losses does not qualify you as a free thinker but by contrast makes you more a part of the vast herd of knuckleheads who demand instant gratification. You put words in Pat Dye's mouth presumably in an attempt to discredit him. Obviously, you weren't around prior to Dye's arrival on the Plains.

Sigh....this is what happens when you try to be civil. Either way to me it's a stupid thing to say and no I don't take anybody's word for gold. If he had said kf was our best qb you would be crying right now still.....

And don't start any name calling.....and yeah I already know you will say you really didn't you just implied it or something like that....I don't care....probably best you don't imply it either

Help me out...when did Pat Dye ever say KF was a good QB? I distinctly remember him saying IF Auburn didn't find a good QB we would have a LONG season. Seems he nailed that straight on where hammer meets nail! As far as any name calling goes, I neither called you anything nor implied it. I simply said looking at wins and losses is what most knuckleheads do and in no way qualifies anyone as a free thinker.

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Guess you missed the if.....as far as the free thinker I was referring to I don't hate other people's school or fan bases. Your answer is exactly what I figured you'd say. Why even use the word knuckle head if you're going to try to word play and hide behind your words? Predictable.

Point is like I said IF he had said kf was a great qb you would still be the biggest kf hater on this board as you have always been. His opinion doesn't dictate everybody else's opinion. The Saban chizik comment was hilarious to me. I don't think what Coach Dye says is gospel. That's just my opinion I'm not trying to change you or anybody's else opinion

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Guess you missed the if.....as far as the free thinker I was referring to I don't hate other people's school or fan bases. Your answer is exactly what I figured you'd say. Why even use the word knuckle head if you're going to try to word play and hide behind your words? Predictable.

Point is like I said IF he had said kf was a great qb you would still be the biggest kf hater on this board as you have always been. His opinion doesn't dictate everybody else's opinion. The Saban chizik comment was hilarious to me. I don't think what Coach Dye says is gospel. That's just my opinion I'm not trying to change you or anybody's else opinion

it wasn't word play - its simply a fact. Hate it that you cant understand that. Using a hypothetical in an attempt discredit someone is about as lame as it gets

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Guess you missed the if.....as far as the free thinker I was referring to I don't hate other people's school or fan bases. Your answer is exactly what I figured you'd say. Why even use the word knuckle head if you're going to try to word play and hide behind your words? Predictable.

Point is like I said IF he had said kf was a great qb you would still be the biggest kf hater on this board as you have always been. His opinion doesn't dictate everybody else's opinion. The Saban chizik comment was hilarious to me. I don't think what Coach Dye says is gospel. That's just my opinion I'm not trying to change you or anybody's else opinion

it wasn't word play - its simply a fact. Hate it that you cant understand that. Using a hypothetical in an attempt discredit someone is about as lame as it gets

Lamer than trying to insult someone then saying I didn't insult you which you do at least once everyday on here? And who am I trying to discredit? Was my hypothetical wrong? Are you saying that it wouldn't have happened that way? You said it wasn't word play it was a fact. I'm sorry I missed it where in your post did you offer a fact? Please show your fact in your next reply and don't forget. Anyone who seeks out arguments just for the sake of arguing is a big dummy. I'm not calling you a dummy.....I'm just simply saying that for no reason whatsoever....

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Guess you missed the if.....as far as the free thinker I was referring to I don't hate other people's school or fan bases. Your answer is exactly what I figured you'd say. Why even use the word knuckle head if you're going to try to word play and hide behind your words? Predictable.

Point is like I said IF he had said kf was a great qb you would still be the biggest kf hater on this board as you have always been. His opinion doesn't dictate everybody else's opinion. The Saban chizik comment was hilarious to me. I don't think what Coach Dye says is gospel. That's just my opinion I'm not trying to change you or anybody's else opinion

it wasn't word play - its simply a fact. Hate it that you cant understand that. Using a hypothetical in an attempt discredit someone is about as lame as it gets

Lamer than trying to insult someone then saying I didn't insult you which you do at least once everyday on here? And who am I trying to discredit? Was my hypothetical wrong? Are you saying that it wouldn't have happened that way? You said it wasn't word play it was a fact. I'm sorry I missed it where in your post did you offer a fact? Please show your fact in your next reply and don't forget. Anyone who seeks out arguments just for the sake of arguing is a big dummy. I'm not calling you a dummy.....I'm just simply saying that for no reason whatsoever....

Here's a fact for you. You can call me anything you wish or not and it doesn't make a tinker's damn difference to me. I didn't call you anything any more than you claimed you didn't call me something. Heres another fact - Pat Dye never said KF was even a decent QB much less a great one. Your use of a hypothetical suggesting how I would react to it if he had is absurd and a moot point. You know what that is? I doubt it so look it up!

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“The tinker's dam is a wad of wet paper or other pliable material used to dam up a hole in a metal item being repaired by the tinker using molten solder.”


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Ok so basically you didn't have a fact when in your previous post you said you did. Now you have lost credibility. As far as the hypothetical question, it does involve you. You can answer the question as to how you would react. YOU would take the unknown out of it. But hypothetical situations are used in all facets of life everyday to form sound reason and logic. There's tests to see how guys react in every different situation and people hire and place guys in important positions based off of hypotheticals It's not absurd just because you say so . You just don't want to answer because I'm right.

And really? Another shot at my intelligence? Do you really believe you have ever posted anything on this board ever to make you feel that you have a superior intellect than anybody? I mean really from your logic to your vocabulary have you ever posted anything impressive enough for you to claim superiority to anybody? You misread one of my posts and replied to it; you told me something you said was fact and couldn't back it up; now you used the word "moot" and apparently it's such a big word for you that this is the word you chose to use to challenge someone to ask if they know what it means....lol. At least know a little before you carry yourself like you know everything. Lol you even ended your sentence with an exclamation point as if you really made a point lol.

I asked you around 4 questions you couldn't seem to answer any. And if the name calling and insulting doesn't mean anything one way or the other why do you always try to slide something in your posts. Not even just to me but you do it alot. Since it doesn't matter to you why is it a habit you practice? I mean you are of superior intellect and have a superior vocabulary and it doesn't matter to you, so why are you so focused on it?

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“The tinker's dam is a wad of wet paper or other pliable material used to dam up a hole in a metal item being repaired by the tinker using molten solder.”


Yeah. But notice the superior genius said tinker's damn do I guess he was meaning something completely different. Or maybe it was a joke missing the humor?

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Dye's comment about the D... I'd say he knows a good one when he sees one.

This years squad, while hopefully vastly improved from the last couple of years, will still have to go a long way to be one of the tops in the SEC / nation. We could cut points per game given up significantly, and still be a mediocre D.

My HOPE is that the offense produces, and the D can muster at least SOME turn overs, which alone will help their cause. Staying on the field and allowing teams to boat race on them has to be humiliating.

" Fatigue makes cowards of us all " - Lombardi

Sound familiar ?

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I love Coach Dye. He has done more for Auburn than any one human ever has and he still plays a roll in Auburn Football today. You gotta understand that some of the things he says is just "Towing the company line". (Seriously, All he eats is golden flake and drink coca cola?) If one were to sit on his Yellawood pressure treated pine back porch sippin from the Jug with him, They would most likely get something different than the made for broadcast statements we have heard.

This the beginning of the season. Dye can be a little optimistic.But when he starts grumbling your hearing the G rated version of what the people who write the BIG checks are saying behind closed doors.

Gus better hope Dye dont start grumbling.

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Blue & Cole...while I don't normally gamble, I'd wager Nick Marshall's throwing arm that 98% of the readers here have no interest in your current argument/debate. So here are some suggestions:

1. Take it to PMs. Minimal effort required here, and this guarantees that only interested readers see the argument.

2. Focus your debate on football. I formation vs spread...Tre vs CAP...etc. Why argue over what Pat Dye said and if he was sober, or even worse, whomever is being the bigger douchebag? We'd go to drunkornot.com or douchebags.com for those respective debates.

3. If you insist on insulting eachother, at least make it funny. Rarely do we care who starts it and who is a perpetual ass, though we have a handful of members who would argue whether the sky is blue on a sunny day. Throw in some imagery, an original thought, and the kind of insult that generates a collective "oooooh" if you lack the self restraint to avoid insults.

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It appears what Coach Dye has described is exactly what the current staff set as a goal to put in place this year. Auburn will not have one of the statistically best defensive units in the nation if they are defending 80 plays per game due to the offensive tempo. The entire goal has to be different from the days Dye coached and won with defense. The pressure to win will be on the offense and it will be the defense's job to avoid big mistakes and not lose games.

What Coach Dye has said goes right along with this philosophy. If the defense can limit scoring some and gain some turnovers to give the offense more chances, it can be a very good season for Auburn. This philosophy also allows for a more aggressive and risky style of play calling on defense. The goal should be to get turnovers and three-and-outs as often as possible and get the defense off the field as quickly as possible regardless of the results. If the defense is left attempting to wear down opposition offenses physically, then it will be a long season.

Call me a sunshine pumper, or simply stupid, but I think 10 wins is an achievable goal for this team. I think they have a good shot at doing even better. I also think there is a chance of doing a little worse due to a first year staff, injuries and other things we can not predict right now.

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Blue & Cole...while I don't normally gamble, I'd wager Nick Marshall's throwing arm that 98% of the readers here have no interest in your current argument/debate. So here are some suggestions:

1. Take it to PMs. Minimal effort required here, and this guarantees that only interested readers see the argument.

2. Focus your debate on football. I formation vs spread...Tre vs CAP...etc. Why argue over what Pat Dye said and if he was sober, or even worse, whomever is being the bigger douchebag? We'd go to drunkornot.com or douchebags.com for those respective debates.

3. If you insist on insulting eachother, at least make it funny. Rarely do we care who starts it and who is a perpetual ass, though we have a handful of members who would argue whether the sky is blue on a sunny day. Throw in some imagery, an original thought, and the kind of insult that generates a collective "oooooh" if you lack the self restraint to avoid insults.


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I was at AU before Dye and suffered through the Barfield years but I still don't care for Pat Dye and really don't care for anything he has to say. Wish he would ride off into the sunset. Old coaches should have enough sense to just fade away and quit hanging around the program. He is only an embarrassment now. Why should Gus have to worry about what Dye thinks? That's just sad that he has that much influence. To me, the more he talks the more he tarnishes what good he did for the football team. This is Gus's team not this man's. It's like we just have to have a "bear" of our own ~ let's move on from the past ~ it's a new day!

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Blue & Cole...while I don't normally gamble, I'd wager Nick Marshall's throwing arm that 98% of the readers here have no interest in your current argument/debate. So here are some suggestions:

1. Take it to PMs. Minimal effort required here, and this guarantees that only interested readers see the argument.

2. Focus your debate on football. I formation vs spread...Tre vs CAP...etc. Why argue over what Pat Dye said and if he was sober, or even worse, whomever is being the bigger douchebag? We'd go to drunkornot.com or douchebags.com for those respective debates.

3. If you insist on insulting eachother, at least make it funny. Rarely do we care who starts it and who is a perpetual ass, though we have a handful of members who would argue whether the sky is blue on a sunny day. Throw in some imagery, an original thought, and the kind of insult that generates a collective "oooooh" if you lack the self restraint to avoid insults.

OK..I thought his tactics were a little out of line when used a hypothetical statement in an obvious effort to discredit Pat Dye, whose opinions of Auburn football, carry some weight with me. Evidently, based on the venom in your admonishment, I got carried away. My apologies for troubling you with my lack of entertainment value.

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Blue & Cole...while I don't normally gamble, I'd wager Nick Marshall's throwing arm that 98% of the readers here have no interest in your current argument/debate. So here are some suggestions:

1. Take it to PMs. Minimal effort required here, and this guarantees that only interested readers see the argument.

2. Focus your debate on football. I formation vs spread...Tre vs CAP...etc. Why argue over what Pat Dye said and if he was sober, or even worse, whomever is being the bigger douchebag? We'd go to drunkornot.com or douchebags.com for those respective debates.

3. If you insist on insulting eachother, at least make it funny. Rarely do we care who starts it and who is a perpetual ass, though we have a handful of members who would argue whether the sky is blue on a sunny day. Throw in some imagery, an original thought, and the kind of insult that generates a collective "oooooh" if you lack the self restraint to avoid insults.


I am getting tired of the arguing. even the ones im involved in.

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I never tried to discredit coach Dye, in fact I said ok if I'm wrong my bad. Tried to be cool and I was insulted. Apparently because he didn't like that I said I don't take Dye's word as the gospel. I used a hypothetical to discredit him but he had a hard time comprehending. I don't know anything about the sober stuff mentioned if anybody has a drinking problem then that's news to me. But it is what it is and I trust every disagreement will be handled like this in the future.

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Yes, I remember that. While it was not popular, it turned out to be a correct statement. I guess hindsight really is 50/50.

About the D this year... I would be more interested in what he has to say in a candid environment than what he is putting out there for mass consumption.

you mean by candid environment after he sipped some sour mash?
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I was at AU before Dye and suffered through the Barfield years but I still don't care for Pat Dye and really don't care for anything he has to say. Wish he would ride off into the sunset. Old coaches should have enough sense to just fade away and quit hanging around the program. He is only an embarrassment now. Why should Gus have to worry about what Dye thinks? That's just sad that he has that much influence. To me, the more he talks the more he tarnishes what good he did for the football team. This is Gus's team not this man's. It's like we just have to have a "bear" of our own ~ let's move on from the past ~ it's a new day!

Are you terry bowden's mother or grandmother?

That is a lot of hate for such a legendary coach.

Pat Dye IS Auburn Football and that is a fact.

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