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i have a friend on another board who is a huge wsu fan


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Certainly not arguing for or against in regard to New York heat (never been), but while the streets and sidewalks trap the heat, would the fact that very few parts of NY are in direct sunlight very long not also come into play? It seems like, with the height and number of buildings, shade would be SOP.

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Certainly not arguing for or against in regard to New York heat (never been), but while the streets and sidewalks trap the heat, would the fact that very few parts of NY are in direct sunlight very long not also come into play? It seems like, with the height and number of buildings, shade would be SOP.

I laughed at the "heat wave" before I went. Surely an Alabama boy such as myself would be well acclimated to such weather! I was wrong, so wrong. Sweat off probably 5 lbs. water a day. It was just awful. I felt horrible for the people walking around in business suits. It was just hot all over, shade or no. Maybe it was all the windows.

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Your friend should consider the humidity before he speaks....

I dunno about that. The weather today would play just fine for some boys from Washington.

The "Southern Heat" get's way overblown. Plus, the temps so low this summer, there is no advantage.

It's not the heat, it's the humidity.

Same difference, it's overrated

I'm not sure about Washington, but a few summers ago I went on a month-long trip up to New England. I visited every state in NE for a least a couple days. When I left Alabama it was 95-105 every single day. I got up there and it felt like mid-late October. It was consistently between 75-85 . Every radio disc jockey talked about the current "heat wave" and kept telling people to stay hydrated. When I told people where I was from they'd say something along the lines of "well we've got some Alabama weather so you should feel right at home". I would literally just laugh and shake my head. I don't know if the heat will affect WSU's football players, but the simple fact is that the vast majority of people from other parts of the country are not used to our heat and humidity.

No they aren't..I've had similar experiences with people who think they can speak about the heat and humidity of the deep south but they've never been and the truth is they have no clue. The fact remains though, that the heat and humidity wont help Auburn in this game against WSU. I'll never forget how confident I was going into the USC game in 2003 thinking the weather would be a big assist for Auburn and Auburn got shut out and thumped pretty good. I realize WSU wont be USC but if the weather is going to help its going to help against everyone who isn't accustomed to it... but it doesn't of that I am absolutely certain!

You know, the weather might have been the reason that game wasn't worse.

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I lived and worked in NYC and Long Island in the 70s and 80s...played a softball dbl header in about '78, at Eisenhauer Park...it was 104!!! I went 8 for 9 and played left center. Ugh!

The Island is very much like the South in the summer...hot and humid, with lots of racoons and possums. Amazing.... ;)

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Just one word of correction: Wazzu's pass offense has a very strong vertical dimension. They frequently go four verticals, which is a very precise route (not just tearing off on streaks). If you don't bother the QB, you have a big problem because they only run a few routes and all of them are trouble.

I'm sure our guys are more talented than theirs are. And their OL concerns are well documented. Still, I'm remembering when we played Utah State, and it sure as hell looked like the more talented guys were wearing white.

Ain't that the truth!

And one of them was a true freshman. :-\

In that game Auburn's D was so poorly coached that they didn't even know where to line up. It was deplorable. Last year, even in the 12th game, according to Stan White our D didn't know which lanes to rush on a blitz. Hopefully we won't be seeing such a debacle again.

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Guys, we should be careful about these predictions of running it up against an overmatched team. Yes, I believe we are far superior in talent. Yes, I believe we should run them out of the stadium. But there's a reason games aren't played on paper, and what happens if they come in and hit us in the mouth? Do we get knocked out, or do we get back up and knock them out?

I'm reminded of the 2003 season, when Auburn was picked to win it all by Sports Illustrated. Of course we aren't nearly so highly ranked this year, and that plays to our advantage, but Georgia Tech spanked us pretty badly to open that season. Thus, I would suggest not getting too carried away with marking it down in the win column just yet.

Also, in case anyone has forgotten, we were 3-9 last year too. Our HC has only one year's experience as an HC and that at Ark St. Our OC is in the same situation. We have a coaching staff who've never coached a game together before. And we have players, who although they may have been highly ranked in high school, have certainly not shown themselves to be top 10 recruiting classes on the field as of late. Nothing can be taken for granted in this game. It would be great to win in a blowout, bu if it happens it won't be because WSO rolled over and played dead for us. And there's no reason to think our team is a world beater...not now/

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Their leading rusher had an 11 YPC average in their scrimmage!

Yep! Can check stats of their scrimmage here: http://washingtonsta...37651&PT=4&PR=2 It was stated that the scrimmage was shorter than the first but still......

They had a 2 or 3 short yard TDs 5 yards or less by only passing. Hope our secondary will be ready!

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So im reading on their board their worried about nm's running ability but then they are saying he is very inaccurate i dont understand that part nick has a very good arm and pretty decent accuracy...idk maybe its the 20 ints that make them believe that

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? Apodaca to Cracraft, 52-yard pass.

? Halliday to Myers, 5-yard pass

? Halliday to Galvin, 3-yard pass

? Bruggman to D. Williams, 22-yard pass

? Bruggman to Cracraft, 48-yard pass

? Falk to Ratliff, 4-yard pass

? Cooper sack-safety

? Halliday to Lewis, 5-yard pass

? Furney 48-yard field goal

Does this mean they're splitting reps between 4 quarterbacks?

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A few years ago I went to NYC during their heat wave and I must say it was as hot as anything I've seen down here. The concrete just traps and reflects heat so much. The subways were basically saunas.

NYC is on the ocean hence can be very humid and it is all concrete. They don't normally get as hot as Auburn but when they do have a heat wave with all that concrete it makes it even worse. Washington is different item completely. They are on the dry side of the mountain so they are not humid and 85 is hot for them. It can have an affect on a team. But any really well conditioned athlete who stays hydrated should be able to handle our heat and humidity. It could have an affect in 4th quarted if they don't have enough depth, but that is true even without the heat. I believe we win going away because I think we have better talent and more of it, I think we beat them with talent at first and then wear them down with depth as game goes on. I think our O-Line and its depth will really be the deciding factor.

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A few years ago I went to NYC during their heat wave and I must say it was as hot as anything I've seen down here. The concrete just traps and reflects heat so much. The subways were basically saunas.

NYC is on the ocean hence can be very humid and it is all concrete. They don't normally get as hot as Auburn but when they do have a heat wave with all that concrete it makes it even worse. Washington is different item completely. They are on the dry side of the mountain so they are not humid and 85 is hot for them. It can have an affect on a team. But any really well conditioned athlete who stays hydrated should be able to handle our heat and humidity. It could have an affect in 4th quarter if they don't have enough depth, but that is true even without the heat. I believe we win going away because I think we have better talent and more of it, I think we beat them with talent at first and then wear them down with depth as game goes on. I think our O-Line and its depth will really be the deciding factor.

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? Apodaca to Cracraft, 52-yard pass.

? Halliday to Myers, 5-yard pass

? Halliday to Galvin, 3-yard pass

? Bruggman to D. Williams, 22-yard pass

? Bruggman to Cracraft, 48-yard pass

? Falk to Ratliff, 4-yard pass

? Cooper sack-safety

? Halliday to Lewis, 5-yard pass

? Furney 48-yard field goal

Does this mean they're splitting reps between 4 quarterbacks?

Halliday seems to be the #1 guy so Leach was maybe giving the others a look in scrimmage for the #2 spot.

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So im reading on their board their worried about nm's running ability but then they are saying he is very inaccurate i dont understand that part nick has a very good arm and pretty decent accuracy...idk maybe its the 20 ints that make them believe that

Truthfully, no one knows how accurate of a QB Marshall is at the grown man college football level.

We will all find out soon enough.

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I really hope our players aren't relying on the weather to give them the edge to beat WSU...

We should not be relying on the heat. It has not been hot enough here for us to be conditioned for high heat/humidity

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Guest WarEagleSteve

Justin Hokanson@JHokanson53s

#WashingtonState scrimmaged yesterday. The leading rusher carried the ball one time for 11 yards.

WHAT?! lol.

That is just crazy.

Considering their coach, not really. Mike Leach DOES NOT run the football. He's an Air Raid guy. He wants to throw it 50-60 times a game. He was the exact same way at Texas Tech. WSU was dead last in rushing last year. They had 349 yards and 6 touchdowns on the ground AS A TEAM for the YEAR.
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I really hope our players aren't relying on the weather to give them the edge to beat WSU...

We should not be relying on the heat. It has not been hot enough here for us to be conditioned for high heat/humidity

My comment was made in jest. I find it funny that we're having such a long discussion on whether the heat/humidity will give us that edge we're looking for to topple the mighty Washington State Cougars...

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Halliday seems to be the #1 guy so Leach was maybe giving the others a look in scrimmage for the #2 spot.

Correct. I think Apodaca will be the #2 guy. WSU will run a lot of short passing routes and mesh plays across the middle. That's how they will set up their vertical passing game. The defense will have to be able to limit the YAC on those short routes.

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