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i will never ever EVER bash any of auburns football players


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i started this thread and its about class. holland had some pretty rough stuff said about him and it turns out he has been playing hurt since he has been here. HE made the effort hurt and got hosed by some folks for it. you CAN critique with class. and for the gentlemean who said auburn quit against a and m. if YOU quit on the team that makes you a quitter as well? and for the record i did not start this thread to stir up crap. i posted it to remind fans to show a little more grace to our players and coaches. i think auburn is a special place and we should treat it as such.

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i started this thread and its about class. holland had some pretty rough stuff said about him and it turns out he has been playing hurt since he has been here. HE made the effort hurt and got hosed by some folks for it. you CAN critique with class. and for the gentlemean who said auburn quit against a and m. if YOU quit on the team that makes you a quitter as well? and for the record i did not start this thread to stir up crap. i posted it to remind fans to show a little more grace to our players and coaches. i think auburn is a special place and we should treat it as such.

Dude IMO I think you may be a tad bit over sensitive. Go back and look in the threads were the Holland discussion was going on. I could be wrong, but I don't think there was anything even resembling a personal attack. Just people surprised Jake is still in line to start. I posted that I that I believed some other guys were more athletic and could make more plays while acknowledging Jake would make fewer mistakes. How is that attacking Jake Holland??

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As long as you stick to discussing play on the field and don't get personal, everything is fine. We're not going to be Pollyanna-ish about someone if they aren't performing on Saturdays but always keep in mind these are young men that want nothing more than to go out and wear that blue jersey and excel for all of us and their teammates. We always have people who think anything other than hugs and kisses is player bashing and those who think unless you trash a guy and declare that he utterly sucks and should be bagging groceries you're a sunshine pumper. The key is a balanced perspective.

amen, brother. +10000000000000000

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i started this thread and its about class. holland had some pretty rough stuff said about him and it turns out he has been playing hurt since he has been here. HE made the effort hurt and got hosed by some folks for it. you CAN critique with class. and for the gentlemean who said auburn quit against a and m. if YOU quit on the team that makes you a quitter as well? and for the record i did not start this thread to stir up crap. i posted it to remind fans to show a little more grace to our players and coaches. i think auburn is a special place and we should treat it as such.

I honestly have no idea how one quits on the team from the stands, but if sitting in the stands and spectating makes one a quitter, well, okay. I guess you decided for yourself I left the stadium, but that is also a figment of your imagination. By far one of the strangest threads I've ever seen. BTW, did anyone see the class move by Kiehl today?????

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Amen brother! This use to be just one of the things that separated Auburn fans from some other fan bases. We always supported the team win or lose -- and that support included NOT BOOING at a game if something goes wrong. When I hear AU fans boo at a game, it embarassess me as an alumnus. That is UAT behavior not AU behavior.

Please remember this if Jake is in the game and misses a tackle or if Kiehl throws an interception. Fans booing only makes things worse. No one wants to win anymore than the players. If you want to express displeasure (and feel you have to do it publicly) call the coaches show, or better yet, man up and go speak to the coach face to face. If youre not man enough to do that, then you are just another whiner. And the world does not need anymore of those.

Sorry brother I have to disagree with you on that one. I understand that things don't always go right. I only get upset when I see a lack of effort. I saw quite a few times last year where the team just quit trying. If I see that I will voice my displeasure. That is inexcusable. I get sick and tired of people telling me I have to sit there and be silent and act happy and pretend nothing is wrong. If you want to be a big time college football player then you have to take all of it not just the sunshine. This is like Johnny Football and his troubles this offseason. He loves the adoration and the fun part of being JF the heisman trophy winner. He turns around and tries to hide behind the only 20 years old bit. Sorry Charlie, it's a package deal.
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I really liked coming to this site. Lots of intelligent football discussion, about the play on the field.

Last year was such a downer, both in reality and here. Too many "Jacobs is the reason my dog stinks" and "I aint going to no more games" threads for my personal preference.

So, to respect the players and coaches, go to Tiger Walk, be loud, send a note of encouragement to the staff, and yell as the eagle lands.

Cheer them when they do well, and when they don't pretend you mom is standing next to you in how you act.Then come here to talk about what shares our passion, intelligently.

The key is a balanced perspective.
+10000But I did not know that was an option on the internet? :)/>
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Booing at a player during a game is unforgiveable. Period. One of the things that brought me here for a very long time (just now posting the last couple of weeks) was that this board is the AU "family" board. I do think if anywhere, here is a place to offer constructive criticism. I mean constructive...not bashing. If you can't do it here...then where can you? If Kiehl starts...it is because the COACHES feel it is best. If Jake starts...it is because the COACHES feel it is best. We are to support the players on the field at ALL times. We all want our boys to win. They want to win more than we do...they are on the field killing it at practices, off the field hitting the weights and hitting the books. I personally feel (and what does that count for?) that many doors were opened up for other players after last year and this spring practice...it is disappointing that those doors was not walked through by other players OR it is very encouraging that the doors are being closed by the current players due to their progression. We can only tell after toe meets leather in 19 days. WAR EAGLE and lets give the coaches the benefit of the doubt.

I agree. Furthermore, I have no problem with telling anyone near me who is booing to STFU, and I encourage everyone else to do the same. Don't allow those folks to assume it's acceptable, or it will only get worse. We might as well be bammers.

On the other hand, if you want to leave the game early, fine. Just don't boo before departing.

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what is a look at me post? as for jake i just used him as an example. he was dogged by so many for all kinds of things.slow, wrong angles. lost of people wanting hjim benched. but it seems the man played hurt to try and help his team. i just think our kids need to be encouraged and not poor mouthed.that i would is where the coaches come and and their responsibility. what about the auburn creed? what about family? i realize i am not doing a great job of explaining myself. bill curry won ten games one year and lost to auburn. so he gets threats etc and someone throws a brick through his window. this is not class. i might be ashamed if our team gives up. i might leave early. but no other member of any other team can accuse me and laugh about me booing my own team or trashing them after a game. seems like when we did not do well the SILENCE from the stands spoke volumnes. at least it did back in the day.

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what is a look at me post? as for jake i just used him as an example. he was dogged by so many for all kinds of things.slow, wrong angles. lost of people wanting hjim benched. but it seems the man played hurt to try and help his team. i just think our kids need to be encouraged and not poor mouthed.that i would is where the coaches come and and their responsibility. what about the auburn creed? what about family? i realize i am not doing a great job of explaining myself. bill curry won ten games one year and lost to auburn. so he gets threats etc and someone throws a brick through his window. this is not class. i might be ashamed if our team gives up. i might leave early. but no other member of any other team can accuse me and laugh about me booing my own team or trashing them after a game. seems like when we did not do well the SILENCE from the stands spoke volumnes. at least it did back in the day.

here we talk football. I think jake is fast enough, but he took terrible angles. tackled horribly too. is that dogging him or pointing out the obvious? nobody hates jake. no disrespect meant, certainly not by me but this is a FOOTBALL DISCUSSION FORUM. that is what we talk about. I can add pretty much all of our safeties last season to that too. and the d-line was soft all the way across(you can insert any dlineman's name here). injuries or not we did not play well anywhere on defense. I don't boo in the stands and would not tell the players or coaches what their shortcomings are(I bet they know it), that is what this forum is for and it serves its purpose.
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I'll criticize a player's performance on the field all day, every day. If a player does something stupid off the field, I'll criticize his character as well. This does not give me the right to boo a player, and I'm even uncomfortable with the crowd booing a coach.

But if I had the chance to meet a player off the field (and if it wasn't a violation) I'd buy them a beer and tell him how proud I was of their commitment and hard work they've put into Auburn.

There is a big difference between criticism and insulting.

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I'll criticize a player's performance on the field all day, every day. If a player does something stupid off the field, I'll criticize his character as well. This does not give me the right to boo a player, and I'm even uncomfortable with the crowd booing a coach.

But if I had the chance to meet a player off the field (and if it wasn't a violation) I'd buy them a beer and tell him how proud I was of their commitment and hard work they've put into Auburn.

There is a big difference between criticism and insulting.


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I love "look at me, look at me" posts.

Indeed. I wish I had a dollar every time we had a subject on being critical of players vs. being abusive. I'd have bought AU a new corporate jet by now.

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I love "look at me, look at me" posts.

Indeed. I wish I had a dollar every time we had a subject on being critical of players vs. being abusive. I'd have bought AU a new corporate jet by now.

I just hope our players are not as sensitive and fragile as some of our fans.

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Booing at a player during a game is unforgiveable. Period. One of the things that brought me here for a very long time (just now posting the last couple of weeks) was that this board is the AU "family" board. I do think if anywhere, here is a place to offer constructive criticism. I mean constructive...not bashing. If you can't do it here...then where can you? If Kiehl starts...it is because the COACHES feel it is best. If Jake starts...it is because the COACHES feel it is best. We are to support the players on the field at ALL times. We all want our boys to win. They want to win more than we do...they are on the field killing it at practices, off the field hitting the weights and hitting the books. I personally feel (and what does that count for?) that many doors were opened up for other players after last year and this spring practice...it is disappointing that those doors was not walked through by other players OR it is very encouraging that the doors are being closed by the current players due to their progression. We can only tell after toe meets leather in 19 days. WAR EAGLE and lets give the coaches the benefit of the doubt.

I agree. Furthermore, I have no problem with telling anyone near me who is booing to STFU, and I encourage everyone else to do the same. Don't allow those folks to assume it's acceptable, or it will only get worse. We might as well be bammers.

On the other hand, if you want to leave the game early, fine. Just don't boo before departing.

As I have stated it would take an extreme condition for me to go so far as to boo but giving up is just such an occasion. Now if you disagree with that fine. If, however you tell me to STFU then you will get a MYOGDB in return. I do not consider it being disloyal to express myself in that manner. I love Auburn as much as anyone and I appreciate that these young men for the most part are hard working and doing the best they can. I have my ideas and you have yours and we will just have to agree to disagree.
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Booing at a player during a game is unforgiveable. Period. One of the things that brought me here for a very long time (just now posting the last couple of weeks) was that this board is the AU "family" board. I do think if anywhere, here is a place to offer constructive criticism. I mean constructive...not bashing. If you can't do it here...then where can you? If Kiehl starts...it is because the COACHES feel it is best. If Jake starts...it is because the COACHES feel it is best. We are to support the players on the field at ALL times. We all want our boys to win. They want to win more than we do...they are on the field killing it at practices, off the field hitting the weights and hitting the books. I personally feel (and what does that count for?) that many doors were opened up for other players after last year and this spring practice...it is disappointing that those doors was not walked through by other players OR it is very encouraging that the doors are being closed by the current players due to their progression. We can only tell after toe meets leather in 19 days. WAR EAGLE and lets give the coaches the benefit of the doubt.

I agree. Furthermore, I have no problem with telling anyone near me who is booing to STFU, and I encourage everyone else to do the same. Don't allow those folks to assume it's acceptable, or it will only get worse. We might as well be bammers.

On the other hand, if you want to leave the game early, fine. Just don't boo before departing.

As I have stated it would take an extreme condition for me to go so far as to boo but giving up is just such an occasion. Now if you disagree with that fine. If, however you tell me to STFU then you will get a MYOGDB in return. I do not consider it being disloyal to express myself in that manner. I love Auburn as much as anyone and I appreciate that these young men for the most part are hard working and doing the best they can. I have my ideas and you have yours and we will just have to agree to disagree.

I was thinking something very similar. This has gotten extremely entertaining and has obviously ruffled some sensitive feathers. Going to be interesting to see the interplay between the Boo Police and the more passionate fans this fall. If everyone is as tough as they indicate on the internet, this one is shaping up to be like a Giants v. Eagles game in Philly; with the novelty that the altercations will be between fans of the same team. Look at the bright side, you'll likely make it on Sports Center with the headline....."Trouble on the Plains", right after the mascot fight of the day. I will not be involved as I'm not a boo guy nor do I pretend to have the authority to tell you what you can and can't say from the seat you purchased. I will, however, gladly watch two out-of-shape grown men attempt to beat each other over one booing. The hardest part will be trying to keep my composure while telling everyone about the display at the water cooler on Monday. Priceless.

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Entertaining? Pretty much devolved into foolishness by some.

Everyone is passionate on subjects like this, we'll all just agree to disagree on some points.

We are all Auburn fans here.



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