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I'm sorry if this seems uncompassionate toward people


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Well, he can "feel" like a woman on the inside all he wants, but until he's so sure that he has that thing lopped off no one on the outside really knows what he is or isn't. I think as long as you've still got a johnson, you're a John not a Joanna.

Of course, as my article showed, there are no guarantees even after artificially changing your body to become the opposite sex that a switch won't flip and he'll want to be a boy again.

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Well, he can "feel" like a woman on the inside all he wants, but until he's so sure that he has that thing lopped off no one on the outside really knows what he is or isn't. I think as long as you've still got a johnson, you're a John not a Joanna.

Of course, as my article showed, there are no guarantees even after artificially changing your body to become the opposite sex that a switch won't flip and he'll want to be a boy again.

It's my understanding that most surgeons require a 1 year period living as the opposite sex while observed by a mental health professional before they'll perform the operation. I think this includes using women's facilities.

I think your example thought he was a woman for three months before he reversed course. Also of note, your example may have been warped by unethical hormone therapy by his mother.

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Or vote in the voting booth for some politicians with more common sense than to allow such a thing carte blanche and force everyone else to just get over their silly notions of modesty and privacy. Why should everyone else have to adjust to accommodate someone's wrong view of themselves?

I learned in 3rd grade that a public dressing room was not a place where you got modesty or privacy. I hated our field trips to the public pool as we got no privacy and it was very difficult to be modest.

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If the person has a vagina, the women's. Why can't the person be respectful and wait?

She must complete a year of real life experience as the opposite sex before surgery.

If she uses the male dressing room, is she experiencing life as the opposite sex? If she avoids the female dressing room, is she experiencing life as the opposite sex?

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If the person has a vagina, the women's. Why can't the person be respectful and wait?

She must complete a year of real life experience as the opposite sex before surgery.

If she uses the male dressing room, is she experiencing life as the opposite sex? If she avoids the female dressing room, is she experiencing life as the opposite sex?

So since Pandora's Box has been opened, what is going to stop some random sicko guy from getting naked in a women's lockerroom, claiming this law, just to be with the ladies? You can't tell him to leave or you will be sued. These are the issues that people don't take into consideration when passing laws for the sake of political correctness. If that random sicko happens to rape a little girl, did the law do it's job, or did it fail that little girl?
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If you allow a man to expose himself to your daughter, and you do nothing to protect her, you aren't much of a father.

If a trans...whatever did this to my daughter, he would for sure know that he was a he, b/c after I kicked him his he parts, I'm sure the little she feelings will be feeling it and crying aloud......

You fight by kicking someone in the balls? You sound more like a woman than the transgender person in this scenario. On a side note, it's funny how another poster advocates violence towards another. In Case you missed it tgr4lfe, the law aint on your side. That person has a legal right to be in that bathroom / changing room. If you feel so strongly about your daughter being in a room with a transgender person then perhaps it might be smarter to avoid the situation altogether.

Are you a man? Do you have the legal right to be in that bathroom/changing room? If you did go into that bathroom/changning room, do you think the females in that room would have a legitimate claim to call the police on you? If it is illegal to expose your "male parts" to a female, does it matter where you are when you do so? Is that fact that females as young as 6 years of age use this bathroom/changing room? If you had a daughter as young as 6 years of age, would you be ok with them using a bathroom/changing room with a man in his 40s-50s who is also undressing?

You say he sounds like a woman, I say you sound like someone who I would never let supervise my children. No play-dates at your house. No telling what my children may be exposed to under your supervision. Congratulations! You're the parent of the kid who no other parents allow their kids to hang out with...

I completely dismiss political correctness when it comes to the well-being of children. Your mindset is lazy and not well thought out.

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If you allow a man to expose himself to your daughter, and you do nothing to protect her, you aren't much of a father.

If a trans...whatever did this to my daughter, he would for sure know that he was a he, b/c after I kicked him his he parts, I'm sure the little she feelings will be feeling it and crying aloud......

You fight by kicking someone in the balls? You sound more like a woman than the transgender person in this scenario. On a side note, it's funny how another poster advocates violence towards another. In Case you missed it tgr4lfe, the law aint on your side. That person has a legal right to be in that bathroom / changing room. If you feel so strongly about your daughter being in a room with a transgender person then perhaps it might be smarter to avoid the situation altogether.

Are you a man? Do you have the legal right to be in that bathroom/changing room? If you did go into that bathroom/changning room, do you think the females in that room would have a legitimate claim to call the police on you? If it is illegal to expose your "male parts" to a female, does it matter where you are when you do so? Is that fact that females as young as 6 years of age use this bathroom/changing room? If you had a daughter as young as 6 years of age, would you be ok with them using a bathroom/changing room with a man in his 40s-50s who is also undressing?

You say he sounds like a woman, I say you sound like someone who I would never let supervise my children. No play-dates at your house. No telling what my children may be exposed to under your supervision. Congratulations! You're the parent of the kid who no other parents allow their kids to hang out with...

I completely dismiss political correctness when it comes to the well-being of children. Your mindset is lazy and not well thought out.

Do you know how many time your children / teenagers have been in a restroom with a transgender person? When you go to the mall, someone dressed, living and looking just like a woman uses which bathroom exactly? Take a wild guess. And which would create more issues, someone that appears just like a woman walking into a mans restroom where your child is? Considering most transgender people are sexually attracted to the sex opposite of the one they identify, I think your little girls are just fine. You guys keep using the word "exposing" their parts. I use the words "utilize a changing room or rest room". I think there is a world of difference between what you are implying and what is really happening and most on this thread (yourself included) have a proclivity for the melodramatic. I would imagine your children are actually more mature than you in their mindsets when it comes to tolerance and acceptance. Grow up.

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I dont want my six year old to be freaked out by seeing what might appear to be a woman flashing a weiner, but i agree that some are making this into a situation of a sexual child predator. Those predators are out there but they are not obvious. They look normal, usually.

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Do you know how many time your children / teenagers have been in a restroom with a transgender person? When you go to the mall, someone dressed, living and looking just like a woman uses which bathroom exactly? Take a wild guess. And which would create more issues, someone that appears just like a woman walking into a mans restroom where your child is? Considering most transgender people are sexually attracted to the sex opposite of the one they identify, I think your little girls are just fine. You guys keep using the word "exposing" their parts. I use the words "utilize a changing room or rest room". I think there is a world of difference between what you are implying and what is really happening and most on this thread (yourself included) have a proclivity for the melodramatic. I would imagine your children are actually more mature than you in their mindsets when it comes to tolerance and acceptance. Grow up.

You're conflating two issues. The main problem is not just that we or our kids have unknowingly shared a restroom or locker room with a transgendered person. The issue is when someone who merely dresses like a woman but still has all his male parts is sharing such facilities and making little effort to avoid such parts being noticed. Not only does it rightly make women uncomfortable (is this really a transgendered person or just some pervert cross-dresser trying to get a free peep show?), but it's confusing to young children. I shouldn't have to try and explain to my 7-year old girl later why the lady in the locker room had a penis and testicles but dressed like a woman and seems to have boobs. I don't particularly like the notion that we can or should just change a person's sex like it's just some mutable trait like their hair color, but if they want to use the opposite sex facilities, then they need to at the very least have gone all the way with gender reassignment surgery. The vast majority of men and women, no matter what machismo jokes men may tell in the locker room, prefer to use the restroom and change clothes in areas where they opposite sex is not. It's completely normal. It's not some sign of sexual repression or intolerance. If you wish to purposely buck that trend, it is not up to the entire rest of society to bend to your experiments.

That's not being intolerant or unaccepting, it's refusing to suppress the God-given common sense you were born with.

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If you allow a man to expose himself to your daughter, and you do nothing to protect her, you aren't much of a father.

If a trans...whatever did this to my daughter, he would for sure know that he was a he, b/c after I kicked him his he parts, I'm sure the little she feelings will be feeling it and crying aloud......

You fight by kicking someone in the balls? You sound more like a woman than the transgender person in this scenario. On a side note, it's funny how another poster advocates violence towards another. In Case you missed it tgr4lfe, the law aint on your side. That person has a legal right to be in that bathroom / changing room. If you feel so strongly about your daughter being in a room with a transgender person then perhaps it might be smarter to avoid the situation altogether.

Are you a man? Do you have the legal right to be in that bathroom/changing room? If you did go into that bathroom/changning room, do you think the females in that room would have a legitimate claim to call the police on you? If it is illegal to expose your "male parts" to a female, does it matter where you are when you do so? Is that fact that females as young as 6 years of age use this bathroom/changing room? If you had a daughter as young as 6 years of age, would you be ok with them using a bathroom/changing room with a man in his 40s-50s who is also undressing?

You say he sounds like a woman, I say you sound like someone who I would never let supervise my children. No play-dates at your house. No telling what my children may be exposed to under your supervision. Congratulations! You're the parent of the kid who no other parents allow their kids to hang out with...

I completely dismiss political correctness when it comes to the well-being of children. Your mindset is lazy and not well thought out.

Do you know how many time your children / teenagers have been in a restroom with a transgender person? When you go to the mall, someone dressed, living and looking just like a woman uses which bathroom exactly? Take a wild guess. And which would create more issues, someone that appears just like a woman walking into a mans restroom where your child is? Considering most transgender people are sexually attracted to the sex opposite of the one they identify, I think your little girls are just fine. You guys keep using the word "exposing" their parts. I use the words "utilize a changing room or rest room". I think there is a world of difference between what you are implying and what is really happening and most on this thread (yourself included) have a proclivity for the melodramatic. I would imagine your children are actually more mature than you in their mindsets when it comes to tolerance and acceptance. Grow up.

I stopped reading after the first sentence. People aren't normally undressing in restrooms...

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So since Pandora's Box has been opened, what is going to stop some random sicko guy from getting naked in a women's lockerroom, claiming this law, just to be with the ladies? You can't tell him to leave or you will be sued. These are the issues that people don't take into consideration when passing laws for the sake of political correctness. If that random sicko happens to rape a little girl, did the law do it's job, or did it fail that little girl?

I don't think just anyone can claim to be the opposite gender. They must be undergoing hormone replacement therapy.

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So since Pandora's Box has been opened, what is going to stop some random sicko guy from getting naked in a women's lockerroom, claiming this law, just to be with the ladies? You can't tell him to leave or you will be sued. These are the issues that people don't take into consideration when passing laws for the sake of political correctness. If that random sicko happens to rape a little girl, did the law do it's job, or did it fail that little girl?

I don't think just anyone can claim to be the opposite gender. They must be undergoing hormone replacement therapy.

I believe you're right. I also believe, however, that there should be more than just hormone therapy going on to allow said person into the opposite sex restrooms and locker rooms.

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So since Pandora's Box has been opened, what is going to stop some random sicko guy from getting naked in a women's lockerroom, claiming this law, just to be with the ladies? You can't tell him to leave or you will be sued. These are the issues that people don't take into consideration when passing laws for the sake of political correctness. If that random sicko happens to rape a little girl, did the law do it's job, or did it fail that little girl?

I don't think just anyone can claim to be the opposite gender. They must be undergoing hormone replacement therapy.

I believe you're right. I also believe, however, that there should be more than just hormone therapy going on to allow said person into the opposite sex restrooms and locker rooms.

My gosh, listen to yourselves! Nobody needs to change gender. Just live with what junk you have. Enabling these freaks and perverts is complete idiocy.

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So since Pandora's Box has been opened, what is going to stop some random sicko guy from getting naked in a women's lockerroom, claiming this law, just to be with the ladies? You can't tell him to leave or you will be sued. These are the issues that people don't take into consideration when passing laws for the sake of political correctness. If that random sicko happens to rape a little girl, did the law do it's job, or did it fail that little girl?

I don't think just anyone can claim to be the opposite gender. They must be undergoing hormone replacement therapy.

I believe you're right. I also believe, however, that there should be more than just hormone therapy going on to allow said person into the opposite sex restrooms and locker rooms.

My gosh, listen to yourselves! Nobody needs to change gender. Just live with what junk you have. Enabling these freaks and perverts is complete idiocy.

My, what a well-reasoned and educated perspective that was.

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So since Pandora's Box has been opened, what is going to stop some random sicko guy from getting naked in a women's lockerroom, claiming this law, just to be with the ladies? You can't tell him to leave or you will be sued. These are the issues that people don't take into consideration when passing laws for the sake of political correctness. If that random sicko happens to rape a little girl, did the law do it's job, or did it fail that little girl?

I don't think just anyone can claim to be the opposite gender. They must be undergoing hormone replacement therapy.

I believe you're right. I also believe, however, that there should be more than just hormone therapy going on to allow said person into the opposite sex restrooms and locker rooms.

My gosh, listen to yourselves! Nobody needs to change gender. Just live with what junk you have. Enabling these freaks and perverts is complete idiocy.

My, what a well-reasoned and educated perspective that was.

Thank you Homer.

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Freaks and perverts? Wow. If some of you had your way, we'd be living back in the 60s when whites and blacks had separate restrooms. All this person wants to do is fit in with society and belong.

No "wow"! :no::no no no:

"Well reasoned and educated" (relatively speaking). :ucrazy:;)

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Freaks and perverts? Wow. If some of you had your way, we'd be living back in the 60s when whites and blacks had separate restrooms. All this person wants to do is fit in with society and belong.

If you know this person so well, then why don't you share more about his/her feelings. Do you really think that being a transvestite is like being black?
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I used the word freak not pervert. I used the word because of what this person would appear to a kid that don't or shouldn't have to understand why it looks totally strange. Freak is, well, mild. I have no idea if the person in a pervert or not.

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Freaks and perverts? Wow. If some of you had your way, we'd be living back in the 60s when whites and blacks had separate restrooms. All this person wants to do is fit in with society and belong.

No. I don't want blacks and whites to have separate restrooms. But I DO want boys and girls to have them. Not sure how you chose to inject race into this thread. BTW I was there in the 60s and it wasn't bad.

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Freaks and perverts? Wow. If some of you had your way, we'd be living back in the 60s when whites and blacks had separate restrooms. All this person wants to do is fit in with society and belong.

No. I don't want blacks and whites to have separate restrooms. But I DO want boys and girls to have them. Not sure how you chose to inject race into this thread. BTW I was there in the 60s and it wasn't bad.

What wasn't bad?

Anyway, on the topic at hand. You all know how I feel about LGBT rights and all that. I do believe, however, in this instance that she should not be allowed to shower in the same room as young girls until she has her surgery. Restrooms/showers are about bits and pieces, not gender identification.

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Freaks and perverts? Wow. If some of you had your way, we'd be living back in the 60s when whites and blacks had separate restrooms. All this person wants to do is fit in with society and belong.

No. I don't want blacks and whites to have separate restrooms. But I DO want boys and girls to have them. Not sure how you chose to inject race into this thread. BTW I was there in the 60s and it wasn't bad.


Are we still talking about discrimination?

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