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Why not? Isn't that being uptight on sex and nudity?


Why not?

Are you suggesting laws against exposing yourself in public are an example of sexual repression ("up-tightness")?

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Why not? Isn't that being uptight on sex and nudity?


Why not?

Are you suggesting laws against exposing yourself in public are an example of sexual repression ("up-tightness")?

I'm not the one suggesting anything. You mentioned that we're too uptight about sex and nudity. I'm just trying to figure out where the lines are for you. Apparently men with penises that have boobs and dress as women flouncing around the women's locker room doesn't cross that line. What does?

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Why not? Isn't that being uptight on sex and nudity?


Why not?

Are you suggesting laws against exposing yourself in public are an example of sexual repression ("up-tightness")?

I'm not the one suggesting anything. You mentioned that we're too uptight about sex and nudity. I'm just trying to figure out where the lines are for you. Apparently men with penises that have boobs and dress as women flouncing around the women's locker room doesn't cross that line. What does?

First, your asking me why exposing yourself in public shouldn't be illegal implies you think it should. Why would you ask me if you agree?

Secondly, I didn't say we were "too" uptight, I said we were "so" uptight. Not a huge difference, but the former implies we have exceeded a minimum standard, while the latter is more of a general comparison to other cultures.

I was thinking of how other cultures, even advanced cultures, don't get so verklempt over nudity, at least in many situations like the beach, a family hot tub, a locker room and even TV.

And like I said, I seriously doubt this transgender person is "flouncing around". That is the sort of assumption an American might make in reaction to someone who seriously feels they are a woman and need to be in the women's locker room. If anything, I would suspect "she" is ashamed of her anatomy and takes extra care to be discrete in revealing it. You seem to assume she is trying to be some sort of in-your-face pervert (no pun intended), which (again) sort of reflects the American response to such a situation. Likewise with the idea that she would want to expose herself to a 6 year old. I think this misconception comes from the assumption that she is not genuine but simply a perverted man.

Does that clear things up?

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First, your asking me why exposing yourself in public shouldn't be illegal implies you think it should. Why would you ask me if you agree?

It's called a hypothetical. It doesn't imply that I agree. It's just a query to see how far you're willing to follow the logic of your statement.

Secondly, I didn't say we were "too" uptight, I said we were "so" uptight. Not a huge difference, but the former implies we have exceeded a minimum standard, while the latter is more of a general comparison to other cultures.

But it also implies that those other cultures are closer to a more reasonable baseline while we are "uptight". To illustrate the difference, I could rephrase your statement to say "other cultures are so libertine and immodest". Technically I'm just making a comparison but the implication is much different.

And like I said, I seriously doubt this transgender person is "flouncing around". That is the sort of assumption an American might make in reaction to someone who seriously feels they are a woman and need to be in the women's locker room. If anything, I would suspect "she" is ashamed of her anatomy and takes extra care to be discrete in revealing it. You seem to assume she is trying to be some sort of in-your-face pervert (no pun intended), which (again) sort of reflects the American response to such a situation. Likewise with the idea that she would want to expose herself to a 6 year old. I think this misconception comes from the assumption that she is not genuine but simply a perverted man.

At least one parent mentioned the guy was sitting in the sauna with his legs spread apart making his male genitalia clearly visible to anyone who went in there. That's not the actions of someone ashamed if their body. And the male in question expressed displeasure with the curtain solution. I'd think someone who's ashamed would welcome the separation from those who expressed discomfort with his presence.

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.....At least one parent mentioned the guy was sitting in the sauna with his legs spread apart making his male genitalia clearly visible to anyone who went in there....

Yeah, that's exactly the way lynch mobs get started, isn't it?

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.....At least one parent mentioned the guy was sitting in the sauna with his legs spread apart making his male genitalia clearly visible to anyone who went in there....

Yeah, that's exactly the way lynch mobs get started, isn't it?

Sure, if they were looking to murder him. But funny thing is, no one has laid a finger on him. They're just asking that actual women not be forced to change clothes in front of a man.

Now, care to actually address the claim rather than continue trying to push the envelope to see what you can get away with?

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Interesting in light of this thread:

I’m a guy again! ABC newsman who switched genders wants to switch back

'Amnesia’ awakening


Last Updated: 6:01 PM, August 6, 2013Posted: 12:49 AM, August 6, 2013

He thought he was a woman trapped in a man’s body — but it turns out he’s “just another boring straight guy.”

ABC News editor Don Ennis strolled into the newsroom in May wearing a little black dress and an auburn wig and announced he was transgender and splitting from his wife. He wanted to be called Dawn.

But now he says he suffered from a two-day bout of amnesia that has made him realize he wants to live his life again as Don.

“I accused my wife of playing some kind of cruel joke, dressing me up in a wig and bra and making fake ID’s with the name ‘Dawn’ on it. Seriously,” Ennis wrote in a memo he posted to the newsroom bulletin board Friday, explaining his shock after he woke up from what he called a “transient global amnesia” last month.

The memo was first obtained by the website NewsBlues.com

“It became obvious this was not the case once I took off the bra — and discovered two reasons I was wearing one,” he said, referring to his hormone-induced breasts.

“I thought it was 1999 . . . and I was sure as hell that I was a man,” Ennis said in the e-mail titled “Not Reportable, Very Confirmed.”

“Fortunately, my memories of the last 14 years have since returned. But what did not return was my identity as Dawn,” said Ennis, who had been wearing lipstick, skirts and heels.

“I am writing to let you know I’m changing my name . . . to Don Ennis. That will be my name again, now and forever. And it appears I’m not transgender after all.

“I have retained the much different mind-set I had in 1999: I am now totally, completely, unabashedly male in my mind, despite my physical attributes,” he said.

“I’m asking all of you who accepted me as a transgender to now understand: I was misdiagnosed.

“I am already using the men’s room and dressing accordingly,” he noted.

“It’s so odd to be experiencing this from the other side; as recently as last Friday, I felt I was indeed a woman, in my mind, body and soul.

“Even though I will not wear the wig or the makeup or the skirts again, I promise to remain a strong straight ally, a supporter of diversity and an advocate for equal rights and other LGBT issues including same-sex marriage.”

Ennis had previously told friends that he suspected his sex mix-up happened because his mother gave him female hormones as a child that made him look and sound young to prolong a bit-part acting career, but he ended up developing breasts and started thinking he was a woman.

He explained he had gone to the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Md., for testing last month to understand why his mind and body changed from male to female. He said he learned it was a hormone imbalance that could be fixed.

A week after he was discharged, his wife rushed him back to the hospital because he thought he was having a seizure and was experiencing a “drastic loss of memory.”

Don added that he now feels “fantastic” as a man again.

And he said he hopes that with the hormone treatment and surgery, things will only get better.

Despite his short stint as a woman he told colleagues in the letter that he promises to remain “a strong straight ally and a supporter of diversity and an advocate for equal rights and other LGBT issues including same sex marriage.”

He plans to change the gender and name on his driver’s license, work ID and e-mail.

He called his three-month odyssey into the world of women “a tremendous gift.”

“I know my wonderful colleagues will no doubt make it easier for the next person to transition at ABC,” he wrote.

The startling he-to-she-back-to-he move came after Ennis had publicly announced on Facebook in May that he was leaving his wife of 17 years, Wendy, to become a full-time woman.

The Connecticut resident has now assured friends and colleagues that his switch back to being a man isn’t a joke.

“The new change I’m revealing to you today did not arise because I couldn’t hack it, or people wouldn’t accept the new/real/female ‘me,’ or I had trouble finding shoes that fit (Oh, I found plenty, more than I could afford),” he wrote.

“Even my beloved, who had encouraged me to be true to myself at the expense of our marriage, had finally accepted my new identity.”

The editor had said female was “the gender that ruled my body and now my mind.”

But Ennis said in last week’s e-mail to colleagues that he was reversing course again, declaring: “No, I’m not f--king with you. No this is not a joke. No, this is not an episode of ‘Would You Fall For That?’ ”


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Interesting in light of this thread:

I’m a guy again! ABC newsman who switched genders wants to switch back

'Amnesia’ awakening


Last Updated: 6:01 PM, August 6, 2013Posted: 12:49 AM, August 6, 2013

He thought he was a woman trapped in a man’s body — but it turns out he’s “just another boring straight guy.”

ABC News editor Don Ennis strolled into the newsroom in May wearing a little black dress and an auburn wig and announced he was transgender and splitting from his wife. He wanted to be called Dawn.

But now he says he suffered from a two-day bout of amnesia that has made him realize he wants to live his life again as Don.

“I accused my wife of playing some kind of cruel joke, dressing me up in a wig and bra and making fake ID’s with the name ‘Dawn’ on it. Seriously,” Ennis wrote in a memo he posted to the newsroom bulletin board Friday, explaining his shock after he woke up from what he called a “transient global amnesia” last month.

The memo was first obtained by the website NewsBlues.com

“It became obvious this was not the case once I took off the bra — and discovered two reasons I was wearing one,” he said, referring to his hormone-induced breasts.

“I thought it was 1999 . . . and I was sure as hell that I was a man,” Ennis said in the e-mail titled “Not Reportable, Very Confirmed.”

“Fortunately, my memories of the last 14 years have since returned. But what did not return was my identity as Dawn,” said Ennis, who had been wearing lipstick, skirts and heels.

“I am writing to let you know I’m changing my name . . . to Don Ennis. That will be my name again, now and forever. And it appears I’m not transgender after all.

“I have retained the much different mind-set I had in 1999: I am now totally, completely, unabashedly male in my mind, despite my physical attributes,” he said.

“I’m asking all of you who accepted me as a transgender to now understand: I was misdiagnosed.

“I am already using the men’s room and dressing accordingly,” he noted.

“It’s so odd to be experiencing this from the other side; as recently as last Friday, I felt I was indeed a woman, in my mind, body and soul.

“Even though I will not wear the wig or the makeup or the skirts again, I promise to remain a strong straight ally, a supporter of diversity and an advocate for equal rights and other LGBT issues including same-sex marriage.”

Ennis had previously told friends that he suspected his sex mix-up happened because his mother gave him female hormones as a child that made him look and sound young to prolong a bit-part acting career, but he ended up developing breasts and started thinking he was a woman.

He explained he had gone to the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Md., for testing last month to understand why his mind and body changed from male to female. He said he learned it was a hormone imbalance that could be fixed.

A week after he was discharged, his wife rushed him back to the hospital because he thought he was having a seizure and was experiencing a “drastic loss of memory.”

Don added that he now feels “fantastic” as a man again.

And he said he hopes that with the hormone treatment and surgery, things will only get better.

Despite his short stint as a woman he told colleagues in the letter that he promises to remain “a strong straight ally and a supporter of diversity and an advocate for equal rights and other LGBT issues including same sex marriage.”

He plans to change the gender and name on his driver’s license, work ID and e-mail.

He called his three-month odyssey into the world of women “a tremendous gift.”

“I know my wonderful colleagues will no doubt make it easier for the next person to transition at ABC,” he wrote.

The startling he-to-she-back-to-he move came after Ennis had publicly announced on Facebook in May that he was leaving his wife of 17 years, Wendy, to become a full-time woman.

The Connecticut resident has now assured friends and colleagues that his switch back to being a man isn’t a joke.

“The new change I’m revealing to you today did not arise because I couldn’t hack it, or people wouldn’t accept the new/real/female ‘me,’ or I had trouble finding shoes that fit (Oh, I found plenty, more than I could afford),” he wrote.

“Even my beloved, who had encouraged me to be true to myself at the expense of our marriage, had finally accepted my new identity.”

The editor had said female was “the gender that ruled my body and now my mind.”

But Ennis said in last week’s e-mail to colleagues that he was reversing course again, declaring: “No, I’m not f--king with you. No this is not a joke. No, this is not an episode of ‘Would You Fall For That?’ ”


This is the reason it is very important to be carefully observed and accurately diagnosed by a mental health professional and an endocrinologist before jumping to any conclusions about your gender identity.

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.....At least one parent mentioned the guy was sitting in the sauna with his legs spread apart making his male genitalia clearly visible to anyone who went in there....

Yeah, that's exactly the way lynch mobs get started, isn't it?

Sure, if they were looking to murder him. But funny thing is, no one has laid a finger on him. They're just asking that actual women not be forced to change clothes in front of a man.

Now, care to actually address the claim rather than continue trying to push the envelope to see what you can get away with?

Well, a previous poster was willing to get a few like-minded MEN ( :-\ ) together and go in to get "her" and presumably throw her out (at least).

Care to speculate what law they would have been charged under had they done so?

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.....At least one parent mentioned the guy was sitting in the sauna with his legs spread apart making his male genitalia clearly visible to anyone who went in there....

Yeah, that's exactly the way lynch mobs get started, isn't it?

.....Now, care to actually address the claim rather than continue trying to push the envelope to see what you can get away with?

I have no idea where the edge of the "envelope" resides.

Feel free to stay on thread topic now. - TT

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He proposed that some men drag him out. The possible ways that could go bad we're among the reasons I thought it unwise.

But the part you responded to was where I was referencing the actual story...where parents merely asked that he not be able to take his man parts into the women's locker room. Crazy them.

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This is the reason it is very important to be carefully observed and accurately diagnosed by a mental health professional and an endocrinologist before jumping to any conclusions about your gender identity.

A local case involving "intersex" (hermaphrodite):


Columbia couple sues state over toddler’s sexual-reassignment surgery

COLUMBIA, SC — Mark and Pam Crawfords’ 8-year-old adopted child recently declared that he is a boy – asking for a haircut like his father’s and telling his pediatrician that he, indeed, is a boy.

It was a change the Columbia couple said they saw coming for their child, who was born with both male and female internal sex organs and “ambiguous genitalia.” However, when the child was 16 months old and in foster care, surgeons removed the child’s penis and testicular tissue in an effort to “assign” him to the female sex.

Now, seven years later, the Crawfords are suing the state Department of Social Services, physicians and state employees who were involved at that surgery, arguing it was medically unnecessary and denied their child – who they call only “M.C.” in lawsuits to protect his privacy – the constitutional right to make decisions about his own body.

“The state took something very special away from our son, and for no reason except for adults’ inability to deal with people who are born different,” said Pam Crawford, who adopted M.C. a few months after his surgery.

“We hope to put other doctors, hospitals and state agencies on notice that they cannot mutilate children without being held accountable for the damage they cause,” Mark Crawford said.

The Crawfords’ lawsuits, filed Tuesday in state and federal courts, are the first of their kind in the nation, said Ken Suggs, a Columbia-based attorney, who joined the Crawfords and other civil-rights advocacy groups to announce the suits.

The federal suit names as defendants three physicians and several named and unknown Social Services employees who, the lawsuit alleges, violated M.C.’s constitutional rights when they approved and carried out the surgery.

The other lawsuit is a state medical malpractice lawsuit against Social Services and the hospitals – the Greenville Hospital System and the Medical University of South Carolina – where the doctors providing M.C.’s care worked. The malpractice suit alleges the doctors repeatedly discussed in M.C.’s medical records that the child could be raised as either a boy or a girl, and “that there was no medical necessity to remove any of his genital tissue.”

One doctor named as a defendant wrote in a medical journal that performing surgery to feminize the child’s sex could be “catastrophic” if the child later identified as a boy.

But the doctors moved forward with the surgery, without consulting an ethics board, the lawsuit alleges.

A spokesperson with the state Department of Social Services said Tuesday that agency does not comment on pending litigation. MUSC and the Greenville Hospital System also issued statements saying the hospitals would not comment on the pending litigation.

The Crawfords are suing for damages to be determined by the courts.

M.C. was one of two premature twins born in Greenville on Nov. 20, 2004, each weighing less than 2 pounds. Weeks after their birth, the twins’ mother stopped visiting them in the hospital. She was nearly impossible to reach by phone, a Department of Social Services report noted. Their father wasn’t around, either.

The twin girl died.

M.C., who spent 21/2 months in the Greenville Hospital System, was born with intersex condition, which affects one of every 2,000 children. Pam Crawford said that condition presented doctors with a “social emergency, not a medical emergency,” that spurred them to “assign” M.C. with one sex despite the chance that he might reject it later.

Intersex condition describes about 60 specific conditions, reflecting a “range of sex” characteristics that people are born with, said Anne Tamar-Mattis, director of Advocates for Informed Choice, a legal advocacy group for children born with variations of sex anatomy.

In recent years, more members of the intersex community have been coming forward to advocate for children born with the condition, Tamar-Mattis said. In part, that is because sexual assignment surgeries carry risks, including the potential loss of fertility, sexual dysfunction, chronic pain and psychological trauma, she said.

Sean Saifa Wall, 34, of Atlanta, was born with intersex condition. At a news conference Tuesday in Columbia, Wall said he was “spared genital surgery,” but his mother was told he was a girl at birth and raised him as her daughter.

Wall said he grew up with a sense he was a boy, but experienced pushback from family when he tried to assert that identity, receiving hormone treatments and undergoing surgery at 14 to remove his testicles.

Wall later made the decision to live as a male and now advocates for others, speaking “for the many who cannot speak, living with the shame, isolation and secrecy that surrounds intersex condition,” he said.

Mark Crawford, M.C.’s father, said the Columbia couple has “anxieties about how we raise” M.C. and his future but is committed to providing him the love and support that he needs. The community, including M.C.’s classmates, have been accepting, he added.

“We want parents of a child born with an intersex condition to know that it is OK not to make a rushed decision and not to yield to the pressure from doctors to alter your child’s body,” he said. “Your child ... will be OK and will be the best person to make those decisions when they are old enough. It is their right.”

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.....At least one parent mentioned the guy was sitting in the sauna with his legs spread apart making his male genitalia clearly visible to anyone who went in there....

Yeah, that's exactly the way lynch mobs get started, isn't it?

Sure, if they were looking to murder him. But funny thing is, no one has laid a finger on him. They're just asking that actual women not be forced to change clothes in front of a man.

Now, care to actually address the claim rather than continue trying to push the envelope to see what you can get away with?

Well, weegle was (is?) willing to get a few like-minded MEN ( :-\/> ) together and go in to get "her" and presumably throw her out (at least).

Care to speculate what law they would have been charged under had they done so?

I have left this ridiculous thread, so don't bring me up. Classless on your part.
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.....At least one parent mentioned the guy was sitting in the sauna with his legs spread apart making his male genitalia clearly visible to anyone who went in there....

Yeah, that's exactly the way lynch mobs get started, isn't it?

Sure, if they were looking to murder him. But funny thing is, no one has laid a finger on him. They're just asking that actual women not be forced to change clothes in front of a man.

Now, care to actually address the claim rather than continue trying to push the envelope to see what you can get away with?

Well, a previous poster was (is?) willing to get a few like-minded MEN ( :-\/> ) together and go in to get "her" and presumably throw her out (at least).

Care to speculate what law they would have been charged under had they done so?

I have left this ridiculous thread, so don't bring me up. Classless on your part.

Sorry, I wasn't trying to bring you back into it. I should have said "a previous poster".

My apologies.

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.....At least one parent mentioned the guy was sitting in the sauna with his legs spread apart making his male genitalia clearly visible to anyone who went in there....

Yeah, that's exactly the way lynch mobs get started, isn't it?

Sure, if they were looking to murder him. But funny thing is, no one has laid a finger on him. They're just asking that actual women not be forced to change clothes in front of a man.

Now, care to actually address the claim rather than continue trying to push the envelope to see what you can get away with?

Well, a previous poster was (is?) willing to get a few like-minded MEN ( :-\/> ) together and go in to get "her" and presumably throw her out (at least).

Care to speculate what law they would have been charged under had they done so?

I have left this ridiculous thread, so don't bring me up. Classless on your part.

Sorry, I wasn't trying to bring you back into it. I should have said "a previous poster".

My apologies.

Apology accepted. Thanks.
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This is the reason it is very important to be carefully observed and accurately diagnosed by a mental health professional and an endocrinologist before jumping to any conclusions about your gender identity.

A local case involving "intersex" (hermaphrodite):

This is an interesting subject.

"transgender people are not real, they are just confused in the head."

Dispelling this myth is part of why the DSM is recategorizing gender identity disorder as a physical problem of the body similar to intersex. In intersex conditions, the intersex person simply had the hormonal "luck of the draw" to develop physical characteristics of both sexes, whereas the transgendered person did not, so their condition is not "visible" even though it is a physical condition of hormones and fetal development, as opposed to a psychological problem of "this person is messed up in the head."

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The college retorts that they're only following state law and have since put up privacy curtains for the women who may feel uncomfortable.....

The school has since set up a smaller, isolated section of the locker room for girls to change in, until the matter is resolved.

I also think the potential harm or trauma to innocent girls is being overstated. This is a college. It seems to me that the occasional presence of "6 year olds" (for example) could be managed.

Otherwise, I question the potential harm or "trauma" that exists for college age girls. Maybe this is just a reflection of how our country is so uptight about sex and nudity, but I don't think the sight of a penis is going to traumatize a girl who is mature enough to be on her own (i.e.: a woman). At least it shouldn't. Besides, I seriously doubt this transexual is going out of her way to exhibit her differences. Most women don't like to exhibit nudity in locker room situations. (At least that's what I've been told. ;) )

What do you consider to be the potential harm of having the transgender person use the locker room designed for his biologic gender?

Minimal if any.

But not sure what you mean by "biologic" gender. Probably you really mean "anatomical" gender, which obviously is not the only thing that determines one's sexuality. It's all biological.

You know exactly what I meant, but I agree with you that "biologic" was a poor word choice.

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If you allow a man to expose himself to your daughter, and you do nothing to protect her, you aren't much of a father.

If a trans...whatever did this to my daughter, he would for sure know that he was a he, b/c after I kicked him his he parts, I'm sure the little she feelings will be feeling it and crying aloud......

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If you allow a man to expose himself to your daughter, and you do nothing to protect her, you aren't much of a father.

If a trans...whatever did this to my daughter, he would for sure know that he was a he, b/c after I kicked him his he parts, I'm sure the little she feelings will be feeling it and crying aloud......

You fight by kicking someone in the balls? You sound more like a woman than the transgender person in this scenario. On a side note, it's funny how another poster advocates violence towards another. In Case you missed it tgr4lfe, the law aint on your side. That person has a legal right to be in that bathroom / changing room. If you feel so strongly about your daughter being in a room with a transgender person then perhaps it might be smarter to avoid the situation altogether.

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So, let's look at a hypothetical. (Can't believe I am back here). Say this facility accommodates this person and builds another women's changing room, and gives this person the other women's room to use by himself. Is it about not being with the men, or is it about desiring to change while being in the same room as the females?

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If you allow a man to expose himself to your daughter, and you do nothing to protect her, you aren't much of a father.

If a trans...whatever did this to my daughter, he would for sure know that he was a he, b/c after I kicked him his he parts, I'm sure the little she feelings will be feeling it and crying aloud......

You fight by kicking someone in the balls? You sound more like a woman than the transgender person in this scenario. On a side note, it's funny how another poster advocates violence towards another. In Case you missed it tgr4lfe, the law aint on your side. That person has a legal right to be in that bathroom / changing room. If you feel so strongly about your daughter being in a room with a transgender person then perhaps it might be smarter to avoid the situation altogether.

You make an interesting point, shabby. I would have thought that it was against the law for a man to expose his genitalia to females, including minors, even in a locker room. Would this be against the law in Alabama? Why would a discrimination law make it ok for a man to expose himself to women?

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If you allow a man to expose himself to your daughter, and you do nothing to protect her, you aren't much of a father.

If a trans...whatever did this to my daughter, he would for sure know that he was a he, b/c after I kicked him his he parts, I'm sure the little she feelings will be feeling it and crying aloud......

You fight by kicking someone in the balls? You sound more like a woman than the transgender person in this scenario. On a side note, it's funny how another poster advocates violence towards another. In Case you missed it tgr4lfe, the law aint on your side. That person has a legal right to be in that bathroom / changing room. If you feel so strongly about your daughter being in a room with a transgender person then perhaps it might be smarter to avoid the situation altogether.

You make an interesting point, shabby. I would have thought that it was against the law for a man to expose his genitalia to females, including minors, even in a locker room. Would this be against the law in Alabama? Why would a discrimination law make it ok for a man to expose himself to women?

Perhaps the law doesn't recognize her as man despite her genitalia. as for weegle's question it is a reasonable compromise I believe. I would Imagine having separate accommodations (though I imagine many in this thread would disagree) would be viewed by a transgender person much the same way an African American viewed the ability to utilize a 'black only' water fountain.

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