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I'm sorry if this seems uncompassionate toward people


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I'm still curious as to why they do not let people like him into female jails/prisons but think it's ok to allow him into girls locker rooms.

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Apparently they decide which prison to put them in based on their birth sex if they have yet to have genital surgery. Once they have had genital surgery, they are housed according to their reassigned sex.

Sounds like the way this should be handled as well.

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Let's be clear. What's being advocated here by Weegle is the lynching of a transgendered man that is operating within the confines of the law. If you have a problem with your child being in that locker room, don't have your child in that locker room. Parents can make their own decision and not everyone views the world through your myopic vision.

Doesn't matter who's vision it is or how bad, I don't want to see some trannie's junk in the girls locker room. People like you making idiotic statements are the problem. The pervert is using you to promote his perverted views and impose them on us.

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Just to stick to the topic, my only point was that transexualism IS a medical disorder. This is FACT. This was in response to shabby's comment that it was not. Whatever ICD version is currently being used by medical facilities is irrelevant to this discussion. "Cough" is also a medical disorder.

I am not disputing that assertion. I am simply stating an additional fact that I consider relevant. There is a fair chance in the near future that it will no longer be considered a medical disorder. Shabby is incorrect for the time being.

I am not making any value judgment on either disorder except to say that it is my opinion that schools should not allow men to use female locker rooms while females are present.

I agree.

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LOL I always thought weegle was an angry 70-something year old man. =) hehe turns out I'm a day older!


sometimes an angry 70 year old, sometimes a vicious 16 year old. He probably adjusts his dosages too much.

And you obviously can't answer either sir/maam.

sorry I forgot the question. I am a 40 year old man with a hot 37year old wife. two kids, boy(Alex) is 8 girl (Ava) is 4. I would do anything to protect them if the situation called for it. I am however able to reason with the situation at hand. Starting a physical confrontation with a transgendered freak in a women's locker room is not the action of a 40 year old responsible father. Not sure what type of danger the kid could be in in this situation. By the time you are aware of the exposure your child is likely out of the line of sight. If you go in there Rambo style you are now putting yourself in legal peril criminally and civilly. As mentioned earlier your child will be even more distraught when this dude with tits kicks your ass. I don't understand the need to call a man a pansy or coward because he can think through a situation. I guess I would understand it if I was not able the think through a situation.

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Let me say this again for you people that obviously can't read. The situation may not call for violence. It may just call for going in and getting your child out. And with how passive and uninterested people are these days about not wanting to get involved, if your child was getting assaulted, your "thinking" through passivity instead of reacting with a fatherly protective instinct, if you have one at all, may mean the difference in your child's survival.

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And another thing, how would it make you feel if the fact that your fear of breaking the law and being charged with a crime, caused the death of your child because of your "thinking through" and putting self preservation over the importance of the welfare and safety of your child? That is something I would hate to live with.

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Let me say this again for you people that obviously can't read. The situation may not call for violence. It may just call for going in and getting your child out. And with how passive and uninterested people are these days about not wanting to get involved, if your child was getting assaulted, your "thinking" through passivity instead of reacting with a fatherly protective instinct, if you have one at all, may mean the difference in your child's survival.

How presumptuous of you to question his willingness to protect his children, Weegs. Stop using such hyperbole. Nobody's life is at stake.

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Let me say this again for you people that obviously can't read. The situation may not call for violence. It may just call for going in and getting your child out. And with how passive and uninterested people are these days about not wanting to get involved, if your child was getting assaulted, your "thinking" through passivity instead of reacting with a fatherly protective instinct, if you have one at all, may mean the difference in your child's survival.

How presumptuous of you to question his willingness to protect his children, Weegs. Stop using such hyperbole. Nobody's life is at stake.

It's not presumptuous. Read his posts.
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That is weegs. Make a ridiculous, immature asinine statement trying to be bold. Get called out by the sane, reasonable crowd then we are cowards and illiterate. It is fun playing though.

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That is weegs. Make a ridiculous, immature asinine statement trying to be bold. Get called out by the sane, reasonable crowd then we are cowards and illiterate. It is fun playing though.

I wish that I could actually look in your eyes and discuss this with you. That would give me an honest assessment of the type of man you are. And calling me immature while posting an immature name-calling post is the height of hypocrisy.
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It's not presumptuous. Read his posts.

I have read his posts. You are off base.

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The only name calling i did was toward the freak, he, it and i was being reasonably generous. This whole think is about the exposure of male genitalia on a person who is in a female bathroom and identifies as female. And in comes superdad with who is willing to enter a girls locker and physically remove the freak who has so far been guilty of being seen with the wrong parts. Then you make it a situation of causing a child s death? How did you get there? Not sure what my eyes could tell you about my manlyhood either.

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Let me say this again for you people that obviously can't read. The situation may not call for violence. It may just call for going in and getting your child out. And with how passive and uninterested people are these days about not wanting to get involved, if your child was getting assaulted, your "thinking" through passivity instead of reacting with a fatherly protective instinct, if you have one at all, may mean the difference in your child's survival.

Actually we read just fine and you did not just call for going in to get your child out:

Here is my question, where are the fathers? And why are these fathers not dragging this "man", because if you have a penis, you are a man, out of this bathroom? Some of you people here have the most warped sense of reality and it is scary. Be a freaking man and protect your families

And when I asked if you were really proposing to physically drag someone out of a locker room you said:

If my child said that a man was in there exposing himself, you are dang right I would! Are you kidding me? Grow a pair and protect your family, because no one else will. Good grief.

It was actually me that said that I would make sure to get my child out of that locker room but I wouldn't necessarily try to drag this guy out of there because the end result would be nothing would happen to him and I'd be the one who'd be thrown in jail for assault, possibly be sued and put my family through hell just to show I'm a tough guy.

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The only name calling i did was toward the freak, he, it and i was being reasonably generous. This whole think is about the exposure of male genitalia on a person who is in a female bathroom and identifies as female. And in comes superdad with who is willing to enter a girls locker and physically remove the freak who has so far been guilty of being seen with the wrong parts. Then you make it a situation of causing a child s death? How did you get there? Not sure what my eyes could tell you about my manlyhood either.

Try learning how to read. It isn't that hard.
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Let me say this again for you people that obviously can't read. The situation may not call for violence. It may just call for going in and getting your child out. And with how passive and uninterested people are these days about not wanting to get involved, if your child was getting assaulted, your "thinking" through passivity instead of reacting with a fatherly protective instinct, if you have one at all, may mean the difference in your child's survival.

Actually we read just fine and you did not just call for going in to get your child out:

Here is my question, where are the fathers? And why are these fathers not dragging this "man", because if you have a penis, you are a man, out of this bathroom? Some of you people here have the most warped sense of reality and it is scary. Be a freaking man and protect your families

And when I asked if you were really proposing to physically drag someone out of a locker room you said:

If my child said that a man was in there exposing himself, you are dang right I would! Are you kidding me? Grow a pair and protect your family, because no one else will. Good grief.

It was actually me that said that I would make sure to get my child out of that locker room but I wouldn't necessarily try to drag this guy out of there because the end result would be nothing would happen to him and I'd be the one who'd be thrown in jail for assault, possibly be sued and put my family through hell just to show I'm a tough guy.

And in later posts, after I calmed down, what did I post?
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Let me say this again for you people that obviously can't read. The situation may not call for violence. It may just call for going in and getting your child out. And with how passive and uninterested people are these days about not wanting to get involved, if your child was getting assaulted, your "thinking" through passivity instead of reacting with a fatherly protective instinct, if you have one at all, may mean the difference in your child's survival.

Actually we read just fine and you did not just call for going in to get your child out:

Here is my question, where are the fathers? And why are these fathers not dragging this "man", because if you have a penis, you are a man, out of this bathroom? Some of you people here have the most warped sense of reality and it is scary. Be a freaking man and protect your families

And when I asked if you were really proposing to physically drag someone out of a locker room you said:

If my child said that a man was in there exposing himself, you are dang right I would! Are you kidding me? Grow a pair and protect your family, because no one else will. Good grief.

It was actually me that said that I would make sure to get my child out of that locker room but I wouldn't necessarily try to drag this guy out of there because the end result would be nothing would happen to him and I'd be the one who'd be thrown in jail for assault, possibly be sued and put my family through hell just to show I'm a tough guy.

And in later posts, after I calmed down, what did I post?

That the folks who would handle this situation properly do not care for the well being of their children.

BTW, alexava, I have an Ava as well. :-)

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And in later posts, after I calmed down, what did I post?

You never backed off your claim that you'd drag the guy out. The closest you came was in these posts:

No, it's called cowardice and being a passive protector of your family. And dragging the guy out may not be the best thing, but getting your child out IS THE BEST THING BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

Sorry guys/ladies, I lost control a little and called some people names. Not good behavior, but I am very protective of my kids, and will stop at nothing to make sure that they are safe.

Maybe in your mind you were changing to simply removing your child, but that is not what you said. At best that could be interpreted as making getting the child out your first priority, but dragging the guy out is still on the table until you say otherwise.

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With naked girls and ladies running and screaming and causing probably more trauma than the naked man standing there with his rhino horn was.

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Because those who can think, they are passive and uninterested without fatherly instinct. That was also interesting.

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With naked girls and ladies running and screaming and causing probably more trauma than the naked man standing there with his rhino horn was.

But the other part of this is, women and girls also have the right not to have to change clothes in front of a man. They shouldn't have to go home sweaty or soaking wet from the pool because the woman with man junk wants to change in their locker room.

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Don't apologize Weegs. If the police won't drag this pervert out of the girls locker room, and the ptb allow it to happen, then someone must take action. Anyone who would allow his or her child in the shower with this wacko should have their parenting license revoked.

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Don't apologize Weegs. If the police won't drag this pervert out of the girls locker room, and the ptb allow it to happen, then someone must take action. Anyone who would allow his or her child in the shower with this wacko should have their parenting license revoked.

Like I said, you get to notch some machismo points while getting no one in trouble but yourself. He/she will be back in the locker room and possibly protected by an armed guard and you will go to jail, get a felony on your record and possibly be sued. You will have won a minor skirmish and lost the war.

You can remove your child from the locker room and facility and thereby satisfy not allowing your child to shower with the wacko without being stupid.

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