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I'm sorry if this seems uncompassionate toward people


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Let's be clear. What's being advocated here by Weegle is the lynching of a transgendered man that is operating within the confines of the law. If you have a problem with your child being in that locker room, don't have your child in that locker room. Parents can make their own decision and not everyone views the world through your myopic vision.

First of all, even though I disagree that Weegle's idea is the best approach, he never suggested a "lynching" or anything close to it. That's dishonest of you.

What's sad though is that one person with a warped view of reality can alter the entire functioning of a place of business like this all to accommodate their feelings about themselves. This shouldn't be happening in the first place.

And what's worse, even if the business added a third locker room that was unisex for anyone to use that didn't care about traditional mores regarding privacy, modesty and nudity...there'd still be a lawsuit and some asshat judge would deem it discriminatory for the "woman" with a penis not to be allowed into the women's-only locker room.

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No, it's called cowardice and being a passive protector of your family. And dragging the guy out may not be the best thing, but getting your child out IS THE BEST THING BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

You're welcome to be a knucklehead and put yourself in the poor house after an assault and battery charge and a hate crime, while handing them great sympathetic PR, if you want to. I can get my child out of the locker room without resorting to dragging the guy out.

Like I say, if enough families are bothered by it and withdraw their support and money, alternate arrangements will be made.

And you are welcome to be a pansy, passive father if you want to be. I choose to protect my family.
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No, it's called cowardice and being a passive protector of your family. And dragging the guy out may not be the best thing, but getting your child out IS THE BEST THING BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

You're welcome to be a knucklehead and put yourself in the poor house after an assault and battery charge and a hate crime, while handing them great sympathetic PR, if you want to. I can get my child out of the locker room without resorting to dragging the guy out.

Like I say, if enough families are bothered by it and withdraw their support and money, alternate arrangements will be made.

And you are welcome to be a pansy, passive father if you want to be. I choose to protect my family.

There are ways to protect your family without playing right into their hands like an imbecile. You're being baited and you're acting like too much of a clod to even realize it.

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Really- what do you call advocating the "dragging of a man out of the locker room by a posse of like minded vigilantes? That is the very heart of the of the term Lynching.

lynching - defined in the statute as any act of unlawful violence by two or more people against another, regardless of race.

seems like a solid match to me.

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Really- what do you call advocating the "dragging of a man out of the locker room by a posse of like minded vigilantes? That is the very heart of the of the term Lynching.

lynching - defined in the statute as any act of unlawful violence by two or more people against another, regardless of race.

seems like a solid match to me.

Again, DO YOU HAVE CHILDREN? And try to learn to read, it might help you a little. Sheeeesh.
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Really- what do you call advocating the "dragging of a man out of the locker room by a posse of like minded vigilantes? That is the very heart of the of the term Lynching.

lynching - defined in the statute as any act of unlawful violence by two or more people against another, regardless of race.

seems like a solid match to me.

Don't play coy. You know what the word lynching means and how 99.99% of the population understands the term:

Lynching is an extrajudicial execution carried out by a mob, often by hanging, but also by burning at the stake or shooting, in order to punish an alleged transgressor, or to intimidate, control, or otherwise manipulate a population of people.


To punish (a person) without legal process or authority, especially by hanging, for a perceived offense or as an act of bigotry.


to put to death, especially by hanging, by mob action and without legal authority.


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there's no playing coy to it. Killing is a result of a lot of mob violence but it is not the heart of the of the definition of lynching. Someone that advocates violence towards another because of their gender identity should be called out for exactly what they are-

I've stated over and over that in this thread that I understand we can disagree as to the best placement for someone and that we may take different points of view as to what ones rights entitles one too. I am not however okay with people referring to transgendered people with such derogatory terms as "freaks" and advocating violence without calling that out.

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there's no playing coy to it. Killing is a result of a lot of mob violence but it is not the heart of the of the definition of lynching. Someone that advocates violence towards another because of their gender identity should be called out for exactly what they are-

I've stated over and over that in this thread that I understand we can disagree as to the best placement for someone and that we may take different points of view as to what ones rights entitles one too. I am not however okay with people referring to transgendered people with such derogatory terms as "freaks" and advocating violence without calling that out.

Yes it is and you know it. In fact, the few states that once used such a broad term to define lynching in the wake of the Jim Crow era have moved to change the law to either specifically reflect the known definition of the word (extrajudicial execution) or they have changed the name of the crime from "lynching" to "assault and battery" or something similar.


You can call out violence, but don't use misleading and inflammatory terms and don't try to act like you didn't know what lynching means historically or what virtually everyone understands the term to mean. He advocated dragging the guy out of the women's locker room. I think that will be counterproductive and could lead to something worse happening too. But the term "lynching", especially in this country, has a much different meaning than mere mob violence.

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Shabby doesn't like answering questions apparently. Figures.

You're question is irrelevant but I am a parent to thousands of children because I am a teacher. I may actually teach your child. Hope that thought terrifies you. and by the way, there are many parents in that district that were okay with that decision. It does not make you a better nor worse parent than them. Hell, I imagine someone that comes off as intolerant in their ideas as you is actually a pretty terrible parent in the long run.

@Titan- I believe there was some (if not a lot) of merit to the terminology I utilized but respect your right to disagree.

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@Titan- I believe there was some (if not a lot) of merit to the terminology I utilized but respect your right to disagree.

I think you knew exactly what you were pulling and I'm frankly disappointed that you won't simply admit it and modify the statement to better reflect what you claim you meant.

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LOL I always thought weegle was an angry 70-something year old man. =) hehe turns out I'm a day older!


sometimes an angry 70 year old, sometimes a vicious 16 year old. He probably adjusts his dosages too much.

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Sorry, but it is still a medical disorder.

From Wikipedia:Gender identity disorder is classified as a medical disorder by the ICD-10 CM[5] and was also in the DSM-IV TR.[6] The current DSM-5, however, removed the diagnosis and replaced it with an updated diagnosis called gender dysphoria.[7] Controversy exists as to whether GID should be classified as a mental disorder.[7] Many transgender people and researchers support the declassification of GID as a mental disorder for several reasons. The classification of GID as a mental disorder pathologizes gender variance, and reinforces the binary model of gender.[8] Diagnosis of a mental disorder can also result in harmful stigmatization of transgender individuals.[7] In addition, there is growing evidence that transsexualism has biological causes, such as brain differences, genetic abnormality, and prenatal exposure to hormones, in addition to psychological and behavioral causes.[9]

Not disagreeing with you, but the ICD-10 is current as of 1992. Changes may be forthcoming in the ICD-11 scheduled for 2015.


I am disagreeing with you. ICD-10 might be in existence, but it is not being implemented yet. ICD-11...whatever. ICD-9 is the CURRENT classification system being used. ICD-10 codes will be required (in October, I think). Transexualism is classified as a medical disorder in ICD-10.

Clarify where you disagree with me. I haven't asserted a position one way or the other. Besides, your cut and paste of Wikipedia lead me to believe you were citing ICD-10 as your example. Even then, which version being used for clinical diagnoses would be considered dated relative to the upcoming revision. We will be using ICD-11 when a clinical modification is codified and formally adopted. Not a matter of if but when, even if it'a a decade or two.

Just to stick to the topic, my only point was that transexualism IS a medical disorder. This is FACT. This was in response to shabby's comment that it was not. Whatever ICD version is currently being used by medical facilities is irrelevant to this discussion. "Cough" is also a medical disorder. I am not making any value judgment on either disorder except to say that it is my opinion that schools should not allow men to use female locker rooms while females are present.

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You're question is irrelevant but I am a parent to thousands of children because I am a teacher. I may actually teach your child. Hope that thought terrifies you. and by the way, there are many parents in that district that were okay with that decision. It does not make you a better nor worse parent than them. Hell, I imagine someone that comes off as intolerant in their ideas as you is actually a pretty terrible parent in the long run.

The problem is, in their pursuit of normalizing the behavior and being so politically correct they essentially force their views on everyone else. Regular folks who simply wish to use facilities and have a reasonable amount of discretion and modesty are forced to either bend to the will of the "progressive" and allow the dude to change with the women or leave.

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@Titan- I believe there was some (if not a lot) of merit to the terminology I utilized but respect your right to disagree.

I think you knew exactly what you were pulling and I'm frankly disappointed that you won't simply admit it and modify the statement to better reflect what you claim you meant.

sorry no. I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. I stand by my statement. A lynching is exactly what Weegle advocated. Whether stated in a fit of anger or whether truly meant.

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@Titan- I believe there was some (if not a lot) of merit to the terminology I utilized but respect your right to disagree.

I think you knew exactly what you were pulling and I'm frankly disappointed that you won't simply admit it and modify the statement to better reflect what you claim you meant.

sorry no. I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. I stand by my statement. A lynching is exactly what Weegle advocated. Whether stated in a fit of anger or whether truly meant.

I'm always disappointed when people are dishonest.

What Weegle advocated would be termed assault and/or battery in virtually every legal jurisdiction in the country. You knew this and deliberately chose a misleading and charged term for dramatic effect.

I expect better. In the future, whether its you or someone else, if I see such a blatant misuse of a term to mischaracterize what someone else says, it will be edited or deleted and a request for a more accurate term sent.

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You're question is irrelevant but I am a parent to thousands of children because I am a teacher. I may actually teach your child. Hope that thought terrifies you. and by the way, there are many parents in that district that were okay with that decision. It does not make you a better nor worse parent than them. Hell, I imagine someone that comes off as intolerant in their ideas as you is actually a pretty terrible parent in the long run.

The problem is, in their pursuit of normalizing the behavior and being so politically correct they essentially force their views on everyone else. Regular folks who simply wish to use facilities and have a reasonable amount of discretion and modesty are forced to either bend to the will of the "progressive" and allow the dude to change with the women or leave.

why do they have to "normalize" their behavior? It is perfectly normal. And why are you "regular folk"? Does that make them irregular? Listen I agree and stated prior that I think separate bathrooms should be utilized until a time comes where it is not such a big deal to people. Your terminology in reference to others that live differently is rather telling as to a bias you have on this issue.

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@Titan- I believe there was some (if not a lot) of merit to the terminology I utilized but respect your right to disagree.

I think you knew exactly what you were pulling and I'm frankly disappointed that you won't simply admit it and modify the statement to better reflect what you claim you meant.

sorry no. I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. I stand by my statement. A lynching is exactly what Weegle advocated. Whether stated in a fit of anger or whether truly meant.

I'm always disappointed when people are dishonest.

What Weegle advocated would be termed assault and/or battery in virtually every legal jurisdiction in the country. You knew this and deliberately chose a misleading and charged term for dramatic effect.

I expect better. In the future, whether its you or someone else, if I see such a blatant misuse of a term to mischaracterize what someone else says, it will be edited or deleted and a request for a more accurate term sent.

you already acknowledged such actions would be considered a hate crime. Violence in pursuit of a hate crime fits my terminology perfectly. You're a moderator, edit as you please. I stand by the terminology.

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You're question is irrelevant but I am a parent to thousands of children because I am a teacher. I may actually teach your child. Hope that thought terrifies you. and by the way, there are many parents in that district that were okay with that decision. It does not make you a better nor worse parent than them. Hell, I imagine someone that comes off as intolerant in their ideas as you is actually a pretty terrible parent in the long run.

The problem is, in their pursuit of normalizing the behavior and being so politically correct they essentially force their views on everyone else. Regular folks who simply wish to use facilities and have a reasonable amount of discretion and modesty are forced to either bend to the will of the "progressive" and allow the dude to change with the women or leave.

why do they have to "normalize" their behavior? It is perfectly normal. And why are you "regular folk"? Does that make them irregular? Listen I agree and stated prior that I think separate bathrooms should be utilized until a time comes where it is not such a big deal to people. Your terminology in reference to others that live differently is rather telling as to a bias you have on this issue.

Because "normal" people don't think it's ok for strange grown men with penises to be able to change in the girls locker room in front of six year olds. Crazy huh? Normal has a definition. It's not a difficult concept.

But as I said, the end result will be a lot of hue and cry about how making the transsexual use a separate unisex locker room is akin to "coloreds only" water fountains and other such inflammatory bull****.

And what if the idea of men and women sharing bathrooms and locker rooms never becoming "not a big deal to people?"

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you already acknowledged such actions would be considered a hate crime.

Not exactly. I said that it could result in such a charge because there are people who are itching to hammer anyone that doesn't get in line with the latest goodthink on the subject. You'd be playing into their hands. I don't actually think it's a hate crime to forcibly remove a man from the women's locker room.

Violence in pursuit of a hate crime fits my terminology perfectly. You're a moderator, edit as you please. I stand by the terminology.

Well stand by it all you want elsewhere. It will be removed here. And if you persist in it, further actions may come into play.

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Shabby doesn't like answering questions apparently. Figures.

You're question is irrelevant but I am a parent to thousands of children because I am a teacher. I may actually teach your child. Hope that thought terrifies you. and by the way, there are many parents in that district that were okay with that decision. It does not make you a better nor worse parent than them. Hell, I imagine someone that comes off as intolerant in their ideas as you is actually a pretty terrible parent in the long run.

@Titan- I believe there was some (if not a lot) of merit to the terminology I utilized but respect your right to disagree.

So the answer is no, you don't have children. You have NO IDEA what it means to have a parental protective instinct, so yes sir/maam, it is very relevant.
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LOL I always thought weegle was an angry 70-something year old man. =) hehe turns out I'm a day older!


sometimes an angry 70 year old, sometimes a vicious 16 year old. He probably adjusts his dosages too much.

And you obviously can't answer either sir/maam.
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Sorry guys/ladies, I lost control a little and called some people names. Not good behavior, but I am very protective of my kids, and will stop at nothing to make sure that they are safe.

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