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I'm sorry if this seems uncompassionate toward people


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Put it in all the books you want, it is still weird and unnatural. You can't normalize abnormal.

Then how do you explain millions of Bama fans walking freely through the streets?

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Sorry, but it is still a medical disorder.

From Wikipedia:Gender identity disorder is classified as a medical disorder by the ICD-10 CM[5] and was also in the DSM-IV TR.[6] The current DSM-5, however, removed the diagnosis and replaced it with an updated diagnosis called gender dysphoria.[7] Controversy exists as to whether GID should be classified as a mental disorder.[7] Many transgender people and researchers support the declassification of GID as a mental disorder for several reasons. The classification of GID as a mental disorder pathologizes gender variance, and reinforces the binary model of gender.[8] Diagnosis of a mental disorder can also result in harmful stigmatization of transgender individuals.[7] In addition, there is growing evidence that transsexualism has biological causes, such as brain differences, genetic abnormality, and prenatal exposure to hormones, in addition to psychological and behavioral causes.[9]

Not disagreeing with you, but the ICD-10 is current as of 1992. Changes may be forthcoming in the ICD-11 scheduled for 2015.


I am disagreeing with you. ICD-10 might be in existence, but it is not being implemented yet. ICD-11...whatever. ICD-9 is the CURRENT classification system being used. ICD-10 codes will be required (in October, I think). Transexualism is classified as a medical disorder in ICD-10.

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Sorry, but it is still a medical disorder.

From Wikipedia:Gender identity disorder is classified as a medical disorder by the ICD-10 CM[5] and was also in the DSM-IV TR.[6] The current DSM-5, however, removed the diagnosis and replaced it with an updated diagnosis called gender dysphoria.[7] Controversy exists as to whether GID should be classified as a mental disorder.[7] Many transgender people and researchers support the declassification of GID as a mental disorder for several reasons. The classification of GID as a mental disorder pathologizes gender variance, and reinforces the binary model of gender.[8] Diagnosis of a mental disorder can also result in harmful stigmatization of transgender individuals.[7] In addition, there is growing evidence that transsexualism has biological causes, such as brain differences, genetic abnormality, and prenatal exposure to hormones, in addition to psychological and behavioral causes.[9]

Not disagreeing with you, but the ICD-10 is current as of 1992. Changes may be forthcoming in the ICD-11 scheduled for 2015.


I am disagreeing with you. ICD-10 might be in existence, but it is not being implemented yet. ICD-11...whatever. ICD-9 is the CURRENT classification system being used. ICD-10 codes will be required (in October, I think). Transexualism is classified as a medical disorder in ICD-10.

Clarify where you disagree with me. I haven't asserted a position one way or the other. Besides, your cut and paste of Wikipedia lead me to believe you were citing ICD-10 as your example. Even then, which version being used for clinical diagnoses would be considered dated relative to the upcoming revision. We will be using ICD-11 when a clinical modification is codified and formally adopted. Not a matter of if but when, even if it'a a decade or two.

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Put it in all the books you want, it is still weird and unnatural. You can't normalize abnormal.

this person could help to normalize himself (or itself) by understanding he is not normal and be more discreet in a restroom or locker room. instead of freaking people out and scaring the hell out of children. understanding that would go a long way to being normal.

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Here is my question, where are the fathers? And why are these fathers not dragging this "man", because if you have a penis, you are a man, out of this bathroom? Some of you people here have the most warped sense of reality and it is scary. Be a freaking man and protect your families!

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Here is my question, where are the fathers? And why are these fathers not dragging this "man", because if you have a penis, you are a man, out of this bathroom? Some of you people here have the most warped sense of reality and it is scary. Be a freaking man and protect your families!

You're proposing now that other men march into the women's locker room to drag this guy out? I'm not thinking that's a great idea either.

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Here is my question, where are the fathers? And why are these fathers not dragging this "man", because if you have a penis, you are a man, out of this bathroom? Some of you people here have the most warped sense of reality and it is scary. Be a freaking man and protect your families!

You're proposing now that other men march into the women's locker room to drag this guy out? I'm not thinking that's a great idea either.

If my child said that a man was in there exposing himself, you are dang right I would! Are you kidding me? Grow a pair and protect your family, because no one else will. Good grief.
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I'm just saying, if a band of guys decide on their own to march into the women's locker room there's going to be trouble unless he's touching someone or assaulting them. Unfortunately they don't have the law on their side because we've become a society that refuses to say virtually anything is actually wrong, except the notion that there is such a thing as objective right and wrong.

The more effective tactic would probably be for all the families that feel it's inappropriate to allow this to continue to refuse to utilize the facility any longer until a separate room can be made available for folks like that and those who don't care about changing with members of the opposite sex. If this was a private facility, cancel memberships. The wallet is what they listen to.

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Here is my question, where are the fathers? And why are these fathers not dragging this "man", because if you have a penis, you are a man, out of this bathroom? Some of you people here have the most warped sense of reality and it is scary. Be a freaking man and protect your families!

I can see the news headline. "Message board poster talks tough. Gets his ass kicked by transgendered man in locker room."

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Here is my question, where are the fathers? And why are these fathers not dragging this "man", because if you have a penis, you are a man, out of this bathroom? Some of you people here have the most warped sense of reality and it is scary. Be a freaking man and protect your families!

I can see the news headline. "Message board poster talks tough. Gets his ass kicked by transgendered man in locker room."

Yeah ok. At least the man had the balls to fight for his family, which is much more than can be said for most of you pseudo-men.
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If you allow a man to expose himself to your daughter, and you do nothing to protect her, you aren't much of a father.

There are still other women in that locker room changing. I'm not barging into the women's locker room on a vigilante mission. I'll make sure to get my children out of there one way or the other and deal with the he-she another time and place that won't result in them walking away as the victim while I face legal charges.

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If you allow a man to expose himself to your daughter, and you do nothing to protect her, you aren't much of a father.

There are still other women in that locker room changing. I'm not barging into the women's locker room on a vigilante mission. I'll make sure to get my children out of there one way or the other and deal with the he-she another time and place that won't result in them walking away as the victim while I face legal charges.

So you would put those other women and the person exposing himself and law above the safety of your innocent little girl? Seriously?
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If you allow a man to expose himself to your daughter, and you do nothing to protect her, you aren't much of a father.

There are still other women in that locker room changing. I'm not barging into the women's locker room on a vigilante mission. I'll make sure to get my children out of there one way or the other and deal with the he-she another time and place that won't result in them walking away as the victim while I face legal charges.

the only adult way to handle it.

If you allow a man to expose himself to your daughter, and you do nothing to protect her, you aren't much of a father.

There are still other women in that locker room changing. I'm not barging into the women's locker room on a vigilante mission. I'll make sure to get my children out of there one way or the other and deal with the he-she another time and place that won't result in them walking away as the victim while I face legal charges.

So you would put those other women and the person exposing himself and law above the safety of your innocent little girl? Seriously?

how old are you?

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If you allow a man to expose himself to your daughter, and you do nothing to protect her, you aren't much of a father.

There are still other women in that locker room changing. I'm not barging into the women's locker room on a vigilante mission. I'll make sure to get my children out of there one way or the other and deal with the he-she another time and place that won't result in them walking away as the victim while I face legal charges.

So you would put those other women and the person exposing himself and law above the safety of your innocent little girl? Seriously?

I would make sure to get my girl out of there. Grown women are capable of leaving if it's an issue for them. But unless he's touching or assaulting someone, I'm not going to do something stupid and play right into his hands. There are people out there just itching for someone to administer a little "redneck justice" to a 'queer' and then use every legal and media avenue at their disposal to make their life and the life of their family a living hell. It's called winning a battle but losing the war.

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If you allow a man to expose himself to your daughter, and you do nothing to protect her, you aren't much of a father.

There are still other women in that locker room changing. I'm not barging into the women's locker room on a vigilante mission. I'll make sure to get my children out of there one way or the other and deal with the he-she another time and place that won't result in them walking away as the victim while I face legal charges.

the only adult way to handle it.

If you allow a man to expose himself to your daughter, and you do nothing to protect her, you aren't much of a father.

There are still other women in that locker room changing. I'm not barging into the women's locker room on a vigilante mission. I'll make sure to get my children out of there one way or the other and deal with the he-she another time and place that won't result in them walking away as the victim while I face legal charges.

So you would put those other women and the person exposing himself and law above the safety of your innocent little girl? Seriously?

how old are you?

40 years old with two kids that I would protect with my life, how about you? Are you a man or a woman?
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Let's be clear. What's being advocated here by Weegle is the lynching of a transgendered man that is operating within the confines of the law. If you have a problem with your child being in that locker room, don't have your child in that locker room. Parents can make their own decision and not everyone views the world through your myopic vision.

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If you allow a man to expose himself to your daughter, and you do nothing to protect her, you aren't much of a father.

There are still other women in that locker room changing. I'm not barging into the women's locker room on a vigilante mission. I'll make sure to get my children out of there one way or the other and deal with the he-she another time and place that won't result in them walking away as the victim while I face legal charges.

So you would put those other women and the person exposing himself and law above the safety of your innocent little girl? Seriously?

I would make sure to get my girl out of there. Grown women are capable of leaving if it's an issue for them. But unless he's touching or assaulting someone, I'm not going to do something stupid and play right into his hands. There are people out there just itching for someone to administer a little "redneck justice" to a 'queer' and then use every legal and media avenue at their disposal to make their life and the life of their family a living hell. It's called winning a battle but losing the war.

No, it's called cowardice and being a passive protector of your family. And dragging the guy out may not be the best thing, but getting your child out IS THE BEST THING BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
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No, it's called cowardice and being a passive protector of your family. And dragging the guy out may not be the best thing, but getting your child out IS THE BEST THING BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

You're welcome to be a knucklehead and put yourself in the poor house after an assault and battery charge and a hate crime, while handing them great sympathetic PR, if you want to. I can get my child out of the locker room without resorting to dragging the guy out.

Like I say, if enough families are bothered by it and withdraw their support and money, alternate arrangements will be made.

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Let's be clear. What's being advocated here by Weegle is the lynching of a transgendered man that is operating within the confines of the law. If you have a problem with your child being in that locker room, don't have your child in that locker room. Parents can make their own decision and not everyone views the world through your myopic vision.

How dramatic (and dishonest) of you!

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Let's be clear. What's being advocated here by Weegle is the lynching of a transgendered man that is operating within the confines of the law. If you have a problem with your child being in that locker room, don't have your child in that locker room. Parents can make their own decision and not everyone views the world through your myopic vision.

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