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lets say nick gets the starting nod at qb


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Keesler, not sure how much of the QB swapping was Gus or Chizik.

Chizik didn't swap 'em out to and fro last season. He just left 'em in there and let 'em flounder around and run for their life.

A lot of "issues" land on Gene's shoulders. I just have a hard time blaming Gene for the '11 turnstile QB substitutions and specific offensive playcalls that amounted to diddly squat. He may have slowed down the Gus Bus that season, but much of that offense just didn't work, regardless of the speed of the HUNH/fast-paced plan that Gus wanted to run. The jet-sweeps, triple reverses, WR screens, wrap around draws, etc didn't work at any speed that season.

I hope we get lucky and one of our QB's will step up and those plays will take the defenses of UGA/UAT/LSU/aTm by surprise and we can puts tons of points on the board.

Agree. I just hope that Gus has learned his lesson from that and we don't see it again but that's my concern with him as well.

It is my belief that our struggles on offense in 2011 was a result of losing 4 OL and not having enough talented players to replace them.

Oh, a young oline was definitely part of the problem. But, flip flopping QB's after every snap would surely have a tendancy to confuse a green oline that desperately needed some consistency and time to gel. Instead, they were doing the meer-cat, and had a different "commander" behind them every time they went to the LOS. All this resulted was a dysfunctional offensive scheme that was poor on execution and never improved as the season progressed.

By the 2nd half of the season we lost to Ark/LSU/UGA/UAT by double digits, we were fortunately able to beat a FLA team in Muschamps first yr, and an OleMiss team coached by a Nutt that chalked up 2 wins his final year - we closed out the year with a win over a Virginia team that's made it to one bowl game in the last 5 yrs.

Every coach learns from year to year, experience teaches them what works and what doesn't work in their profession. I hope to see a different offensive approach from Gus than what we saw the last time he stalked our sidelines. Nick Marshall may just be the fire power Gus needs to light up this offense.

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Keesler, not sure how much of the QB swapping was Gus or Chizik.

Chizik didn't swap 'em out to and fro last season. He just left 'em in there and let 'em flounder around and run for their life.

A lot of "issues" land on Gene's shoulders. I just have a hard time blaming Gene for the '11 turnstile QB substitutions and specific offensive playcalls that amounted to diddly squat. He may have slowed down the Gus Bus that season, but much of that offense just didn't work, regardless of the speed of the HUNH/fast-paced plan that Gus wanted to run. The jet-sweeps, triple reverses, WR screens, wrap around draws, etc didn't work at any speed that season.

I hope we get lucky and one of our QB's will step up and those plays will take the defenses of UGA/UAT/LSU/aTm by surprise and we can puts tons of points on the board.

Agree. I just hope that Gus has learned his lesson from that and we don't see it again but that's my concern with him as well.

It is my belief that our struggles on offense in 2011 was a result of losing 4 OL and not having enough talented players to replace them.

Oh, a young oline was definitely part of the problem. But, flip flopping QB's after every snap would surely have a tendancy to confuse a green oline that desperately needed some consistency and time to gel. Instead, they were doing the meer-cat, and had a different "commander" behind them every time they went to the LOS. All this resulted was a dysfunctional offensive scheme that was poor on execution and never improved as the season progressed.

By the 2nd half of the season we lost to Ark/LSU/UGA/UAT by double digits, we were fortunately able to beat a FLA team in Muschamps first yr, and an OleMiss team coached by a Nutt that chalked up 2 wins his final year - we closed out the year with a win over a Virginia team that's made it to one bowl game in the last 5 yrs.

Every coach learns from year to year, experience teaches them what works and what doesn't work in their profession. I hope to see a different offensive approach from Gus than what we saw the last time he stalked our sidelines. Nick Marshall may just be the fire power Gus needs to light up this offense.

I was thinking about 2011 earlier today, and basically convinced myself that the Chizik problems were already in full bloom in 2011,. If we hadn't had Gus that year, Chizik may have been fired a year earlier. Poor S&C and player development will lead to losing eventually regardless of scheme. At the end of the day, execution is execution and Chizik (though I am thankful for that NC he won us) had a system in place that did not instill the physical and mental toughness to get the job done. We easily could have been much worse in 2011, and I think Gus was the positive difference that kept us as good as we were.

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Kodi Burns was a real Auburn man who was willing to do anything he could to help his team win. If Keihl Frazier is an Auburn man "and I think he is", then he too will play anywhere on the field just as long as he can help his win and win big.

What choice did he have? Kodi most certainly wasn't a QB.

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Keesler, not sure how much of the QB swapping was Gus or Chizik.

Chizik didn't swap 'em out to and fro last season. He just left 'em in there and let 'em flounder around and run for their life.

A lot of "issues" land on Gene's shoulders. I just have a hard time blaming Gene for the '11 turnstile QB substitutions and specific offensive playcalls that amounted to diddly squat. He may have slowed down the Gus Bus that season, but much of that offense just didn't work, regardless of the speed of the HUNH/fast-paced plan that Gus wanted to run. The jet-sweeps, triple reverses, WR screens, wrap around draws, etc didn't work at any speed that season.

I hope we get lucky and one of our QB's will step up and those plays will take the defenses of UGA/UAT/LSU/aTm by surprise and we can puts tons of points on the board.

Agree. I just hope that Gus has learned his lesson from that and we don't see it again but that's my concern with him as well.

It is my belief that our struggles on offense in 2011 was a result of losing 4 OL and not having enough talented players to replace them.

Oh, a young oline was definitely part of the problem. But, flip flopping QB's after every snap would surely have a tendancy to confuse a green oline that desperately needed some consistency and time to gel. Instead, they were doing the meer-cat, and had a different "commander" behind them every time they went to the LOS. All this resulted was a dysfunctional offensive scheme that was poor on execution and never improved as the season progressed.

By the 2nd half of the season we lost to Ark/LSU/UGA/UAT by double digits, we were fortunately able to beat a FLA team in Muschamps first yr, and an OleMiss team coached by a Nutt that chalked up 2 wins his final year - we closed out the year with a win over a Virginia team that's made it to one bowl game in the last 5 yrs.

Every coach learns from year to year, experience teaches them what works and what doesn't work in their profession. I hope to see a different offensive approach from Gus than what we saw the last time he stalked our sidelines. Nick Marshall may just be the fire power Gus needs to light up this offense.

I was thinking about 2011 earlier today, and basically convinced myself that the Chizik problems were already in full bloom in 2011,. If we hadn't had Gus that year, Chizik may have been fired a year earlier. Poor S&C and player development will lead to losing eventually regardless of scheme. At the end of the day, execution is execution and Chizik (though I am thankful for that NC he won us) had a system in place that did not instill the physical and mental toughness to get the job done. We easily could have been much worse in 2011, and I think Gus was the positive difference that kept us as good as we were.

Just one year post-NC?

I suspect there might have been calls for JJ's head.

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Keesler, not sure how much of the QB swapping was Gus or Chizik.

Chizik didn't swap 'em out to and fro last season. He just left 'em in there and let 'em flounder around and run for their life.

A lot of "issues" land on Gene's shoulders. I just have a hard time blaming Gene for the '11 turnstile QB substitutions and specific offensive playcalls that amounted to diddly squat. He may have slowed down the Gus Bus that season, but much of that offense just didn't work, regardless of the speed of the HUNH/fast-paced plan that Gus wanted to run. The jet-sweeps, triple reverses, WR screens, wrap around draws, etc didn't work at any speed that season.

I hope we get lucky and one of our QB's will step up and those plays will take the defenses of UGA/UAT/LSU/aTm by surprise and we can puts tons of points on the board.

Agree. I just hope that Gus has learned his lesson from that and we don't see it again but that's my concern with him as well.

So, just so I understand this thread, we're all happy to have CGM back at Auburn, but we want to tell him how to run his offense? I seem to remember someone else who did that a few years ago..... :-\

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So, just so I understand this thread, we're all happy to have CGM back at Auburn, but we want to tell him how to run his offense? I seem to remember someone else who did that a few years ago..... :-\

Who said everyone was happy that Gus was coach? I think there have already been a few threads on that topic. He will have to grow and adapt to become a championship coach in the SEC, including possibly eliminating parts of the high school playbook, i.e. the wildcat QB.

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Keesler, not sure how much of the QB swapping was Gus or Chizik.

Chizik didn't swap 'em out to and fro last season. He just left 'em in there and let 'em flounder around and run for their life.

A lot of "issues" land on Gene's shoulders. I just have a hard time blaming Gene for the '11 turnstile QB substitutions and specific offensive playcalls that amounted to diddly squat. He may have slowed down the Gus Bus that season, but much of that offense just didn't work, regardless of the speed of the HUNH/fast-paced plan that Gus wanted to run. The jet-sweeps, triple reverses, WR screens, wrap around draws, etc didn't work at any speed that season.

I hope we get lucky and one of our QB's will step up and those plays will take the defenses of UGA/UAT/LSU/aTm by surprise and we can puts tons of points on the board.

Agree. I just hope that Gus has learned his lesson from that and we don't see it again but that's my concern with him as well.

It is my belief that our struggles on offense in 2011 was a result of losing 4 OL and not having enough talented players to replace them.

Quite interesting excuses are always found when something is related to Gus but EVERYTHING bad goes to Chiz. No coach is perfect and each have their own flaws. I'm sure it was a good learning experience for Gus just like being a HC at Arky St. and my hope is that he learned from it b/c it certainly wasn't ALL Chiz with 2011 offensive issues. Just like players and coaches get credit for the good the same goes for things good bad; it's just not one specific thing it's a number of things.

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So, just so I understand this thread, we're all happy to have CGM back at Auburn, but we want to tell him how to run his offense? I seem to remember someone else who did that a few years ago..... :-\/>

Who said everyone was happy that Gus was coach? I think there have already been a few threads on that topic. He will have to grow and adapt to become a championship coach in the SEC, including possibly eliminating parts of the high school playbook, i.e. the wildcat QB.

I would assume you are qualifying this as "head coach", at least for accuracy's sake. But your criticism of CGM is in regards to his coordination of the offense, therefore, the fact that CGM has won, not only an SECC, but a BCSNC as well, would seem to me that such critiques are tedious at best.

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Keesler, not sure how much of the QB swapping was Gus or Chizik.

Chizik didn't swap 'em out to and fro last season. He just left 'em in there and let 'em flounder around and run for their life.

A lot of "issues" land on Gene's shoulders. I just have a hard time blaming Gene for the '11 turnstile QB substitutions and specific offensive playcalls that amounted to diddly squat. He may have slowed down the Gus Bus that season, but much of that offense just didn't work, regardless of the speed of the HUNH/fast-paced plan that Gus wanted to run. The jet-sweeps, triple reverses, WR screens, wrap around draws, etc didn't work at any speed that season.

I hope we get lucky and one of our QB's will step up and those plays will take the defenses of UGA/UAT/LSU/aTm by surprise and we can puts tons of points on the board.

Agree. I just hope that Gus has learned his lesson from that and we don't see it again but that's my concern with him as well.

So, just so I understand this thread, we're all happy to have CGM back at Auburn, but we want to tell him how to run his offense? I seem to remember someone else who did that a few years ago..... :-\

Who stated that? So just b/c he's our HC i'm suppose to like EVERYTHING he does? Good grief. Fact is those plays were not working and we became less and less effective. So i guess now people want to say Chiz was calling all the plays for Gus too? Please...fine if some of you want to place a halo over Gus's head and not question or raise any concerns but I'm not ready to classify him as some offensive God just yet. I like what he has done thus far and what he could possibly do but it doesn't mean we can't question him.

I have faith that he can help us achieve really good things and that's my hope but I'm just not going to pretend that i don't have any type of concern b/c there was some before he left. Can't simply just ignore the fact that there were some rumblings and unhappiness with Gus for the things keesler mentioned. I just stated that i hope he learned from that and will be better prepared and experienced to know what works and what doesn't this time around so the offense doesn't go through something similar to 2011....that's all.

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Keesler, not sure how much of the QB swapping was Gus or Chizik.

Chizik didn't swap 'em out to and fro last season. He just left 'em in there and let 'em flounder around and run for their life.

A lot of "issues" land on Gene's shoulders. I just have a hard time blaming Gene for the '11 turnstile QB substitutions and specific offensive playcalls that amounted to diddly squat. He may have slowed down the Gus Bus that season, but much of that offense just didn't work, regardless of the speed of the HUNH/fast-paced plan that Gus wanted to run. The jet-sweeps, triple reverses, WR screens, wrap around draws, etc didn't work at any speed that season.

I hope we get lucky and one of our QB's will step up and those plays will take the defenses of UGA/UAT/LSU/aTm by surprise and we can puts tons of points on the board.

Ok, help me with this logic. The speed at which the H(urry) U(p) N(o) H(uddle) operates has no bearing on the effectiveness of said scheme? So running a slow "HUNH/fast-pace" offense would be as effective as running it fast?

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His offense has been extremely effective every where he went, and maybe Chiz was not calling plays but his nitpicking and suggesting could have played a role in its ineffectiveness in 2011, but I tend to believe it had to do with a young, inexperienced, poorly conditioned team....as we all know strength and conditioning is a necessity in Gus's offense..

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I have seen the wrap around draws, bubble screens, wildcat, jet sweeps, work extremely well when executed correctly. 2011 was only a precursor to the wheels falling completely off in 2012. The team was just not adequately prepared or coached to be successful that season, and without Gus's offense there is no telling how many games AU loses..

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I would assume you are qualifying this as "head coach", at least for accuracy's sake. But your criticism of CGM is in regards to his coordination of the offense, therefore, the fact that CGM has won, not only an SECC, but a BCSNC as well, would seem to me that such critiques are tedious at best.

So by that logic, since Ted Roof was the defensive coordinator on a BCSNC team, his methods are likewise beyond reproach or questioning in perpetuity.

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I would assume you are qualifying this as "head coach", at least for accuracy's sake. But your criticism of CGM is in regards to his coordination of the offense, therefore, the fact that CGM has won, not only an SECC, but a BCSNC as well, would seem to me that such critiques are tedious at best.

So by that logic, since Ted Roof was the defensive coordinator on a BCSNC team, his methods are likewise beyond reproach or questioning in perpetuity.

If one is judging a unit by actual production as opposed to attempting to equate a unit that finished 1st in the SEC in basically every major statistically category other than PYds/G to a unit that finished in the bottom 5 in the SEC in every major statistically category other than rush defense, then no. Then again it is amazing how much better of a coordinator Roof is at Penn St, isn't it?

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I have seen the wrap around draws, bubble screens, wildcat, jet sweeps, work extremely well when executed correctly. 2011 was only a precursor to the wheels falling completely off in 2012. The team was just not adequately prepared or coached to be successful that season, and without Gus's offense there is no telling how many games AU loses..

That was the key point for me...when executed correctly. Sure some of it was due to players not being prepared like they should, coaches, etc. My issue was that knowing all of this why continue to run those particular plays at the high volume that we were knowing that they were not working? I would just rather hand it off to the RB than loose 5-10 yards.

Those plays pay off big when executed but when they don't they are big drive killers and more times than not we were losing a good chunk of yards. It seemed like when we needed an offensive spark we turned to those plays when they clearly were not working....we were not fooling or out running teams with sweeps or reverses and we became predictable.

I agree those plays can certainly work and that's was my point in saying that i hope Gus learned from that experience and when we do run those plays they will be more successful because he'll be more experienced. I'm not a big fan of alot action behind the line of scrimmage but you know what.....if our guys can run it and it works and wins us games..then fine. I just want our coaches in general to be able to see that if something isn't working....don't keep doing the same thing hoping at some point it's going to work when it's been clear game after game it's not working..make adjustments.

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I have seen the wrap around draws, bubble screens, wildcat, jet sweeps, work extremely well when executed correctly. 2011 was only a precursor to the wheels falling completely off in 2012. The team was just not adequately prepared or coached to be successful that season, and without Gus's offense there is no telling how many games AU loses..

That was the key point for me...when executed correctly. Sure some of it was due to players not being prepared like they should, coaches, etc. My issue was that knowing all of this why continue to run those particular plays at the high volume that we were knowing that they were not working? I would just rather hand it off to the RB than loose 5-10 yards.

Those plays pay off big when executed but when they don't they are big drive killers and more times than not we were losing a good chunk of yards. It seemed like when we needed an offensive spark we turned to those plays when they clearly were not working....we were not fooling or out running teams with sweeps or reverses and we became predictable.

I agree those plays can certainly work and that's was my point in saying that i hope Gus learned from that experience and when we do run those plays they will be more successful because he'll be more experienced. I'm not a big fan of alot action behind the line of scrimmage but you know what.....if our guys can run it and it works and wins us games..then fine. I just want our coaches in general to be able to see that if something isn't working....don't keep doing the same thing hoping at some point it's going to work when it's been clear game after game it's not working..make adjustments.

Well said

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Keesler, not sure how much of the QB swapping was Gus or Chizik.

Chizik didn't swap 'em out to and fro last season. He just left 'em in there and let 'em flounder around and run for their life.

A lot of "issues" land on Gene's shoulders. I just have a hard time blaming Gene for the '11 turnstile QB substitutions and specific offensive playcalls that amounted to diddly squat. He may have slowed down the Gus Bus that season, but much of that offense just didn't work, regardless of the speed of the HUNH/fast-paced plan that Gus wanted to run. The jet-sweeps, triple reverses, WR screens, wrap around draws, etc didn't work at any speed that season.

I hope we get lucky and one of our QB's will step up and those plays will take the defenses of UGA/UAT/LSU/aTm by surprise and we can puts tons of points on the board.

Agree. I just hope that Gus has learned his lesson from that and we don't see it again but that's my concern with him as well.

It is my belief that our struggles on offense in 2011 was a result of losing 4 OL and not having enough talented players to replace them.

Oh, a young oline was definitely part of the problem. But, flip flopping QB's after every snap would surely have a tendancy to confuse a green oline that desperately needed some consistency and time to gel. Instead, they were doing the meer-cat, and had a different "commander" behind them every time they went to the LOS. All this resulted was a dysfunctional offensive scheme that was poor on execution and never improved as the season progressed.

By the 2nd half of the season we lost to Ark/LSU/UGA/UAT by double digits, we were fortunately able to beat a FLA team in Muschamps first yr, and an OleMiss team coached by a Nutt that chalked up 2 wins his final year - we closed out the year with a win over a Virginia team that's made it to one bowl game in the last 5 yrs.

Every coach learns from year to year, experience teaches them what works and what doesn't work in their profession. I hope to see a different offensive approach from Gus than what we saw the last time he stalked our sidelines. Nick Marshall may just be the fire power Gus needs to light up this offense.

I was thinking about 2011 earlier today, and basically convinced myself that the Chizik problems were already in full bloom in 2011,. If we hadn't had Gus that year, Chizik may have been fired a year earlier. Poor S&C and player development will lead to losing eventually regardless of scheme. At the end of the day, execution is execution and Chizik (though I am thankful for that NC he won us) had a system in place that did not instill the physical and mental toughness to get the job done. We easily could have been much worse in 2011, and I think Gus was the positive difference that kept us as good as we were.

Just one year post-NC?

I suspect there might have been calls for JJ's head.

What? Blasphemy

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If one is judging a unit by actual production as opposed to attempting to equate a unit that finished 1st in the SEC in basically every major statistically category other than PYds/G to a unit that finished in the bottom 5 in the SEC in every major statistically category other than rush defense, then no. Then again it is amazing how much better of a coordinator Roof is at Penn St, isn't it?

I understand your point, but any offense with Cam Newton was going to be one of the top in the country. Not to mention, that wasn't really Malzahn's offense just like 2011 wasn't. 2009 was the unbridled Malzahn offense in the SEC. The number of plays per game for AU that year vs. Arkansas State in 2012 is very comparable 70.3 plays/game in 2009 to 73.1 plays/game in 2012.

That year the offense got off to a great start, partially due to the element of surprise and the lower level of competition, but struggled down the stretch.

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If one is judging a unit by actual production as opposed to attempting to equate a unit that finished 1st in the SEC in basically every major statistically category other than PYds/G to a unit that finished in the bottom 5 in the SEC in every major statistically category other than rush defense, then no. Then again it is amazing how much better of a coordinator Roof is at Penn St, isn't it?

I understand your point, but any offense with Cam Newton was going to be one of the top in the country. Not to mention, that wasn't really Malzahn's offense just like 2011 wasn't. 2009 was the unbridled Malzahn offense in the SEC. The number of plays per game for AU that year vs. Arkansas State in 2012 is very comparable 70.3 plays/game in 2009 to 73.1 plays/game in 2012.

That year the offense got off to a great start, partially due to the element of surprise and the lower level of competition, but struggled down the stretch.

I agree with all that. The surprise of Gus's O in 2009 was the reason why Todd did so well. No one wanted to put pressure on the QB because they didnt know what was coming.

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So, just so I understand this thread, we're all happy to have CGM back at Auburn, but we want to tell him how to run his offense? I seem to remember someone else who did that a few years ago..... :-\

Who said everyone was happy that Gus was coach? I think there have already been a few threads on that topic. He will have to grow and adapt to become a championship coach in the SEC, including possibly eliminating parts of the high school playbook, i.e. the wildcat QB.

I'll freely admit he wasn't my first choice, but he's still a good hire. And he's already proven he can adapt and be a championship coach in the SEC. And that gimmicky "high school playbook" is now one of the hottest things going in the NFL.

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Keesler, not sure how much of the QB swapping was Gus or Chizik.

Chizik didn't swap 'em out to and fro last season. He just left 'em in there and let 'em flounder around and run for their life.

A lot of "issues" land on Gene's shoulders. I just have a hard time blaming Gene for the '11 turnstile QB substitutions and specific offensive playcalls that amounted to diddly squat. He may have slowed down the Gus Bus that season, but much of that offense just didn't work, regardless of the speed of the HUNH/fast-paced plan that Gus wanted to run. The jet-sweeps, triple reverses, WR screens, wrap around draws, etc didn't work at any speed that season.

I hope we get lucky and one of our QB's will step up and those plays will take the defenses of UGA/UAT/LSU/aTm by surprise and we can puts tons of points on the board.

Agree. I just hope that Gus has learned his lesson from that and we don't see it again but that's my concern with him as well.

So, just so I understand this thread, we're all happy to have CGM back at Auburn, but we want to tell him how to run his offense? I seem to remember someone else who did that a few years ago..... :-\

Who stated that? So just b/c he's our HC i'm suppose to like EVERYTHING he does? Good grief. Fact is those plays were not working and we became less and less effective. So i guess now people want to say Chiz was calling all the plays for Gus too? Please...fine if some of you want to place a halo over Gus's head and not question or raise any concerns but I'm not ready to classify him as some offensive God just yet. I like what he has done thus far and what he could possibly do but it doesn't mean we can't question him.

I have faith that he can help us achieve really good things and that's my hope but I'm just not going to pretend that i don't have any type of concern b/c there was some before he left. Can't simply just ignore the fact that there were some rumblings and unhappiness with Gus for the things keesler mentioned. I just stated that i hope he learned from that and will be better prepared and experienced to know what works and what doesn't this time around so the offense doesn't go through something similar to 2011....that's all.

'83 I know I've disagreed a lot with you on the boards, but I actually agree with you on most things :big:

But I'm not going to argue with an offense that set records the two years it was alowed to run at AU. And for that matter set records at every place GM has coached at. You can argue that certain plays don't work, blah blah. Well no play is 100% affective 100% of the time. Screens and draws can blow up in the back field, but so can a hand off from a QB under center. But he's not going to change what he believes in.

From page one of the 2010 play book;


Two back run/play-action team that will keep constant pressure on the defense & defensive coaches by:

  • Running at a 2-minute pace the entire game
  • Balanced attack (take what the defense gives us)
  • Having misdirection in the running and passing game
  • Stretch the field vertically and horizontally
  • Throw the book at them (special/unusual formations, fire alarms and wildcats)
  • Present the option three different ways (zone, speed, power G)

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So, just so I understand this thread, we're all happy to have CGM back at Auburn, but we want to tell him how to run his offense? I seem to remember someone else who did that a few years ago..... :-\

Who said everyone was happy that Gus was coach? I think there have already been a few threads on that topic. He will have to grow and adapt to become a championship coach in the SEC, including possibly eliminating parts of the high school playbook, i.e. the wildcat QB.

I'll freely admit he wasn't my first choice, but he's still a good hire. And he's already proven he can adapt and be a championship coach in the SEC. And that gimmicky "high school playbook" is now one of the hottest things going in the NFL.

No NFL team has adopted the Gus Malzahn playbook. They may have borrowed a few ideas: read option, up-tempo. My point being, he should maybe lose a couple ideas, in particular relating to this thread, the dedicated wildcat QB.

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We're about ready to find out what the Gus offense looks with Gus as head coach, as opposed to Chizik as head coach. Gus is going to have complete control and the team will be in much better condition by all accounts. Waiting for that to happen before getting too concerned about it is probably the best approach.

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So, just so I understand this thread, we're all happy to have CGM back at Auburn, but we want to tell him how to run his offense? I seem to remember someone else who did that a few years ago..... :-\

Who said everyone was happy that Gus was coach? I think there have already been a few threads on that topic. He will have to grow and adapt to become a championship coach in the SEC, including possibly eliminating parts of the high school playbook, i.e. the wildcat QB.

I'll freely admit he wasn't my first choice, but he's still a good hire. And he's already proven he can adapt and be a championship coach in the SEC. And that gimmicky "high school playbook" is now one of the hottest things going in the NFL.

No NFL team has adopted the Gus Malzahn playbook. They may have borrowed a few ideas: read option, Wildcat, up-tempo. My point being, he should maybe lose a couple ideas, in particular relating to this thread, the dedicated wildcat QB.

Ok so just the main points then. And I think everyone would agree it's best to have your starting QB your WC QB if he can take the hits. Some seem to be for scrapping the concept (among other Gus pillars) all together, Oh, and FIFY.

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I think folks may be surprised how little Gus uses the wildcat this year after the first couple games, not because it will be ineffective but mainly because our short yardage backfield running game in the red zone may be very, very good. I can see the wildcat making a reappearance later in the season when nobody's been preparing for it because we didn't use it much during the season.

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