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Rachel Maddow - The NSA AT&T Spying 'Secret Room' & PRISM


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I'm only halfway through it, but wow.

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This is why, despite my problems with MSNBC, I'm glad we have them, CNN and Fox News around, hitting all parts of the political spectrum.

Good work, Rachel.

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To quote James Woods, from Contact - " Yes. That is interesting, isn't it ? "


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I ain't going to listen to a 20 minute video from that dike. :rolleyes:

(At least until I get to the library where I can do it for free. ;) )

Don't H8 on the Homos

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Laughing at the Folsom Street reference too...

"And then they codified it..."

"None of that stuff was ever dialed back..."

"Granted immunity retro-actively..."

"Verizon is sworn to secrecy..."

Just seems to me that the denials from the companies are parsing their denials way too much to me.

They seem to be saying that "we are not VOLUNTARILY giving this data."

They are covered for immunity in a courtroom IF they do not admit that it is actually occurring...

Just my take so far. But i am more uneasy by the day now...

Kudos to Maddow for peresenting this. i know that she is risking her contacts and access for speaking up. That is a big deal in her line of work.

Govt reprisals would be very easy...

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Her style of investigative prime time reporting is better than most .. .and has been for quite a while.

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