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If you can't beat them on the field...


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Big Belly Buelemia is afraid of what Sumlin & Johnny Football are going to do to his defense. Then he goes to FLA where Muschamp will pound of them followed by SoCarl where Spurrier will air-raid his defense, then he goes to Bama where his defense will get literally run over, they mercifully get a break before Auburn AND OleMiss hit them with the HUNH back to back, they round out the season with MooState and the Corndogs. Welcome the SEC BB - it's brutal up in heah.

Amen. Couldn't have said it better myself.

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If you can't stand the speed, you should've stayed in Madison.

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If you can't stand the speed, you should've stayed in Madison.

lol. He had to deal with it there with tOSU
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  • 3 weeks later...

B'wess him. I suppose he wants to trade in his microwave, his I-phone, and all of the rest of his "evolutionary gadgets", too. "How pitiful!" was the first thought I had when this "story" aired. It would be so funny if each team who runs HUNH sent him a pair of their team's boxers for his new "Big Boy Pants" collection. He might stand a chance of winning wearing them; we all know successful leadership is "top down"...or in his case, "bottoms up"! :-) :nopityA:

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Will the NCAA really change the rule to suit this guy and that other coach on the other side of Alabama? he's also scared of coach Malzahn's offense.

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Will the NCAA really change the rule to suit this guy and that other coach on the other side of Alabama? he's also scared of coach Malzahn's offense.

'Course not! For every action, there is an equal and opposite REaction. The consequences of opening that made-up can of worms would be distasteful to both "sides" of college football. In fact, the case can be made that America has never been more overweight, from childhood up, more sedentary for sure. So this research would support "getting a move on, boys!"

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The problem now, is that saban and BB now have sports writers parrotting this drivel. Stewart Mandel wrote a piece with a professor of biomedicine saying that the HUNH leads to more concussions.

**Expect an ESPN E60 BS story on the dangers of the Malzahn HUNH offense about halfway through the season if we get on a winning streak.**

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