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"Benghazi is a Laughable Joke"

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If the bin laden raid had gone wrong, obama would have been out of sight and hands off too.

We could have lost 16 seals and army guys when the blackhawk helicopter hit the wall that night. The pilot was able to contol the crash landing and save everybody aboard to complete the mission.

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If the bin laden raid had gone wrong, obama would have been out of sight and hands off too.

We could have lost 16 seals and army guys when the blackhawk helicopter hit the wall that night. The pilot was able to contol the crash landing and save everybody aboard to complete the mission.

if the pilot lost the chopper and all 16 died you would be blaming him now? since it didn't are you giving him all the credit?

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If the bin laden raid had gone wrong, obama would have been out of sight and hands off too.

We could have lost 16 seals and army guys when the blackhawk helicopter hit the wall that night. The pilot was able to contol the crash landing and save everybody aboard to complete the mission.

Right. The POTUS is going to walk away from the special operations project to get Osama.

As if he could.... :-\

Do you folks ever consider what you're posting or are you just compelled to type whatever is flowing through your limbic system at the time?

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I don't know.

Don't know or don't care ?

Don't know.

And of course I care. Obviously, "mistakes were made" as they like to say. I have no problem with discovering by whom and to what extent.

But I don't think there was willful negligence on anyone's part, up to and including Clinton or Obama. I think anyone who has some shared responsibility in this feels much worse about it than you or I do (for example). They undoubtedly new Ambassador Stevens personally and possibly some of the others.

And frankly, I don't care if the Republicans and their minions continue to make "political hay" from this. That simply is one of the prices you pay when making such mistakes.

Besides, the republicans will overplay their hand anyway. They are whipping up their base, but I don't think they are going to win over many independents with their rhetoric or actions.

Any other questions?

Why the phony story of " it was caused by a video " then ? And why the PSA Barry and Hillary appeared in, which was aired in Libya ? Nope.. PAKISTAN ! :gofig:

This wasn't a " mistake" . It's very likely there was gun running going on here, which the admin. doesn't want the public to know about, so they first fabricated this whole farsical story about a Youtube video, then Hillary got " sick ", then hospitalized, and then they've been slow walking this entire story month after month, up until the point where Carney says it happened soooo long ago, let's move on to other things.

This was and is all completely by design, and for anyone to claim it's the GOP who is making political hay out of all this, you're simply playing the part of simpleton, just how Obama and the Left like it.

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I don't know.

Don't know or don't care ?

Don't know.

And of course I care. Obviously, "mistakes were made" as they like to say. I have no problem with discovering by whom and to what extent.

But I don't think there was willful negligence on anyone's part, up to and including Clinton or Obama. I think anyone who has some shared responsibility in this feels much worse about it than you or I do (for example). They undoubtedly new Ambassador Stevens personally and possibly some of the others.

And frankly, I don't care if the Republicans and their minions continue to make "political hay" from this. That simply is one of the prices you pay when making such mistakes.

Besides, the republicans will overplay their hand anyway. They are whipping up their base, but I don't think they are going to win over many independents with their rhetoric or actions.

Any other questions?

Why the phony story of " it was caused by a video " then ? And why the PSA Barry and Hillary appeared in, which was aired in Libya ? Nope.. PAKISTAN ! :gofig:

This wasn't a " mistake" . It's very likely there was gun running going on here, which the admin. doesn't want the public to know about, so they first fabricated this whole farsical story about a Youtube video, then Hillary got " sick ", then hospitalized, and then they've been slow walking this entire story month after month, up until the point where Carney says it happened soooo long ago, let's move on to other things.

This was and is all completely by design, and for anyone to claim it's the GOP who is making political hay out of all this, you're simply playing the part of simpleton, just how Obama and the Left like it.

Sorry, I am just not into the "internet" version of this. I would think Cam Newton would serve as an example for anyone on this forum regarding that.

I like to think of myself as a student of history. I am willing to wait for the history - or histories - to out.

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If the bin laden raid had gone wrong, obama would have been out of sight and hands off too.

We could have lost 16 seals and army guys when the blackhawk helicopter hit the wall that night. The pilot was able to contol the crash landing and save everybody aboard to complete the mission.

Right. The POTUS is going to walk away from the special operations project to get Osama.

As if he could.... :-\

Do you folks ever consider what you're posting or are you just compelled to type whatever is flowing through your limbic system at the time?

If that mission had gone very wrong there would be no photos of Obama, Biden, and Clinton setting around that table looking involved. Just an official story about how the military and CIA were in charge, planned it and they had assured everyone they knew what they were doing...........

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Sorry, I am just not into the "internet" version of this. I would think Cam Newton would serve as an example for anyone on this forum regarding that.

I like to think of myself as a student of history. I am willing to wait for the history - or histories - to out.

There IS no 'internet' version. I'm dealing w/ actual real facts. Perhaps you're ignorant of a great deal, and are not aware of what your govt is doing, has done, etc... and you form your opinions solely on what you see on msnbc ? I can not say..

U.S. Govt. Buys Pakistani TV Time to Reject ‘Innocence of Muslims' Video

Spends $70,000 to air clips from Obama, Clinton statements

By John Eggerton -- Broadcasting & Cable, 9/20/2012 5:47:55 PM

The State Department confirmed that the U.S. government spent about $70,000 of ad time on TV in Pakistan to air a public service announcement from President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton disassociating the government from the Innocence of Muslims movie trailer on YouTube that prompted Middle East demonstrations.

The administration has also said evidence still points to the video as being the prompt for the attack in Libya that killed the U.S. ambassador and three others.

State Department deputy spokesperson Victoria Nuland told reporters in a press conference Thursday that it was the public diplomacy team in the U.S. Embassy in Pakistan that recommended buying the ad time for the PSA, a 30-second spot that combines both the president and Clinton.

State said the PSAs were in response to questions from "lots of bodies politic" about whether the video represented the views of the U.S. government."

The PSAs drew from existing video of public statements about the video and were subtitled in Urdu.


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If the bin laden raid had gone wrong, obama would have been out of sight and hands off too.

We could have lost 16 seals and army guys when the blackhawk helicopter hit the wall that night. The pilot was able to contol the crash landing and save everybody aboard to complete the mission.

Right. The POTUS is going to walk away from the special operations project to get Osama.

As if he could.... :-\

Do you folks ever consider what you're posting or are you just compelled to type whatever is flowing through your limbic system at the time?

If that mission had gone very wrong there would be no photos of Obama, Biden, and Clinton setting around that table looking involved. Just an official story about how the military and CIA were in charge, planned it and they had assured everyone they knew what they were doing...........

Well you are probably correct concerning the photographs, but the idea that the POTUS, as commander-in-chief could distance himself from such an operation is laughable.

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Sorry, I am just not into the "internet" version of this. I would think Cam Newton would serve as an example for anyone on this forum regarding that.

I like to think of myself as a student of history. I am willing to wait for the history - or histories - to out.

There IS no 'internet' version. I'm dealing w/ actual real facts. Perhaps you're ignorant of a great deal, and are not aware of what your govt is doing, has done, etc... and you form your opinions solely on what you see on msnbc ? I can not say..

U.S. Govt. Buys Pakistani TV Time to Reject ‘Innocence of Muslims' Video

Spends $70,000 to air clips from Obama, Clinton statements

By John Eggerton -- Broadcasting & Cable, 9/20/2012 5:47:55 PM

The State Department confirmed that the U.S. government spent about $70,000 of ad time on TV in Pakistan to air a public service announcement from President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton disassociating the government from the Innocence of Muslims movie trailer on YouTube that prompted Middle East demonstrations.

The administration has also said evidence still points to the video as being the prompt for the attack in Libya that killed the U.S. ambassador and three others.

State Department deputy spokesperson Victoria Nuland told reporters in a press conference Thursday that it was the public diplomacy team in the U.S. Embassy in Pakistan that recommended buying the ad time for the PSA, a 30-second spot that combines both the president and Clinton.

State said the PSAs were in response to questions from "lots of bodies politic" about whether the video represented the views of the U.S. government."

The PSAs drew from existing video of public statements about the video and were subtitled in Urdu.


OK, how about explaining again exactly how these PSAs are directly relevant to the Benghazi tragedy.

And I already told you, I never watch MSNBC or any other cable for that matter.

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OK, how about explaining again exactly how these PSAs are directly relevant to the Benghazi tragedy.

And I already told you, I never watch MSNBC or any other cable for that matter.

How old are you ? I"m curious. Not your DOB, but in general. This is fascinating, that you'd be asking how a PSA , paid for by this administration, to be aired in another country, has any direct relevance to the Benghazi issue.

How does it NOT, is the real question. And yet you're utterly in the dark on this entire matter.

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OK, how about explaining again exactly how these PSAs are directly relevant to the Benghazi tragedy.

And I already told you, I never watch MSNBC or any other cable for that matter.

How old are you ? I"m curious. Not your DOB, but in general. This is fascinating, that you'd be asking how a PSA , paid for by this administration, to be aired in another country, has any direct relevance to the Benghazi issue.

How does it NOT, is the real question. And yet you're utterly in the dark on this entire matter.

The riots sparked by a movie defaming Islam and the subsequent PSA's sponsored by the US government have absolutely nothing to do with Benghazi, which is exactly why you cannot explain how they are linked.

It is true that the administration thought, speculated or stated the attack on Benghazi was related to the riots produced by this movie, but that is the only "connection" between the two. The fact that PSA announcements were produced in response to the movie has nothing to do with the subsequent attack on Benghazi.

And I am 62 years old. I hold a BS ('73) and MS ('75) from Auburn. I retired from industry in 2001. What does this have to do with anything I have said? How old and experienced are you?

And since you find it so fascinating how I could ask how "these PSA announcements, sponsored by the U.S. Government, and aired in foreign countries" are related to the Benghazi attacks, then please enlighten me.

Please explain how they are.

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The riots sparked by a movie defaming Islam and the subsequent PSA's sponsored by the US government have absolutely nothing to do with Benghazi, which is exactly why you cannot explain how they are linked.

Because there were no such riots. But the Obama admin in fact tried to make the case that it was the video.

Seriously, do you live in a Ted Kaczynski style cabin, out in the woods somewhere ?

It is true that the administration thought, speculated or stated the attack on Benghazi was related to the riots produced by this movie, but that is the only "connection" between the two. The fact that PSA announcements were produced in response to the movie has nothing to do with the subsequent attack on Benghazi.

That statement makes absolutely no sense, what so ever.

And I am 62 years old. I hold a BS ('73) and MS ('75) from Auburn. I retired from industry in 2001. What does this have to do with anything I have said? How old and experienced are you?

I'm not as old as you, and how 'experienced ' I am isn't any of your concern! :laugh:

It just seems , from your comments, that you pay next to zero attention to the events going on in the world.

And since you find it so fascinating how I could ask how "these PSA announcements, sponsored by the U.S. Government, and aired in foreign countries" are related to the Benghazi attacks, then please enlighten me.

Please explain how they are.

Are you seriously this clueless about the timeline of events ??

9' / 11 / 12, our US Amb Stevens and 3 other Americans, are murdered by Islamic radicals in Benghazi, Libya.

Almost immediately, the WH and State Dept. come out and blame the cause of the attack as being because of some YouTube video, which had been posted for most of the summer, is some how suddenly to blame. On the very anniversary of the 9/11/01 attacks.

UN Sec Rice goes out and repeats the ' YouTube' lie on 5 different Sunday morning shows.

A couple of weeks later, the US produces a PSA , featuring Hillary and Barry , condemning the YouTube video, saying the US had nothing to do w/ it.

No one ever accused the US of producing this video, but our govt is denying it was us, none the less.

Point of fact here.... WE informed the world there even WAS a video in the first place, by denouncing it so fervently.

Is any of this getting through ?

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The riots sparked by a movie defaming Islam and the subsequent PSA's sponsored by the US government have absolutely nothing to do with Benghazi, which is exactly why you cannot explain how they are linked.

Because there were no such riots. But the Obama admin in fact tried to make the case that it was the video.

Seriously, do you live in a Ted Kaczynski style cabin, out in the woods somewhere ?






Those are just the first 5 links resulting from a search of "Islam riots over movie"

I know you must have some sort of computer or you wouldn't likely be participating on this forum. Perhaps you should learn how to use it.


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It is true that the administration thought, speculated or stated the attack on Benghazi was related to the riots produced by this movie, but that is the only "connection" between the two. The fact that PSA announcements were produced in response to the movie has nothing to do with the subsequent attack on Benghazi.

That statement makes absolutely no sense, what so ever.

Why? Its a simple statement of fact. I suppose it could be in error, but makes perfectly good sense. What about it do you find to be nonsensical?

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And I am 62 years old. I hold a BS ('73) and MS ('75) from Auburn. I retired from industry in 2001. What does this have to do with anything I have said? How old and experienced are you?

I'm not as old as you, and how 'experienced ' I am isn't any of your concern! :laugh:

It just seems , from your comments, that you pay next to zero attention to the events going on in the world.

Well you're the one who brought it up.

And assuming that you pay a "lot of attention" to world events, you sure seem to have a problem with understanding them or at least getting your facts straight. Maybe you are paying attention to the wrong news sources.

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And since you find it so fascinating how I could ask how "these PSA announcements, sponsored by the U.S. Government, and aired in foreign countries" are related to the Benghazi attacks, then please enlighten me.

Please explain how they are.

Are you seriously this clueless about the timeline of events ??

9' / 11 / 12, our US Amb Stevens and 3 other Americans, are murdered by Islamic radicals in Benghazi, Libya.

Almost immediately, the WH and State Dept. come out and blame the cause of the attack as being because of 1) some YouTube video, which had been posted for most of the summer, is some how suddenly to blame. On the very anniversary of the 9/11/01 attacks.

UN Sec Rice goes out and repeats the ' YouTube' lie on 5 different Sunday morning shows.

A couple of weeks later, the US produces a PSA , featuring Hillary and Barry , condemning the YouTube video, saying the US had nothing to do w/ it.

2) No one ever accused the US of producing this video, but our govt is denying it was us, none the less.

3) Point of fact here.... WE informed the world there even WAS a video in the first place, by denouncing it so fervently.

Is any of this getting through ?

1) While it may have been erroneous, assigning blame for a violent demonstration to said video is hardly a stretch of feasibility. Certainly the fact it occurred on an anniversary of 9/11 is no reason to rule it out as you seem to think. There is nothing about the timeline that prevents it from being the cause, even if it wasn't.

2) "No one" ever accused the U.S. of producing this video? Certainly can't prove that, can you?

Perhaps you were unaware that many of the same sorts of people that would use this as an excuse to riot wouldn't bother to even question if it was sanctioned by the U.S. government. In fact, many of these people would undoubtedly associate such a video directly with the US people or the US government. (The exact same way you are making irrational, unfounded associations.)

Thus there is a perfectly good rationale for producing a PSA explaining it doesn't reflect US policy or values.

Is that really so hard for you to understand?

3) Wrong. There were clips uploaded to You tube which eventually went virile in the Islamic world. The Arabic versions were uploaded in early Sept and the riots commenced in earnest a few days later.

Seriously, this information is readily available. It only takes a few minutes to research it. Perhaps you should vet your claims before posting them.

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homer, you're buying this admin's spin, hook , line and sinker.

It's been categorically shot down, but they still insist on using it, and you still insist on buying into it.

I don't know what else to say. You're what is commonly referred to as an " *useful idiot " .

* The term has been used to refer to Soviet sympathizers in Western countries. The implication was that, although the people in question naïvely thought of themselves as an ally of the Soviet Union, they were actually held in contempt and were being cynically used. The use of the term in political discourse has since been extended to other propagandists, especially those who are seen to unwittingly support a malignant cause which they naïvely believe to be a force for good

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homer, you're buying this admin's spin, hook , line and sinker.

It's been categorically shot down, but they still insist on using it, and you still insist on buying into it.

I don't know what else to say. You're what is commonly referred to as an " *useful idiot " .

* The term has been used to refer to Sovietsympathizers in Western countries. The implication was that, although the people in question naïvely thought of themselves as an ally of the Soviet Union, they were actually held in contempt and were being cynically used. The use of the term in political discourse has since been extended to other propagandists, especially those who are seen to unwittingly support a malignant cause which they naïvely believe to be a force for good

Since you failed to address any substantive points I made, there's nothing in that post I can respond to.

I suppose I could respond to your insult with some sort of epithet of my own, but that would simply take me down to your level, wouldn't it?

So I'll just let it go and leave the readers of this thread to determine who is the idiot here, "useful" or not. ;)

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homer, you're buying this admin's spin, hook , line and sinker.

It's been categorically shot down, but they still insist on using it, and you still insist on buying into it.

I don't know what else to say. You're what is commonly referred to as an " *useful idiot " .

* The term has been used to refer to Sovietsympathizers in Western countries. The implication was that, although the people in question naïvely thought of themselves as an ally of the Soviet Union, they were actually held in contempt and were being cynically used. The use of the term in political discourse has since been extended to other propagandists, especially those who are seen to unwittingly support a malignant cause which they naïvely believe to be a force for good

Since you failed to address any substantive points I made, there's nothing in that post I can respond to.

I suppose I could respond to your insult with some sort of epithet of my own, but that would simply take me down to your level, wouldn't it?

So I'll just let it go and leave the readers of this thread to determine who is the idiot here, "useful" or not. ;)/>

You are directionally challenged and achieving his level would be impossible for you.

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homer, you're buying this admin's spin, hook , line and sinker.

It's been categorically shot down, but they still insist on using it, and you still insist on buying into it.

I don't know what else to say. You're what is commonly referred to as an " *useful idiot " .

* The term has been used to refer to Sovietsympathizers in Western countries. The implication was that, although the people in question naïvely thought of themselves as an ally of the Soviet Union, they were actually held in contempt and were being cynically used. The use of the term in political discourse has since been extended to other propagandists, especially those who are seen to unwittingly support a malignant cause which they naïvely believe to be a force for good

Since you failed to address any substantive points I made, there's nothing in that post I can respond to.

I suppose I could respond to your insult with some sort of epithet of my own, but that would simply take me down to your level, wouldn't it?

So I'll just let it go and leave the readers of this thread to determine who is the idiot here, "useful" or not. ;)/>

You are directionally challenged and achieving his level would be impossible for you.

Well, I don't understand what you mean by "directionally" challenged, but I don't consider regressing to the level of simple name calling an "achievement".

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homer, you're buying this admin's spin, hook , line and sinker.

It's been categorically shot down, but they still insist on using it, and you still insist on buying into it.

I don't know what else to say. You're what is commonly referred to as an " *useful idiot " .

* The term has been used to refer to Sovietsympathizers in Western countries. The implication was that, although the people in question naïvely thought of themselves as an ally of the Soviet Union, they were actually held in contempt and were being cynically used. The use of the term in political discourse has since been extended to other propagandists, especially those who are seen to unwittingly support a malignant cause which they naïvely believe to be a force for good

Since you failed to address any substantive points I made, there's nothing in that post I can respond to.

I suppose I could respond to your insult with some sort of epithet of my own, but that would simply take me down to your level, wouldn't it?

So I'll just let it go and leave the readers of this thread to determine who is the idiot here, "useful" or not. ;)/>

You are directionally challenged and achieving his level would be impossible for you.

Well, I don't understand what you mean by "directionally" challenged, but I don't consider regressing to the level of simple name calling an "achievement".

Maybe you could get somebody to explain it to you, then you could understand.

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The riots sparked by a movie defaming Islam and the subsequent PSA's sponsored by the US government have absolutely nothing to do with Benghazi, which is exactly why you cannot explain how they are linked.

Because there were no such riots. But the Obama admin in fact tried to make the case that it was the video.

Seriously, do you live in a Ted Kaczynski style cabin, out in the woods somewhere ?






Those are just the first 5 links resulting from a search of "Islam riots over movie"

I know you must have some sort of computer or you wouldn't likely be participating on this forum. Perhaps you should learn how to use it.


Seriously ?

Look at the date lines.

Sept 12

Sept 17

Sept 21...

The movie had been uploaded back in JUNE of 2012. Where were the riots then? Or in July ? August ?

When did these riots crop up... on or after Sept 11th AND... when the Obama Admin went on a full frontal assault to APOLOGIZE for this video. Only AFTER that did we see these riots.

Seriously, indeed.

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homer, you're buying this admin's spin, hook , line and sinker.

It's been categorically shot down, but they still insist on using it, and you still insist on buying into it.

I don't know what else to say. You're what is commonly referred to as an " *useful idiot " .

* The term has been used to refer to Sovietsympathizers in Western countries. The implication was that, although the people in question naïvely thought of themselves as an ally of the Soviet Union, they were actually held in contempt and were being cynically used. The use of the term in political discourse has since been extended to other propagandists, especially those who are seen to unwittingly support a malignant cause which they naïvely believe to be a force for good

Since you failed to address any substantive points I made, there's nothing in that post I can respond to.

I suppose I could respond to your insult with some sort of epithet of my own, but that would simply take me down to your level, wouldn't it?

So I'll just let it go and leave the readers of this thread to determine who is the idiot here, "useful" or not. ;)/>

You are directionally challenged and achieving his level would be impossible for you.

Well, I don't understand what you mean by "directionally" challenged, but I don't consider regressing to the level of simple name calling an "achievement".

Maybe you could get somebody to explain it to you, then you could understand.

Well if you can't, can you direct me to someone who can?

(And fyi, not being able to explain your statements is a warning flag you maybe shouldn't be making them.)

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The riots sparked by a movie defaming Islam and the subsequent PSA's sponsored by the US government have absolutely nothing to do with Benghazi, which is exactly why you cannot explain how they are linked.

Because there were no such riots. But the Obama admin in fact tried to make the case that it was the video.

Seriously, do you live in a Ted Kaczynski style cabin, out in the woods somewhere ?






Those are just the first 5 links resulting from a search of "Islam riots over movie"

I know you must have some sort of computer or you wouldn't likely be participating on this forum. Perhaps you should learn how to use it.


Seriously ?

Look at the date lines.

Sept 12

Sept 17

Sept 21...

The movie had been uploaded back in JUNE of 2012. Where were the riots then? Or in July ? August ?

When did these riots crop up... on or after Sept 11th AND... when the Obama Admin went on a full frontal assault to APOLOGIZE for this video. Only AFTER that did we see these riots.

Seriously, indeed.


CAIRO, Sept 11 (Reuters) - Egyptian protesters scaled the walls of the U.S. embassy in Cairo on Tuesday and pulled down the American flag during a protest over what they said was a film being produced in the United States that insulted Prophet Mohammad, witnesses said.

In place of the U.S. flag, the protesters tried to raise a black flag with the words "There is no God but Allah and Mohammad is his messenger", a Reuters reporter said.

Once the U.S. flag was hauled down, protesters tore it up, with some showing off small pieces to television cameras. Then others burned remains.

"This movie must be banned immediately and an apology should be made ... This is a disgrace," said 19-year-old, Ismail Mahmoud, a member of the so-called "ultras" soccer supporters who played a big role in the uprising that brought down Hosni Mubarak last year.

Many Muslims consider any depiction of the Prophet to be offensive.

Mahmoud called on President Mohamed Mursi, Egypt's first civilian president and an Islamist, to take action. Many others were supporters of Islamist groups.

About 20 people stood on top of the embassy wall in central Cairo, where about 2,000 protesters had gathered....



Sep. 11, 2012 11:28pm

Newly released video shows hundreds of Islamist protesters in Egypt gathered outside the walls of the U.S. embassy in Cairo, chanting against the U.S. and an anti-Muslim movie being produced in America.

“Say it, don’t fear: Their ambassador must leave,” the crowd chanted, according to the Associated Press.

Dozens of protesters proceeded to take down an American flag and tear it apart after they failed to burn it.


On September 11, 2012, a series of protests and violent attacks began in response to a YouTube trailer for a film called Innocence of Muslims, considered blasphemous by many Muslims. The reactions began at U.S. diplomatic mission in Cairo, Egypt, and quickly spread across the Muslim world to additional U.S. and other countries' diplomatic missions and other locations, with issues beyond the offense at the movie trailer becoming subjects of protest. In Cairo, Egypt a group scaled the embassy wall and tore down theAmerican flag to replace it with a black Islamic flag.


Wow, hard to imagine how the administration could possibly think the Libyan attacks which happened at about the same time, might have been for the same reason. :-\


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Homer, your mistake is trying to come up with some kind of "cause and effect" relationship to any of this (they only did it because of that terrible video or because of the Crusades or whatever nonsensical past trauma). They attacked that compound because they hate us or lust for conquest like they did when they invaded Europe in 711; the same reason they attacked us on 9/11/2011 in the first place; or attacked the USS Cole, or attacked the WTC the 1st time; or attacked the embassy in Kenya, or ...ad infinitum, ad nauseum. They attacked it on Sept 11 for obvious reasons. To look beyond the obvious is absurd. When I see this behavior in people I suddenly understand where they found the OJ Trial jurors.

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