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"Benghazi is a Laughable Joke"

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Dean would feel different if he was one the Americans there that night. Or if his son had died there that night and he has to listen to lies about a video on YouTube being the reason.

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The murder and sodomy ( or was it the other way around ) of Amb Stevens his a real knee-slapper. Yes indeedy!


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The murder and sodomy ( or was it the other way around ) of Amb Stevens his a real knee-slapper. Yes indeedy!


Wow, did Obama say that!

Oh, wait..... I think I see what you did there.

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Oh, wait..... I think I see what you did there.

Do YOU think it's a laughable joke?

Yes or no.

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Oh, wait..... I think I see what you did there.

Do YOU think it's a laughable joke?

Yes or no.

Absolutely not.

The event itself was a tragedy that could likely have been avoided.

With due respect to the responsibility of Congress to investigate such events, I would call the current status of the investigation a political witch-hunt.

Are you suggesting that Obama thinks the murder of Amb. Stevens is a laughable joke?

Yes or No.

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With due respect to the responsibility of Congress to investigate such events, I would call the current status of the investigation a political witch-hunt.

it's not. THIS administration has lied and fed the American people a false narrative of what took place that night. You, as EVERY American should be asking " WHY ? " .

Are you suggesting that Obama thinks the murder of Amb. Stevens is a laughable joke?

Yes or No.

I hope not. So " no ",

But he's not being held accountable for much of anything, and for that, I bet he IS laughing his ass off.

Where was the President the night of the attack ? Was he in the situation room, as we all saw that he was the night he took down bin Laden ? Why is there such stone walling on this issue ? Why did he speak to his SecState a total of ONE time during all this ? Who the heck else did he talk to ?

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With due respect to the responsibility of Congress to investigate such events, I would call the current status of the investigation a political witch-hunt.

it's not. 1) THIS administration has lied and You, as EVERY American should be asking " WHY ? " .

Are you suggesting that Obama thinks the murder of Amb. Stevens is a laughable joke?

Yes or No.

I hope not. So " no ",

But he's not being held accountable for much of anything, and for that, 2) I bet he IS laughing his ass off.

3) Where was the President the night of the attack ? Was he in the situation room, as we all saw that he was the night he took down bin Laden ? 4) Why is there such stone walling on this issue ? 5) Why did he speak to his SecState a total of ONE time during all this ? 6) Who the heck else did he talk to ?

1) I wasn't aware that had been demonstrated.

2) That doesn't sound like "no" to me. (Yes or no means you get to choose only one ;) )

3) Maybe because the Bin Laden take down was planned and executed while the Benghazi attack was a surprise? (Duuuuuuh..... :-\ )

4) Begging the question. It presumes an effort to "stone wall"

5 & 6) I don't know. Perhaps the committee will ask.

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1) I wasn't aware that had been demonstrated.

2) That doesn't sound like "no" to me. (Yes or no means you get to choose only one ;) )

3) Maybe because the Bin Laden take down was planned and executed while the Benghazi attack was a surprise? (Duuuuuuh..... :-\ )

4) Begging the question. It presumes an effort to "stone wall"

5 & 6) I don't know. Perhaps the committee will ask.

1. Then you've not been paying attention to the news. At first, we were told NO ONE at the WH knew about this, until the story broke. Not true. NOW we've learned that the WH counsel AND the President's Chief of Staff knew about this, long before. Oops.

2. " No " to your question, but then I followed that up. Not too hard for even you to figure it out.

3. A 'surprise' which lasted for 7+ hours ? Exactly where was Obama the entire night, as this battle was taking place ? That's STILL not been answered. We DO know, however, that he hopped on AF-1 and was bound for Vegas the very next day. Make of that what you will.

4. See above.

5. Well, Hillary DID appear before one committee. " What difference does it make ? " <_<

6. See # 3, again.

Seriously, where do you get your news ? There are serious questions not being answered by this admin, and instead of wondering what the heck happened, you're pacified by the huge dog and pony show this WH put on about some youtube video which no one saw.

Hillary told the family members of the fallen that they'd get this guy who made the video. ( I'm not kidding ) She did say that, at the memorial service, with the flag draped caskets just a few feet away. That guy's still in jail, but what of those who actually attacked / brutally killed the Amb. and 3 other Americans ?


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3) Maybe because the Bin Laden take down was planned and executed while the Benghazi attack was a surprise? (Duuuuuuh..... :-\ )

Even after the embassy had a bomb hurled inside the grounds months earlier and the Benghazi security staff made repeated requests for additional security (because the consulate was deemed unsafe by them) their request was DENIED......REPEATEDLY. In the weeks prior to the murder of Ambassador Stevens, the State Department knew that the British consulate and the Red Cross abandoned their stations because Benghazi was so unsafe. Even in the 24 hours prior to the murders of Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods requests for additional protection was requested. They knew an attack was imminent...just not a precise time. That's as close as you are EVER going to get to the suggestion of a "surprise". DUH !

AND, surprise, surprise.......they were denied security even as they were being attacked. Stevens, Smith, Doherty, and Woods died in vain all in service to the Obama and Hillary agenda in Libya.

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1) I wasn't aware that had been demonstrated.

2) That doesn't sound like "no" to me. (Yes or no means you get to choose only one ;) )

3) Maybe because the Bin Laden take down was planned and executed while the Benghazi attack was a surprise? (Duuuuuuh..... :-\ )

4) Begging the question. It presumes an effort to "stone wall"

5 & 6) I don't know. Perhaps the committee will ask.

1. Then you've not been paying attention to the news. At first, we were told NO ONE at the WH knew about this, until the story broke. Not true. NOW we've learned that the WH counsel AND the President's Chief of Staff knew about this, long before. Oops.

2. " No " to your question, but then I followed that up. Not too hard for even you to figure it out.

3. A 'surprise' which lasted for 7+ hours ? Exactly where was Obama the entire night, as this battle was taking place ? That's STILL not been answered. We DO know, however, that he hopped on AF-1 and was bound for Vegas the very next day. Make of that what you will.

4. See above.

5. Well, Hillary DID appear before one committee. " What difference does it make ? " <_<

6. See # 3, again.

Seriously, where do you get your news ? There are serious questions not being answered by this admin, and instead of wondering what the heck happened, you're pacified by the huge dog and pony show this WH put on about some youtube video which no one saw.

Hillary told the family members of the fallen that they'd get this guy who made the video. ( I'm not kidding ) She did say that, at the memorial service, with the flag draped caskets just a few feet away. That guy's still in jail, but what of those who actually attacked / brutally killed the Amb. and 3 other Americans ?


1) I'm sorry, guess I wasn't specific. Have there been any charges/accusations of perjury by any legal authority/political organization? You may be right. Correct me if so.

2) Huh, thanks for responding, I guess. Can I take that as a simple "no" in the dichotomous sense?

3) ......blah, blah. blah.....I have no clue about what did, could or should have happened ... blah blah blah.....

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Thanks Homer. For revealing how uninformed you are on such matters.

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Thanks Homer. For revealing how uninformed you are on such matters.

Your welcome.

But I am still trying to wrap my mind around Obama's failure to be in the situation room before this happened.

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I think the most disappointing aspect of this entire escapade has been that the GOP is coming off to all liberals and a majority of independents as callous, profiteering a**holes. Their actions and demeanor show how little they actually care about Amb Stevens and the others that were killed that night and how blood-thirsty they are to find anything to smear the President and the next President with. It's ridiculous political theatre and the vast majority of Americans see it as a GOP witch hunt.

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I think the most disappointing aspect of this entire escapade has been that the GOP is coming off to all liberals and a majority of independents as callous, profiteering a**holes. Their actions and demeanor show how little they actually care about Amb Stevens and the others that were killed that night and how blood-thirsty they are to find anything to smear the President and the next President with. It's ridiculous political theatre and the vast majority of Americans see it as a GOP witch hunt.

As a member of the GOP, "you got that wrong, pal !" I, as one of those you accuse of not caring for Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods, care greatly, as do the ones prosecuting this investigation, for those who put their lives on the line at the Benghazi consulate. These men were patriots thrust into an incompetent Obama Libyan scheme to prove an ignorant point that terrorism disappears where Obama says it has. We don't want incompetent policies like that implemented in Libya to propagate.

Obama and Hilary have stained their own hands with this tragedy. They will be held accountable for their deliberate incompetence.

Curious how Obama made well known he was in the situation room when bin Laden was being killed but noticeably absent when our people were being murdered. Guess that Vegas rally speech must have been more important than to do something as simple as pick up the phone and issue commands to send assistance to those pleading for help. Or was he upstairs counting the money ? That night Obama's hands were green from greed or red with blood. Take your pick.

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I think the most disappointing aspect of this entire escapade has been that the GOP is coming off to all liberals and a majority of independents as callous, profiteering a**holes. Their actions and demeanor show how little they actually care about Amb Stevens and the others that were killed that night and how blood-thirsty they are to find anything to smear the President and the next President with. It's ridiculous political theatre and the vast majority of Americans see it as a GOP witch hunt.

The excuse making and blame shifting for all of this is beyond unbelievable. " All liberals and a majority of independents " ? What a complete and total load of donkey squeeze. You know, beyond any question what so ever, that this fiasco has been bungled by the Obama admin, and there's just no way around it.

Those 'libs and independents' have their heads so far up Obama's backside, they can read his teleprompter when he opens his mouth.

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Thanks Homer. For revealing how uninformed you are on such matters.

Your welcome.

But I am still trying to wrap my mind around Obama's failure to be in the situation room before this happened.

Nice red herring. No one said anything about 'before' it happened. But how about an hour after the attack started. Or. 2 hours, 4 hours, 6 hours ?

Where was he ?

Answer that question, please.


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Thanks Homer. For revealing how uninformed you are on such matters.

Your welcome.

But I am still trying to wrap my mind around Obama's failure to be in the situation room before this happened.

Nice red herring. No one said anything about 'before' it happened. But how about an hour after the attack started. Or. 2 hours, 4 hours, 6 hours ?

Where was he ?

Answer that question, please.



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No one knows. Or is willing to say. Why is that ?

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No one knows. Or is willing to say. Why is that ?

I don't know.

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I don't know.

Don't know or don't care ?

Don't know.

And of course I care. Obviously, "mistakes were made" as they like to say. I have no problem with discovering by whom and to what extent.

But I don't think there was willful negligence on anyone's part, up to and including Clinton or Obama. I think anyone who has some shared responsibility in this feels much worse about it than you or I do (for example). They undoubtedly new Ambassador Stevens personally and possibly some of the others.

And frankly, I don't care if the Republicans and their minions continue to make "political hay" from this. That simply is one of the prices you pay when making such mistakes.

Besides, the republicans will overplay their hand anyway. They are whipping up their base, but I don't think they are going to win over many independents with their rhetoric or actions.

Any other questions?

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this is my feeling too homer. when I see the news or see the conservative's comments here, if I didn't know better I would think Clinton and Obama were the beneficiaries on Stevens life insurance policies. mistakes, of course someone dropped the ball but there seems to be a bunch of people hell bent on making it an intentional mafia hit masterminded by the Whitehouse.

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this is my feeling too homer. when I see the news or see the conservative's comments here, if I didn't know better I would think Clinton and Obama were the beneficiaries on Stevens life insurance policies. mistakes, of course someone dropped the ball but there seems to be a bunch of people hell bent on making it an intentional mafia hit masterminded by the Whitehouse.

No, just have a problem with reckless, irresponsible policies in the name of an agenda that leave our people completely vulnerable to assault. Even when dying they were DENIED help. Where was Obama when Stevens, Smith, Doherty and Woods pleaded for help ?

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