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President Gogue Statement on Athletics Department Review


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This shows how incompetent and spineless Gogue is in regards to athletics. The committee, or whatever the crap he was talking about is, was formed with the sole purpose of returning back to Gogue stating that JJ is doing a good job. The committee was only formed to make the fans feel like he cared, but wait and see - no changes will be made. It's all smoke and mirrors to protect the good ole boy network.

And we have been saying this for how long now???
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Review committee member Mac Crawford opines...

"Our review shows that overall, the Athletics Department is in good shape, but there are some areas where improvements can be made and our committee believes Jay Jacobs knows how to make those improvements. Now it's time to move forward, get to work, and become even more successful. Dr. Gogue has listened to our recommendations and I think that's good news for Auburn and for Auburn Athletics."

Seems to be a lot of kool-aid going around...

I think this is a good "warning shot" for JJ and he has a year or so to get things squared away. He is a long time employee and from the criteria of the evaluation, the W-L record was (and should not have been) the only issue and he has now been given notice. The financial is good, facilities are for the most part up to standard and lots of money spent on upgrading them in the past few years....so it's going to come down to W-Ls and the coaching decisions. Two years ago AU won a BCS and now folks are clamoring to fire him....JMO but some pretty cold-blooded people on this site with not much respect for loyalty....nor an appreciation of the AD's total job responsibilities.

Give me an AD that can hire coaches that consistently win games. He can hire a good accountant and buildings manager to do the rest of that stuff.
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Yes all of our major sports pgms are in the basement but we are not broke, so JJ is doing a good job????

What a fricking joke! Is JJ in charge of fund raising???? Again, what a joke we have become, and some of you defend him! Sad day on the plains!

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Yes all of our major sports pgms are in the basement but we are not broke, so JJ is doing a good job????

What a fricking joke! Is JJ in charge of fund raising???? Again, what a joke we have become, and some of you defend him! Sad day on the plains!

I try not to to defend him so much, but to say I can understand why he still has job. If he were to be fired tommorow I would certainly understand that too, But the constant griping isn't going to get anyone anywhere. Changes have been made where they need to be for the most part. Should JJ have hired Chizik? Well obviously not. But he looked like a genious in doing so in 2010. And as soon as Chiz slipped he was removed and replaced with someone the masses are prasing now. You can't give JJ all the blame for last year unless you are willing to give him all the credit for 2010. The same way you can't blame him for Chizik, unless you can praise him for Malzahn.

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Wow. All that money and no nads. Our President should be ashamed of himself. Dr. Gouge, um I mean Gogue needs to take notice. Keep raising tuition and ticket prices while making what you make and paying a lame duck AD what he makes. An upheaval is coming.

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Yes all of our major sports pgms are in the basement but we are not broke, so JJ is doing a good job????

What a fricking joke! Is JJ in charge of fund raising???? Again, what a joke we have become, and some of you defend him! Sad day on the plains!

I try not to to defend him so much, but to say I can understand why he still has job. If he were to be fired tommorow I would certainly understand that too, But the constant griping isn't going to get anyone anywhere. Changes have been made where they need to be for the most part. Should JJ have hired Chizik? Well obviously not. But he looked like a genious in doing so in 2010. And as soon as

Chiz slipped he was removed and replaced with someone the masses are prasing now. You can't give JJ all the blame for last year unless you are willing to give him all the credit for 2010. The same way you can't blame him for Chizik, unless you can praise him for Malzahn.

I don't give him all praise nor all blame for 2010 or anything else. I am not just talking about football either. Look at our AD as a whole! I really hate to say it, but we are at or near the bottom in just about everything, and with the exception of 2010, we have been there (the bottom) for some time now!

As the rest of the SEC laughs at us, remember they are laughing harder this evening!

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The thing that frustrates me the most is PJG and the JJ supporters are taking advantage of our loyalty to Auburn. They know darn well we will continue to support our teams regardless of their decisions. JJ is praised for our AD's health but he inherited a very profitable AD from Housel. JJ has made some good improvements in facilities, but image what our bottom line would look like with consistent winning programs?

War Eagle !

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The thing that frustrates me the most is PJG and the JJ supporters are taking advantage of our loyalty to Auburn. They know darn well we will continue to support our teams regardless of their decisions. JJ is praised for our AD's health but he inherited a very profitable AD from Housel. JJ has made some good improvements in facilities, but image what our bottom line would look like with consistent winning programs?

War Eagle !

X 2!
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Review committee member Mac Crawford opines...

"Our review shows that overall, the Athletics Department is in good shape, but there are some areas where improvements can be made and our committee believes Jay Jacobs knows how to make those improvements. Now it's time to move forward, get to work, and become even more successful. Dr. Gogue has listened to our recommendations and I think that's good news for Auburn and for Auburn Athletics."

Seems to be a lot of kool-aid going around...

No doubt! No sense in Bogartin' the stuff...puff...puff...pass please.

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Insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. The trick in business when analyzing a bad situation is to decide if a factor is a symptom or a problem. JJ is the symptom. Gouge is the problem. When I showed by bammer wife the report, she laughed out loud. Her statement was that football may succeed because of Gus but nothing else will.

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What AD in the SEC is excelling in all 3 sports and top notch in management. The guy at UF, who once hired Zook? Mal Moore who stumbled through countless coaches before getting Saban. Ole Miss - one fluke year in football with base ball and basketball coaches hired by the previous AD who once hired Nutt. Dave Hart at UT - unless mistaken he once hired Kiffin, Dooley and Pearl - plus they are broke. South Carolina outside of a consistent baseball program not much happening there, yes spurrier is there but he has not done much outside of 2010. Georgia the new AD did not hire Richt and their baseball and basketball programs are not tearing it up either. Miss St? Legacy baseball program, new bball coach, and doofus Mullen doing nothing special. I will say LSU is bringing it in football and baseball with improvement needed in basketball. I could go on and on....but based by some standards by many here dang every AD should be fired. Note: I am neutral I could care less if JJ stays or goes, IMO an AD is often over praised for a teams success and over blamed when they lose....and all this blood pressure rising over Gogue's statement is hilarious....

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IMO, the AU fanbase has made plenty of noise, and gotten a ton of attention about the overall disgust felt towards the administration of AU athletics. Jacobs has been trying desperately to save his and Tim Jackson's jobs since mid-season last fall. Well, it appears JJ is a fantastic con man! He was able to draw the attention of the "powers that be" away from the dark, damp basement where many of our sports programs are living right now, and he somehow pumped a bunch of sunshine up the "committee's" ass to accomplished his mission.

We as a fanbase are once again forced to "settle" with what the Auburn Administration gives us. Such is the life of the Auburn Family.

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Really not surprising and really disappointing. Hopefully the next round of hires made by JJ will not go as poorly as his first round of hires. I suppose he is making the people at Auburn that matter happy so good for him on that. I can only hope that I see Auburn pull through these dark times in our athletics department and brighter days are ahead.

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You might be many things, good or bad, but sounding neutral is not one of them.

JJ may have been fired if not for him being an AU alum, is he a great AD, nope not at all, not even close. Please don't confuse my neutrality with an approval of his overall job. Just pointing out that a lot of ADs should be on the hot seat based on many posters requirements here...

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Review committee member Mac Crawford opines...

"Our review shows that overall, the Athletics Department is in good shape, but there are some areas where improvements can be made and our committee believes Jay Jacobs knows how to make those improvements. Now it's time to move forward, get to work, and become even more successful. Dr. Gogue has listened to our recommendations and I think that's good news for Auburn and for Auburn Athletics."

Seems to be a lot of kool-aid going around...

I think this is a good "warning shot" for JJ and he has a year or so to get things squared away. He is a long time employee and from the criteria of the evaluation, the W-L record was (and should not have been) the only issue and he has now been given notice. The financial is good, facilities are for the most part up to standard and lots of money spent on upgrading them in the past few years....so it's going to come down to W-Ls and the coaching decisions. Two years ago AU won a BCS and now folks are clamoring to fire him....JMO but some pretty cold-blooded people on this site with not much respect for loyalty....nor an appreciation of the AD's total job responsibilities.


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Auburn AD Jay Jacobs on Tuesday: "When others get the facts wrong, I am going to do what’s right. I am going to defend our institution. "


Auburn AD Jay Jacobs on his meeting with president Jay Gogue: 'His expectations are high – and I intend to meet them.'


Auburn AD Jay Jacobs: 'I realize this year was frustrating for our fans. Our major sports have not performed at a level that we all expect.'


Auburn AD Jay Jacobs: 'We had a tough year in our major sports, but we will bounce back. I can assure you of that.'


Auburn AD Jay Jacobs on keeping some coaches, letting others go: 'Some may agree with me and others may disagree. I expect results. '


Auburn AD Jay Jacobs on outside reviews and analysis: "It's always great to have a fresh eyes' approach."


Auburn AD Jay Jacobs on basketball coach Tony Barbee and needed win total: "There's no number. We'll know when we're getting better."


Auburn AD Jay Jacobs: "In the business we're in, your job is always on the line... I'm up to the challenge."


More here...

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Jacobs says from this point forward the results are all on him?

"What comes next sits squarely on my shoulders."

Are the current state of AU athletics not squarely on his shoulders as well?

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It's all smoke and mirrors to protect the good ole boy network.

Anyone expecting anymore than this answer is just naive.

All that matters is the athletic department is making money and pumping dollars into the local economy. The ONLY thing which will force change is a financial boycott, but it is far easier for us to believe in the false hope spouted by Gogue and Jacobs when we hand over our hard-earned money. Auburn fans are loyal to a fault, and the powerbrokers will continue to take full advantage of them. My family has purchased season tickets for the last 57 years, but we are seriously considering whether to continue our support in light of how the current power structure makes a mockery of the ideals and responsibilities to which they have been entrusted. If you think Auburn has hit rock bottom in terms of athletics, let alone personal acountability, check back in 12 months. I do not wish ill of anyone loyal to the Auburn family, certainly not the athletes and coaches, but the money-grubbers in charge and their yes-men are not family. Their only loyalty is to their own egos, and they will not relinquish one inch of their power willingly.

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I know pretty much everyone here hates JJ, but if you look at this from a neutral, management perspective, it really looks to me like the committee is on point. They note the current positives... that Auburn is one of the few schools that is actually profitable in athletics and that we currently are at the highest level that we've ever been, academically. They point out that our compliance is excellent, several of our programs are very successful, and that we are finally actively defending the university against baseless claims. Finally, our facilities can compete with any in the nation. No matter how you look at it, that's some major positives.

They then point out the negatives that need fixing. The obvious is, of course, more wins for the major sports, but they note that this has been addressed with some coaching changes that currently look to be very positive. They also note the need to work on the game day experience, which means they have heard that people do not like a lot of the changes. Then they mention better communication with the alumni and fans. That sounds to me like they are hearing what we are saying and giving JJ the opportunity to successfully address the issues that are now before him. Of course, the other thing you might gleen from this list is that all of these issues are centered on the fans. Sure, indirectly, the happiness of the fans can reduce income, but overall, the needs of Auburn are being met and we are the squeaky wheel. We want our desires to be catered to and we want heads to roll when they aren't. It's kind of sad, really.

As a manager, I have to say, the committee seems to have recommended a very sound business approach to the issues. Changing leadership would slow all of these processes down and really just be catering to the angry, pitchfork toting mob. It sounds to me like JJ has a very clear picture of what is expected and the leash is very short. In fact, if you read between the lines, it seems to me that he was very likely presented with an ultimatum to meet the expectations or face the consequences.

So, I suggest those of you who are disappointed that no blood was spilled this go around, relax and see how things play out. After all, if JJ can pull it off, are you going to be upset? If you say "yes, then you need to check your priorities. If he can't, then you will get what you want, and Auburn will probably be more prepared to move on at that point.

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I have read and re-read the posts under this topic and decided that this is what must happen for JJ to keep his job beyond 2013:

1. Foremost: Our football team needs to go at least 9-3 or better and beat bammer. This will be the first criteria and most important.

2. Basketball men: Should win 18 or more games. Beat bammer at least once. Win at least 2 games in the SEC tourney. Receive at least an NIT invite and win at least 1- 2 or more games in the NIT

3. Women Bball: Win at least 18 or more games and do well in the SEC tourney. Beat bammer at least once. Get at least an NIT invite and win 1-2 or more games in tourney

4. Baseball: should finish the season at least 12 or more games above .500. Approach at least a 15-15 SEC record, win at least 2 or more games in the SEC Tourney. Get an invite to the NCAA tourney.

5. Women softball: Have a winning season and have a respectable SEC record.

6. Swimming: both men and women teams finishing in the top 5 nationwide and win or come close to winning the SEC Championship.

There are other sports programs that I did not mention. None-the-less for each program to be highly competitive for conference titles. Also, commit to having a 5,000 seat expansion to JHS done in good taste to have the best ammenities in the SEC and nation. 5,000 seats will put us in the group of (TAMU, turdtown, Uga, Lsu, but coming away with ammenities that will blow away the rest of the SEC. JUst my take to what it should take for JJ to keep his job.

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All of you whiners who want Jay Jacobs fired are just brilliant. After Selena Roberts and ESPN, firing the AD would be tantamount to admitting they were right all along.

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It makes me wonder what kind of response they thought they'd get from the fans with this kind of non-speak? Did they think we'd say "Oh boy!! We've really got things under control now!"

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. We aren't naive. JJ has no chance of improving everything that needs to be improved upon in the next 12 months. Zero. Dr. Gogue just gave him a year-long meal ticket and a way to ease out of town saving face. Too bad. It's Auburn's face that'll most likely bear the scars of getting punched out.

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All of you whiners who want Jay Jacobs fired are just brilliant. After Selena Roberts and ESPN, firing the AD would be tantamount to admitting they were right all along.

Don't mean to sound rude but how would that prove they were right? That is apples and oranges. We would fire him because he picks bad coaches and no one wants to work with him. I believe it was said elsewhere on this board that our old swimming coach wont come back because he wont work for JJ and now our best sport is on the decline. All that jazz that Roberts and ESPN is taking jabs at the football program that Chizik was in charge of. The problems we are facing are on a wider scale than just the football program.

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