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New Stadium updates?


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That's true, the ramp folks that stand and watch the game will have fewer places to watch from in the future

Unfortunate, but the HD screens at each corner make up for that. There won't be a bad seat in the house.

I will say this, in the article it mentions how two upper decks will be added. I hope that on the south end zone they add luxurious suites instead. It is hard to tell from the rendering if it is an upper deck, or suites. Odds are that we may not go exactly by that render. I can't seem to find them anywhere online, but there was also some other company that designed an expansion for Jordan Hare with upgrades to the exterior. I was highly pleased with them; wish I could find them.

They are in fact luxury suites on the South end. Here are the pics from the same site of the end zones from the inside of the stadium.

*************** North End ***************** *************** South End *****************


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That's true, the ramp folks that stand and watch the game will have fewer places to watch from in the future

Unfortunate, but the HD screens at each corner make up for that. There won't be a bad seat in the house.

I will say this, in the article it mentions how two upper decks will be added. I hope that on the south end zone they add luxurious suites instead. It is hard to tell from the rendering if it is an upper deck, or suites. Odds are that we may not go exactly by that render. I can't seem to find them anywhere online, but there was also some other company that designed an expansion for Jordan Hare with upgrades to the exterior. I was highly pleased with them; wish I could find them.

They are in fact luxury suites on the South end. Here are the pics from the same site of the end zones from the inside of the stadium.

*************** North End ***************** *************** South End *****************


Now that is snazzy!

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I have to agree, AUSWEN. Hey douggwilliams, when was the last time you were on Auburn's campus? EVERY new building is brick. The student center? Brick. The Shelby Center? Brick. The two newest housing dorms? Brick. The Lowder building just got renovated with newer brick, and can you guess what the new wellness center is mostly made of? I'll give you one guess....


Hell yeah

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Every single new building on campus is brick. They have incorporated some concrete facade as well, but it all just adds pretty borders to a mostly brick exterior. Bricking up JHS will make it match the new buildings better. The problem with the old buildings is that are they entirely brick and generally just square, boring, ugly buildings. That's just an architectural choice though, has nothing to do with materials. Brick is everywhere in AU including every single building built in the last ten years.

On Haley..... I say mow it down and start over :P

Haley definitely. Same with Parker and Funchess. I've never seen the inside of Funchess since I've never had classes there, but the outside of it looks outdated. Have y'all seen the new equestrian and vet school? Crazy looking.

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That's true, the ramp folks that stand and watch the game will have fewer places to watch from in the future

Unfortunate, but the HD screens at each corner make up for that. There won't be a bad seat in the house.

I will say this, in the article it mentions how two upper decks will be added. I hope that on the south end zone they add luxurious suites instead. It is hard to tell from the rendering if it is an upper deck, or suites. Odds are that we may not go exactly by that render. I can't seem to find them anywhere online, but there was also some other company that designed an expansion for Jordan Hare with upgrades to the exterior. I was highly pleased with them; wish I could find them.

They are in fact luxury suites on the South end. Here are the pics from the same site of the end zones from the inside of the stadium.

******************* North End ************************************** South End *************************


Now that is snazzy!

Yes it is, I like it a lot. I like completely closing one end zone but as I said earlier, that could be done later if we really wanted to. But those pictures look sharp. We should at least do 1 of those end zones just like those pics with the jumbotrons and brick it up, along with bricking up the East and West sides.
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That's true, the ramp folks that stand and watch the game will have fewer places to watch from in the future

Unfortunate, but the HD screens at each corner make up for that. There won't be a bad seat in the house.

I will say this, in the article it mentions how two upper decks will be added. I hope that on the south end zone they add luxurious suites instead. It is hard to tell from the rendering if it is an upper deck, or suites. Odds are that we may not go exactly by that render. I can't seem to find them anywhere online, but there was also some other company that designed an expansion for Jordan Hare with upgrades to the exterior. I was highly pleased with them; wish I could find them.

They are in fact luxury suites on the South end. Here are the pics from the same site of the end zones from the inside of the stadium.

*************** North End ************************************** South End *****************


Now that is snazzy!

Yes it is, I like it a lot. I like closing one end zone but as I said earlier, that could be done later if we really wanted to. But those pictures look sharp. We should at least do 1 of those end zones with jumbotrons and brick it up, along with bricking up the East and West sides.

I believe that the suites would come first, along with the bricking. As stated earlier, brick would make the campus area by the main concourse look a lot better. I can only hope that things at least get started early next year because next fall is my last semester at Auburn more than likely.

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That's true, the ramp folks that stand and watch the game will have fewer places to watch from in the future

Unfortunate, but the HD screens at each corner make up for that. There won't be a bad seat in the house.

I will say this, in the article it mentions how two upper decks will be added. I hope that on the south end zone they add luxurious suites instead. It is hard to tell from the rendering if it is an upper deck, or suites. Odds are that we may not go exactly by that render. I can't seem to find them anywhere online, but there was also some other company that designed an expansion for Jordan Hare with upgrades to the exterior. I was highly pleased with them; wish I could find them.

They are in fact luxury suites on the South end. Here are the pics from the same site of the end zones from the inside of the stadium.

*************** North End ***************** *************** South End *****************


Those are great pics. I would love to see the stadium closed in like that. Imagine actually being in one of those suites and getting to watch the Eagle fly before the game. That would be better than going to Disney World.

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I don't like the sketch at all. If we ever do expand, I hope we bowl in 1 upper deck first like UGA, and then if there is demand, we can do the other. I think the sketch looks like crap (too much like UAT's stadium). If we are going to do it, do it right, or don't do it at all.


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As it is, we don't sell out that many games at JHS. Go back to 2010 if you need proof. We didn't sell out three home games, including the one against South Carolina. No matter what you say about Bama, they sell the place out every week no matter who their opponent is.

This is a very valid point. Think about it. Updyke, who lived on disability and rented a house on Lake Martin, somehow had enough money to buy season tickets to the home games and tickets to bowl games. I think he cut out things like bathing to find the money,

Right now Walmart Bammers are pawning the titles on their mobile homes to buy tickets to this season's home games.

The end-zone upper decks in BDS are like something out of Appalachia. Inbreds, children afflicted with rickets, illiterates, you name it. I think the ticket office at UAT accepts EBT.

And these folks are not just from Alabama. Redneck losers from a thousand miles away vicariously live through the Alabama football program. While you run into Auburn grads around the world, there are Bammers across the U.S. We are not talking grads, we are talking high school dropouts who work at Walmarts in small towns throughout the country. And many of them make the pilgrimage to BDS at least once a year. For most of the Alabama fan base, the only time they have ever set foot on a college campus is to either tailgate or attend a Bama game. Most have not seen the inside of a classroom since their teenage years. Most do not have an immediate relative who attended college.

When you ask a non-UAT grad Bammer (okay, redundant) why they are a Bama fan, the answer is because they chose to be one, kind of like why someone is a Dallas Cowboy's fan or a New York Yankees fan. When you ask a non-AU grad Auburn fan why they are an Auburn fan it is almost always because of a family connection to AU.

Anyway, it is for that reason I would rather not expand the stadium too soon. I do not want the riff-raff in JHS. I want people with connections to AU in the stands: Graduates, families, and those closely affiliated with AU.

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As it is, we don't sell out that many games at JHS. Go back to 2010 if you need proof. We didn't sell out three home games, including the one against South Carolina. No matter what you say about Bama, they sell the place out every week no matter who their opponent is.

This is a very valid point. Think about it. Updyke, who lived on disability and rented a house on Lake Martin, somehow had enough money to buy season tickets to the home games and tickets to bowl games. I think he cut out things like bathing to find the money,

Right now Walmart Bammers are pawning the titles on their mobile homes to buy tickets to this season's home games.

The end-zone upper decks in BDS are like something out of Appalachia. Inbreds, children afflicted with rickets, illiterates, you name it. I think the ticket office at UAT accepts EBT.

And these folks are not just from Alabama. Redneck losers from a thousand miles away vicariously live through the Alabama football program. While you run into Auburn grads around the world, there are Bammers across the U.S. We are not talking grads, we are talking high school dropouts who work at Walmarts in small towns throughout the country. And many of them make the pilgrimage to BDS at least once a year. For most of the Alabama fan base, the only time they have ever set foot on a college campus is to either tailgate or attend a Bama game. Most have not seen the inside of a classroom since their teenage years. Most do not have an immediate relative who attended college.

When you ask a non-UAT grad Bammer (okay, redundant) why they are a Bama fan, the answer is because they chose to be one, kind of like why someone is a Dallas Cowboy's fan or a New York Yankees fan. When you ask a non-AU grad Auburn fan why they are an Auburn fan it is almost always because of a family connection to AU.

Anyway, it is for that reason I would rather not expand the stadium too soon. I do not want the riff-raff in JHS. I want people with connections to AU in the stands: Graduates, families, and those closely affiliated with AU.

This guy.

Also - I don't think it's an issue of us filling the stands with "crappy fans" (if there is such a thing - just don't suck and I don't care where you're from or your attachment) - it's that we don't fill the stadium game in/game out as it is right now. Rather work on making the stadium nice for people who DO go to the games before adding more empty seats. We will get the attendance after a few years - like it or not last season didn't exactly do a lot for our attendance. We will see after this season 2 things: 1) who the real fans are, and 2) how many people really come to games. With the excitement for this season where it is right now, as long as we JUST WIN, everything else will fall in place.

I agree with Logan about exterior and enclosing the exterior to a point. With the investment of just under 100 brand new HDtvs at concourse level, with no weather protection they won't last long.

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As it is, we don't sell out that many games at JHS. Go back to 2010 if you need proof. We didn't sell out three home games, including the one against South Carolina. No matter what you say about Bama, they sell the place out every week no matter who their opponent is.

This is a very valid point. Think about it. Updyke, who lived on disability and rented a house on Lake Martin, somehow had enough money to buy season tickets to the home games and tickets to bowl games. I think he cut out things like bathing to find the money,

Right now Walmart Bammers are pawning the titles on their mobile homes to buy tickets to this season's home games.

The end-zone upper decks in BDS are like something out of Appalachia. Inbreds, children afflicted with rickets, illiterates, you name it. I think the ticket office at UAT accepts EBT.

And these folks are not just from Alabama. Redneck losers from a thousand miles away vicariously live through the Alabama football program. While you run into Auburn grads around the world, there are Bammers across the U.S. We are not talking grads, we are talking high school dropouts who work at Walmarts in small towns throughout the country. And many of them make the pilgrimage to BDS at least once a year. For most of the Alabama fan base, the only time they have ever set foot on a college campus is to either tailgate or attend a Bama game. Most have not seen the inside of a classroom since their teenage years. Most do not have an immediate relative who attended college.

When you ask a non-UAT grad Bammer (okay, redundant) why they are a Bama fan, the answer is because they chose to be one, kind of like why someone is a Dallas Cowboy's fan or a New York Yankees fan. When you ask a non-AU grad Auburn fan why they are an Auburn fan it is almost always because of a family connection to AU.

Anyway, it is for that reason I would rather not expand the stadium too soon. I do not want the riff-raff in JHS. I want people with connections to AU in the stands: Graduates, families, and those closely affiliated with AU.

I agree with everything you said except "children afflicted with rickets". Everyone knows bammers don't bring kids to the games. That's one thing I love about Auburn are all the kids that are at the home games. Different story with bammers. Did you see the running of the Gumps at UAT's fan day. I don't think there was one kid in the bunch. Different cultures.

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The thing some of you might be missing is that doing the South end zone with the luxury suits pictured below, won't add any overcapacity to the present outside seating of the stadium. But, it encloses the South end zone with a quality addition that includes a new entrance way, adds the 2 jumbotrons and allows you to then brick up 3 sides of the stadium. They would probably move the present scoreboard to the North end for now.

At the same time all of these improvements are being done, hopefully a new sound system would also be added. All of this adds a lot of quality and visual appeal to the stadium without adding a single seat to the present 87,451. The extra outside capacity comes from the North end addition at some later date.

*************** South End *****************


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It doesn't increase capacity, but it does bring in cash. Rich folks and businesses love box seats! If we're winning games, that addition would bankroll most of the suggested changes.

Seriously though, I'm all for any change that leads to a bricked facade in the spirit of the new unified look on campus. The mixture of new/old buildings is almost perfect, and the visual appeal of the overall campus is multiple times higher than it was when I was there. JHS should be a part of that, not part of the problem.

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I agree with everything you said except "children afflicted with rickets". Everyone knows bammers don't bring kids to the games. That's one thing I love about Auburn are all the kids that are at the home games. Different story with bammers. Did you see the running of the Gumps at UAT's fan day. I don't think there was one kid in the bunch. Different cultures.

Good point. Thank you for correcting me.

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I've never been a huge fan of the separate upper deck in an endzone but that doesn't look too bad. I really like the idea of the boxes over the south endzone. The student section needs some kind of overhang to amplify the noise coming from that endzone. Penn State proved it enhances the decibel level. Putting some overhanging luxury boxes would not only make it look nicer but help with the noise as well.

It's about time we went forward with upgrades and enlargements. The stadium needs a facelift.

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I don't like the sketch at all. If we ever do expand, I hope we bowl in 1 upper deck first like UGA, and then if there is demand, we can do the other. I think the sketch looks like crap (too much like UAT's stadium). If we are going to do it, do it right, or don't do it at all.


It doesn't look like Bryant Denny at all. We'll have suites on the south end zone.

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As it is, we don't sell out that many games at JHS. Go back to 2010 if you need proof. We didn't sell out three home games, including the one against South Carolina. No matter what you say about Bama, they sell the place out every week no matter who their opponent is.

This is a very valid point. Think about it. Updyke, who lived on disability and rented a house on Lake Martin, somehow had enough money to buy season tickets to the home games and tickets to bowl games. I think he cut out things like bathing to find the money,

Right now Walmart Bammers are pawning the titles on their mobile homes to buy tickets to this season's home games.

The end-zone upper decks in BDS are like something out of Appalachia. Inbreds, children afflicted with rickets, illiterates, you name it. I think the ticket office at UAT accepts EBT.

And these folks are not just from Alabama. Redneck losers from a thousand miles away vicariously live through the Alabama football program. While you run into Auburn grads around the world, there are Bammers across the U.S. We are not talking grads, we are talking high school dropouts who work at Walmarts in small towns throughout the country. And many of them make the pilgrimage to BDS at least once a year. For most of the Alabama fan base, the only time they have ever set foot on a college campus is to either tailgate or attend a Bama game. Most have not seen the inside of a classroom since their teenage years. Most do not have an immediate relative who attended college.

When you ask a non-UAT grad Bammer (okay, redundant) why they are a Bama fan, the answer is because they chose to be one, kind of like why someone is a Dallas Cowboy's fan or a New York Yankees fan. When you ask a non-AU grad Auburn fan why they are an Auburn fan it is almost always because of a family connection to AU.

Anyway, it is for that reason I would rather not expand the stadium too soon. I do not want the riff-raff in JHS. I want people with connections to AU in the stands: Graduates, families, and those closely affiliated with AU.

One of the funniest comments I've ever seen on this board.

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As it is, we don't sell out that many games at JHS. Go back to 2010 if you need proof. We didn't sell out three home games, including the one against South Carolina. No matter what you say about Bama, they sell the place out every week no matter who their opponent is.

This is a very valid point. Think about it. Updyke, who lived on disability and rented a house on Lake Martin, somehow had enough money to buy season tickets to the home games and tickets to bowl games. I think he cut out things like bathing to find the money,

Right now Walmart Bammers are pawning the titles on their mobile homes to buy tickets to this season's home games.

The end-zone upper decks in BDS are like something out of Appalachia. Inbreds, children afflicted with rickets, illiterates, you name it. I think the ticket office at UAT accepts EBT.

And these folks are not just from Alabama. Redneck losers from a thousand miles away vicariously live through the Alabama football program. While you run into Auburn grads around the world, there are Bammers across the U.S. We are not talking grads, we are talking high school dropouts who work at Walmarts in small towns throughout the country. And many of them make the pilgrimage to BDS at least once a year. For most of the Alabama fan base, the only time they have ever set foot on a college campus is to either tailgate or attend a Bama game. Most have not seen the inside of a classroom since their teenage years. Most do not have an immediate relative who attended college.

When you ask a non-UAT grad Bammer (okay, redundant) why they are a Bama fan, the answer is because they chose to be one, kind of like why someone is a Dallas Cowboy's fan or a New York Yankees fan. When you ask a non-AU grad Auburn fan why they are an Auburn fan it is almost always because of a family connection to AU.

Anyway, it is for that reason I would rather not expand the stadium too soon. I do not want the riff-raff in JHS. I want people with connections to AU in the stands: Graduates, families, and those closely affiliated with AU.

One of the funniest comments I've ever seen on this board.

Post of the day!!

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As it is, we don't sell out that many games at JHS. Go back to 2010 if you need proof. We didn't sell out three home games, including the one against South Carolina. No matter what you say about Bama, they sell the place out every week no matter who their opponent is.

This is a very valid point. Think about it. Updyke, who lived on disability and rented a house on Lake Martin, somehow had enough money to buy season tickets to the home games and tickets to bowl games. I think he cut out things like bathing to find the money,

Right now Walmart Bammers are pawning the titles on their mobile homes to buy tickets to this season's home games.

The end-zone upper decks in BDS are like something out of Appalachia. Inbreds, children afflicted with rickets, illiterates, you name it. I think the ticket office at UAT accepts EBT.

And these folks are not just from Alabama. Redneck losers from a thousand miles away vicariously live through the Alabama football program. While you run into Auburn grads around the world, there are Bammers across the U.S. We are not talking grads, we are talking high school dropouts who work at Walmarts in small towns throughout the country. And many of them make the pilgrimage to BDS at least once a year. For most of the Alabama fan base, the only time they have ever set foot on a college campus is to either tailgate or attend a Bama game. Most have not seen the inside of a classroom since their teenage years. Most do not have an immediate relative who attended college.

When you ask a non-UAT grad Bammer (okay, redundant) why they are a Bama fan, the answer is because they chose to be one, kind of like why someone is a Dallas Cowboy's fan or a New York Yankees fan. When you ask a non-AU grad Auburn fan why they are an Auburn fan it is almost always because of a family connection to AU.

Anyway, it is for that reason I would rather not expand the stadium too soon. I do not want the riff-raff in JHS. I want people with connections to AU in the stands: Graduates, families, and those closely affiliated with AU.

One of the funniest comments I've ever seen on this board.

Post of the day!!

You can smell the past weeks Meth Cook wafting from their bodies, much the same as the smell of a particular State Fair food staple on any given Fall Saturday night in Baton Rouge.

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I think it looks fantastic. it give us a nice size stadium with plenty of seats for the average fan plus the luxury suites for those who can afford it. Strikes the right balance and has good aesthetics. Just out of curiosity does anyone know what one of those suites cost? I know it's a bunch, more than this old cowboy can afford, but I've always been curious about that.

I've run across these posts from time to time about the "sidewalk" fans. I do have a family connection to AU and that is what caused my allegiance to switch. However I know a number of Auburn fans who have zero connection to the university. They are average joes out here, most of them blue collar, making a living supporting their families and all of that. They are some of the finest folks you would ever want to meet and not a one you would call trash or "riff-raff" I'd stack them up against anyone else as for character. Let's not make so many assumptions.

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What you do, and I may have missed it, but when you build the boxes in the end zone, in reality, you move the press boxes there, and then retrofit the current press boxes to lux suites.


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I don't think we'll add seats right away. The trend is away from expansion, simply because people are staying home in their recliner, watching two or three games at a time on their HD 56 inch plus screen, in a controlled environment. Bricking the exterior is the logical first step, because it covers up that ugly concrete and ramps. After that, we'll take a look at more seats.

I completely agree with this!

I agree as well. In addition, the last recession. Has made a good number of people think twice about the money they are spending. It cost a lot to go to your college games.

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As it is, we don't sell out that many games at JHS. Go back to 2010 if you need proof. We didn't sell out three home games, including the one against South Carolina. No matter what you say about Bama, they sell the place out every week no matter who their opponent is.

This is a very valid point. Think about it. Updyke, who lived on disability and rented a house on Lake Martin, somehow had enough money to buy season tickets to the home games and tickets to bowl games. I think he cut out things like bathing to find the money,

Right now Walmart Bammers are pawning the titles on their mobile homes to buy tickets to this season's home games.

The end-zone upper decks in BDS are like something out of Appalachia. Inbreds, children afflicted with rickets, illiterates, you name it. I think the ticket office at UAT accepts EBT.

And these folks are not just from Alabama. Redneck losers from a thousand miles away vicariously live through the Alabama football program. While you run into Auburn grads around the world, there are Bammers across the U.S. We are not talking grads, we are talking high school dropouts who work at Walmarts in small towns throughout the country. And many of them make the pilgrimage to BDS at least once a year. For most of the Alabama fan base, the only time they have ever set foot on a college campus is to either tailgate or attend a Bama game. Most have not seen the inside of a classroom since their teenage years. Most do not have an immediate relative who attended college.

When you ask a non-UAT grad Bammer (okay, redundant) why they are a Bama fan, the answer is because they chose to be one, kind of like why someone is a Dallas Cowboy's fan or a New York Yankees fan. When you ask a non-AU grad Auburn fan why they are an Auburn fan it is almost always because of a family connection to AU.

Anyway, it is for that reason I would rather not expand the stadium too soon. I do not want the riff-raff in JHS. I want people with connections to AU in the stands: Graduates, families, and those closely affiliated with AU.

One of the funniest comments I've ever seen on this board.

Now that was funnnnnnnnyyy!!!!!

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