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Cassanova Mckinzy post


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Yes, and I remember other shining academic stars we've had, and they did alright. I tutored one or two of them. :)

We have academic help available. He'll be fine. Beat BamR.

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It's just twitter speak, not horrible grammar. No one uses whole words on the internet anymore. Kids these days....

It's not twitter speak. It's unintelligible gibberish. I get the twitter short hand and all because of the limited characters, but that's a frickin' full paragraph. The dude is in college (getting a free ride too). It's time to learn how to spell and use proper grammar. No excuses here. It's embarrassing quite frankly.

I very rarely agree with you. But in this case, I am with you 110%. I appreciate the young man's enthusiasm, but I agree what he posted/texted/tweeted, etc is totally embarrassing. However; no one should be surprised. AU athletics (especially football and basketball) is a totally different entity socially and academically than the rest of Auburn University.


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I wonder what CGM said that CGC never would've said

Don't worry, a thread will be started I'm sure on that topic alone.
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I have a feeling his target audience will be able to understand the post just fine. While we may not enjoy his grammar, we have to realize that we weren't the target audience of the message.

Yes and it's not as much bad grammar as it is him typing a 'dialect' of the younger generation. Using, "an" for and, "gone" for going, "uu" for you, etc. Older folks like me wouldn't use it, but they know what they are saying to each other.

However, the highlighted part of this sentence tells you he knows how to use proper grammar when he wants. " An plus we have the most loyal, truthful, humble, downright appreciative, supportive fans baby." What is his audience ? A 17 year old recruit going into his Senior year in High School.

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I wonder what CGM said that CGC never would've said

Don't worry, a thread will be started I'm sure on that topic alone.

Probably "Look forward to seeing you start this year." For some reason he wasn't given a chance even though he did work in the 1 game he did start.

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I wonder what CGM said that CGC never would've said

Don't worry, a thread will be started I'm sure on that topic alone.

"Run it, run it, run it! Go, go, go!"

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Casanova is not making grammar mistakes. That is the way kids type on emails and such. Evidentially all of you English majors were able to understand what he was staying. I hope he doesn't read all of the posts about being so critical of him. Let him be 18 and you get a life!

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I wonder what CGM said that CGC never would've said

Don't worry, a thread will be started I'm sure on that topic alone.

"Run it, run it, run it! Go, go, go!"

"Can't wait to coach you next season"???

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Give the kid a break. It's social media, not a formal essay or research paper. The message was still understood.


But it just goes to show you the power of the written word. Especially on the internet. It lasts forever.

It's never too soon to learn that.

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As long as he is a team guy, plays like a champ, and keeps his grades up then I personally do not care about his grammar. I suppose he should.

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As long as he is a team guy, plays like a champ, and keeps his grades up then I personally do not care about his grammar. I suppose he should.

I am with you.

But, if he doesn't make the pros or start his own business, any prospective employers will care. These kids need to understand that.

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Casanova is not making grammar mistakes. That is the way kids type on emails and such. Evidentially all of you English majors were able to understand what he was staying. I hope he doesn't read all of the posts about being so critical of him. Let him be 18 and you get a life!

dont get me wrong, i dont care about mistakes an 18 year old makes with writing becase over time, they will have a chance to learn how to use words correctly. that is by no means how kids type.

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Wow people! I would think there is a difference between twitter speak and regular dialect. Assuming that he is unable to use proper English or correct spelling is ludicrous.

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Wow people! I would think there is a difference between twitter speak and regular dialect. Assuming that he is unable to use proper English or correct spelling is ludicrous.

I am with you 100 percent, Tbone. We consider the source, but we consider the context. He's coming through loud and clear, passionate beyond comfort for some, but magnetic to scads who are where he is in life. Those who read my often-wordy posts know my penchant for written expression, and revision-for-perfection is regretfully my middle name. However, in Cass's case, he makes his point w/no need for dissection, IMHO. Translation: "Say it's GREAT to BE an Auburn Tiger!" Right back atcha, Cassanova!

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It's just twitter speak, not horrible grammar. No one uses whole words on the internet anymore. Kids these days....

It's not twitter speak. It's unintelligible gibberish. I get the twitter short hand and all because of the limited characters, but that's a frickin' full paragraph. The dude is in college (getting a free ride too). It's time to learn how to spell and use proper grammar. No excuses here. It's embarrassing quite frankly.

the guy is from west Birmingham and probably came up through the trends. The point is to write just like you talk and on Cass's case he is doing it hardcore. I'm white and my wife is half black so let say this in the most non racist way- I don't think alot of these young men plan on older men reading their text and clearly understanding what they meant.

Meaning the bad grammar is probably 70% made to be "urban" or "hood" or "ghetto" don't really know but you should all hang out outside the locker room when players come out. Alot of players talk like Cass tweeted. It's 2013 things are pretty messed up... But Auburn football is still great (;

Now let us take our powder wigs off and let the kids crack helmets and tweet how they want. I'm 27 and don't have twitter. Sounds like I don't need it.

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It's just twitter speak, not horrible grammar. No one uses whole words on the internet anymore. Kids these days....

It's not twitter speak. It's unintelligible gibberish. I get the twitter short hand and all because of the limited characters, but that's a frickin' full paragraph. The dude is in college (getting a free ride too). It's time to learn how to spell and use proper grammar. No excuses here. It's embarrassing quite frankly.

the guy is from west Birmingham and probably came up through the trends. The point is to write just like you talk and on Cass's case he is doing it hardcore. I'm white and my wife is half black so let say this in the most non racist way- I don't think alot of these young men plan on older men reading their text and clearly understanding what they meant.

Meaning the bad grammar is probably 70% made to be "urban" or "hood" or "ghetto" don't really know but you should all hang out outside the locker room when players come out. Alot of players talk like Cass tweeted. It's 2013 things are pretty messed up... But Auburn football is still great (;

Now let us take our powder wigs off and let the kids crack helmets and tweet how they want. I'm 27 and don't have twitter. Sounds like I don't need it.

Lol powder wigs!

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Casanova is not making grammar mistakes. That is the way kids type on emails and such. Evidentially all of you English majors were able to understand what he was staying. I hope he doesn't read all of the posts about being so critical of him. Let him be 18 and you get a life!

Just enjoy the irony here. I know you weren't saying he has bad grammar. I just found it funny due to the context of the entire conversation. :Sing:

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Well, he may not have the best grammer in the world but as long as he doesn't whiff on tackles likes #5 I don't really care.

I agree. AU (as it relates to athletics) is a football factory and all that matter is wins and losses on the playing field and not to get put on probation.


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Well, he may not have the best grammer in the world but as long as he doesn't whiff on tackles likes #5 I don't really care.

I agree. AU (as it relates to athletics) is a football factory and all that matter is wins and losses on the playing field and not to get put on probation.


Nice disclaimer

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Well, he may not have the best grammer in the world but as long as he doesn't whiff on tackles likes #5 I don't really care.

I agree. AU (as it relates to athletics) is a football factory and all that matter is wins and losses on the playing field and not to get put on probation.


Nice disclaimer

I always maintain that AU athletics (football and basketball primarily) and AU (the academic institution) are two separate entities and should be viewed as such by alumni and fans.


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Good grief. I can't believe a post on twitter that should've pumped up Auburn fans ended up being a 5-6 page discussion on twitter speak and his grammar.

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