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Morning After Pill Now Available For 15 Year Olds


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Ahhh, the truth is struggling to emerge, as fact-challenged as it may be.

Here is what I believe to be absolute fact. In your mind, it may be devoid of facts, but in mine, and in every mind of every follower of Jesus Christ, it is absolute truth, that it is the taking of a child's life and is an abortion.

Jeremiah 1:5

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

But, since you have a lack of understanding of spiritually discerned things, you will laugh and say that I am ridiculous, just as this verse says:

Jude 1:18-19

18 For they said to you, "In the end time there will come scoffers, propelled by their own ungodly desires."

19 These people are divisive, worldly, devoid of the Spirit.

So, just because I have different beliefs than you do, that doesn't make my argument of the facts incorrect. It is just different.

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Ahhh, the truth is struggling to emerge, as fact-challenged as it may be.

Here is what I believe to be absolute fact. In your mind, it may be devoid of facts, but in mine, and in every mind of every follower of Jesus Christ, it is absolute truth, that it is the taking of a child's life and is an abortion.

Jeremiah 1:5

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

But, since you have a lack of understanding of spiritually discerned things, you will laugh and say that I am ridiculous, just as this verse says:

Jude 1:18-19

18 For they said to you, "In the end time there will come scoffers, propelled by their own ungodly desires."

19 These people are divisive, worldly, devoid of the Spirit.

So, just because I have different beliefs than you do, that doesn't make my argument of the facts incorrect. It is just different.

How? So do you believe condoms and birth control pills are abortion?

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There are more dangerous products available to 11 and 12 year olds without parental guidance. If it is safe to use, and it can benefit society and the individual, then why not?

The fact that plan B can be used to stay out of serious trouble (having a child when you are 11 or 12) is why it should be readily available to those without good parents. I am having a hard time believing that an 11 or 12 year old will decide to become sexually active because plan B is now available to them without parent consent.

Furthermore, when we have mentally deranged parents out there that believe rape is a gift from god (i.e. Santorum), I am glad that their child can ignore their mentally deranged father and seek out their own, sane, solutions.

Do you have kids? You mean to tell me that if a kid knew that he or she could have unprotected sex with no repercussions of responsibility of becoming pregnant, that they wouldn't take advantage of that? If you believe that kids wouldn't, then you are incredibly naive. Kids will take advantage of any situation if there are no chances of trouble. Come on, you are smarter than this.

I'm thinking back to when I was twelve, going to movies and the pool with girls without parents.... having sex wasn't even on the radar. If suddenly plan B was available to the girls, things wouldn't have changed. If these girls wanted to have sex at 12, the lack of plan B wouldn't have changed their minds.

We had access to both natural and man made contraception, and yet we didn't engage in sex at 12.

Different times brother. My nieces told me when they were in middle school just a couple of years ago that the girls, were the ones pressuring the boys to engage in sexual activity. Roles have reversed now and girls are the aggressors. Ask any middle school child and they will tell you this. I have a child about to hit middle school, and all I hear now is "be sure to warn him about being pressured to do stuff that kids this age shouldn't even be thinking about." It's happening and if girls see that they don't have to take responsibility for pregnancy, it will get worse.

Those girls need to learn their roles...play with your barbie dolls and get back in the kitchen. They should be docile and only answer when spoken to...

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Ahhh, the truth is struggling to emerge, as fact-challenged as it may be.

Here is what I believe to be absolute fact. In your mind, it may be devoid of facts, but in mine, and in every mind of every follower of Jesus Christ, it is absolute truth, that it is the taking of a child's life and is an abortion.

Jeremiah 1:5

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

But, since you have a lack of understanding of spiritually discerned things, you will laugh and say that I am ridiculous, just as this verse says:

Jude 1:18-19

18 For they said to you, "In the end time there will come scoffers, propelled by their own ungodly desires."

19 These people are divisive, worldly, devoid of the Spirit.

So, just because I have different beliefs than you do, that doesn't make my argument of the facts incorrect. It is just different.

How? So do you believe condoms and birth control pills are abortion?


But he also likes to use the bible as an example of "fact" because you can't argue against that sort of position.

It's like trying to argue with the Taliban who holds the Koran as "fact".

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Ahhh, the truth is struggling to emerge, as fact-challenged as it may be.

Here is what I believe to be absolute fact. In your mind, it may be devoid of facts, but in mine, and in every mind of every follower of Jesus Christ, it is absolute truth, that it is the taking of a child's life and is an abortion.

Jeremiah 1:5

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

But, since you have a lack of understanding of spiritually discerned things, you will laugh and say that I am ridiculous, just as this verse says:

Jude 1:18-19

18 For they said to you, "In the end time there will come scoffers, propelled by their own ungodly desires."

19 These people are divisive, worldly, devoid of the Spirit.

So, just because I have different beliefs than you do, that doesn't make my argument of the facts incorrect. It is just different.

How? So do you believe condoms and birth control pills are abortion?


But he also likes to use the bible as an example of "fact" because you can't argue against that sort of position.

It's like trying to argue with the Taliban who holds the Koran as "fact".

...and Evolution, climate change, and the big bang theory are lies from the pits of hell...oh, and the Earth is 6000 years old.

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Ahhh, the truth is struggling to emerge, as fact-challenged as it may be.

Here is what I believe to be absolute fact. In your mind, it may be devoid of facts, but in mine, and in every mind of every follower of Jesus Christ, it is absolute truth, that it is the taking of a child's life and is an abortion.

Jeremiah 1:5

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

But, since you have a lack of understanding of spiritually discerned things, you will laugh and say that I am ridiculous, just as this verse says:

Jude 1:18-19

18 For they said to you, "In the end time there will come scoffers, propelled by their own ungodly desires."

19 These people are divisive, worldly, devoid of the Spirit.

So, just because I have different beliefs than you do, that doesn't make my argument of the facts incorrect. It is just different.

How? So do you believe condoms and birth control pills are abortion?


But he also likes to use the bible as an example of "fact" because you can't argue against that sort of position.

It's like trying to argue with the Taliban who holds the Koran as "fact".

...and Evolution, climate change, and the big bang theory are lies from the pits of hell...oh, and the Earth is 6000 years old.

And you are a bammer. :)

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It is an abortion my friend.

Lol. And I guess abstinence is an abortion too, because it prevents a child from being conceived

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Ahhh, the truth is struggling to emerge, as fact-challenged as it may be.

Here is what I believe to be absolute fact. In your mind, it may be devoid of facts, but in mine, and in every mind of every follower of Jesus Christ, it is absolute truth, that it is the taking of a child's life and is an abortion.

Jeremiah 1:5

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

But, since you have a lack of understanding of spiritually discerned things, you will laugh and say that I am ridiculous, just as this verse says:

Jude 1:18-19

18 For they said to you, "In the end time there will come scoffers, propelled by their own ungodly desires."

19 These people are divisive, worldly, devoid of the Spirit.

So, just because I have different beliefs than you do, that doesn't make my argument of the facts incorrect. It is just different.

How? So do you believe condoms and birth control pills are abortion?


But he also likes to use the bible as an example of "fact" because you can't argue against that sort of position.

It's like trying to argue with the Taliban who holds the Koran as "fact".

...and Evolution, climate change, and the big bang theory are lies from the pits of hell...oh, and the Earth is 6000 years old.

And you are a bammer. :)

HEY :icon_exclaim:

You are way over the line. It's one thing to play hard ball, but that is just a dirty shot. :no:;)

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It is an abortion my friend.

Lol. And I guess abstinence is an abortion too, because it prevents a child from being conceived

Well spilling your seed IS a sin...so you are a sinner. Repent!

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Ahhh, the truth is struggling to emerge, as fact-challenged as it may be.

Here is what I believe to be absolute fact. In your mind, it may be devoid of facts, but in mine, and in every mind of every follower of Jesus Christ, it is absolute truth, that it is the taking of a child's life and is an abortion.

Jeremiah 1:5

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

But, since you have a lack of understanding of spiritually discerned things, you will laugh and say that I am ridiculous, just as this verse says:

Jude 1:18-19

18 For they said to you, "In the end time there will come scoffers, propelled by their own ungodly desires."

19 These people are divisive, worldly, devoid of the Spirit.

So, just because I have different beliefs than you do, that doesn't make my argument of the facts incorrect. It is just different.

How? So do you believe condoms and birth control pills are abortion?


But he also likes to use the bible as an example of "fact" because you can't argue against that sort of position.

It's like trying to argue with the Taliban who holds the Koran as "fact".

...and Evolution, climate change, and the big bang theory are lies from the pits of hell...oh, and the Earth is 6000 years old.

And you are a bammer. :)

I am an '09 Alum in Electrical Engineering. Also, born and raised on the Plains.

"I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries."

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Ah the ignorance.

Says the guy who thinks contraception is abortion.

The reason in say that is because when someone posts their beliefs, they are laughed at and ridiculed. The bible says that God knows us before we are ever formed in the womb. This is a solid fact to me. It may not be to you, but it is to me. So the morning after pill is an abortion pill according to my beliefs. Got it now? I'm not asking you to believe what I believe, I am just asking you and the others to respect my beliefs.
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Ah the ignorance.

Says the guy who thinks contraception is abortion.

The reason in say that is because when someone posts their beliefs, they are laughed at and ridiculed. The bible says that God knows us before we are ever formed in the womb. This is a solid fact to me. It may not be to you, but it is to me. So the morning after pill is an abortion pill according to my beliefs. Got it now? I'm not asking you to believe what I believe, I am just asking you and the others to respect my beliefs.

I think what Aufan59 is trying to say is that they are saying now that the morning after pill does not prevent a fertilized egg (post-conception) from implanting in the womb. So far the FDA seems to disagree. I think the issue is still open. But if that's true and it only prevents fertilization and does not cause a fertilized egg to be unable to implant in the uterus, then it wouldn't be an abortion.

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Ah the ignorance.

Says the guy who thinks contraception is abortion.

The reason in say that is because when someone posts their beliefs, they are laughed at and ridiculed. The bible says that God knows us before we are ever formed in the womb. This is a solid fact to me. It may not be to you, but it is to me. So the morning after pill is an abortion pill according to my beliefs. Got it now? I'm not asking you to believe what I believe, I am just asking you and the others to respect my beliefs.

I think what Aufan59 is trying to say is that they are saying now that the morning after pill does not prevent a fertilized egg (post-conception) from implanting in the womb. So far the FDA seems to disagree. I think the issue is still open. But if that's true and it only prevents fertilization and does not cause a fertilized egg to be unable to implant in the uterus, then it wouldn't be an abortion.

Scientifically maybe.
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Ah the ignorance.

Says the guy who thinks contraception is abortion.

The reason in say that is because when someone posts their beliefs, they are laughed at and ridiculed. The bible says that God knows us before we are ever formed in the womb. This is a solid fact to me. It may not be to you, but it is to me. So the morning after pill is an abortion pill according to my beliefs. Got it now? I'm not asking you to believe what I believe, I am just asking you and the others to respect my beliefs.

I think what Aufan59 is trying to say is that they are saying now that the morning after pill does not prevent a fertilized egg (post-conception) from implanting in the womb. So far the FDA seems to disagree. I think the issue is still open. But if that's true and it only prevents fertilization and does not cause a fertilized egg to be unable to implant in the uterus, then it wouldn't be an abortion.

Scientifically maybe.

What do you mean? Even from a Christian perspective, an induced abortion can only occur after conception (egg is fertilized). If fertilization is prevented to begin with (same thing that happens with a condom or a diaphragm), then no abortion has occurred.

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Ah the ignorance.

Says the guy who thinks contraception is abortion.

The reason in say that is because when someone posts their beliefs, they are laughed at and ridiculed. The bible says that God knows us before we are ever formed in the womb. This is a solid fact to me. It may not be to you, but it is to me. So the morning after pill is an abortion pill according to my beliefs. Got it now? I'm not asking you to believe what I believe, I am just asking you and the others to respect my beliefs.

I think what Aufan59 is trying to say is that they are saying now that the morning after pill does not prevent a fertilized egg (post-conception) from implanting in the womb. So far the FDA seems to disagree. I think the issue is still open. But if that's true and it only prevents fertilization and does not cause a fertilized egg to be unable to implant in the uterus, then it wouldn't be an abortion.

Scientifically maybe.

What do you mean? Even from a Christian perspective, an induced abortion can only occur after conception (egg is fertilized). If fertilization is prevented to begin with (same thing that happens with a condom or a diaphragm), then no abortion has occurred.

But in some people's eyes, there would have been a baby if contraception wasn't used. Many believe contraception is wrong, and equates to abortion. $ex only equals making babies to them.

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Ah the ignorance.

Says the guy who thinks contraception is abortion.

The reason in say that is because when someone posts their beliefs, they are laughed at and ridiculed. The bible says that God knows us before we are ever formed in the womb. This is a solid fact to me. It may not be to you, but it is to me. So the morning after pill is an abortion pill according to my beliefs. Got it now? I'm not asking you to believe what I believe, I am just asking you and the others to respect my beliefs.

I think what Aufan59 is trying to say is that they are saying now that the morning after pill does not prevent a fertilized egg (post-conception) from implanting in the womb. So far the FDA seems to disagree. I think the issue is still open. But if that's true and it only prevents fertilization and does not cause a fertilized egg to be unable to implant in the uterus, then it wouldn't be an abortion.

Scientifically maybe.

What do you mean? Even from a Christian perspective, an induced abortion can only occur after conception (egg is fertilized). If fertilization is prevented to begin with (same thing that happens with a condom or a diaphragm), then no abortion has occurred.

But in some people's eyes, there would have been a baby if contraception wasn't used. Many believe contraception is wrong, and equates to abortion. $ex only equals making babies to them.

Now hang on, that's not what I mean. Take these verses:

Jeremiah 1:5

"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations."

Psalm 139:16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

This is what I believe. Before we were even thought of by our parents, God knew us. There are many things I don't know when it comes to God's ways because His ways are so much higher than mine. Is contraception wrong in God's eyes? I have no idea. Did my wife and I use birth control? Of course we did. Sex is a beautiful thing created by God to be enjoyed by a married man and a woman, not just for procreation. So don't take what I said out of context and paint me to be something I am not.

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Ah the ignorance.

Says the guy who thinks contraception is abortion.

The reason in say that is because when someone posts their beliefs, they are laughed at and ridiculed. The bible says that God knows us before we are ever formed in the womb. This is a solid fact to me. It may not be to you, but it is to me. So the morning after pill is an abortion pill according to my beliefs. Got it now? I'm not asking you to believe what I believe, I am just asking you and the others to respect my beliefs.

I think what Aufan59 is trying to say is that they are saying now that the morning after pill does not prevent a fertilized egg (post-conception) from implanting in the womb. So far the FDA seems to disagree. I think the issue is still open. But if that's true and it only prevents fertilization and does not cause a fertilized egg to be unable to implant in the uterus, then it wouldn't be an abortion.

Scientifically maybe.

What do you mean? Even from a Christian perspective, an induced abortion can only occur after conception (egg is fertilized). If fertilization is prevented to begin with (same thing that happens with a condom or a diaphragm), then no abortion has occurred.

But in some people's eyes, there would have been a baby if contraception wasn't used. Many believe contraception is wrong, and equates to abortion. $ex only equals making babies to them.

But they are wrong. I have devout Catholic friends for instance who do believe that the use of artificial contraception is wrong, but not because they equate it to an abortion. And even though both are serious sins in their eyes, the latter is considered the taking of human life. The former does not rise to that level of severity.

An abortion is a matter of biology and science, not faith. An abortion only occurs if a living being (a fertilized egg or any stage of development after that) is prevented from implanting in the uterus or forcibly expelled or removed from the uterus, whether that's through pharmacological means (like RU-486 or inducing early labor with drugs like pitocin) or surgical means (D&C, etc). If the sperm has been prevented from reaching the egg or the egg has been prevented from being released, no conception happens and therefore no abortion.

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Now hang on, that's not what I mean. Take these verses:

Jeremiah 1:5

"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations."

Psalm 139:16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

This is what I believe. Before we were even thought of by our parents, God knew us. There are many things I don't know when it comes to God's ways because His ways are so much higher than mine. Is contraception wrong in God's eyes? I have no idea. Did my wife and I use birth control? Of course we did. Sex is a beautiful thing created by God to be enjoyed by a married man and a woman, not just for procreation. So don't take what I said out of context and paint me to be something I am not.

You're stretching the meaning of that far beyond what the verse actually says though. If God is seeing the person's unformed body, He's seeing into the future...He's seeing a person that will actually exist. I don't think there's any way you can reasonably interpret that to mean that God is foreseeing a person that was never created because the man wore a condom and his sperm never made it to the egg.

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By chance do you guys know the natural abortion rates?

Miscarriages spontaneously occur in up to 70-75% of all fertilization events, and in about 30% of all implantation events.

Spontaneous natural abortions are extremely common for a wide variety of reasons.

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By chance do you guys know the natural abortion rates?

Miscarriages spontaneously occur in up to 70-75% of all fertilization events, and in about 30% of all implantation events.

Spontaneous natural abortions are extremely common for a wide variety of reasons.

There are no moral concerns about "natural abortions" vs induced abortions anymore than there are about natural causes of death vs homicides. So I'm not really sure why that'd be something a Christian would keep track of.

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Now hang on, that's not what I mean. Take these verses:

Jeremiah 1:5

"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations."

Psalm 139:16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

This is what I believe. Before we were even thought of by our parents, God knew us. There are many things I don't know when it comes to God's ways because His ways are so much higher than mine. Is contraception wrong in God's eyes? I have no idea. Did my wife and I use birth control? Of course we did. Sex is a beautiful thing created by God to be enjoyed by a married man and a woman, not just for procreation. So don't take what I said out of context and paint me to be something I am not.

You're stretching the meaning of that far beyond what the verse actually says though. If God is seeing the person's unformed body, He's seeing into the future...He's seeing a person that will actually exist. I don't think there's any way you can reasonably interpret that to mean that God is foreseeing a person that was never created because the man wore a condom and his sperm never made it to the egg.

We can't profess to know that ultimately. What about the baby that never came to be because of a miscarriage? That soul doesn't just cease to exist.
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Now hang on, that's not what I mean. Take these verses:

Jeremiah 1:5

"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations."

Psalm 139:16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

This is what I believe. Before we were even thought of by our parents, God knew us. There are many things I don't know when it comes to God's ways because His ways are so much higher than mine. Is contraception wrong in God's eyes? I have no idea. Did my wife and I use birth control? Of course we did. Sex is a beautiful thing created by God to be enjoyed by a married man and a woman, not just for procreation. So don't take what I said out of context and paint me to be something I am not.

You're stretching the meaning of that far beyond what the verse actually says though. If God is seeing the person's unformed body, He's seeing into the future...He's seeing a person that will actually exist. I don't think there's any way you can reasonably interpret that to mean that God is foreseeing a person that was never created because the man wore a condom and his sperm never made it to the egg.

We can't profess to know that ultimately. What about the baby that never came to be because of a miscarriage? That soul doesn't just cease to exist.

Because again, that is a person that actually DID come into being, but died in utero due to miscarriage. Their body was actually formed. If there's no conception to begin with, there's no body to formed, no person was ever created. You're twisting yourself in a pretzel to come up with that interpretation. It's just torturous to the text itself.

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Now hang on, that's not what I mean. Take these verses:

Jeremiah 1:5

"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations."

Psalm 139:16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

This is what I believe. Before we were even thought of by our parents, God knew us. There are many things I don't know when it comes to God's ways because His ways are so much higher than mine. Is contraception wrong in God's eyes? I have no idea. Did my wife and I use birth control? Of course we did. Sex is a beautiful thing created by God to be enjoyed by a married man and a woman, not just for procreation. So don't take what I said out of context and paint me to be something I am not.

You're stretching the meaning of that far beyond what the verse actually says though. If God is seeing the person's unformed body, He's seeing into the future...He's seeing a person that will actually exist. I don't think there's any way you can reasonably interpret that to mean that God is foreseeing a person that was never created because the man wore a condom and his sperm never made it to the egg.

We can't profess to know that ultimately. What about the baby that never came to be because of a miscarriage? That soul doesn't just cease to exist.

Because again, that is a person that actually DID come into being, but died in utero due to miscarriage. Their body was actually formed. If there's no conception to begin with, there's no body to formed, no person was ever created. You're twisting yourself in a pretzel to come up with that interpretation. It's just torturous to the text itself.

Speculation. Scientifically speaking, you are correct. But there are many, many things that you don't know when it comes to God, because your knowledge is limited, as is mine. His thoughts aren't your thoughts, neither are yours His. You do make a good point though.
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