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2013 Spring Practice - Day 14


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If he spends any amount of time at QB, I have a hard time believing he'd have any chance of starting at Safety (if he's eventually moved). Maybe he could work into the rotation, but Whitehead and Fisher are likely in the rotation. McNeal will be if he's on the team. Brandon King is a JUCO, just like Marshall, that's expected to contribute. Basically, Marshall would have to beat out King, Fisher, McNeal, and both of the incoming freshmen in order to start. Tough seeing that happen if he's got less than a full fall practice under his belt.

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Marshall will at least start out at QB. When you look at the circumstances surrounding his recruitment, it makes sense. Depth was not going to be a terrible concern with both Wallace and Frazier already coming back along with Johnson and Smith on their way. Marshall appears to have been seen as a dynamic player who could step in at QB and elevate the playing level if Frazier and Wallace didn't work out. The coaches had no intention of relying on either Johnson or Smith to come in and start from day 1 as true freshmen so the addition of a known JUCO QB with excellent athleticism seems to be an attempt at bridging the gap from 2013 to at least 2014 if not 2015 when Johnson or another talented young QB could take over. Well, that's my opinion at least and I could be completely off base.

As far as his INTs are concerned, well it is what it is. He did play on a JUCO team that had to play from behind alot and he was forced to air it out alot more than normal but stats are stats and his stats aren't stellar. But then again, neither are Wallace's or Frazier's. To think that Wallace or Frazier's troubles can still be corrected and Marshall's can't is a bit ridiculous. If Malzahn and Lashlee can develop QBs as well as they apparently can, and we're expecting Frazier to be turned around into a competent signal caller, then we have to believe that Marshall can be developed as well.


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Marshall will at least start out at QB. When you look at the circumstances surrounding his recruitment, it makes sense. Depth was not going to be a terrible concern with both Wallace and Frazier already coming back along with Johnson and Smith on their way. Marshall appears to have been seen as a dynamic player who could step in at QB and elevate the playing level if Frazier and Wallace didn't work out. The coaches had no intention of relying on either Johnson or Smith to come in and start from day 1 as true freshmen so the addition of a known JUCO QB with excellent athleticism seems to be an attempt at bridging the gap from 2013 to at least 2014 if not 2015 when Johnson or another talented young QB could take over. Well, that's my opinion at least and I could be completely off base.

As far as his INTs are concerned, well it is what it is. He did play on a JUCO team that had to play from behind a lot and he was forced to air it out a lot more than normal but stats are stats and his stats aren't stellar. But then again, neither are Wallace's or Frazier's. To think that Wallace or Frazier's troubles can still be corrected and Marshall's can't is a bit ridiculous. If Malzahn and Lashlee can develop QBs as well as they apparently can, and we're expecting Frazier to be turned around into a competent signal caller, then we have to believe that Marshall can be developed as well.


I agree that Marshall is a very talented athlete all around. He has great size, strength, speed, etc. and has the ability and knowledge to play several positions on both sides of the ball. With that being said, I feel after watching his highlights (whatever I could find on YouTube) that he is primarily a scrambling QB, who occasionally throws, a la Michael Vick when he played for the Falcons (or whenever I played with him in Madden that is). The moment the pocket breaks, he is GONE, and while that is a testimony to his athletic ability, it gives an insight to his play style.

In my eyes, Gus's system works most effectively when it has a dual-threat quarterback (like Cam) leading it, and we have 2 already on campus and 1 more coming in (honestly, Jason Smith isn't really in the running in my eyes. Too much competition). KF and JW both would be pretty good in, well I guess it's Lashlee's offense now, but I think that JJ will be the best suited to the system. He is big (6'6", 210 lbs), has a cannon for an arm, and is deceptively fast and elusive... remind you of anybody? IMO Marshall can and will make a bigger impact elsewhere on the team, though he may be used in some trick-play, reverse pass kind of situations (a la Kodi Burns).


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If he spends any amount of time at QB, I have a hard time believing he'd have any chance of starting at Safety (if he's eventually moved). Maybe he could work into the rotation, but Whitehead and Fisher are likely in the rotation. McNeal will be if he's on the team. Brandon King is a JUCO, just like Marshall, that's expected to contribute. Basically, Marshall would have to beat out King, Fisher, McNeal, and both of the incoming freshmen in order to start. Tough seeing that happen if he's got less than a full fall practice under his belt.

He is a RARE athlete period. Would be able to make a bigger immediate splash at WR IMO. It's easier t6o walk in and play WR/RB than DB, not that he couldn't but we need a reciever that makes plays.

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Gus recruited nick to play qb period

Might as well give it up...there is a sizeable contingency of KF devotees who will argue that nobody can do what KF can because Gus said so 2 years ago.

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If he spends any amount of time at QB, I have a hard time believing he'd have any chance of starting at Safety (if he's eventually moved). Maybe he could work into the rotation, but Whitehead and Fisher are likely in the rotation. McNeal will be if he's on the team. Brandon King is a JUCO, just like Marshall, that's expected to contribute. Basically, Marshall would have to beat out King, Fisher, McNeal, and both of the incoming freshmen in order to start. Tough seeing that happen if he's got less than a full fall practice under his belt.

He is a RARE athlete period. Would be able to make a bigger immediate splash at WR IMO. It's easier t6o walk in and play WR/RB than DB, not that he couldn't but we need a reciever that makes plays.

LOL, he is desperately needed at the QB position,,,,,,You know, the one Gus recruited him for. If Marshall makes an impact as a WR or a DB that means he totally blew the QB audition and Gus and staff evaluated him wrong.


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Gus recruited nick to play qb period

Might as well give it up...there is a sizeable contingency of KF devotees who will argue that nobody can do what KF can because Gus said so 2 years ago.

Yep. If the courting of Trickett is not the hammer to the head of those folks, nothing will be.


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Gus recruited nick to play qb period

Might as well give it up...there is a sizeable contingency of KF devotees who will argue that nobody can do what KF can because Gus said so 2 years ago.

Yep. If the courting of Trickett is not the hammer to the head of those folks, nothing will be.


I will address this post at a later date. But Trickett's "recruitment" has nothing to do with JW's or KF's ability/inability at QB. (If Trickett were to sign with us.)
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