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Hey ESPN.......


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Ben, the antitrust analysis' re product and geographical market power (and abuse of monopoly power if it exists) is a very long conversation, especially re media monopolies (assuming you mean Sherman section 2 re monopolies, since I don't see how section 1 applies to ESPN unless you think they've agreed to be a cartel to exclude competition with other media). Exactly what competition is ESPN keeping out of "the market"? (an important element DOJ, Auburn, et al would need to prove). Providing 24 hour sports channels that are more "entertaining" to most consumers doesn't necessarily translate to abuse of monopoly power (which ESPN has). But just being a monopoly is not illegal in Fed or any state's law. What barriers to entry are there for potential competitors?

IMHO there's a defamation case for several harmed folks (also difficult against a media defendant) ESPN's pattern of reckless disregard of inaccurate reporting to Auburn's detriment. But even if you win that battle against ESPN we lose the war since every journalist coming up the ranks will see "Auburn" and it's reps as "the enemy of journalism" forever more.

Our recourse is not through the courts, it's through public opinion and it's going to be hard to undo the past decade when we let ESPN et al run all over us without the university speaking up. Can you imagine Donna Shelala letting UM get treated like this for long? UM's admin would make sure there were accusations leveled at ESPN of civil rights violations etc. Of course I'd hope Auburn wouldn't stoop to UM's level.

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Does anybody have any idea why ESPN has such a vendetta against AU? Surely it can't be the Tuberville issue--that was about 10 years ago, maybe more. Is it really because the NCAA couldn't ding AU on the Cam Newton situation, even though ESPN just knew that AU was guilty as hell on the matter? Do they hate being wrong that much that they continue this vitriol against the AU football program? I know they have some Bammers on their staff, but it's what---2, maybe 3 out of how many? And, to me it's funny how when Nick Saban dumped the Miami Dolphins to come to UA, who was the loudest at ridiculing him? ESPN. Now, they can't shove their noses up his ass far enough to kiss it. Honestly, what has AU done to ESPN to deserve this bitterness that they have heaped on AU? Hell, all AU wants to do is produce a quality product on the football field and win, just like every other BCS school wants to do. I'm just stumped at this hatred they have for AU.

It's real simple, and I forgot who has posted this before, but here's the reason for the vendetta. Just read the profiles:







You really think that these people, which most in the list are directly related to CFB, wouldn't want to smear us while promoting their Alma Mater UAT? Just like last night, Auburn is a dump, UAT is such a great place with Saban and Eddie Lacey

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Auburns best weapon would be best wielded by a 3rd party IMO. A national, reputable true journalist investigating the antagonists.

Fox would be the simplistic answer but they may be written off due to the future network competition. An SI or yahoo sports guy would be awesome. Of course they wouldn't do it because of the journalistic brotherhood. Although espn is not a journalism entity.

I guess I can dream.

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You know... we could fight fire with fire. Auburn has rich alumni. All we need to do is grease a few palms in the media and I'm sure a couple of national names would be willing to write about the truth and take a few shots at one of their rival (ESPN) at the same time. Wonder what Tim Cook is doing with all of that Apple money.

It is sad that a third party can literally manipulate the playing field, obviously trying to financially harm one entity to the benefit of another, and the legal parties can do nothing about it.

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Does anybody have any idea why ESPN has such a vendetta against AU? Surely it can't be the Tuberville issue--that was about 10 years ago, maybe more. Is it really because the NCAA couldn't ding AU on the Cam Newton situation, even though ESPN just knew that AU was guilty as hell on the matter? Do they hate being wrong that much that they continue this vitriol against the AU football program? I know they have some Bammers on their staff, but it's what---2, maybe 3 out of how many? And, to me it's funny how when Nick Saban dumped the Miami Dolphins to come to UA, who was the loudest at ridiculing him? ESPN. Now, they can't shove their noses up his ass far enough to kiss it. Honestly, what has AU done to ESPN to deserve this bitterness that they have heaped on AU? Hell, all AU wants to do is produce a quality product on the football field and win, just like every other BCS school wants to do. I'm just stumped at this hatred they have for AU.

It's real simple, and I forgot who has posted this before, but here's the reason for the vendetta. Just read the profiles:







You really think that these people, which most in the list are directly related to CFB, wouldn't want to smear us while promoting their Alma Mater UAT? Just like last night, Auburn is a dump, UAT is such a great place with Saban and Eddie Lacey

I saw bammer posters that were saying that E:60 episode should be sent to every recruit bammer is after. They were laughing about the obvious bias.

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Does anybody have any idea why ESPN has such a vendetta against AU? Surely it can't be the Tuberville issue--that was about 10 years ago, maybe more. Is it really because the NCAA couldn't ding AU on the Cam Newton situation, even though ESPN just knew that AU was guilty as hell on the matter? Do they hate being wrong that much that they continue this vitriol against the AU football program? I know they have some Bammers on their staff, but it's what---2, maybe 3 out of how many? And, to me it's funny how when Nick Saban dumped the Miami Dolphins to come to UA, who was the loudest at ridiculing him? ESPN. Now, they can't shove their noses up his ass far enough to kiss it. Honestly, what has AU done to ESPN to deserve this bitterness that they have heaped on AU? Hell, all AU wants to do is produce a quality product on the football field and win, just like every other BCS school wants to do. I'm just stumped at this hatred they have for AU.

My speculation (opinion) is that it all started with Bowden and when he went to ESPN. I think they heard a bunch of stories about pay to play. Once the Cam story broke, I think those that had bought into Bowden's story believed that we had to of paid for Cam and have had a vendetta to prove it or make us pay of what they perceive we did in any way they can.

Could very well be the case but your last sentence is a good reason not to "rain on Benjazz's parade"(as you said in your previous post). No matter the effectiveness of any single tactic, Ben is operating under the overall strategy of, "you make me uncomfortable I will make you uncomfortable". I happen to agree with that, most especially on false allegations. It looks like the Auburn people in charge finally got to that point themselves and finally decided to take the "kick me" sign off their back. #progress
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Does anybody have any idea why ESPN has such a vendetta against AU? Surely it can't be the Tuberville issue--that was about 10 years ago, maybe more. Is it really because the NCAA couldn't ding AU on the Cam Newton situation, even though ESPN just knew that AU was guilty as hell on the matter? Do they hate being wrong that much that they continue this vitriol against the AU football program? I know they have some Bammers on their staff, but it's what---2, maybe 3 out of how many? And, to me it's funny how when Nick Saban dumped the Miami Dolphins to come to UA, who was the loudest at ridiculing him? ESPN. Now, they can't shove their noses up his ass far enough to kiss it. Honestly, what has AU done to ESPN to deserve this bitterness that they have heaped on AU? Hell, all AU wants to do is produce a quality product on the football field and win, just like every other BCS school wants to do. I'm just stumped at this hatred they have for AU.

My speculation (opinion) is that it all started with Bowden and when he went to ESPN. I think they heard a bunch of stories about pay to play. Once the Cam story broke, I think those that had bought into Bowden's story believed that we had to of paid for Cam and have had a vendetta to prove it or make us pay of what they perceive we did in any way they can.

Could very well be the case but your last sentence is a good reason not to "rain on Benjazz's parade"(as you said in your previous post). No matter the effectiveness of any single tactic, Ben is operating under the overall strategy of, "you make me uncomfortable I will make you uncomfortable". I happen to agree with that, most especially on false allegations. It looks like the Auburn people in charge finally got to that point themselves and finally decided to take the "kick me" sign off their back. #progress

Sending emails to the DOJ about anti-trust issues against ESPN won't make ESPN uncomfortable as the DOJ won't give it a minute of thought and ESPN won't even know you sent the email.

If we want to make ESPN uncomfortable, we need to win, and keep winning over and over again. We just need to claw our way back up to the top and stay there... and then it won't matter what the heck ESPN thinks or says...

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Does anybody have any idea why ESPN has such a vendetta against AU? Surely it can't be the Tuberville issue--that was about 10 years ago, maybe more. Is it really because the NCAA couldn't ding AU on the Cam Newton situation, even though ESPN just knew that AU was guilty as hell on the matter? Do they hate being wrong that much that they continue this vitriol against the AU football program? I know they have some Bammers on their staff, but it's what---2, maybe 3 out of how many? And, to me it's funny how when Nick Saban dumped the Miami Dolphins to come to UA, who was the loudest at ridiculing him? ESPN. Now, they can't shove their noses up his ass far enough to kiss it. Honestly, what has AU done to ESPN to deserve this bitterness that they have heaped on AU? Hell, all AU wants to do is produce a quality product on the football field and win, just like every other BCS school wants to do. I'm just stumped at this hatred they have for AU.

My speculation (opinion) is that it all started with Bowden and when he went to ESPN. I think they heard a bunch of stories about pay to play. Once the Cam story broke, I think those that had bought into Bowden's story believed that we had to of paid for Cam and have had a vendetta to prove it or make us pay of what they perceive we did in any way they can.

Could very well be the case but your last sentence is a good reason not to "rain on Benjazz's parade"(as you said in your previous post). No matter the effectiveness of any single tactic, Ben is operating under the overall strategy of, "you make me uncomfortable I will make you uncomfortable". I happen to agree with that, most especially on false allegations. It looks like the Auburn people in charge finally got to that point themselves and finally decided to take the "kick me" sign off their back. #progress

Sending emails to the DOJ about anti-trust issues against ESPN won't make ESPN uncomfortable as the DOJ won't give it a minute of thought and ESPN won't even know you sent the email.

If we want to make ESPN uncomfortable, we need to win, and keep winning over and over again. We just need to claw our way back up to the top and stay there... and then it won't matter what the heck ESPN thinks or says...

I take your point but it doesn't hurt the cause for Ben to do that. My point is that I don't think its a good idea to discourage people in their efforts because it stunts the creative process. We can do "all of the above" as a viable option.
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Does anybody have any idea why ESPN has such a vendetta against AU? Surely it can't be the Tuberville issue--that was about 10 years ago, maybe more. Is it really because the NCAA couldn't ding AU on the Cam Newton situation, even though ESPN just knew that AU was guilty as hell on the matter? Do they hate being wrong that much that they continue this vitriol against the AU football program? I know they have some Bammers on their staff, but it's what---2, maybe 3 out of how many? And, to me it's funny how when Nick Saban dumped the Miami Dolphins to come to UA, who was the loudest at ridiculing him? ESPN. Now, they can't shove their noses up his ass far enough to kiss it. Honestly, what has AU done to ESPN to deserve this bitterness that they have heaped on AU? Hell, all AU wants to do is produce a quality product on the football field and win, just like every other BCS school wants to do. I'm just stumped at this hatred they have for AU.

Just proves,S**t flows to the top

It's real simple, and I forgot who has posted this before, but here's the reason for the vendetta. Just read the profiles:







You really think that these people, which most in the list are directly related to CFB, wouldn't want to smear us while promoting their Alma Mater UAT? Just like last night, Auburn is a dump, UAT is such a great place with Saban and Eddie Lacey

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Look I didn't mean to start a discussion of the antitrust laws on here. The theory of the case if you want is this. 1. ESPN has monopoly power (You can have monopoly power without technically being a monopoly). That makes it a Section 2 Sherman Act case. 2. They are exercising that monopoly power through their editorial arm denigrating certain schools which it does not want to broadcast pursuant to contract so that they can get more money by broadcasting "National" teams such as Notre Dame and Alabama post season through higher ad rates. Their commentary effects the human polls which are currently considered in the BCS thus giving them an ability to control the college football market and make more money

Will it fly? I don't know. ESPN wasn't around when the Sherman/Clayton/Robinson Pattman Acts were written. Maybe someone will think enough of this or other theories to investigate them. And the only thing worse than a college having NCAA investigators on campus is a business having DOJ investigators in there. This isn't the first time a theory like this has been used. Congressional hearings back in the late 50s investigated Dick Clark and American Bandstand for "causing" certain songs to become popular. Its really the same theory but with some modern day twists.


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Ive been skimming around these threads and Ive been reading/listening to the responses both Chizik and Jacobs have made about the recent allegations and the ones from the past. I happened to stumble upon ESPNs response to there statements...I love how they reference that the NCAA will be investigating us again. The whole reason why Auburn has been silent over the years was because we were being drug through the mud. They even make weak attempts at taking Chiziks statements and making a mockery of them. For example, Gene talks about how we went 14-0 and apparently we were on spice. ESPN made the smart remark of how terrible our sports have been this past season. It is just amazing to me how much hate there is for Auburn. We win 14 games and a BCS title and everyone gets bent out of shape. UAT wins 3 in 4 years after backing into 2 of them and its all sunshine pumping for them. Its absurd.

/Rant off

Hopefully I didnt start a derail, I just had to vent.

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That Sean whatever-his-last-name-is from ESPN was on 97.3 yesterday afternoon, but, unfortunately, I caught the tail-end of it, but as usual he was defending his reporting of this spice situation. I did hear him talk about going into a convenience store in AU and seeing that Spice was being sold there today. Why Scarbo didn't ask him if this was AU's responsibility, I don't know. If it is being sold there and it's a banned substance with the State of Alabama, someone at the Auburn city PD is not doing their job. Scarbo did ask him if he got his info about "50%" of the team being on Spice during the championship season by asking other ball players besides Dakota Mosely, and he simply responded that it was done by "human poll." I don't know if earlier in the broadcast if Scarbo asked him about the fact that while ESPN is carrying on this crusade against AU with the Spice, why was Tyrrone Mathieu, formerly of LSU who was kicked off the team for Spice, was on the cover of ESPN The Magazine with the article dealing with today's NFL draft. He ended his stint on the show by saying something along the lines that if he's helped just one kid by revealing the dangers of Spice, he can take the "slings and arrows" thrown at him. At that point, I wanted to puke. He has no intention of helping one kid. This is a hit job on AU, pure and simple.

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Working for ESPN means you never have to say "I was wrong" ...or "I'm sorry". Other media sources....and even their bosses don't hold those guys accountable for their mistakes and missed pronouncements. And when time passes and the NCAA does not come down on AUburn, no one except a few AU people will even remember what he said. Forget what they say....but remember who your friends (and enemies) are.

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I say, in a open letter to ESPN we ask them to come on down to little ole Auburn and have an open forum-- espn presents everything they have written and have the athletic present their case -- all must use facts not hearsay. Ask ESPN to televise it, since the have presented to their viewers their side, the opportunity to rebut their claims. IF ESPN wants to get to the truth, and show they are Unbiased toward Auburn, they would compile. BUT, I just love the idea of Auburn Athletic Department challenging them (say in an open letter to USA Today Sports) to come down and lets talk facts on national TV. They would never have the balls to do so and it would show we ain't got nothing to hide (GOD I HOPE SO)

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Not sure if this is germane, but

for years, Googling "Auburn Football" returned ESPN's Auburn page about 2/3-way down the 1st page of results.

Over the last week or two, they seem to have slipped to near the end of page 2.

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That Sean whatever-his-last-name-is from ESPN was on 97.3 yesterday afternoon, but, unfortunately, I caught the tail-end of it, but as usual he was defending his reporting of this spice situation. I did hear him talk about going into a convenience store in AU and seeing that Spice was being sold there today. Why Scarbo didn't ask him if this was AU's responsibility, I don't know. If it is being sold there and it's a banned substance with the State of Alabama, someone at the Auburn city PD is not doing their job. Scarbo did ask him if he got his info about "50%" of the team being on Spice during the championship season by asking other ball players besides Dakota Mosely, and he simply responded that it was done by "human poll." I don't know if earlier in the broadcast if Scarbo asked him about the fact that while ESPN is carrying on this crusade against AU with the Spice, why was Tyrrone Mathieu, formerly of LSU who was kicked off the team for Spice, was on the cover of ESPN The Magazine with the article dealing with today's NFL draft. He ended his stint on the show by saying something along the lines that if he's helped just one kid by revealing the dangers of Spice, he can take the "slings and arrows" thrown at him. At that point, I wanted to puke. He has no intention of helping one kid. This is a hit job on AU, pure and simple.

I quit listening to 97.3 when they dropped Eyes on Auburn. They are turning into everything they used to mock Jox for in their early ads.

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Keep your friends close ~ keep your enemies closer.


Not a problem.....it seems to me that our enemies are downright determined to stay close to us....or at least they hang on every word that is written about AU in the media.

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