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Will the Left ever stop accusing the Right for the actions of others ?


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Stupid can't be fixed. See directly above ^

*ETA -

You place an absolute faith in the media you favor as being inerrant. ( Not only is that false, you don't even give evidence to support that claim, as it was NEVER my position in the first place ) You ignored the facts as well, I posted a link that gave multiple examples of ridiculous right wing spin.( I'm talking about MSM , as in how the NEWS is reported, not how pundits or entertainers express their views. BIG DIFFERENCE there, between the two. ) That was just about 1 event. You point out the thorn in others eyes and ignore the sequoia in yours. ( you're really gonna keep barking up that wrong tree, no matter what, huh? ) You want anyone other than the same type of all believing loons to take you seriously give them a reason. ALL MEDIA plays to its' demographics, it's audience. ( And yet another side issue, not having to do w/ anything I've said ) To not be able to admit that, is the politically weakest sign of intelligence, I've damn near ever seen. You can be as wadded up as you like, it is funny, it is ridiculous and you are trying to be so right, you defend a complete non-truth to do it.( Defend it to the point that you can't deny any of it. The best you can hope for is utter non sequitors and red herrings . ) Thanks for the entertainment. It really is meaningless to me, I just don't care, stomp your little foot, get mad, be angry. The fact does now and will always remain. Even the mighty Fox knows their demographic and tells them what they want them to hear and what they want to hear. It makes it really funny, when people are not intelligent enough to figure that out, when they are the ones screaming the loudest about how media controls others. end/lol [/i]

Fox is but a lone voice in the Left wing wilderness when it comes to the MSM. While being the #1 cable news outlet, the total # of viewers it has pales in comparison to ALL other forms of LEFT WING media, msnbc, nbc, abc, cnn, cbs, as well as damn near every single major city newspaper and news magazine being published.

Talk about people not being intelligent enough to figure it out...You've been shown directly in front of your face, and you STILL are blind to the facts.

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Cognitive dissonance: Holding tightly to personal belief in the face of all evidence to the contrary. You actually suffer this, it is a mental condition/state. Treatment is available and you should seek it asap. You can talk purty one day :clap:

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Sorry for talking about the original post, as I assume the conversation has diverged, but ohwell:

I read the article and I do not see any blame being assigned. Here is what I took away from the article:

Because of these undeniable and pervasive double standards, the specific identity of the Boston Marathon bomber (or bombers) is not some minor detail — it will almost certainly dictate what kind of governmental, political and societal response we see in the coming weeks. That means regardless of your particular party affiliation, if you care about everything from stopping war to reducing the defense budget to protecting civil liberties to passing immigration reform, you should hope the bomber was a white domestic terrorist. Why? Because only in that case will privilege work to prevent the Boston attack from potentially undermining progress on those other issues.

He is not blaming the right for the bombing, he is hoping that he is white so that this isn't used as another excuse to continue our wars or trample on civil liberties.

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So you guys spend 9 pages to say that AURaptor is partisan? So exactly who is it that is (as Homer so eloquently put it) stupid and idiotic?

Actually, I said his post was a stupid and idiotic thing to say. For all I know AURaptor is a smart guy and is simply spoofing us.

So if you insist on quoting me, please do it exactly. The little details make all the difference.

If I insist on quoting you I will use quotation marks. When I paraphrase what you say I will phrase it exactly how I choose.
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So you guys spend 9 pages to say that AURaptor is partisan? So exactly who is it that is (as Homer so eloquently put it) stupid and idiotic?

Actually, I said his post was a stupid and idiotic thing to say. For all I know AURaptor is a smart guy and is simply spoofing us.

So if you insist on quoting me, please do it exactly. The little details make all the difference.

If I insist on quoting you I will use quotation marks. When I paraphrase what you say I will phrase it exactly how I choose.


Paraphrasing is one thing, deliberate misrepresentation is another.

So if you deliberately misrepresented my statement, then you are nothing more than a liar. You don't have the right to simply lie about what I said.

Frankly, I am surprised you would make such an unprincipled response when you could have simply acknowledged the error. You have dropped significantly on my respect scale.

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