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Will the Left ever stop accusing the Right for the actions of others ?


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Your existence, any name you call me doesn't bother me, it would mean I would have to give your opinion any kind of credit of content for it to matter. Not going to happen.

So, you'll dismiss facts if they come from me, because... ?

I'm not sure, why don't you finally post your first fact and let's find out how it goes. I'm willing . You?
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Just so I am clear, is the purpose of all of home'r's and telling tiger's posts to say that AURaptor is a nut for thinking that the mainstream media is biased toward the left?

No, they are making sport of the premise of the thread. It's a partisan complaint about partisanship. It's group think mentality complaining about group think mentality. It's something ridiculous being recognized as ridiculous.


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So you guys spend 9 pages to say that AURaptor is partisan? So exactly who is it that is (as Homer so eloquently put it) stupid and idiotic?

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So you guys spend 9 pages to say that AURaptor is partisan? So exactly who is it that is (as Homer so eloquently put it) stupid and idiotic?

Well, no one said Raptor isn't entertaining. You gotta admit, sometimes he is his own worst enemy. His occasional moments of brilliance are hopelessly obscured by his blind belief in the perfection of something that has proven over and over again to be fallible. I'm not saying that because he is a Republican. Anyone who professes such blind faith in either party sets themselves up for ridicule. Furthermore, most people here that are (or are accused of) being to one extreme or the other, take that ridicule with some light-heartedness. Raptor doesn't exactly take it like an adult and that only invites even more ridicule.

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So you guys spend 9 pages to say that AURaptor is partisan? So exactly who is it that is (as Homer so eloquently put it) stupid and idiotic?

Well, no one said Raptor isn't entertaining. You gotta admit, sometimes he is his own worst enemy. His occasional moments of brilliance are hopelessly obscured by his blind belief in the perfection of something that has proven over and over again to be fallible. I'm not saying that because he is a Republican. Anyone who professes such blind faith in either party sets themselves up for ridicule. Furthermore, most people here that are (or are accused of) being to one extreme or the other, take that ridicule with some light-heartedness. Raptor doesn't exactly take it like an adult and that only invites even more ridicule.

Nice attempt to dodge the question with the obvious answer.

My experience has shown me that the smarter someone thinks they are, the more the opposite tends to be true.

This thread and this forum continuously prove that to be true.

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So you guys spend 9 pages to say that AURaptor is partisan? So exactly who is it that is (as Homer so eloquently put it) stupid and idiotic?

Well, no one said Raptor isn't entertaining. You gotta admit, sometimes he is his own worst enemy. His occasional moments of brilliance are hopelessly obscured by his blind belief in the perfection of something that has proven over and over again to be fallible. I'm not saying that because he is a Republican. Anyone who professes such blind faith in either party sets themselves up for ridicule. Furthermore, most people here that are (or are accused of) being to one extreme or the other, take that ridicule with some light-heartedness. Raptor doesn't exactly take it like an adult and that only invites even more ridicule.

Nice attempt to dodge the question with the obvious answer.

My experience has shown me that the smarter someone thinks they are, the more the opposite tends to be true.

This thread and this forum continuously prove that to be true.

Okay, let me see if I get this.

You can dodge (or attempt to dodge) a question with the detailed obvious answer? Really.

From your experience, people who act smart are usually dumb. Can't argue your experiences.

And finally, you don't much care for the forum. Okay.

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So you guys spend 9 pages to say that AURaptor is partisan? So exactly who is it that is (as Homer so eloquently put it) stupid and idiotic?

Well, no one said Raptor isn't entertaining. You gotta admit, sometimes he is his own worst enemy. His occasional moments of brilliance are hopelessly obscured by his blind belief in the perfection of something that has proven over and over again to be fallible. I'm not saying that because he is a Republican. Anyone who professes such blind faith in either party sets themselves up for ridicule. Furthermore, most people here that are (or are accused of) being to one extreme or the other, take that ridicule with some light-heartedness. Raptor doesn't exactly take it like an adult and that only invites even more ridicule.

Nice attempt to dodge the question with the obvious answer.

My experience has shown me that the smarter someone thinks they are, the more the opposite tends to be true.

This thread and this forum continuously prove that to be true.

Okay, let me see if I get this.

You can dodge (or attempt to dodge) a question with the detailed obvious answer? Really.

From your experience, people who act smart are usually dumb. Can't argue your experiences.

And finally, you don't much care for the forum. Okay.

A wise man knows he knows nothing. An idiot thinks he knows everything. It's not hard to see which category most on this thread, including yourself fall into.

No, I don't care much for this forum. Sometimes, I get bored in the offseason and venture in against my better judgment.

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Actually, icanthearyou, is one of the least partisan people on this board. He actually goes with facts as opposed to knee jerk reactions of the herded many. So observationally you think you know something that has no basis in reality. So if some people think they know everything, glad you could join us. Raptor, pompom girls for the right wing media, endlessly. ERRONEOUSLY. All anyone is saying here is that they all do the same thing and he can only point out the wrong of everyone but the side he so strongly believes in. Dodge the question with the obvious answer, lol. Uh huh right. If you didn't like the thread all you had to do is not participate on any level at all. No one would have noticed.

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So you guys spend 9 pages to say that AURaptor is partisan? So exactly who is it that is (as Homer so eloquently put it) stupid and idiotic?

Well, no one said Raptor isn't entertaining. You gotta admit, sometimes he is his own worst enemy. His occasional moments of brilliance are hopelessly obscured by his blind belief in the perfection of something that has proven over and over again to be fallible. I'm not saying that because he is a Republican. Anyone who professes such blind faith in either party sets themselves up for ridicule. Furthermore, most people here that are (or are accused of) being to one extreme or the other, take that ridicule with some light-heartedness. Raptor doesn't exactly take it like an adult and that only invites even more ridicule.

Nice attempt to dodge the question with the obvious answer.

My experience has shown me that the smarter someone thinks they are, the more the opposite tends to be true.

This thread and this forum continuously prove that to be true.

Okay, let me see if I get this.

You can dodge (or attempt to dodge) a question with the detailed obvious answer? Really.

From your experience, people who act smart are usually dumb. Can't argue your experiences.

And finally, you don't much care for the forum. Okay.

A wise man knows he knows nothing. An idiot thinks he knows everything. It's not hard to see which category most on this thread, including yourself fall into.

No, I don't care much for this forum. Sometimes, I get bored in the offseason and venture in against my better judgment.

Yes, I've seen you post that before.

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Actually, icanthearyou, is one of the least partisan people on this board. He actually goes with facts as opposed to knee jerk reactions of the herded many. So observationally you think you know something that has no basis in reality. So if some people think they know everything, glad you could join us. Raptor, pompom girls for the right wing media, endlessly. ERRONEOUSLY. All anyone is saying here is that they all do the same thing and he can only point out the wrong of everyone but the side he so strongly believes in. Dodge the question with the obvious answer, lol. Uh huh right. If you didn't like the thread all you had to do is not participate on any level at all. No one would have noticed.

You are a living monument to wasted breath in more ways than one. At least you think you're cute and clever.

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So you guys spend 9 pages to say that AURaptor is partisan? So exactly who is it that is (as Homer so eloquently put it) stupid and idiotic?

Well, no one said Raptor isn't entertaining. You gotta admit, sometimes he is his own worst enemy. His occasional moments of brilliance are hopelessly obscured by his blind belief in the perfection of something that has proven over and over again to be fallible. I'm not saying that because he is a Republican. Anyone who professes such blind faith in either party sets themselves up for ridicule. Furthermore, most people here that are (or are accused of) being to one extreme or the other, take that ridicule with some light-heartedness. Raptor doesn't exactly take it like an adult and that only invites even more ridicule.

Nice attempt to dodge the question with the obvious answer.

My experience has shown me that the smarter someone thinks they are, the more the opposite tends to be true.

This thread and this forum continuously prove that to be true.

Okay, let me see if I get this.

You can dodge (or attempt to dodge) a question with the detailed obvious answer? Really.

From your experience, people who act smart are usually dumb. Can't argue your experiences.

And finally, you don't much care for the forum. Okay.

A wise man knows he knows nothing. An idiot thinks he knows everything. It's not hard to see which category most on this thread, including yourself fall into.

No, I don't care much for this forum. Sometimes, I get bored in the offseason and venture in against my better judgment.

Yes, I've seen you post that before.

If it ever sinks in I'll give you a cookie.

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So you guys spend 9 pages to say that AURaptor is partisan? So exactly who is it that is (as Homer so eloquently put it) stupid and idiotic?

Actually, I said his post was a stupid and idiotic thing to say. For all I know AURaptor is a smart guy and is simply spoofing us.

So if you insist on quoting me, please do it exactly. The little details make all the difference.

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Actually, icanthearyou, is one of the least partisan people on this board. He actually goes with facts as opposed to knee jerk reactions of the herded many. So observationally you think you know something that has no basis in reality. So if some people think they know everything, glad you could join us. Raptor, pompom girls for the right wing media, endlessly. ERRONEOUSLY. All anyone is saying here is that they all do the same thing and he can only point out the wrong of everyone but the side he so strongly believes in. Dodge the question with the obvious answer, lol. Uh huh right. If you didn't like the thread all you had to do is not participate on any level at all. No one would have noticed.

You are a living monument to wasted breath in more ways than one. At least you think you're cute and clever.

That was a dumb thing to say. You must be really smart. :-\

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Actually, icanthearyou, is one of the least partisan people on this board. He actually goes with facts as opposed to knee jerk reactions of the herded many. So observationally you think you know something that has no basis in reality. So if some people think they know everything, glad you could join us. Raptor, pompom girls for the right wing media, endlessly. ERRONEOUSLY. All anyone is saying here is that they all do the same thing and he can only point out the wrong of everyone but the side he so strongly believes in. Dodge the question with the obvious answer, lol. Uh huh right. If you didn't like the thread all you had to do is not participate on any level at all. No one would have noticed.

You are a living monument to wasted breath in more ways than one. At least you think you're cute and clever.

That was a dumb thing to say. You must be really smart. :-\/>

I don't doubt that's what you took away from what was said. Better than average comprehension for you. Keep trying, you have a few years left.

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Sorry, we can't all be amusing for the wrong reasons.....

True. But you are doing pretty darn well.

Finally, after 60+ years you have mastered the old, "I know you are but what am I" comeback!! I know your family must be proud.

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I know, you are so above the political thread even while in it. Amusing is something you have covered, no worries.

Inaccurate, but at least you still try. Deception is best for the weak.

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My little non-friend. please consider that I just do not care about the slightest of impotent put downs from someone I do not know, am not interested in knowing and frankly laugh at. I'll try to find a way to recover from your razor sharp wit. I'll manage.

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Your existence, any name you call me doesn't bother me, it would mean I would have to give your opinion any kind of credit of content for it to matter. Not going to happen.

So, you'll dismiss facts if they come from me, because... ?

I'm not sure, why don't you finally post your first fact and let's find out how it goes. I'm willing . You?

Facts were posted from the very start. You prefer to dismiss them, instead of discuss them.

It's not too hard to figure out why, either.

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You place an absolute faith in the media you favor as being inerrant. You ignored the facts as well, I posted a link that gave multiple examples of ridiculous right wing spin. That was just about 1 event. You point out the thorn in others eyes and ignore the sequoia in yours. You want anyone other than the same type of all believing loons to take you seriously give them a reason. ALL MEDIA plays to its' demographics, it's audience. To not be able to admit that, is the politically weakest sign of intelligence, I've damn near ever seen. You can be as wadded up as you like, it is funny, it is ridiculous and you are trying to be so right, you defend a complete non-truth to do it. Thanks for the entertainment. It really is meaningless to me, I just don't care, stomp your little foot, get mad, be angry. The fact does now and will always remain. Even the mighty Fox knows their demographic and tells them what they want them to hear and what they want to hear. It makes it really funny, when people are not intelligent enough to figure that out, when they are the ones screaming the loudest about how media controls others. end/lol

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