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Will the Left ever stop accusing the Right for the actions of others ?


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The Left doesn't need to accuse the right, all it has to do is sit back and watch, along with the vast majority of Americans who occupy the middle.

So, why then ARE the Left constantly accusing the Right of things which it isn't responsible ?

Stay on topic, if you can. You're really close. Sorta.

You need to quit and cut your losses. You are making a fool of yourself and it ain't getting any better.

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The real question should be, when will Rapture stop blaming the left for every single thing he can think of. You're a caricature of right-wing partisanship and paranoia Raptor.

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Raptor, don't waste your time. If you disagree with anything these guys say, you sir, become a wing nut. There is no place in their world for a disagreement. Let it go.

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The Left doesn't need to accuse the right, all it has to do is sit back and watch, along with the vast majority of Americans who occupy the middle.

So, why then ARE the Left constantly accusing the Right of things which it isn't responsible ?

Stay on topic, if you can. You're really close. Sorta.

You need to quit and cut your losses. You are making a fool of yourself and it ain't getting any better.

Thinking a couple of posters on here aren't complete idiots, as they insist on tossing out red herrings instead of dealing w/ the facts... just might be a futile endeavor. You'd think I were dealing w/ a couple of updykes.

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Alex Jones, tosses out, "The Boston attack was a false flag attack by the guvmint.". Do you believe that? A. I doubt it. B. If you do, you are as big a fool as some think. C. He isn't actually a fool, he is able to manipulate his readers/listeners into making a living. .D. Making them the fools. While I'll admit the chance of that in fiction does exist, the chance of it happening in reality is less than you saying it is a lie. THEREIN LIES THE DIFFERENCE in the two of us(thank god). I'm willing to say yes the media lies. You only think the left media lies. BULLSHTUFF. Fox ,Coulter, Hannity, Beck, Rush, these people lie all day, everyday. You know this, you just won't admit it, because you like it. Media has become EXACTLY what we've made it. Rush actually was a HUGE(wait was that a pun) part of that. You wanted opinion driven "programming" and he gave it to you. Republicans flocked to it in droves, made him millions staged a model for other profit driven opinion/editorial based news. The so called, fourth of estate of journalism, where it is the society watchdog still exists but on a vastly different level. If your main news source is Alex Jones, you essentially are giving the very thing you are bitching about a longer life. Do not be stupid and expect other people to accept an outright lie at face value. Sort of like the other right wing nut who chimed in this thread ,who when discussing the Florida governor claims to live then in Florida, exactly as he put it, NWFL, since claimed again. Then in a Jovon thread when Memphis media coverage of potential "AU recruiting violations" are discussed from a media point of view, he states" I live in Memphis and it is getting no coverage." If you spout for integrity of others all the time, understand that some people are attentive enough at all times to pay attention to what you say. The person I'm talking about isn't you raptor.

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Raptor, don't waste your time. If you disagree with anything these guys say, you sir, become a wing nut. There is no place in their world for a disagreement. Let it go.

It's not that at all. Do you or Raptor honestly believe that all of the problems we face will go away as soon as we have another President? The Right vs. Left business is nonsense. There are plenty of real isssues to discuss. Creating a topic about partisanship is silly. The concept of this thread is silly. Of course the left and the right try to heap as much negativity on each other as possible. It's obvious. It's obvious that much of it is contrived. How is it informative to point this out? This thread does nothing to address any issue. All it does is exemplify the stupidity of today's political rhetoric and the people who are distracted and entertained by it.

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Of course to you it is a red herring, BECAUSE you do not want to believe it is the same. Someone from a network blames right wing extremism you go nutso, someone from the right blames Obama and the gov. You say nothing. Two examples of the same thing from different points of view. You are irrelevant. Be quiet.

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Of course to you it is a red herring, BECAUSE you do not want to believe it is the same. Someone from a network blames right wing extremism you go nutso, someone from the right blames Obama and the gov. You say nothing. Two examples of the same thing from different points of view. You are irrelevant. Be quiet.

But my side is always right. Only my side can save America. The other side is always wrong. They are out to destroy America. Everyone on my side is good, honorable, and selfless. Everyone on the other side is stupid, corrupt, and self centered. The worst people though are the ones who stay in the middle and won't take a side. They are pathetic weaklings. They don't have the courage to fight. They are cowards. Maybe if you would turn on the radio and listen to the correct rhetoric, you would be better informed. I will PM you the name of the guy I listen to. He is very good at telling you how to think like he does.

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Alex Jones, tosses out, "The Boston attack was a false flag attack by the guvmint.". Do you believe that? A. I doubt it. B. If you do, you are as big a fool as some think. C. He isn't actually a fool, he is able to manipulate his readers/listeners into making a living. .D. Making them the fools. While I'll admit the chance of that in fiction does exist, the chance of it happening in reality is less than you saying it is a lie. THEREIN LIES THE DIFFERENCE in the two of us(thank god). I'm willing to say yes the media lies. You only think the left media lies. BULLSHTUFF. Fox ,Coulter, Hannity, Beck, Rush, these people lie all day, everyday. You know this, you just won't admit it, because you like it. Media has become EXACTLY what we've made it. Rush actually was a HUGE(wait was that a pun) part of that. You wanted opinion driven "programming" and he gave it to you. Republicans flocked to it in droves, made him millions staged a model for other profit driven opinion/editorial based news. The so called, fourth of estate of journalism, where it is the society watchdog still exists but on a vastly different level. If your main news source is Alex Jones, you essentially are giving the very thing you are bitching about a longer life. Do not be stupid and expect other people to accept an outright lie at face value. Sort of like the other right wing nut who chimed in this thread ,who when discussing the Florida governor claims to live then in Florida, exactly as he put it, NWFL, since claimed again. Then in a Jovon thread when Memphis media coverage of potential "AU recruiting violations" are discussed from a media point of view, he states" I live in Memphis and it is getting no coverage." If you spout for integrity of others all the time, understand that some people are attentive enough at all times to pay attention to what you say. The person I'm talking about isn't you raptor.

No it's me. I have resided in NWFL since assignment to Eglin AFB in 1998. Upon employment with FedEx in 2001, have spent almost half of my time in Memphis, TN (HQ of FedEx for the others who are as dim as Telling Tiger). So yes, I do have loyalties and expertise in both places. A perfect example of how the left, you, makes me look like a liar, when in fact, you are the one with the lack of knowledge, or integrity.

If you want to side with the America haters go ahead. I can listen to the list of media you claim "lie all day every day" and say that you are mistaken. Maybe you could list a few lies and we could discuss.

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I want the one that swears by the conspiracy theories about aspirin and fluoride if it isn't him, I'm not interested. DUH.Tthe collective IQ of the country is about 3 and we can't figure out why. Amazing.

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You cannot be in both places at one time, we all can read online news, it wasn't worded that way, just a slight example. You can call me an America hater or say whatever you like, it doesn't make it true. It is meaningless to me. It is hilarious actually, but of course you can't see that and I'm really unconcerned.

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Alex Jones isn't from " The Right ", nor is he viewed by anyone as credible or mainstream. Drudge looks like a Pulitzer winner compared to Jones.

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Alex Jones, tosses out, "The Boston attack was a false flag attack by the guvmint.". Do you believe that? A. I doubt it. B. If you do, you are as big a fool as some think. C. He isn't actually a fool, he is able to manipulate his readers/listeners into making a living. .D. Making them the fools. While I'll admit the chance of that in fiction does exist, the chance of it happening in reality is less than you saying it is a lie. THEREIN LIES THE DIFFERENCE in the two of us(thank god). I'm willing to say yes the media lies. You only think the left media lies. BULLSHTUFF. Fox ,Coulter, Hannity, Beck, Rush, these people lie all day, everyday. You know this, you just won't admit it, because you like it. Media has become EXACTLY what we've made it. Rush actually was a HUGE(wait was that a pun) part of that. You wanted opinion driven "programming" and he gave it to you. Republicans flocked to it in droves, made him millions staged a model for other profit driven opinion/editorial based news. The so called, fourth of estate of journalism, where it is the society watchdog still exists but on a vastly different level. If your main news source is Alex Jones, you essentially are giving the very thing you are bitching about a longer life. Do not be stupid and expect other people to accept an outright lie at face value. Sort of like the other right wing nut who chimed in this thread ,who when discussing the Florida governor claims to live then in Florida, exactly as he put it, NWFL, since claimed again. Then in a Jovon thread when Memphis media coverage of potential "AU recruiting violations" are discussed from a media point of view, he states" I live in Memphis and it is getting no coverage." If you spout for integrity of others all the time, understand that some people are attentive enough at all times to pay attention to what you say. The person I'm talking about isn't you raptor.

No it's me. I have resided in NWFL since assignment to Eglin AFB in 1998. Upon employment with FedEx in 2001, have spent almost half of my time in Memphis, TN (HQ of FedEx for the others who are as dim as Telling Tiger). So yes, I do have loyalties and expertise in both places. A perfect example of how the left, you, makes me look like a liar, when in fact, you are the one with the lack of knowledge, or integrity.

If you want to side with the America haters go ahead. I can listen to the list of media you claim "lie all day every day" and say that you are mistaken. Maybe you could list a few lies and we could discuss.

I guess anyone capable of critical thought is a lefty, pinko, hater of America and the American way? I guess critical thought should only be directed at the left-wing conspiracy? If someone hides their corruption by draping themselves in the flag, are they better or worse than those who are "America haters"?

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He claims to speak from the right . Nevertheless, both lies were told by both extremes and you can only identify one of them, because your political bent is offended, instead of both because truth was offended. As far as little helicopter head up there claiming I'm from the left, all you have to do on this board to be considered far left is to be one step to the left of Attila the Hun, I'm good with it if that is his benchmark. So what.

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That one has to stoop so far down as to reference Mr Jones ( no quotes / links ) as some sort of mirror or reply to my op , only makes my point all that more valid .


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The link to Alex Jones is in a previous post of mine on this thread. Pay attention. So far down the list of relevant so as not to register. Your inattentiveness is not my problem, that is yours, lol. Bless your little heart,wahahwah.....

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Telling - Ive had your posts on ignore now, as a matter of proccedure. That I bother at all is a bit noteworthy. But the main thing is... Alex Jones? Really ???


Thanks for the humor!

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Three people in this thread of differing political bents all told you how ridiculous you are. Of course you are the only correct one. Yep, we got humor all right and please bubber, continue to block me and if you never respond to a post I make it is simply icing on the cake of life. Spin on dervish, buhbye. The example link I posted had multiple right wing nuts and their idiocy. I used Jones as the most extreme example because he fit you the best. Still does..

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You find it odd that I'd ignore YOUR tactic in trying to divert attention away from the issue of the OP ?

You can't deny or dismiss the original points made, so all you can do is phony up some disconnected side issues, and then bitch about it when I ignore them ?

Again, going back to the mental development , or lack there of, I mentioned before...

Yeah, it's such an important one too. :-\

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Alex Jones, tosses out, "The Boston attack was a false flag attack by the guvmint.". Do you believe that? A. I doubt it. B. If you do, you are as big a fool as some think. C. He isn't actually a fool, he is able to manipulate his readers/listeners into making a living. .D. Making them the fools. While I'll admit the chance of that in fiction does exist, the chance of it happening in reality is less than you saying it is a lie. THEREIN LIES THE DIFFERENCE in the two of us(thank god). I'm willing to say yes the media lies. You only think the left media lies. BULLSHTUFF. Fox ,Coulter, Hannity, Beck, Rush, these people lie all day, everyday. You know this, you just won't admit it, because you like it. Media has become EXACTLY what we've made it. Rush actually was a HUGE(wait was that a pun) part of that. You wanted opinion driven "programming" and he gave it to you. Republicans flocked to it in droves, made him millions staged a model for other profit driven opinion/editorial based news. The so called, fourth of estate of journalism, where it is the society watchdog still exists but on a vastly different level. If your main news source is Alex Jones, you essentially are giving the very thing you are bitching about a longer life. Do not be stupid and expect other people to accept an outright lie at face value. Sort of like the other right wing nut who chimed in this thread ,who when discussing the Florida governor claims to live then in Florida, exactly as he put it, NWFL, since claimed again. Then in a Jovon thread when Memphis media coverage of potential "AU recruiting violations" are discussed from a media point of view, he states" I live in Memphis and it is getting no coverage." If you spout for integrity of others all the time, understand that some people are attentive enough at all times to pay attention to what you say. The person I'm talking about isn't you raptor.

No it's me. I have resided in NWFL since assignment to Eglin AFB in 1998. Upon employment with FedEx in 2001, have spent almost half of my time in Memphis, TN (HQ of FedEx for the others who are as dim as Telling Tiger). So yes, I do have loyalties and expertise in both places. A perfect example of how the left, you, makes me look like a liar, when in fact, you are the one with the lack of knowledge, or integrity.

If you want to side with the America haters go ahead. I can listen to the list of media you claim "lie all day every day" and say that you are mistaken. Maybe you could list a few lies and we could discuss.

Priceless. "America Haters" :lmao:

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Homo - if ya don't think so, then don't even bother with the thread! Duh! :lol:

* homo = man. Not a derogatory term, unless clearly meant to be.

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Hell, the left wing bias in the US media goes back to JFK's killing, when most wanted to blame the John Birch society , & those " nutty " right wingers. So ingrained are the Left in our news media, it's sorta like the Matrix. Most choose the blue pill, and just go back to sleep.

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This thread is an example of why our country has gone to hell. :gofig:

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This thread is an example of why our country has gone to hell. :gofig:

It sorta reminds me of Auburn, and how the general consensus is that Auburn is dirty as hell, but when faced the w/ facts, folks dismiss it out of hand,and just want to carry on with things as they're told.

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