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i believe kiehl frazier comes back with a vengeance...


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"Maybe if Chiz hadn't told Kiehl not to run he could have kept some defenders at least a little more honest."

Thank you - someone finally "gets it" (I know you knew that all along)!!! There was so much going on last year that we don't all know about...

Have a great day!


It kills me how many are sure they know what the problems were. I'm done even bothering with a few. I'm not even going to tell them "I told you so" when the time comes.

What I find interesting is how you base your defense of KF's poor play on what Gene Chizik told him....let me ask you...by chance, were you in the meeting when Chizik told KF not to run? Also, was JW told the same thing or was it just KF? Undeniably, neither QB was very good but that's not the topic here and while JW was certainly no world beater, unlike KF, I do recall him stepping up into the pocket on occasion and making something happen when the play had broken down. Look, you've proven your undying loyalty to KF and, honestly, I don't have a problem with that but to base those loyalties on what you believe Chizik told KF is pretty silly. Unless you were in that meeting, that statement cannot be made. We wont ever agree on this and we might as well leave well enough alone. I wish KF nothing but the best of luck turning his career at Auburn around but thus far he's been a colossal under-achiever by any standard you want to use. ***You'll never have the chance to say I told you so. If he turns it around, I'll be happy for him. I'm not saying he wont. All I am saying and have said is this...if he continues to be as inconsistent and indecisive as he has been, I can see someone else winning the job. Evidently, you cannot see that ever happening. Personally, lets just say I'm from Missouri on the QB race. Someone needs to show me they can play the position because I'm certainly not sold on KF like you obviously are

I am not taking sides in y'alls battle royale, have at it. However, I did want to add some factual information to the particular issue Dixie alludes to, the issue being what KF may or may not have been told. KF refers to this very issue at the 1:20 mark of this video which was posted at WarEagleExtra on 3/30/13.

Sure, and I can understand that from a coaching standpoint, you're trying to teach a different mentality. That offense was based on staying in the pocket and reading the progressions. You have to remember, the year before all KF did was run the ball with the exception of maybe 4 or 5 passes. My point is, being told not to run is simply letting him know that you want him to be focused on going through all the reads before pulling it in and running it. JW had the same coaching, at least that's my guess, and he was able to make some things happen when there wasn't anything there. If KF ever did that I really don't remember it.
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Let me add one more thing to the discussion:

Since becoming a coach at the College level in 2006, CGM has had a different starting QB every single year. This year will be the 8th consecutive year he has had a new starter in his offense. Of the previous 7, ALL of them with the exception of AU in 2011 put up very impressive numbers! Based on this trend, I expect our 2013 QB to be successful!

So do I, whomever that QB may be. (It'd be hard to be any worse than what we saw last season.)

+1. Any one of the QBs should be able surpass or get close to what we did in total regarding QB #'s last year in 3 games! Esp. TDs, yds thrown for, etc. :)

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I loved what Wallace did. But that was one of the worst lines in the history of AU football. I really dont think Fraizer will cut it and we have ourselves to blame for it. I hope he completes his degree and does great things, but we may have killed him as a player. Or I should say the last coaching staff did.

Agree. I think our coaches played a part in messing up KF as a plyaer too. And although Gus has grown on me more and more...he has a part in messing up KF. KF shouldn't have been brought in and used soley for the wildcat formation as a Freshmen. I think it played a part in messing up his development and then it was followed up with the Chiz/Lefty experiment. Both have some blame regarding KF. I was a huge KF supporter...still hope he can get it together but I'm not holding out much hope when it comes to him facing really good competition in the SEC.

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"Maybe if Chiz hadn't told Kiehl not to run he could have kept some defenders at least a little more honest."

Thank you - someone finally "gets it" (I know you knew that all along)!!! There was so much going on last year that we don't all know about...

Have a great day!


It kills me how many are sure they know what the problems were. I'm done even bothering with a few. I'm not even going to tell them "I told you so" when the time comes.

What I find interesting is how you base your defense of KF's poor play on what Gene Chizik told him....let me ask you...by chance, were you in the meeting when Chizik told KF not to run? Also, was JW told the same thing or was it just KF? Undeniably, neither QB was very good but that's not the topic here and while JW was certainly no world beater, unlike KF, I do recall him stepping up into the pocket on occasion and making something happen when the play had broken down. Look, you've proven your undying loyalty to KF and, honestly, I don't have a problem with that but to base those loyalties on what you believe Chizik told KF is pretty silly. Unless you were in that meeting, that statement cannot be made. We wont ever agree on this and we might as well leave well enough alone. I wish KF nothing but the best of luck turning his career at Auburn around but thus far he's been a colossal under-achiever by any standard you want to use. ***You'll never have the chance to say I told you so. If he turns it around, I'll be happy for him. I'm not saying he wont. All I am saying and have said is this...if he continues to be as inconsistent and indecisive as he has been, I can see someone else winning the job. Evidently, you cannot see that ever happening. Personally, lets just say I'm from Missouri on the QB race. Someone needs to show me they can play the position because I'm certainly not sold on KF like you obviously are

I am not taking sides in y'alls battle royale, have at it. However, I did want to add some factual information to the particular issue Dixie alludes to, the issue being what KF may or may not have been told. KF refers to this very issue at the 1:20 mark of this video which was posted at WarEagleExtra on 3/30/13.

Sure, and I can understand that from a coaching standpoint, you're trying to teach a different mentality. That offense was based on staying in the pocket and reading the progressions. You have to remember, the year before all KF did was run the ball with the exception of maybe 4 or 5 passes. My point is, being told not to run is simply letting him know that you want him to be focused on going through all the reads before pulling it in and running it. JW had the same coaching, at least that's my guess, and he was able to make some things happen when there wasn't anything there. If KF ever did that I really don't remember it.

I understand. I thought it was also interesting that, at least in Kiehl's mind, he also says that the preferred options by the coaches were for the him to go thru the reads and then throw it away, rather than run. That could have been just a communication problem and goodness knows there were communication problems going on all over the place last year. But if it wasn't and they drummed that into his head every day, I could see how that would effect the natural run instinct he had all those years. What a cluster that season was for the whole team last year. I'm just glad we are moving forward.
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"Maybe if Chiz hadn't told Kiehl not to run he could have kept some defenders at least a little more honest."

Thank you - someone finally "gets it" (I know you knew that all along)!!! There was so much going on last year that we don't all know about...

Have a great day!


It kills me how many are sure they know what the problems were. I'm done even bothering with a few. I'm not even going to tell them "I told you so" when the time comes.

What I find interesting is how you base your defense of KF's poor play on what Gene Chizik told him....let me ask you...by chance, were you in the meeting when Chizik told KF not to run? Also, was JW told the same thing or was it just KF? Undeniably, neither QB was very good but that's not the topic here and while JW was certainly no world beater, unlike KF, I do recall him stepping up into the pocket on occasion and making something happen when the play had broken down. Look, you've proven your undying loyalty to KF and, honestly, I don't have a problem with that but to base those loyalties on what you believe Chizik told KF is pretty silly. Unless you were in that meeting, that statement cannot be made. We wont ever agree on this and we might as well leave well enough alone. I wish KF nothing but the best of luck turning his career at Auburn around but thus far he's been a colossal under-achiever by any standard you want to use. ***You'll never have the chance to say I told you so. If he turns it around, I'll be happy for him. I'm not saying he wont. All I am saying and have said is this...if he continues to be as inconsistent and indecisive as he has been, I can see someone else winning the job. Evidently, you cannot see that ever happening. Personally, lets just say I'm from Missouri on the QB race. Someone needs to show me they can play the position because I'm certainly not sold on KF like you obviously are

I am not taking sides in y'alls battle royale, have at it. However, I did want to add some factual information to the particular issue Dixie alludes to, the issue being what KF may or may not have been told. KF refers to this very issue at the 1:20 mark of this video which was posted at WarEagleExtra on 3/30/13.

Sure, and I can understand that from a coaching standpoint, you're trying to teach a different mentality. That offense was based on staying in the pocket and reading the progressions. You have to remember, the year before all KF did was run the ball with the exception of maybe 4 or 5 passes. My point is, being told not to run is simply letting him know that you want him to be focused on going through all the reads before pulling it in and running it. JW had the same coaching, at least that's my guess, and he was able to make some things happen when there wasn't anything there. If KF ever did that I really don't remember it.

I understand. I thought it was also interesting that, at least in Kiehl's mind, he is also says that the preferred options by the coaches were for the QB to go thru the reads and then throw it away rather than run. That could have been just a communication problem, but if it wasn't and they drummed that into his head every day, I could see how that would effect the natural run instinct he had all those years. What a cluster that was for the whole team last year. I'm just glad we are moving forward.

Im pretty sure we're all glad to be moving on from last year. The thing is, he didn't throw it away or run. I seem to recall a lot more sacks that I do thrown away balls. In any event, they all(QBs) have a clean slate to work from and may the best guy win the job.

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"Maybe if Chiz hadn't told Kiehl not to run he could have kept some defenders at least a little more honest."

Thank you - someone finally "gets it" (I know you knew that all along)!!! There was so much going on last year that we don't all know about...

Have a great day!


Did Chiz tell him to fumble the ball at the same time? Blaming Chiz/Lefty for everything is not the sole reason for KF's bad play. Everyone has equal blame with what happend last year. Players make plays..period. Do you think Cam would have listend to Chiz if he had said don't run? H3ll no. Gus adjusted to what Cam could do.NM would not have even listened to something like that knowing the running threat he knows he is. JW...sure he would listen and not run as he is a true freshman trying to get PT but he did attempt and ran more in broken plays than KF did.

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"Maybe if Chiz hadn't told Kiehl not to run he could have kept some defenders at least a little more honest."

Thank you - someone finally "gets it" (I know you knew that all along)!!! There was so much going on last year that we don't all know about...

Have a great day!


It kills me how many are sure they know what the problems were. I'm done even bothering with a few. I'm not even going to tell them "I told you so" when the time comes.

What I find interesting is how you base your defense of KF's poor play on what Gene Chizik told him....let me ask you...by chance, were you in the meeting when Chizik told KF not to run? Also, was JW told the same thing or was it just KF? Undeniably, neither QB was very good but that's not the topic here and while JW was certainly no world beater, unlike KF, I do recall him stepping up into the pocket on occasion and making something happen when the play had broken down. Look, you've proven your undying loyalty to KF and, honestly, I don't have a problem with that but to base those loyalties on what you believe Chizik told KF is pretty silly. Unless you were in that meeting, that statement cannot be made. We wont ever agree on this and we might as well leave well enough alone. I wish KF nothing but the best of luck turning his career at Auburn around but thus far he's been a colossal under-achiever by any standard you want to use. ***You'll never have the chance to say I told you so. If he turns it around, I'll be happy for him. I'm not saying he wont. All I am saying and have said is this...if he continues to be as inconsistent and indecisive as he has been, I can see someone else winning the job. Evidently, you cannot see that ever happening. Personally, lets just say I'm from Missouri on the QB race. Someone needs to show me they can play the position because Im certainly not sold on KF like you obviously are

+1. Clearly some don't understand plain english. Just repost this when the SAME comment why people are bashing KF comes up. :)

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Sure, and I can understand that from a coaching standpoint, you're trying to teach a different mentality. That offense was based on staying in the pocket and reading the progressions. You have to remember, the year before all KF did was run the ball with the exception of maybe 4 or 5 passes. My point is, being told not to run is simply letting him know that you want him to be focused on going through all the reads before pulling it in and running it. JW had the same coaching, at least that's my guess, and he was able to make some things happen when there wasn't anything there. If KF ever did that I really don't remember it.

I understand. I thought it was also interesting that, at least in Kiehl's mind, he is also says that the preferred options by the coaches were for the QB to go thru the reads and then throw it away rather than run. That could have been just a communication problem, but if it wasn't and they drummed that into his head every day, I could see how that would effect the natural run instinct he had all those years. What a cluster that was for the whole team last year. I'm just glad we are moving forward.

Im pretty sure we're all glad to be moving on from last year. The thing is, he didn't throw it away or run. I seem to recall a lot more sacks that I do thrown away balls. In any event, they all(QBs) have a clean slate to work from and may the best guy win the job.

Yes, that he did. The confusion was definitely apparent.
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"Maybe if Chiz hadn't told Kiehl not to run he could have kept some defenders at least a little more honest."

Thank you - someone finally "gets it" (I know you knew that all along)!!! There was so much going on last year that we don't all know about...

Have a great day!


It kills me how many are sure they know what the problems were. I'm done even bothering with a few. I'm not even going to tell them "I told you so" when the time comes.

What I find interesting is how you base your defense of KF's poor play on what Gene Chizik told him....let me ask you...by chance, were you in the meeting when Chizik told KF not to run? Also, was JW told the same thing or was it just KF? Undeniably, neither QB was very good but that's not the topic here and while JW was certainly no world beater, unlike KF, I do recall him stepping up into the pocket on occasion and making something happen when the play had broken down. Look, you've proven your undying loyalty to KF and, honestly, I don't have a problem with that but to base those loyalties on what you believe Chizik told KF is pretty silly. Unless you were in that meeting, that statement cannot be made. We wont ever agree on this and we might as well leave well enough alone. I wish KF nothing but the best of luck turning his career at Auburn around but thus far he's been a colossal under-achiever by any standard you want to use. ***You'll never have the chance to say I told you so. If he turns it around, I'll be happy for him. I'm not saying he wont. All I am saying and have said is this...if he continues to be as inconsistent and indecisive as he has been, I can see someone else winning the job. Evidently, you cannot see that ever happening. Personally, lets just say I'm from Missouri on the QB race. Someone needs to show me they can play the position because I'm certainly not sold on KF like you obviously are

I am not taking sides in y'alls battle royale, have at it. However, I did want to add some factual information to the particular issue Dixie alludes to, the issue being what KF may or may not have been told. KF refers to this very issue at the 1:20 mark of this video which was posted at WarEagleExtra on 3/30/13.

Sure, and I can understand that from a coaching standpoint, you're trying to teach a different mentality. That offense was based on staying in the pocket and reading the progressions. You have to remember, the year before all KF did was run the ball with the exception of maybe 4 or 5 passes. My point is, being told not to run is simply letting him know that you want him to be focused on going through all the reads before pulling it in and running it. JW had the same coaching, at least that's my guess, and he was able to make some things happen when there wasn't anything there. If KF ever did that I really don't remember it.

That was the same point i made. So they told KF not to run but told JW to run b/c JW certainly took off and ran a lot more than KF but KF is more physically able to handle running. If they didn't want the QBs running then why wasn't JW pulled out of the game as a starter and KF put in if they felt that strongly about QBs staying the pocket. Not looking for an arguement just asking to get a better idea...although I doubt we'll ever have much understanding as to what happend overall last year with the team and coaches. :)

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"Maybe if Chiz hadn't told Kiehl not to run he could have kept some defenders at least a little more honest."

Thank you - someone finally "gets it" (I know you knew that all along)!!! There was so much going on last year that we don't all know about...

Have a great day!


It kills me how many are sure they know what the problems were. I'm done even bothering with a few. I'm not even going to tell them "I told you so" when the time comes.

What I find interesting is how you base your defense of KF's poor play on what Gene Chizik told him....let me ask you...by chance, were you in the meeting when Chizik told KF not to run? Also, was JW told the same thing or was it just KF? Undeniably, neither QB was very good but that's not the topic here and while JW was certainly no world beater, unlike KF, I do recall him stepping up into the pocket on occasion and making something happen when the play had broken down. Look, you've proven your undying loyalty to KF and, honestly, I don't have a problem with that but to base those loyalties on what you believe Chizik told KF is pretty silly. Unless you were in that meeting, that statement cannot be made. We wont ever agree on this and we might as well leave well enough alone. I wish KF nothing but the best of luck turning his career at Auburn around but thus far he's been a colossal under-achiever by any standard you want to use. ***You'll never have the chance to say I told you so. If he turns it around, I'll be happy for him. I'm not saying he wont. All I am saying and have said is this...if he continues to be as

inconsistent and indecisive as he has been, I can see someone else winning the job. Evidently, you cannot see that ever happening. Personally, lets just say I'm from Missouri on the QB race. Someone needs to show me they can play the position because I'm certainly not sold on KF like you obviously are

I am not taking sides in y'alls battle royale, have at it. However, I did want to add some factual information to the particular issue Dixie alludes to, the issue being what KF may or may not have been told. KF refers to this very issue at the 1:20 mark of this video which was posted at WarEagleExtra on 3/30/13.

Sure, and I can understand that from a coaching standpoint, you're trying to teach a different mentality. That offense was based on staying in the pocket and reading the progressions. You have to remember, the year before all KF did was run the ball with

the exception of maybe 4 or 5 passes. My point is, being told not to run is simply letting him know that you want him to be focused on going through all the reads before pulling it in and running it. JW had the same coaching, at least that's my guess, and he was able to make some things happen when there wasn't anything there. If KF ever did that I really don't remember it.

That was the same point i made. So they told KF not to run but told JW to run b/c JW certainly took off and ran a lot more than KF but KF is more physically able to handle running. If they didn't want the QBs running then why wasn't JW pulled out of the game as a starter and KF put in if they felt that strongly about QBs staying the pocket. Not looking for an arguement just asking to get a better idea...although I doubt we'll ever have much understanding as to what happend overall last year with the team and coaches. :)/>

Just curious, Is there something about KF you just don't like besides last season?

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"Maybe if Chiz hadn't told Kiehl not to run he could have kept some defenders at least a little more honest."

Thank you - someone finally "gets it" (I know you knew that all along)!!! There was so much going on last year that we don't all know about...

Have a great day!


It kills me how many are sure they know what the problems were. I'm done even bothering with a few. I'm not even going to tell them "I told you so" when the time comes.

What I find interesting is how you base your defense of KF's poor play on what Gene Chizik told him....let me ask you...by chance, were you in the meeting when Chizik told KF not to run? Also, was JW told the same thing or was it just KF? Undeniably, neither QB was very good but that's not the topic here and while JW was certainly no world beater, unlike KF, I do recall him stepping up into the pocket on occasion and making something happen when the play had broken down. Look, you've proven your undying loyalty to KF and, honestly, I don't have a problem with that but to base those loyalties on what you believe Chizik told KF is pretty silly. Unless you were in that meeting, that statement cannot be made. We wont ever agree on this and we might as well leave well enough alone. I wish KF nothing but the best of luck turning his career at Auburn around but thus far he's been a colossal under-achiever by any standard you want to use. ***You'll never have the chance to say I told you so. If he turns it around, I'll be happy for him. I'm not saying he wont. All I am saying and have said is this...if he continues to be as

inconsistent and indecisive as he has been, I can see someone else winning the job. Evidently, you cannot see that ever happening. Personally, lets just say I'm from Missouri on the QB race. Someone needs to show me they can play the position because I'm certainly not sold on KF like you obviously are

I am not taking sides in y'alls battle royale, have at it. However, I did want to add some factual information to the particular issue Dixie alludes to, the issue being what KF may or may not have been told. KF refers to this very issue at the 1:20 mark of this video which was posted at WarEagleExtra on 3/30/13.

Sure, and I can understand that from a coaching standpoint, you're trying to teach a different mentality. That offense was based on staying in the pocket and reading the progressions. You have to remember, the year before all KF did was run the ball with

the exception of maybe 4 or 5 passes. My point is, being told not to run is simply letting him know that you want him to be focused on going through all the reads before pulling it in and running it. JW had the same coaching, at least that's my guess, and he was able to make some things happen when there wasn't anything there. If KF ever did that I really don't remember it.

That was the same point i made. So they told KF not to run but told JW to run b/c JW certainly took off and ran a lot more than KF but KF is more physically able to handle running. If they didn't want the QBs running then why wasn't JW pulled out of the game as a starter and KF put in if they felt that strongly about QBs staying the pocket. Not looking for an arguement just asking to get a better idea...although I doubt we'll ever have much understanding as to what happend overall last year with the team and coaches. :)/>

Just curious, Is there something about KF you just don't like besides last season?

No not at all. As i stated in the comment...I was just asking a question to the comment that was posed. Trying to make logic out of the comment. It really wasn't that serious. So how do you ask a question that if i have something against him regarding the question i posed? I don't have a preference regarding who the QB is. I've stated that fact OVER & OVER. Not sure how many times i have to state it. It's seems if someone critiques him then they are against him. Instead of reading and comprehending the statements people over react and say you want to see KF fail which is pretty funny b/c I've been a huge KF fan. Even called the kid Cam Jr. when he first got here. I've stated several time that JW is certainly not as good as KF but that seems to get overlooked as well. If some wants to overlook certain things and drink kool-aid all day then that's their right. Then so is my right to critique our players and I've done so with each QB. The topic is clearly about KF so i'm not sure what you would like me to say other than things football related to KF.

Everything i've stated about our QBs have been football related and what i've seen them do on the field. I've made no personal attacks and I've never stated who i'm cheering for as i'm cheering for no one. Why have you not posed this question to Blue? Why me when i've clearly stated my questions and concerns regarding not only KF but JW as well. This question should not be posed to me just b/c i may have more comments on the situation than others; just joining the conversation as i thought this is what this place entails. IJS.

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It isn't important how I know, but that I do. I will never state something as fact that I do not know to be true. You can ask E or some others that when I am wrong I will admit it freely. And yes I do have a personal devotion to Kiehl and I know for a fact it clouds my judgement in the QB battle. But I have told KF that I will be his fan no matter if he ever lines up at QB again. I will pull for whomever puts on the O&B! WDE

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It isn't important how I know, but that I do. I will never state something as fact that I do not know to be true. You can ask E or some others that when I am wrong I will admit it freely. And yes I do have a personal devotion to Kiehl and I know for a fact it clouds my judgement in the QB battle. But I have told KF that I will be his fan no matter if he ever lines up at QB again. I will pull for whomever puts on the O&B! WDE

LOL, uh... yeah.....OK. The fact is, you're using a coaching line which makes perfect sense and taking it out of context to make excuses for indecisiveness and poor play. That's fine. No problem. Im pulling for KF too but unlike you Im not blinded by a misguided devotion and want him to play over some else if someone else is better. Good luck to all those guys doing everything in their power to win that job. May the best one among them win!

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I have never said he should play over someone who is better, not once. Now, back to my Rum-Runner. I love the ocean.

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“…Lashlee still doesn't see the Tigers naming a starting quarterback by the end of the spring.

He doesn't think Wallace or Frazier are [sic] ready yet.”


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“…Lashlee still doesn't see the Tigers naming a starting quarterback by the end of the spring.

He doesn't think Wallace or Frazier are [sic] ready yet.”


Frazier sucked today. I hope Marshall is ready.

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“…Lashlee still doesn't see the Tigers naming a starting quarterback by the end of the spring.

He doesn't think Wallace or Frazier are [sic] ready yet.”


Frazier sucked today. I hope Marshall is ready.

How did Frazier suck today? & Wallace too? Just getting in from a day full of activities so I have not had a chance to read any articles. The media wasn't allowed in on the actual scrimmage correct?

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“…Lashlee still doesn't see the Tigers naming a starting quarterback by the end of the spring.

He doesn't think Wallace or Frazier are [sic] ready yet.”


Frazier sucked today. I hope Marshall is ready.

It's dumb ass comments like these that makes me really hope KF takes the QB jobs and shoves a few haters feet down their throats
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It makes me no mind who wins the job. I just want to see the team do well. It appears that the job will be won in fall drills. The offseason willl be crucial to kf and jw. They have a lot of work to do and should avail themself of every opportunity to work on things.

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Folks I know who went to the scrim, I was going to go but had family things to do, told me Fraizer looked as bad as he did last year. Sucks is the word I was told. I will take thier word for it. As always TIFWIW. I'm not hater just posting what I know.

Neither QB lit it up, but the wideouts did help out either.

I can just keep PMing a couple of people here and giving them the scoop, as I have been for a couple of years, or I could start posting a little more here. Don't care one way or another.

I hope the light comes on for Fraizer but he has to step up as a leader.

Also have to give Gus a lot of credit about how he handled something that went down with one of our starting players over summer. Would post more about this but I'll just be called names again. Gus has this program going in the right direction.

Always TIFWIW.

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When NM was signed, it gave cause for pause. When GM gleamed when answering questions about NM, it seemed like a "tell". I don't care who wins the QB job either but, more and more it appears that it wont be won until fall camp. That said, I wish them all the best in the pursuit of their dreams. Ultimately, Im just hoping for a stark contrast in the quality of play at that position versus last year.

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Folks I know who went to the scrim, I was going to go but had family things to do, told me Fraizer looked as bad as he did last year. Sucks is the word I was told. I will take thier word for it. As always TIFWIW. I'm not hater just posting what I know.

Neither QB lit it up, but the wideouts did help out either.

I can just keep PMing a couple of people here and giving them the scoop, as I have been for a couple of years, or I could start posting a little more here. Don't care one way or another.

I hope the light comes on for Fraizer but he has to step up as a leader.

Also have to give Gus a lot of credit about how he handled something that went down with one of our starting players over summer. Would post more about this but I'll just be called names again. Gus has this program going in the right direction.

Always TIFWIW.

As long as it is not personal and related to play on the field, I think you should post what you know, hear or see. If it is personal in nature, I think PMs are the best way to go.


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Doesn't sound like Lashlee is greatly impressed with either QB at the moment....said he is not going to name a starter this spring...though I guess that's not much of a surprise. I was hoping to hear some more positive comments about QBs grasping the system, etc.....but instead we are reading about CBs and their interceptions. Is that good news? or bad news?

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Doesn't sound like Lashlee is greatly impressed with either QB at the moment....said he is not going to name a starter this spring...though I guess that's not much of a surprise. I was hoping to hear some more positive comments about QBs grasping the system, etc.....but instead we are reading about CBs and their interceptions. Is that good news? or bad news?

I cant say if its good news or bad but one thing I can tell you ....it isn't much of a surprise to me.

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