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i believe kiehl frazier comes back with a vengeance...


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Ironman....I didn't realize that KF was the clear #1 QB at the end of last season. My memory isn't that great but I can't remember if he ever played a complete game and Wallace was playing about as much as KF by the end of the year. I don't think either one of them can lay claim to being the incumbent. Anyone using NM's INTs as an issue is just grasping for straws. KF had 8 INTs and only 2 TDs last year so there is no legitimate way to assert that all of a sudden he is ready to be an SEC starter. It's possible he could win the job but IMO, his performance during his first two seasons does not help his cause. JW's QB rating, TD and INT rate all were superior to KF. Somebody is going to have to make a HUGE leap this spring to be an SEC quality QB. I stick to my view that it is a two man race this spring and we should all hope that a clear leader emerges. IMO, it will be another two man race in the fall ....and NM will be one of those 2.

I didn't either. Where did you get that KF was #1 after last season ?

Referring to one of your four predictions a day or two ago that " KF keeps his job as #1 QB" ...which in my understanding of the comment would mean for him to "keep" a job, he would first have to have had possession of it. Maybe an interpretation problem for me :dunno:

Prediction #4 refers to keeping the job he first wins in the Spring (prediction #1). :rolleyes:

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I haven't seen a dozen threads picking JW apart, calling him a bust or calling out a family member of his. If I did I would defend him as well. I don't believe either was put in a position to succeed.

yet comparatively speaking....one's performance was significantly better than the other's. I'll let you decide who was the better QB despite performing under the exact same conditions. If you honestly believe KF had a great season last year, there's not really anything I can do to help you understand why people can see someone else possibly winning the job. BTW, I haven't seen a dozen threads tearing any Auburn player apart. .Exaggerate much when trying to make your points?

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I haven't seen a dozen threads picking JW apart, calling him a bust or calling out a family member of his. If I did I would defend him as well. I don't believe either was put in a position to succeed.

yet comparatively speaking....one's performance was significantly better than the other's. I'll let you decide who was the better QB despite performing under the exact same conditions. If you honestly believe KF had a great season last year, there's not really anything I can do to help you understand why people can see someone else possibly winning the job. BTW, I haven't seen a dozen threads tearing any Auburn player apart. .Exaggerate much when trying to make your points?

I would argue that calling JW's performance signifigantly better a stretch. Some better, sure, but signifigantly? Also I said picking not tearing.

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I haven't seen a dozen threads picking JW apart, calling him a bust or calling out a family member of his. If I did I would defend him as well. I don't believe either was put in a position to succeed.

yet comparatively speaking....one's performance was significantly better than the other's. I'll let you decide who was the better QB despite performing under the exact same conditions. If you honestly believe KF had a great season last year, there's not really anything I can do to help you understand why people can see someone else possibly winning the job. BTW, I haven't seen a dozen threads tearing any Auburn player apart. .Exaggerate much when trying to make your points?

I would argue that calling JW's performance signifigantly better a stretch. Some better, sure, but signifigantly? Also I said picking not tearing.

I would call it significantly better and its not surprising, to me, we would disagree. I don't think I've ever agreed with your perspective on anything. "Picking, tearing" the point remains the same. I haven't seen a dozen threads "picking" ANY player apart. Maybe you can copy them and post them in a reply so I can read them for myself. They should ALL still be here.

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I haven't seen a dozen threads picking JW apart, calling him a bust or calling out a family member of his. If I did I would defend him as well. I don't believe either was put in a position to succeed.

yet comparatively speaking....one's performance was significantly better than the other's. I'll let you decide who was the better QB despite performing under the exact same conditions. If you honestly believe KF had a great season last year, there's not really anything I can do to help you understand why people can see someone else possibly winning the job. BTW, I haven't seen a dozen threads tearing any Auburn player apart. .Exaggerate much when trying to make your points?

I would argue that calling JW's performance signifigantly better a stretch. Some better, sure, but signifigantly? Also I said picking not tearing.

I would call it significantly better and its not surprising, to me, we would disagree. I don't think I've ever agreed with your perspective on anything. "Picking, tearing" the point remains the same. I haven't seen a dozen threads "picking" ANY player apart. Maybe you can copy them and post them in a reply so I can read them for myself. They should ALL still be here.

I take great pride in the fact YOU haven't agreed with ME.

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I haven't seen a dozen threads picking JW apart, calling him a bust or calling out a family member of his. If I did I would defend him as well. I don't believe either was put in a position to succeed.

yet comparatively speaking....one's performance was significantly better than the other's. I'll let you decide who was the better QB despite performing under the exact same conditions. If you honestly believe KF had a great season last year, there's not really anything I can do to help you understand why people can see someone else possibly winning the job. BTW, I haven't seen a dozen threads tearing any Auburn player apart. .Exaggerate much when trying to make your points?

I would argue that calling JW's performance signifigantly better a stretch. Some better, sure, but signifigantly? Also I said picking not tearing.

I would call it significantly better and its not surprising, to me, we would disagree. I don't think I've ever agreed with your perspective on anything. "Picking, tearing" the point remains the same. I haven't seen a dozen threads "picking" ANY player apart. Maybe you can copy them and post them in a reply so I can read them for myself. They should ALL still be here.

I take great pride in the fact YOU haven't agreed with ME.

Good for you. Let me explain something to you which you obviously do not get. Better is a relative term and does not imply excellence. Sadly, it wouldn't have taken much to be significantly better than what was seen from KF a good portion of his time as the starter. The biggest thing that separated JW from KF was his competitive fire. He seemed more poised and yes better equipped from an intangible point of view to LEAD the team. His stats may not have been over shadowing but his demeanor, his body language and just about every other aspect of how he looked was significantly better. He never looked timid, lost or shell shocked...Take pride in disagreeing with that

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I hope Kiehl proves all the haters wrong....I just think he was put into a BAD situation.....he's a good kid from a good family and they definitely did not deserve some of the things that were said to and done to them last season.

I think it is terribly unfair to label people who wonder out load if KF is going to bounce back (it's really not fair to say bounce back because to this point he hasn't proven anything in college) as haters. By every measure he did not play well last year. You can make excuses but thats all it is, is an excuse. I beleive he has talent and I want him to be able to get it to the field but after two years he hasn't shown it yet. Trovon Reed is another that I was so excited about when he got to Auburn but hasn't shown anything yet. I hope they both do but it doesn't make me a hater to say that he hasn't shown anything yet.
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I believe in redemption but have we ever had a quarterback look more helpless than KF did a lot of the time last year? They did not bring in the guys they did if anyone thought he was the likely future starter. I wish him well but at 235 pounds he should start considering an h-back or inside receiver/tight end role a la Kodi Burns. He will not be the starting quarterback at Auburn ever again unless there are some extremely unlikely circumstances I don't think.

Have we ever seen an entire Auburn team look more helpless than last year?

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I believe in redemption but have we ever had a quarterback look more helpless than KF did a lot of the time last year? They did not bring in the guys they did if anyone thought he was the likely future starter. I wish him well but at 235 pounds he should start considering an h-back or inside receiver/tight end role a la Kodi Burns. He will not be the starting quarterback at Auburn ever again unless there are some extremely unlikely circumstances I don't think.

Have we ever seen an entire Auburn team look more helpless than last year?

In a word...NO! And I wholeheartedly agree with you. The whole team was awful.

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I haven't seen a dozen threads picking JW apart, calling him a bust or calling out a family member of his. If I did I would defend him as well. I don't believe either was put in a position to succeed.

yet comparatively speaking....one's performance was significantly better than the other's. I'll let you decide who was the better QB despite performing under the exact same conditions. If you honestly believe KF had a great season last year, there's not really anything I can do to help you understand why people can see someone else possibly winning the job. BTW, I haven't seen a dozen threads tearing any Auburn player apart. .Exaggerate much when trying to make your points?

I would argue that calling JW's performance signifigantly better a stretch. Some better, sure, but signifigantly? Also I said picking not tearing.

I would call it significantly better and its not surprising, to me, we would disagree. I don't think I've ever agreed with your perspective on anything. "Picking, tearing" the point remains the same. I haven't seen a dozen threads "picking" ANY player apart. Maybe you can copy them and post them in a reply so I can read them for myself. They should ALL still be here.

I take great pride in the fact YOU haven't agreed with ME.

Good for you. Let me explain something to you which you obviously do not get. Better is a relative term and does not imply excellence. Sadly, it wouldn't have taken much to be significantly better than what was seen from KF a good portion of his time as the starter. The biggest thing that separated JW from KF was his competitive fire. He seemed more poised and yes better equipped from an intangible point of view to LEAD the team. His stats may not have been over shadowing but his demeanor, his body language and just about every other aspect of how he looked was significantly better. He never looked timid, lost or shell shocked...Take pride in disagreeing with that

This is the single bright spot for me from last season. I can't help it, but I was glad to see an AU QB that wasn't afraid to stand up a fight - a guy that didn't look totally freakin lost & "deer in the headlights" look on his face. JW is a competitor, and he displayed poise and in charge while he was on the field.
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The logic some are using on why a player won't/hasn't played much is astounding- and not in a good way. 1) I really havent read yet where anyone has said NM is "all-world". Super athletic? Yes. Potential starter? Yes. Thats about it. 2) It appears some have more of a personal investment in who is the starter versus the thought of who simply gives us the best chance to win. That's kinda weird to me unless you are a family member of a player which then I could completely understand. 3) I can't really understand how anyone could predict a starting QB position at this point either way. Unless you are privy to info few know, it seems to me way early to even submit a guess right now. 4) Too bad JW doesn't have a vocal support group like some of the others do, this thread would be a massive slugfest then. Ha. :)

Its an interesting dynamic that drives this debate, of that, there's no question. I agree with you too. I am amazed by the sensitivities of those who seem incensed when anyone suggests that Kiehl wont be the #1 guy. I have no clue myself who that guy will be but, I can see someone beating him out if his performance isn't dramatically different than what I saw out of him last year. Insofar as what he and his family went through..that's referred to quite often and frankly I don't see what relevance it has to whether or not he wins the job back. It goes with the territory and it's always been that way. The QB gets too much credit when things are going well and has to take too much blame when they aren't. I wish them all well in their quest to lead the team but, in the end, only one can be that guy. if its KF, good for him, I'll be a fan, but if its JW or NM I wont be surprised.

I find all this back and forth about who will be our QB amusing. Coach Gus does not even know at this point and won't know until sometime during fall camp where he has had a good look at ALL the candidates.and I am sure will make the best choice for the team. Relax folks, its a long way to Tipperary, just enjoy the ride. WDE!!!!

Do you mean that we won't get a vote? Do you honestly think that Gus can be trusted to make the right decision without input from the real experts that populate this site? Man...I don't know about that. :-\

Its all about being a fan. Is that a problem now? Fans love their team and love arguing about it, its all in fun, I thought. One thing is certain, whomever Gus picks, I'll be completely behind that choice to win for Auburn!

Well that's right Blue. Part of the fun of being a fan is predicting a score, a game, who will win a starting job, etc. I find those that also include the reasoning (the why) behind their prediction on what the coach, player, team, may or may not do to be the most enjoyable and thought provoking to read. That as opposed to just being negative about another fan's post.

Frankly, some of the "straw men" some people will use to try to infer meaning to use to go negative, is quite comical at times. Every post on the board could be responded to with the Captain Obvious post that "the coach knows best" but that has nothing to do with predicting what the coach may do. Sure, it is easy and we could eliminate 75% of the posts on the board, but it would also be boring. The harder thing to do is give logical reasons why this or that may or may not happen. Those that don't want to participate in that, certainly don't have to.

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The logic some are using on why a player won't/hasn't played much is astounding- and not in a good way. 1) I really havent read yet where anyone has said NM is "all-world". Super athletic? Yes. Potential starter? Yes. Thats about it. 2) It appears some have more of a personal investment in who is the starter versus the thought of who simply gives us the best chance to win. That's kinda weird to me unless you are a family member of a player which then I could completely understand. 3) I can't really understand how anyone could predict a starting QB position at this point either way. Unless you are privy to info few know, it seems to me way early to even submit a guess right now. 4) Too bad JW doesn't have a vocal support group like some of the others do, this thread would be a massive slugfest then. Ha. :)

Its an interesting dynamic that drives this debate, of that, there's no question. I agree with you too. I am amazed by the sensitivities of those who seem incensed when anyone suggests that Kiehl wont be the #1 guy. I have no clue myself who that guy will be but, I can see someone beating him out if his performance isn't dramatically different than what I saw out of him last year. Insofar as what he and his family went through..that's referred to quite often and frankly I don't see what relevance it has to whether or not he wins the job back. It goes with the territory and it's always been that way. The QB gets too much credit when things are going well and has to take too much blame when they aren't. I wish them all well in their quest to lead the team but, in the end, only one can be that guy. if its KF, good for him, I'll be a fan, but if its JW or NM I wont be surprised.

I find all this back and forth about who will be our QB amusing. Coach Gus does not even know at this point and won't know until sometime during fall camp where he has had a good look at ALL the candidates.and I am sure will make the best choice for the team. Relax folks, its a long way to Tipperary, just enjoy the ride. WDE!!!!

Do you mean that we won't get a vote? Do you honestly think that Gus can be trusted to make the right decision without input from the real experts that populate this site? Man...I don't know about that. :-\

AU64, I am sure he consults these boards every day before making any monumental decisions!! :rolleyes:
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The logic some are using on why a player won't/hasn't played much is astounding- and not in a good way. 1) I really havent read yet where anyone has said NM is "all-world". Super athletic? Yes. Potential starter? Yes. Thats about it. 2) It appears some have more of a personal investment in who is the starter versus the thought of who simply gives us the best chance to win. That's kinda weird to me unless you are a family member of a player which then I could completely understand. 3) I can't really understand how anyone could predict a starting QB position at this point either way. Unless you are privy to info few know, it seems to me way early to even submit a guess right now. 4) Too bad JW doesn't have a vocal support group like some of the others do, this thread would be a massive slugfest then. Ha. :)/>

Its an interesting dynamic that drives this debate, of that, there's no question. I agree with you too. I am amazed by the sensitivities of those who seem incensed when anyone suggests that Kiehl wont be the #1 guy. I have no clue myself who that guy will be but, I can see someone beating him out if his performance isn't dramatically different than what I saw out of him last year. Insofar as what he and his family went through..that's referred to quite often and frankly I don't see what relevance it has to whether or not he wins the job back. It goes with the territory and it's always been that way. The QB gets too much credit when things are going well and has to take too much blame when they aren't. I wish them all well in their quest to lead the team but, in the end, only one can be that guy. if its KF, good for him, I'll be a fan, but if its JW or NM I wont be surprised.

I find all this back and forth about who will be our QB amusing. Coach Gus does not even know at this point and won't know until sometime during fall camp where he has had a good look at ALL the candidates.and I am sure will make the best choice for the team. Relax folks, its a long way to Tipperary, just enjoy the ride. WDE!!!!

Do you mean that we won't get a vote? Do you honestly think that Gus can be trusted to make the right decision without input from the real experts that populate this site? Man...I don't know about that. :-\/>

Its all about being a fan. Is that a problem now? Fans love their team and love arguing about it, its all in fun, I thought. One thing is certain, whomever Gus picks, I'll be completely behind that choice to win for Auburn!

Well that's right Blue. Part of the fun of being a fan is predicting a score, a game, who will win a starting job, etc. I find those that also include the reasoning (the why) behind their prediction on what the coach, player, team, may or may not do to be the most enjoyable and thought provoking to read. That as opposed to just being negative about another fan's post.

Frankly, some of the "straw men" some people will use to try to infer meaning to use to go negative, is quite comical at times. Every post on the board could be responded to with the Captain Obvious post that "the coach knows best" but that has nothing to do with predicting what the coach may do. Sure, it is easy and we could eliminate 75% of the posts on the board, but it would also be boring. The harder thing to do is give logical reasons why this or that may or may not happen. Those that don't want to participate in that, certainly don't have to.

Thank you Captain obvious! Lol I can't do yellow text on iPhone.

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The logic some are using on why a player won't/hasn't played much is astounding- and not in a good way. 1) I really havent read yet where anyone has said NM is "all-world". Super athletic? Yes. Potential starter? Yes. Thats about it. 2) It appears some have more of a personal investment in who is the starter versus the thought of who simply gives us the best chance to win. That's kinda weird to me unless you are a family member of a player which then I could completely understand. 3) I can't really understand how anyone could predict a starting QB position at this point either way. Unless you are privy to info few know, it seems to me way early to even submit a guess right now. 4) Too bad JW doesn't have a vocal support group like some of the others do, this thread would be a massive slugfest then. Ha. :)/>

Its an interesting dynamic that drives this debate, of that, there's no question. I agree with you too. I am amazed by the sensitivities of those who seem incensed when anyone suggests that Kiehl wont be the #1 guy. I have no clue myself who that guy will be but, I can see someone beating him out if his performance isn't dramatically different than what I saw out of him last year. Insofar as what he and his family went through..that's referred to quite often and frankly I don't see what relevance it has to whether or not he wins the job back. It goes with the territory and it's always been that way. The QB gets too much credit when things are going well and has to take too much blame when they aren't. I wish them all well in their quest to lead the team but, in the end, only one can be that guy. if its KF, good for him, I'll be a fan, but if its JW or NM I wont be surprised.

I find all this back and forth about who will be our QB amusing. Coach Gus does not even know at this point and won't know until sometime during fall camp where he has had a good look at ALL the candidates.and I am sure will make the best choice for the team. Relax folks, its a long way to Tipperary, just enjoy the ride. WDE!!!!

Do you mean that we won't get a vote? Do you honestly think that Gus can be trusted to make the right decision without input from the real experts that populate this site? Man...I don't know about that. :-\/>

Its all about being a fan. Is that a problem now? Fans love their team and love arguing about it, its all in fun, I thought. One thing is certain, whomever Gus picks, I'll be completely behind that choice to win for Auburn!

Well that's right Blue. Part of the fun of being a fan is predicting a score, a game, who will win a starting job, etc. I find those that also include the reasoning (the why) behind their prediction on what the coach, player, team, may or may not do to be the most enjoyable and thought provoking to read. That as opposed to just being negative about another fan's post.

Frankly, some of the "straw men" some people will use to try to infer meaning to use to go negative, is quite comical at times. Every post on the board could be responded to with the Captain Obvious post that "the coach knows best" but that has nothing to do with predicting what the coach may do. Sure, it is easy and we could eliminate 75% of the posts on the board, but it would also be boring. The harder thing to do is give logical reasons why this or that may or may not happen. Those that don't want to participate in that, certainly don't have to.

Thank you Captain obvious! Lol I can't do yellow text on iPhone.

LOL :laugh:
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The logic some are using on why a player won't/hasn't played much is astounding- and not in a good way. 1) I really havent read yet where anyone has said NM is "all-world". Super athletic? Yes. Potential starter? Yes. Thats about it. 2) It appears some have more of a personal investment in who is the starter versus the thought of who simply gives us the best chance to win. That's kinda weird to me unless you are a family member of a player which then I could completely understand. 3) I can't really understand how anyone could predict a starting QB position at this point either way. Unless you are privy to info few know, it seems to me way early to even submit a guess right now. 4) Too bad JW doesn't have a vocal support group like some of the others do, this thread would be a massive slugfest then. Ha. :)

Its an interesting dynamic that drives this debate, of that, there's no question. I agree with you too. I am amazed by the sensitivities of those who seem incensed when anyone suggests that Kiehl wont be the #1 guy. I have no clue myself who that guy will be but, I can see someone beating him out if his performance isn't dramatically different than what I saw out of him last year. Insofar as what he and his family went through..that's referred to quite often and frankly I don't see what relevance it has to whether or not he wins the job back. It goes with the territory and it's always been that way. The QB gets too much credit when things are going well and has to take too much blame when they aren't. I wish them all well in their quest to lead the team but, in the end, only one can be that guy. if its KF, good for him, I'll be a fan, but if its JW or NM I wont be surprised.

I find all this back and forth about who will be our QB amusing. Coach Gus does not even know at this point and won't know until sometime during fall camp where he has had a good look at ALL the candidates.and I am sure will make the best choice for the team. Relax folks, its a long way to Tipperary, just enjoy the ride. WDE!!!!

Do you mean that we won't get a vote? Do you honestly think that Gus can be trusted to make the right decision without input from the real experts that populate this site? Man...I don't know about that. :-\

Its all about being a fan. Is that a problem now? Fans love their team and love arguing about it, its all in fun, I thought. One thing is certain, whomever Gus picks, I'll be completely behind that choice to win for Auburn!

It is. Think many are reading and interpreting comments in the wrong way. It's all about good debating.

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The reason I love this board so much is because of the "good debate" that goes on between us all from time to time. I can't stand boards that provide a bunch of childish banter back and forth with little or no substance or logical input. I can't stand boards that won't allow objective idea's and frown upon fans that disagree or show any negativity about AU football.

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The reason I love this board so much is because of the "good debate" that goes on between us all from time to time. I can't stand boards that provide a bunch of childish banter back and forth with little or no substance or logical input. I can't stand boards that won't allow objective idea's and frown upon fans that disagree or show any negativity about AU football.

The truth is there is no right or wrong point of view because all of it will be trumped by the coaches and the unknown of how the players respond after last years debacle. I want Auburn to win. Who the coaches play to that end is really immaterial. Its like Pat Dye said...."It doesn't matter who catches the pass or scores the touchdown, who makes the tackle or sacks the QB.... as long as he's wearing a blue jersey".

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This is an interesting observation today from Aaron Brenner @ WarEagleExtra after practice #4. It pertains to some of the discussion on the thread so it may be something to consider.

" It’s possible the three junior college transfers already enrolled – RB Artis-Payne, OL Danzey and DT Ben Bradley – are a little behind the rest of their groups. Nothing’s guaranteed to jucos. Remember that when QB Nick Marshall gets here this fall."


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This is an interesting observation today from Aaron Brenner @ WarEagleExtra after practice #4. It pertains to some of the discussion on the thread so it may be something to consider.

" It’s possible the three junior college transfers already enrolled – RB Artis-Payne, OL Danzey and DT Ben Bradley – are a little behind the rest of their groups. Nothing’s guaranteed to jucos. Remember that when QB Nick Marshall gets here this fall."


That's a good point except for one thing. NM will be there late May or early June and will have that 3 months June, July and August to adjust. There's no doubt, however, that he will be behind and IMO it will take a herculean effort for him to be named the starter for game 1.

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This is an interesting observation today from Aaron Brenner @ WarEagleExtra after practice #4. It pertains to some of the discussion on the thread so it may be something to consider.

" It’s possible the three junior college transfers already enrolled – RB Artis-Payne, OL Danzey and DT Ben Bradley – are a little behind the rest of their groups. Nothing’s guaranteed to jucos. Remember that when QB Nick Marshall gets here this fall."


That's a good point except for one thing. NM will be there late May or early June and will have that 3 months June, July and August to adjust. There's no doubt, however, that he will be behind and IMO it will take a herculean effort for him to be named the starter for game 1.

That's right and he doesn't mention that. Does it seems to you to be an observation (about the 3 jucos being behind) a reporter wouldn't normally make on his own, that it was something told to him ?
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i find it interesting that whoever is named the starter (i excluded JJ and JS because i dont expect a true frosh to win the job) will have a nice "feel good" story behind them.

NM-troubled past and journeyman ...

JW-slightly overlooked out of high school and from just down the street, comes on last year with a fearless attitude, known as a very diligent hard worker ...

KF-overcomes the difficulties of last years team and the turmoil, perceived as gus's guy before last years debacle and kinda gets a do-over

of course all of the feel-good requires that the day 1 starter proceeds to have a solid year for a solid producing auburn tiger team.

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This is an interesting observation today from Aaron Brenner @ WarEagleExtra after practice #4. It pertains to some of the discussion on the thread so it may be something to consider.

" It’s possible the three junior college transfers already enrolled – RB Artis-Payne, OL Danzey and DT Ben Bradley – are a little behind the rest of their groups. Nothing’s guaranteed to jucos. Remember that when QB Nick Marshall gets here this fall."


That's a good point except for one thing. NM will be there late May or early June and will have that 3 months June, July and August to adjust. There's no doubt, however, that he will be behind and IMO it will take a herculean effort for him to be named the starter for game 1.

That's right and he doesn't mention that. Does it seems to you to be an observation a reporter wouldn't normally make on his own, that it was something told to him ?

I don't know why he made that comment. It could be just because those JUCO guys, who incidentally DID just get there, aren't having an easy go it of keeping up. I think after 3 months of being around the players, studying the play book and working out over the summer, NM, possibly, wont be as far behind as the 3 JUCOs look to be right now. We'll see how it all shakes out..should be fun to keep an eye on.

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This is an interesting observation today from Aaron Brenner @ WarEagleExtra after practice #4. It pertains to some of the discussion on the thread so it may be something to consider.

" It’s possible the three junior college transfers already enrolled – RB Artis-Payne, OL Danzey and DT Ben Bradley – are a little behind the rest of their groups. Nothing’s guaranteed to jucos. Remember that when QB Nick Marshall gets here this fall."


That's a good point except for one thing. NM will be there late May or early June and will have that 3 months June, July and August to adjust. There's no doubt, however, that he will be behind and IMO it will take a herculean effort for him to be named the starter for game 1.

That's right and he doesn't mention that. Does it seems to you to be an observation (about the 3 jucos being behind) a reporter wouldn't normally make on his own, that it was something told to him ?

i think there are two possibilities ...

he has been told something to that effect by a coach or player or it is obvious they are having difficulties by their performance compared to others or their getting a little extra, loud coaching.

not surprised by the linemen, but i had hoped that CAP would have picked up on things relatively quickly due to playing position. maybe the uber speed is hurting the juco guys ...

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