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i believe kiehl frazier comes back with a vengeance...


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This sure has been a fun thread! Let's not ruin it (including myself) by getting upset at others predictions or opinions.

War Eagle!

1,000% agree! All about good debating; no reason to get upset. :wareagle: . At the end of the day all 3 or 4 guys are good options to have as our QB. I'm proud of the maturity they all have shown and are a role models to all young men.

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If arm strength was all that mattered it'd be a no brainer until NM gets there. However, I cant help but remember the smile that came over CGM's face when he spoke about NM being able to throw a football 70 yards.

So can Kiehl Frazier - FWIW

Arm strength means nothing on it's own. Vision and accuracy mean everything. Drives are most often accomplished through a good running game balanced with the completion of short to medium passes. The QB must find open receivers as a play unfolds. I only write the obvious to make my point that I have not seen Kiehl accomplish this. I also acknowledge that he was the QB on a historically terrible coaching staff and an apparently very unmotivated team but he has never looked comfortable in the position. I still think Wallace has a bigger upside. Never seen Marshall other than film - the SEC ain't no JUCO league. I'm hoping for "one good man" to appear from the group and I will be happy with any. I also would not be surprised if Gus is not completely satisfied with Frazier, Marshall or Wallace seeing Johnson getting early reps and moving into the starting role if he shows he can handle it.

You are correct. Arm strength means nothing on its own. I was just stating a fact to the OP. So what if NM can throw a football 70 yards, a lot of others can as well./ That does not make NM a "super human" or anything else. I am just so tired of everyone - not just on this board - finding fault with everything Kiehl does. If he were my son - that would make me very angry. I hope Kiehl goes out and "kicks butt" all spring and fall and leaves no doubt that he can get the job done like he was recruited to do. I know for a fact that he has been working very hard all off season and after speaking with him, there is no doubt he is confident in his abiltiy to do so.

Happy Easter! and WDE



Not hateing on Kiel or any other qb on the roster, but Nick Marshall is gonna b a problem for any defense to handle!! I dont know what anybody else is seeing but kid is very talented and fast.

If NM is an "all world" QB - then why was he playing DB at UGA?? Just askin....oh and it's spelled Kiehl

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Since this has become the prediction thread, let me throw mine out there......................................................

......................There is also this. NM has not faced an SEC defense as a QB before and there is going to be a learning curve there as well. He will face a defense as a QB in Fall practice that will have more size, speed and is in better condition than he has ever seen before. KF will already have that experience as a QB, advantage KF again.

4. KF keeps his job as the #1 QB and starter.

I can agree with pretty much all of this. I do think KF will start but i don't think he will end the season as our starting QB. I don't really see how KF playing QB against SEC teams gives him an advantage when he did nothing in the QB position against teams. NM may not have played QB when he as at UGA but he still has SEC experience. It's going to be interesting for sure. I'm enjoying all the QB debate though.

My thought there was not only the experience KF got facing SEC defenses last year but also the experience he is getting in Spring camp right now facing the AU defense. That AU defense is already likely to be in better condition, bigger and faster than NM has ever faced as a QB before. But, after they have gone thru Summer workouts and by the time NM faces them in Fall camp, they will be even faster and in better condition. It is going to be an adjustment for NM. KF will have that experience, NM won't, so I have to give KF the advantage there. However, that does not mean that NM cant close the gap.
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If arm strength was all that mattered it'd be a no brainer until NM gets there. However, I cant help but remember the smile that came over CGM's face when he spoke about NM being able to throw a football 70 yards.

So can Kiehl Frazier - FWIW

Arm strength means nothing on it's own. Vision and accuracy mean everything. Drives are most often accomplished through a good running game balanced with the completion of short to medium passes. The QB must find open receivers as a play unfolds. I only write the obvious to make my point that I have not seen Kiehl accomplish this. I also acknowledge that he was the QB on a historically terrible coaching staff and an apparently very unmotivated team but he has never looked comfortable in the position. I still think Wallace has a bigger upside. Never seen Marshall other than film - the SEC ain't no JUCO league. I'm hoping for "one good man" to appear from the group and I will be happy with any. I also would not be surprised if Gus is not completely satisfied with Frazier, Marshall or Wallace seeing Johnson getting early reps and moving into the starting role if he shows he can handle it.

You are correct. Arm strength means nothing on its own. I was just stating a fact to the OP. So what if NM can throw a football 70 yards, a lot of others can as well./ That does not make NM a "super human" or anything else. I am just so tired of everyone - not just on this board - finding fault with everything Kiehl does. If he were my son - that would make me very angry. I hope Kiehl goes out and "kicks butt" all spring and fall and leaves no doubt that he can get the job done like he was recruited to do. I know for a fact that he has been working very hard all off season and after speaking with him, there is no doubt he is confident in his abiltiy to do so.

Happy Easter! and WDE



Not hateing on Kiel or any other qb on the roster, but Nick Marshall is gonna b a problem for any defense to handle!! I dont know what anybody else is seeing but kid is very talented and fast.

If NM is an "all world" QB - then why was he playing DB at UGA?? Just askin....oh and it's spelled Kiehl

Because Aaron Murray was playing QB.

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If arm strength was all that mattered it'd be a no brainer until NM gets there. However, I cant help but remember the smile that came over CGM's face when he spoke about NM being able to throw a football 70 yards.

So can Kiehl Frazier - FWIW

Arm strength means nothing on it's own. Vision and accuracy mean everything. Drives are most often accomplished through a good running game balanced with the completion of short to medium passes. The QB must find open receivers as a play unfolds. I only write the obvious to make my point that I have not seen Kiehl accomplish this. I also acknowledge that he was the QB on a historically terrible coaching staff and an apparently very unmotivated team but he has never looked comfortable in the position. I still think Wallace has a bigger upside. Never seen Marshall other than film - the SEC ain't no JUCO league. I'm hoping for "one good man" to appear from the group and I will be happy with any. I also would not be surprised if Gus is not completely satisfied with Frazier, Marshall or Wallace seeing Johnson getting early reps and moving into the starting role if he shows he can handle it.

You are correct. Arm strength means nothing on its own. I was just stating a fact to the OP. So what if NM can throw a football 70 yards, a lot of others can as well./ That does not make NM a "super human" or anything else. I am just so tired of everyone - not just on this board - finding fault with everything Kiehl does. If he were my son - that would make me very angry. I hope Kiehl goes out and "kicks butt" all spring and fall and leaves no doubt that he can get the job done like he was recruited to do. I know for a fact that he has been working very hard all off season and after speaking with him, there is no doubt he is confident in his abiltiy to do so.

Happy Easter! and WDE



Not hateing on Kiel or any other qb on the roster, but Nick Marshall is gonna b a problem for any defense to handle!! I dont know what anybody else is seeing but kid is very talented and fast.

If NM is an "all world" QB - then why was he playing DB at UGA?? Just askin....oh and it's spelled Kiehl

Amen, exactly....He'll have a shot then be back as a DB imo. KF and JW are and have always been QB's...they weren't swapped around because of athletic ability. 25 ints in juco should be enough to eliminate him

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Because Aaron Murray was playing QB.

Yes I know Aaron Murray was the QB (and still is) but - If NM is so great and wonderful then he should have been able to beat him out - don't you think??

Rant over - sorry. It just makes me upset to read all the negativity about who is going to be the QB. I think that there was no way that Kiehl was going

to be successful last year. There were just so many things going on with the whole team (many more than most know). The compettion will play out on the field,

may the best man win the job. Coach Malzahn knows he was hired to win ballgames so I trust he will make the right decision for AU.

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Because Aaron Murray was playing QB.

Yes I know Aaron Murray was the QB (and still is) but - If NM is so great and wonderful then he should have been able to beat him out - don't you think??

Rant over - sorry. It just makes me upset to read all the negativity about who is going to be the QB. I think that there was no way that Kiehl was going

to be successful last year. There were just so many things going on with the whole team (many more than most know). The compettion will play out on the field,

may the best man win the job. Coach Malzahn knows he was hired to win ballgames so I trust he will make the right decision for AU.

No I don't think that at all. Aaron Murray was a returning starter and NM was a incoming true freshman. Tell me how many times a true freshman has come in and unseated a returning starting QB in the SEC. I know of no instance of that ever happening...so, NO, I wont discount NM as a viable candidate at Auburn next year simply because because he didn't beat out AM when he was at UGa

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Because Aaron Murray was playing QB.

Yes I know Aaron Murray was the QB (and still is) but - If NM is so great and wonderful then he should have been able to beat him out - don't you think??

Rant over - sorry. It just makes me upset to read all the negativity about who is going to be the QB. I think that there was no way that Kiehl was going

to be successful last year. There were just so many things going on with the whole team (many more than most know). The compettion will play out on the field,

may the best man win the job. Coach Malzahn knows he was hired to win ballgames so I trust he will make the right decision for AU.

Where is the negativity? I don't see anyone saying that KF sucks or he can't be the starter. Just b/c some has a different opinion on who the starter should be doesn't mean they are being negative towards the other QBs. All the QBs have strenghts and weaknesses. How did you know KF wasn't going to be successful last year? Until we started stacking up L's no one knew if KF was or wasn't going to have a successful season. KF actually looked decent in the beginning of the Clemson game.

Everyone can take the blame for last year on offense but Lefty and the system we ran was not the sole reason we couldn't get ANYTHING for any of our QBs. When the Oline did block and WRs did get open...all of the QBs were not able to make plays and get it to the right players. I just don't put our QB troubles ALL of Lefty, the pro system, and the OLine as being 98% of why none of our QBs could step up and make some plays here and there.

I think all our QBs will be more successful in Gus's system. Don't see how many QBs wouldn't be successful in his system but i don't apologize for being a little skeptical in thinking that KF is going to be a All Pro /heisman candidate just b/c of the system and Gus being back after seeing some of the issues he had beyond just skill last year. Nobody is negative toward any of our guys. It's just a debate. Goodness.

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Ironman....I didn't realize that KF was the clear #1 QB at the end of last season. My memory isn't that great but I can't remember if he ever played a complete game and Wallace was playing about as much as KF by the end of the year. I don't think either one of them can lay claim to being the incumbent. Anyone using NM's INTs as an issue is just grasping for straws. KF had 8 INTs and only 2 TDs last year so there is no legitimate way to assert that all of a sudden he is ready to be an SEC starter. It's possible he could win the job but IMO, his performance during his first two seasons does not help his cause. JW's QB rating, TD and INT rate all were superior to KF. Somebody is going to have to make a HUGE leap this spring to be an SEC quality QB. I stick to my view that it is a two man race this spring and we should all hope that a clear leader emerges. IMO, it will be another two man race in the fall ....and NM will be one of those 2.

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Ironman....I didn't realize that KF was the clear #1 QB at the end of last season. My memory isn't that great but I can't remember if he ever played a complete game and Wallace was playing about as much as KF by the end of the year. I don't think either one of them can lay claim to being the incumbent. Anyone using NM's INTs as an issue is just grasping for straws. KF had 8 INTs and only 2 TDs last year so there is no legitimate way to assert that all of a sudden he is ready to be an SEC starter. It's possible he could win the job but IMO, his performance during his first two seasons does not help his cause. JW's QB rating, TD and INT rate all were superior to KF. Somebody is going to have to make a HUGE leap this spring to be an SEC quality QB. I stick to my view that it is a two man race this spring and we should all hope that a clear leader emerges. IMO, it will be another two man race in the fall ....and NM will be one of those 2.

I didn't either. Where did you get that KF was #1 after last season ?
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I don't recall KF even playing after he was benched against Arkansas. Did he actually play any after that? Last season was so painful I'm afraid I've selectively blocked out what's too painful to remember.

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Ironman....I didn't realize that KF was the clear #1 QB at the end of last season. My memory isn't that great but I can't remember if he ever played a complete game and Wallace was playing about as much as KF by the end of the year. I don't think either one of them can lay claim to being the incumbent. Anyone using NM's INTs as an issue is just grasping for straws. KF had 8 INTs and only 2 TDs last year so there is no legitimate way to assert that all of a sudden he is ready to be an SEC starter. It's possible he could win the job but IMO, his performance during his first two seasons does not help his cause. JW's QB rating, TD and INT rate all were superior to KF. Somebody is going to have to make a HUGE leap this spring to be an SEC quality QB. I stick to my view that it is a two man race this spring and we should all hope that a clear leader emerges. IMO, it will be another two man race in the fall ....and NM will be one of those 2.

I didn't either. Where did you get that KF was #1 after last season ?

me either

Not to knock anyone.... but didn't the eventual goto guy end up being the true freshman... with first choice barely beating out Clint Moseley for the starting spot in a much heated contest. (if memory serves me)

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I don't recall KF even playing after he was benched against Arkansas. Did he actually play any after that? Last season was so painful I'm afraid I've selectively blocked out what's too painful to remember.

I don't think KF did play after that. They said he was hurt. That was according to Chiz. I personally never believed that claim as they didn't say what the injury was only that it affected is throwing. Anybody ever heard what the injury was? Just curious.



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Because Aaron Murray was playing QB.

Yes I know Aaron Murray was the QB (and still is) but - If NM is so great and wonderful then he should have been able to beat him out - don't you think??

Rant over - sorry. It just makes me upset to read all the negativity about who is going to be the QB. I think that there was no way that Kiehl was going

to be successful last year. There were just so many things going on with the whole team (many more than most know). The compettion will play out on the field,

may the best man win the job. Coach Malzahn knows he was hired to win ballgames so I trust he will make the right decision for AU.

Why would gus recruit a juco qb if u dont think nick is good enough to play the position?
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Ironman....I didn't realize that KF was the clear #1 QB at the end of last season. My memory isn't that great but I can't remember if he ever played a complete game and Wallace was playing about as much as KF by the end of the year. I don't think either one of them can lay claim to being the incumbent. Anyone using NM's INTs as an issue is just grasping for straws. KF had 8 INTs and only 2 TDs last year so there is no legitimate way to assert that all of a sudden he is ready to be an SEC starter. It's possible he could win the job but IMO, his performance during his first two seasons does not help his cause. JW's QB rating, TD and INT rate all were superior to KF. Somebody is going to have to make a HUGE leap this spring to be an SEC quality QB. I stick to my view that it is a two man race this spring and we should all hope that a clear leader emerges. IMO, it will be another two man race in the fall ....and NM will be one of those 2.

I didn't either. Where did you get that KF was #1 after last season ?

Referring to one of your four predictions a day or two ago that " KF keeps his job as #1 QB" ...which in my understanding of the comment would mean for him to "keep" a job, he would first have to have had possession of it. Maybe an interpretation problem for me :dunno:
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The logic some are using on why a player won't/hasn't played much is astounding- and not in a good way. 1) I really havent read yet where anyone has said NM is "all-world". Super athletic? Yes. Potential starter? Yes. Thats about it. 2) It appears some have more of a personal investment in who is the starter versus the thought of who simply gives us the best chance to win. That's kinda weird to me unless you are a family member of a player which then I could completely understand. 3) I can't really understand how anyone could predict a starting QB position at this point either way. Unless you are privy to info few know, it seems to me way early to even submit a guess right now. 4) Too bad JW doesn't have a vocal support group like some of the others do, this thread would be a massive slugfest then. Ha. :)

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The logic some are using on why a player won't/hasn't played much is astounding- and not in a good way. 1) I really havent read yet where anyone has said NM is "all-world". Super athletic? Yes. Potential starter? Yes. Thats about it. 2) It appears some have more of a personal investment in who is the starter versus the thought of who simply gives us the best chance to win. That's kinda weird to me unless you are a family member of a player which then I could completely understand. 3) I can't really understand how anyone could predict a starting QB position at this point either way. Unless you are privy to info few know, it seems to me way early to even submit a guess right now. 4) Too bad JW doesn't have a vocal support group like some of the others do, this thread would be a massive slugfest then. Ha. :)

Its an interesting dynamic that drives this debate, of that, there's no question. I agree with you too. I am amazed by the sensitivities of those who seem incensed when anyone suggests that Kiehl wont be the #1 guy. I have no clue myself who that guy will be but, I can see someone beating him out if his performance isn't dramatically different than what I saw out of him last year. Insofar as what he and his family went through..that's referred to quite often and frankly I don't see what relevance it has to whether or not he wins the job back. It goes with the territory and it's always been that way. The QB gets too much credit when things are going well and has to take too much blame when they aren't. I wish them all well in their quest to lead the team but, in the end, only one can be that guy. if its KF, good for him, I'll be a fan, but if its JW or NM I wont be surprised.

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The logic some are using on why a player won't/hasn't played much is astounding- and not in a good way. 1) I really havent read yet where anyone has said NM is "all-world". Super athletic? Yes. Potential starter? Yes. Thats about it. 2) It appears some have more of a personal investment in who is the starter versus the thought of who simply gives us the best chance to win. That's kinda weird to me unless you are a family member of a player which then I could completely understand. 3) I can't really understand how anyone could predict a starting QB position at this point either way. Unless you are privy to info few know, it seems to me way early to even submit a guess right now. 4) Too bad JW doesn't have a vocal support group like some of the others do, this thread would be a massive slugfest then. Ha. :)

I love JW! Let's start a support group for JW...who's in? lol. :Sing::wedance:

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The logic some are using on why a player won't/hasn't played much is astounding- and not in a good way. 1) I really havent read yet where anyone has said NM is "all-world". Super athletic? Yes. Potential starter? Yes. Thats about it. 2) It appears some have more of a personal investment in who is the starter versus the thought of who simply gives us the best chance to win. That's kinda weird to me unless you are a family member of a player which then I could completely understand. 3) I can't really understand how anyone could predict a starting QB position at this point either way. Unless you are privy to info few know, it seems to me way early to even submit a guess right now. 4) Too bad JW doesn't have a vocal support group like some of the others do, this thread would be a massive slugfest then. Ha. :)

Its an interesting dynamic that drives this debate, of that, there's no question. I agree with you too. I am amazed by the sensitivities of those who seem incensed when anyone suggests that Kiehl wont be the #1 guy. I have no clue myself who that guy will be but, I can see someone beating him out if his performance isn't dramatically different than what I saw out of him last year. Insofar as what he and his family went through..that's referred to quite often and frankly I don't see what relevance it has to whether or not he wins the job back. It goes with the territory and it's always been that way. The QB gets too much credit when things are going well and has to take too much blame when they aren't. I wish them all well in their quest to lead the team but, in the end, only one can be that guy. if its KF, good for him, I'll be a fan, but if its JW or NM I wont be surprised.

I find all this back and forth about who will be our QB amusing. Coach Gus does not even know at this point and won't know until sometime during fall camp where he has had a good look at ALL the candidates.and I am sure will make the best choice for the team. Relax folks, its a long way to Tipperary, just enjoy the ride. WDE!!!!
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The logic some are using on why a player won't/hasn't played much is astounding- and not in a good way. 1) I really havent read yet where anyone has said NM is "all-world". Super athletic? Yes. Potential starter? Yes. Thats about it. 2) It appears some have more of a personal investment in who is the starter versus the thought of who simply gives us the best chance to win. That's kinda weird to me unless you are a family member of a player which then I could completely understand. 3) I can't really understand how anyone could predict a starting QB position at this point either way. Unless you are privy to info few know, it seems to me way early to even submit a guess right now. 4) Too bad JW doesn't have a vocal support group like some of the others do, this thread would be a massive slugfest then. Ha. :)

Its an interesting dynamic that drives this debate, of that, there's no question. I agree with you too. I am amazed by the sensitivities of those who seem incensed when anyone suggests that Kiehl wont be the #1 guy. I have no clue myself who that guy will be but, I can see someone beating him out if his performance isn't dramatically different than what I saw out of him last year. Insofar as what he and his family went through..that's referred to quite often and frankly I don't see what relevance it has to whether or not he wins the job back. It goes with the territory and it's always been that way. The QB gets too much credit when things are going well and has to take too much blame when they aren't. I wish them all well in their quest to lead the team but, in the end, only one can be that guy. if its KF, good for him, I'll be a fan, but if its JW or NM I wont be surprised.

I find all this back and forth about who will be our QB amusing. Coach Gus does not even know at this point and won't know until sometime during fall camp where he has had a good look at ALL the candidates.and I am sure will make the best choice for the team. Relax folks, its a long way to Tipperary, just enjoy the ride. WDE!!!!

Do you mean that we won't get a vote? Do you honestly think that Gus can be trusted to make the right decision without input from the real experts that populate this site? Man...I don't know about that. :-\

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I haven't seen a dozen threads picking JW apart, calling him a bust or calling out a family member of his. If I did I would defend him as well. I don't believe either was put in a position to succeed.

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The logic some are using on why a player won't/hasn't played much is astounding- and not in a good way. 1) I really havent read yet where anyone has said NM is "all-world". Super athletic? Yes. Potential starter? Yes. Thats about it. 2) It appears some have more of a personal investment in who is the starter versus the thought of who simply gives us the best chance to win. That's kinda weird to me unless you are a family member of a player which then I could completely understand. 3) I can't really understand how anyone could predict a starting QB position at this point either way. Unless you are privy to info few know, it seems to me way early to even submit a guess right now. 4) Too bad JW doesn't have a vocal support group like some of the others do, this thread would be a massive slugfest then. Ha. :)

Its an interesting dynamic that drives this debate, of that, there's no question. I agree with you too. I am amazed by the sensitivities of those who seem incensed when anyone suggests that Kiehl wont be the #1 guy. I have no clue myself who that guy will be but, I can see someone beating him out if his performance isn't dramatically different than what I saw out of him last year. Insofar as what he and his family went through..that's referred to quite often and frankly I don't see what relevance it has to whether or not he wins the job back. It goes with the territory and it's always been that way. The QB gets too much credit when things are going well and has to take too much blame when they aren't. I wish them all well in their quest to lead the team but, in the end, only one can be that guy. if its KF, good for him, I'll be a fan, but if its JW or NM I wont be surprised.

I find all this back and forth about who will be our QB amusing. Coach Gus does not even know at this point and won't know until sometime during fall camp where he has had a good look at ALL the candidates.and I am sure will make the best choice for the team. Relax folks, its a long way to Tipperary, just enjoy the ride. WDE!!!!

Do you mean that we won't get a vote? Do you honestly think that Gus can be trusted to make the right decision without input from the real experts that populate this site? Man...I don't know about that. :-\

Its all about being a fan. Is that a problem now? Fans love their team and love arguing about it, its all in fun, I thought. One thing is certain, whomever Gus picks, I'll be completely behind that choice to win for Auburn!

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