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i believe kiehl frazier comes back with a vengeance...


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Again, can we stop using the shootings as an excuse for last year? 2011 Alabama and 2007 Virginia Tech say hi.

not an excuse, but one piece of the complicated puzzle that was last season. with young people, it could have been a bigger piece than some could realize. alabama and vt are not good parallels to this incident, imo.

Certainly could of used Eric Mack returning for his Junior year, instead of saying enough... is enough.

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I think Nick Marshall wins the starting job with JW in second, KF in third, and JJ taking a red shirt

Sounds about right to me.

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I think Gus gives Frazier every possible chance to take the reigns. If he can't pull it together, then I think it's Marshall's to lose. While I love Wallace's attitude and drive, I just don't think he has the tools to beat out Marshall, when it comes down to it.

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If marshall isn't the starting qb he will start at cb....he was brought in to play qb....waaaaay too much talent to not be on the field

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I think everyone hopes that KF will rebound this year. I know there are a lot of reason why things didn't work out last year but to be honest a lot of it was just poor play on his part. My heart hopes it will be KF but my mind tells me it will be Marshall. Best scenario would be for KF to win the job because the talent finally comes out and Marshall can play DB with JJ getting a RS. What I think will happen though is Marshall will get the job and will be very good at it. I think he is a superstar if Gus and Rhette can work with him to cut down on the interceptions. There could be a controversy next year after JJ's RS year. But having two very good QB's fight it out is not a totally bad thing. I think we will find out really early in the Spring if KF is able to turn things around. I really don't see Wallace factoring in. If KF and Marshall don't work out for some reason I think JJ's Red Shirt will come off.

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KF is a great guy but it took a miraculous catch by a RB on things like swing passes and screens. i don't care what system you are in, that doesn't cut it. wallace showed much better composure and accuracy last year.

nick marshall & wallace for 1 & 2. KF holding snaps. JJ redshirting.

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KF is a great guy but it took a miraculous catch by a RB on things like swing passes and screens. i don't care what system you are in, that doesn't cut it. wallace showed much better composure and accuracy last year.

nick marshall & wallace for 1 & 2. KF holding snaps. JJ redshirting.

Agree. Really good talent is going to show through more times than not regardless the system a player is in. I didn't see anything from KF that makes me think he can lead this team. JW may not have the physical skills that KF has but it's clear that he can lead, has confidence and not scared to make plays on the field; the same goes for NM. Plus Jeremy Johnson just recently stated he wants the starting job and i think he could certainly win it.

KF's demeanor/confidence needs to be repaired. I don't think KF will get preference treatment b/c he knows Gus's system. Rhett stated what he wants in a QB. 1. Lead 2. Make plays 3. Take care of the ball 4. Respond NM & JW exhibit more of those qualities than KF does. KF is a good kid but i don't think he is the QB to lead us to the most wins that we are capable of winning. Hope he proves me wrong.

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true freshman rarely, rarely, rarely ever start at the QB position. JJ will be a good one, but it wont be this fall. I still think KF gets the job, but I agree with all of the positives on JW. KF will have to do serious work to get ahead of JW. It sounds like NM is a fantastic athlete. I'm just not convinced he can come in this summer and make up the difference over the other 2 guys.

I hope it is a heck of a competition though ... There has been way to many QB battles the last bunch of years that felt like we settled on a starter. I would like for a QB battle to be one of ... "these guys are doing great, but "X" has simply outshone the other guys ..."

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The year KF had might/coulda/woulda (Sic) been different had the Clemson game gone a little differently. Remember Trovon Reed jumped for a TD when he should have kept his feet down. Lutzenkirchen fell twice on plays that may have been TDs. The running backs laid the ball down all over the field.

While not at all the entire problem, Mr Frazier had bad luck when it wasn't his fault.

I think he has a great chance to start with Malzahn/Lashlee coaching him. If he doesn't Nick Marshall will.

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I think Gus gives Frazier every possible chance to take the reigns. If he can't pull it together, then I think it's Marshall's to lose. While I love Wallace's attitude and drive, I just don't think he has the tools to beat out Marshall, when it comes down to it.

Exactly what I am thinking.

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KF is a great guy but it took a miraculous catch by a RB on things like swing passes and screens. i don't care what system you are in, that doesn't cut it. wallace showed much better composure and accuracy last year.

nick marshall & wallace for 1 & 2. KF holding snaps. JJ redshirting.

I know but he hit those passes in High School, no prob. Coaching (adult leadership) and self confidence can take a young man a long way. If it can be done Gus will do it!
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KF is a great guy but it took a miraculous catch by a RB on things like swing passes and screens. i don't care what system you are in, that doesn't cut it. wallace showed much better composure and accuracy last year.

nick marshall & wallace for 1 & 2. KF holding snaps. JJ redshirting.

Agree. Really good talent is going to show through more times than not regardless the system a player is in. I didn't see anything from KF that makes me think he can lead this team. JW may not have the physical skills that KF has but it's clear that he can lead, has confidence and not scared to make plays on the field; the same goes for NM. Plus Jeremy Johnson just recently stated he wants the starting job and i think he could certainly win it.

KF's demeanor/confidence needs to be repaired. I don't think KF will get preference treatment b/c he knows Gus's system. Rhett stated what he wants in a QB. 1. Lead 2. Make plays 3. Take care of the ball 4. Respond NM & JW exhibit more of those qualities than KF does. KF is a good kid but i don't think he is the QB to lead us to the most wins that we are capable of winning. Hope he proves me wrong.

Clemson game minus the big fumble, I thought KF lead well. I think Gus can and will do wonders with him.

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KF is a great guy but it took a miraculous catch by a RB on things like swing passes and screens. i don't care what system you are in, that doesn't cut it. wallace showed much better composure and accuracy last year.

nick marshall & wallace for 1 & 2. KF holding snaps. JJ redshirting.

Agree. Really good talent is going to show through more times than not regardless the system a player is in. I didn't see anything from KF that makes me think he can lead this team. JW may not have the physical skills that KF has but it's clear that he can lead, has confidence and not scared to make plays on the field; the same goes for NM. Plus Jeremy Johnson just recently stated he wants the starting job and i think he could certainly win it.

KF's demeanor/confidence needs to be repaired. I don't think KF will get preference treatment b/c he knows Gus's system. Rhett stated what he wants in a QB. 1. Lead 2. Make plays 3. Take care of the ball 4. Respond NM & JW exhibit more of those qualities than KF does. KF is a good kid but i don't think he is the QB to lead us to the most wins that we are capable of winning. Hope he proves me wrong.

Clemson game minus the big fumble, I thought KF lead well. I think Gus can and will do wonders with him.

Agreed. How do you lead a team of 85 guys all headed in different directions and with many having their own selfish goals above the teams.

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Again, can we stop using the shootings as an excuse for last year? 2011 Alabama and 2007 Virginia Tech say hi.

I dont get your point. How many players or former players lost their lives at bama or VT?

Guess 32 students/ teachers deaths at VT totally would have less of an effect than 2 players. /s

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KF is a great guy but it took a miraculous catch by a RB on things like swing passes and screens. i don't care what system you are in, that doesn't cut it. wallace showed much better composure and accuracy last year.

nick marshall & wallace for 1 & 2. KF holding snaps. JJ redshirting.

Agree. Really good talent is going to show through more times than not regardless the system a player is in. I didn't see anything from KF that makes me think he can lead this team. JW may not have the physical skills that KF has but it's clear that he can lead, has confidence and not scared to make plays on the field; the same goes for NM. Plus Jeremy Johnson just recently stated he wants the starting job and i think he could certainly win it.

KF's demeanor/confidence needs to be repaired. I don't think KF will get preference treatment b/c he knows Gus's system. Rhett stated what he wants in a QB. 1. Lead 2. Make plays 3. Take care of the ball 4. Respond NM & JW exhibit more of those qualities than KF does. KF is a good kid but i don't think he is the QB to lead us to the most wins that we are capable of winning. Hope he proves me wrong.

Clemson game minus the big fumble, I thought KF lead well. I think Gus can and will do wonders with him.

Agreed. How do you lead a team of 85 guys all headed in different directions and with many having their own selfish goals above the teams.

Understand what you are stating but I just differ. High school is a different animal than the SEC. I think part of KF problems was that he didn't play against strong competition in high school. In High School he had all day to throw the ball. I just don't see KF as a leader of this team. I think KF can win us some games...sure. He will put up good numbers against the cupcakes but I don't believe he gives us the best chance to win against the "big boys."

JW stepped in and attemped to lead...the team "perked up" more when he took over. He may not have done that much better than KF but none of our QBs did but at least JW didn't stand in the pocket and get sacked and fumble. A person can have all the skills in the world but if they are not right mentally and can react when needed..it's no good.

I don't think spring practice will show much separation with both QBs as Gus stated today much of it will be basic giving NM and JJ a very good chance at the QB position. I just have not seen much at all from KF that makes me feel he can lead this team. I want the best QB that gives us a chance to win every game...not b/c one QB has been in the coaches system for a long time. Coaches can make adjustments with the QB. I want a confident QB that can lead and make plays. Like i said..hope KF can prove me wrong...would like nothing more if he does.

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But falls short. Nick Marshall will be Auburn's next starting QB. Nick Marshall needs to be our next QB. Frazier had his opportunity. It's time to step aside and let someone else have a shot. I gave up on Kyle last year...sorry.

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But falls short. Nick Marshall will be Auburn's next starting QB. Nick Marshall needs to be our next QB. Frazier had his opportunity. It's time to step aside and let someone else have a shot. I gave up on Kyle last year...sorry.

Hate to say i agree with you but i do. KF is such a good kid and i hope he can make me a believer again because i was so excited about him. I think it will be Nick because he does have more QB skills than JW. Maybe the fact that the offense is up tempo it will allow KF to think less and just play.

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im glad you guys are not the coaches! whoever is the best qb to lead this team im supporting them.what kiehl need to give up because of a bad year?

Nobody is saying he needs to give up. Some may think he has what it takes to start...some may be skeptical if he can. We all want the best players that gives us the best chance to win. If Gus thinks it's KF then fine...I'll certainly back whoever the starting QB is. Everyone here is only making projections as this is what is done all over this board.

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I think Gus gives Frazier every possible chance to take the reigns. If he can't pull it together, then I think it's Marshall's to lose. While I love Wallace's attitude and drive, I just don't think he has the tools to beat out Marshall, when it comes down to it.

Exactly what I am thinking.

X 3! Clemson game def not on KF! I thought he did well for his first start on National TV.

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I guess, if anyone knows who the best QB will be to lead the Gus offense, it is Gus!

Let's keep it fun while we guess all summer, who it may be! :)/>

Right now my $ is on KF. Can we start a poll, or would that be inappropriate?

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