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i believe kiehl frazier comes back with a vengeance...


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"What I really can't wrap my brain around is how some are singing the praises of a player not even on campus that they have never seen other than a highlight tape, and was on defense 17 months ago, who was dismissed from school for stealing from his teammates."

My thoughts exactly!!

I think it's pretty easy actually....

1. We have seen what we have, and we have to have better.

2. His highlights are pretty spectacular, as were his stats. He appears to have more natural talent than our current options.

3. What he was playing 17 months ago is irrelevant, he played qb for four years before that and for a year after.

4. Stealing from his teammates is irrelevant to how good he is at football.

5. Our coaching staff knows more about football than all of us combined and they are willing to burn a scholarship to bring him in right now, and only have him for a couple of years. At qb

If nothing else, I think that the real battle may end up being between nm and jj. All of this is of course just one guy's opinion.

3. I think it's very relevant. Another SEC team has already determined him not to be an SEC quality QB. I don't believe he was even recruited as a QB coming out of high school.

The only fly in the ointment to your point is that the team you refer to, Georgia, the one that didn't recruit NM as a QB and played him as a CB, is the same team that would only consider recruiting Cam Newton as a TE.

And I'm trying to remember the last time they won a championship of any sort! Look, I still pull for Kiehl and I will continue. I don't understand the vile that is spewed by many towards KF. He may never make a great SEC QB. He still doesn't deserve what is said about him. I'm trying to remember another player who has been reported to attend children's hospitals and other charities ON THEIR OWN. Help me out someone, tell me why other than the fact he (nor anyone else) played well last year? Have we written off other players? Jordan Diamond was rated highly by everyone. I have yet to see multiple threads pointing out the fact that he can't crack the line-up at OT or G! Wehave kids at every position who need coaching and they need success to bolster their confidence. That's tough when all you see is negative. And mostly by posters who have never played a down of football. I hope our guys have developed a thick skin as there are enough reporters writing negative things about our team. They don't need it from the people that are supposed to be pulling for them.

I am pulling for KF as well, but one can't compare the QB position to any other on the field.

Throw in the Gus O, and a QB is expected to run and throw plus do it in a hurry! Any QB on any team is expected to lead (especially a Jr) make good decisions, hit open receivers when they have no pass rush etc...) I hate it as much as the next KF fan but we are just not seeing it.

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I've been a Frazier fan since the beginning (except that I was hoping we'd sign Driskel instead), and have finally reached the point that I don't think he has what it takes to play SEC QB. Auburn has had other QB's start out terribly and yet become strong QBs (Leard, Campbell and Cox, for example), but Frazier doesn't seem to be able to make the short, crisp easy throws, or to make good decisions on a consistent basis. I think he could rush for 600 yards this year in Gus's offense, and he has the arm to throw the deep ball. But something with him is just off...and I'm afraid it's all mental, and that his confidence is just shot. Mark Sanchez is a good case in point of a very talented player, who after losing his mental edge just performs poorly from then on. I think this is the issue with Frazier.Marshall looks more like an Oregon QB, and if he can make good decisions, he will be a better dual threat QB for us. He may not start, but I see more potential in him than Frazier, and I simply don't consider Wallace an SEC QB. Between Frazier and Wallace, I see one of those two transferring after this season.

Sad but true, so now I have to agree. I wish this wasn't the case but let us KF fans face it, we are at that point.
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I disagree with people saying that others on this board are saying bad stuff or against KF. the fact is that he hasn't lived up to all he hype he had coming out of High School. I don't see where anyone has said he was a bad person or a terrible QB. He just hasn't been an SEC caliber QB. And that is the league Auburn plays in. Saturday he didn't do anything to change anyone's mind about his play. Everyone wants him to be good but he just isn't there right now so people are hoping that the guy we haven't seen yet will be the QB that can take us back to the top of the league.

This. KF may well be a competent QB on the Jax State or South Alabama level. He just hasn't shown (since he has been at AU) to be a competent QB on the traditional AU SEC level. I am also not disputing that KF visits kids in the hospital and is a good guy, but that has nothing to do with his play on the field. JW hasn't proven to be a competent SEC QB either, but at least he seems to have some leadership ability and his work ethic has been outstanding.


As noted above....KF seems to be a good guy and I don't think the comments about him have been "vile" as someone said. All things considered the discussion has been pretty civil considering that people have some pretty strong opinion both ways. JMO but this is the make or break year for him....and I don't see this like the Jason Campbell situation. If KF doesn't start/play this season I just have the feeling his time will be past. JJ coming in will likely be red shirted and ready to play in 2014. Like KF and KB before him, JJ seems to have "can't miss" skills. And meanwhile, NM has the chance to fill the years in between. Furthermore, I see most transfer decisions as mistakes though in football at least, it seems to work out better than in basketball. If a kid is not going to the NFL he is probably better off keeping his scholly and doing what he can to help the team like Neil Caudle did a few years ago. Kodi stayed and was rewarded for his effort and commitment. No matter how it turns out for KF, I hope he stays to graduate....and leaves a legacy as an Auburn man who gave it his best and did what was best for the team.

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I disagree with people saying that others on this board are saying bad stuff or against KF. the fact is that he hasn't lived up to all he hype he had coming out of High School. I don't see where anyone has said he was a bad person or a terrible QB. He just hasn't been an SEC caliber QB. And that is the league Auburn plays in. Saturday he didn't do anything to change anyone's mind about his play. Everyone wants him to be good but he just isn't there right now so people are hoping that the guy we haven't seen yet will be the QB that can take us back to the top of the league.

This. KF may well be a competent QB on the Jax State or South Alabama level. He just hasn't shown (since he has been at AU) to be a competent QB on the traditional AU SEC level. I am also not disputing that KF visits kids in the hospital and is a good guy, but that has nothing to do with his play on the field. JW hasn't proven to be a competent SEC QB either, but at least he seems to have some leadership ability and his work ethic has been outstanding.


As noted above....KF seems to be a good guy and I don't think the comments about him have been "vile" as someone said. All things considered the discussion has been pretty civil considering that people have some pretty strong opinion both ways. JMO but this is the make or break year for him....and I don't see this like the Jason Campbell situation. If KF doesn't start/play this season I just have the feeling his time will be past. JJ coming in will likely be red shirted and ready to play in 2014. Like KF and KB before him, JJ seems to have "can't miss" skills. And meanwhile, NM has the chance to fill the years in between. Furthermore, I see most transfer decisions as mistakes though in football at least, it seems to work out better than in basketball. If a kid is not going to the NFL he is probably better off keeping his scholly and doing what he can to help the team like Neil Caudle did a few years ago. Kodi stayed and was rewarded for his effort and commitment. No matter how it turns out for KF, I hope he stays to graduate....and leaves a legacy as an Auburn man who gave it his best and did what was best for the team.

Well said 64! I am not as verbal on here as you are but you echo a lot of my sentiments. I think KF had a lot of pressure on him to succeed and when success didn't happen it worsened for him. I do wish him well. Lfe is tough and sometimes you just have to accept reality. As athletic as he is I hope he can find his niche. Kodi did, so why can't he. Here's to you KF, keep up the good fight. WDE!!!!
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"What I really can't wrap my brain around is how some are singing the praises of a player not even on campus that they have never seen other than a highlight tape, and was on defense 17 months ago, who was dismissed from school for stealing from his teammates."

My thoughts exactly!!

I think it's pretty easy actually....

1. We have seen what we have, and we have to have better.

2. His highlights are pretty spectacular, as were his stats. He appears to have more natural talent than our current options.

3. What he was playing 17 months ago is irrelevant, he played qb for four years before that and for a year after.

4. Stealing from his teammates is irrelevant to how good he is at football.

5. Our coaching staff knows more about football than all of us combined and they are willing to burn a scholarship to bring him in right now, and only have him for a couple of years. At qb.

If nothing else, I think that the real battle may end up being between nm and jj. All of this is of course just one guy's opinion.

3. I think it's very relevant. Another SEC team has already determined him not to be an SEC quality QB. I don't believe he was even recruited as a QB coming out of high school.

The only fly in the ointment to your point is that the team you refer to, Georgia, the one that didn't recruit NM as a QB and played him as a CB, is the same team that would only consider recruiting Cam Newton as a TE.

And I'm trying to remember the last time they won a championship of any sort! Look, I still pull for Kiehl and I will continue. I don't understand the vile that is spewed by many towards KF. He may never make a great SEC QB. He still doesn't deserve what is said about him. I'm trying to remember another player who has been reported to attend children's hospitals and other charities ON THEIR OWN. Help me out someone, tell me why other than the fact he (nor anyone else) played well last year? Have we written off other players? Jordan Diamond was rated highly by everyone. I have yet to see multiple threads pointing out the fact that he can't crack the line-up at OT or G! We have kids at every position who need coaching and they need success to bolster their confidence. That's tough when all you see is negative. And mostly by posters who have never played a down of football. I hope our guys have developed a thick skin as there are enough reporters writing negative things about our team. They don't need it from the people that are supposed to be pulling for them.

Let me first just say that I think your post here, in response to the series of posts above, is somewhat misplaced. Other than the one sentence (in red) which could be inferred to be about your point, the discussion above was about NM. Perhaps you were just frustrated at the thread in general and that is understandable.

Let me now briefly address your subject, KF. As you know (or maybe you don't know) I have been one of KF's biggest supporters for 2 years. I am still in his camp for that matter. I picked him to separate himself in Spring camp and become the odds on favorite going in to Fall camp. I am still hoping the light will come on and he can do it, after all he is now a Junior. But, I also said if that didn't happen it would probably have been his best and last chance. I believe that is still the case.

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In regards to NM...he may end up being a great QB at AU, but since we are making predictions, I do NOT believe a kid who threw more picks than TDs at the JUCO level will make it in the SEC. I've been pulling for Frazier as much as the next guy. JW was better yesterday. My prediction on the starter come September is Frazier or Wallace due to experience. If we were counting on a new guy to be the QB, I'd say JJ has a better shot than NM.

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I disagree with people saying that others on this board are saying bad stuff or against KF. the fact is that he hasn't lived up to all he hype he had coming out of High School. I don't see where anyone has said he was a bad person or a terrible QB. He just hasn't been an SEC caliber QB. And that is the league Auburn plays in. Saturday he didn't do anything to change anyone's mind about his play. Everyone wants him to be good but he just isn't there right now so people are hoping that the guy we haven't seen yet will be the QB that can take us back to the top of the league.

This. KF may well be a competent QB on the Jax State or South Alabama level. He just hasn't shown (since he has been at AU) to be a competent QB on the traditional AU SEC level. I am also not disputing that KF visits kids in the hospital and is a good guy, but that has nothing to do with his play on the field. JW hasn't proven to be a competent SEC QB either, but at least he seems to have some leadership ability and his work ethic has been outstanding.


JSU has 2 QBs that are far better.

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In regards to NM...he may end up being a great QB at AU, but since we are making predictions, I do NOT believe a kid who threw more picks than TDs at the JUCO level will make it in the SEC. I've been pulling for Frazier as much as the next guy. JW was better yesterday. My prediction on the starter come September is Frazier or Wallace due to experience. If we were counting on a new guy to be the QB, I'd say JJ has a better shot than NM.

NM didn't throw more INTs than he did TDs...now how do you feel? Check that, maybe he did but he accounted for 36 TDs and that's not bad.

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I don't think you could say KF came back wit a vengeance today. I think he probably sealed his fate with the A-Day game. I think the best he can hope for is the backup but if Marshall comes in and takes the job ( which I think he will) I'm afraid KF will be third string.

I didn't get to see the game and looking at the stats KF's didn't look that bad. 10-16 and 2 TDs with no ints doesn't paint a bad picture especially when the other QB was involved in 2 t.overs. Can someone explain the KF didn't look good stuff? Secondly can Wallace throw the long ball successfully? Did he have any long completions?

Both of Wallaces TDs were 15yds + from what I remember. Mightve been 20yds+. The pic he threw was behind his receiver and was an overall bad read. However, the fumble wasnt his fault, it was a bad snap which was apparently from crowd noise.

Frazier played okay after a slow start. His Touchdown throw was a WR screen and he literally walked in. However, his touchdown run was very clever. He used a well timed pump fake and ran it into the corner.

Both QBs had a fair share of balls dropped. However, a bulk of the passes were wide receiver screens.

I have said this on the official A-Day thread, but if you haven't I would strongly suggest going back to the video on YouTube (link is on the other thread) and watching JW's second touchdown drive, keeping a close eye on how close defenders are getting to JW. IMO he would not have gotten the long pass off nor the TD pass before he got leveled by the defense. I agree that KF did not play spectacularly, but it seemed to me that he had more receiver drops than JW. KF also had a fumble that happened on a wrap around draw to a backup running back, hardly an easy play after only 12 practices.

Just to clear biases out of the way, I do think that KF will be the starter come fall. If he is not, then my money is on NM. My reasoning is that Gus had recruited KF since 8th grade, and when he was signed, he told Chizik that "We just got the best QB in the country". I think that KF has a mountain of untapped potential and that he is going to surprise a lot of people come fall.

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In regards to NM...he may end up being a great QB at AU, but since we are making predictions, I do NOT believe a kid who threw more picks than TDs at the JUCO level will make it in the SEC. I've been pulling for Frazier as much as the next guy. JW was better yesterday. My prediction on the starter come September is Frazier or Wallace due to experience. If we were counting on a new guy to be the QB, I'd say JJ has a better shot than NM.

NM didn't throw more INTs than he did TDs...now how do you feel? Check that, maybe he did but he accounted for 36 TDs and that's not bad.

I feel like you should check things before you start talking s***. He passed for 18tds and 20 picks. He can't run a zone read every play and when it comes time for him to drop back and let it fly, everyone will be on the edge of their seat wondering if it's a pick or completion.

Again, he may end up being the guy, but if he can't pass well in JUCO, he won't do it in the SEC. Period.

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I don't think you could say KF came back wit a vengeance today. I think he probably sealed his fate with the A-Day game. I think the best he can hope for is the backup but if Marshall comes in and takes the job ( which I think he will) I'm afraid KF will be third string.

I didn't get to see the game and looking at the stats KF's didn't look that bad. 10-16 and 2 TDs with no ints doesn't paint a bad picture especially when the other QB was involved in 2 t.overs. Can someone explain the KF didn't look good stuff? Secondly can Wallace throw the long ball successfully? Did he have any long completions?

Both of Wallaces TDs were 15yds + from what I remember. Mightve been 20yds+. The pic he threw was behind his receiver and was an overall bad read. However, the fumble wasnt his fault, it was a bad snap which was apparently from crowd noise.

Frazier played okay after a slow start. His Touchdown throw was a WR screen and he literally walked in. However, his touchdown run was very clever. He used a well timed pump fake and ran it into the corner.

Both QBs had a fair share of balls dropped. However, a bulk of the passes were wide receiver screens.

I have said this on the official A-Day thread, but if you haven't I would strongly suggest going back to the video on YouTube (link is on the other thread) and watching JW's second touchdown drive, keeping a close eye on how close defenders are getting to JW. IMO he would not have gotten the long pass off nor the TD pass before he got leveled by the defense. I agree that KF did not play spectacularly, but it seemed to me that he had more receiver drops than JW. KF also had a fumble that happened on a wrap around draw to a backup running back, hardly an easy play after only 12 practices.

Just to clear biases out of the way, I do think that KF will be the starter come fall. If he is not, then my money is on NM. My reasoning is that Gus had recruited KF since 8th grade, and when he was signed, he told Chizik that "We just got the best QB in the country". I think that KF has a mountain of untapped potential and that he is going to surprise a lot of people come fall.

A lot has been made of what Malzahn has said in the past about KF. The problem is he hasn't done anything to merit continued expectations of greatness. People complain about NM's INT to TD ratio but KF has thrown 4 or 5 times as many INTs as TDs in his career at Auburn. I guess the point is, unrealized potential seems to be the story with KF and personally I don't think he will ever be a guy that will lead Auburn to any wins in the SEC.

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In regards to NM...he may end up being a great QB at AU, but since we are making predictions, I do NOT believe a kid who threw more picks than TDs at the JUCO level will make it in the SEC. I've been pulling for Frazier as much as the next guy. JW was better yesterday. My prediction on the starter come September is Frazier or Wallace due to experience. If we were counting on a new guy to be the QB, I'd say JJ has a better shot than NM.

NM didn't throw more INTs than he did TDs...now how do you feel? Check that, maybe he did but he accounted for 36 TDs and that's not bad.

I feel like you should check things before you start talking s***. He passed for 18tds and 20 picks. He can't run a zone read every play and when it comes time for him to drop back and let it fly, everyone will be on the edge of their seat wondering if it's a pick or completion.

Again, he may end up being the guy, but if he can't pass well in JUCO, he won't do it in the SEC. Period.

Actually he had 19 INTs but he accounted for 36 TDs....care to share what KFs stats are since he's been at Auburn?

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In regards to NM...he may end up being a great QB at AU, but since we are making predictions, I do NOT believe a kid who threw more picks than TDs at the JUCO level will make it in the SEC. I've been pulling for Frazier as much as the next guy. JW was better yesterday. My prediction on the starter come September is Frazier or Wallace due to experience. If we were counting on a new guy to be the QB, I'd say JJ has a better shot than NM.

NM didn't throw more INTs than he did TDs...now how do you feel? Check that, maybe he did but he accounted for 36 TDs and that's not bad.

I feel like you should check things before you start talking s***. He passed for 18tds and 20 picks. He can't run a zone read every play and when it comes time for him to drop back and let it fly, everyone will be on the edge of their seat wondering if it's a pick or completion.

Again, he may end up being the guy, but if he can't pass well in JUCO, he won't do it in the SEC. Period.

Furthermore, he had 8 fumbles, 5 of which were lost. So to recap...Passing: 196 out of 343att. 18tds 20ints. Rushing: 171att 1095yds (very impressive, I'll give him that) 19tds, 8 fumbles 5 lost. <<<<In JUCO. Those won't get better in the SEC.

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In regards to NM...he may end up being a great QB at AU, but since we are making predictions, I do NOT believe a kid who threw more picks than TDs at the JUCO level will make it in the SEC. I've been pulling for Frazier as much as the next guy. JW was better yesterday. My prediction on the starter come September is Frazier or Wallace due to experience. If we were counting on a new guy to be the QB, I'd say JJ has a better shot than NM.

NM didn't throw more INTs than he did TDs...now how do you feel? Check that, maybe he did but he accounted for 36 TDs and that's not bad.

I feel like you should check things before you start talking s***. He passed for 18tds and 20 picks. He can't run a zone read every play and when it comes time for him to drop back and let it fly, everyone will be on the edge of their seat wondering if it's a pick or completion.

Again, he may end up being the guy, but if he can't pass well in JUCO, he won't do it in the SEC. Period.

Actually he had 19 INTs but he accounted for 36 TDs....care to share what KFs stats are since he's been at Auburn?

At Auburn and at JUCO are different things aren't they? Since we're playing what ifs...What if KF was in JUCO? Do you think his stats would be better? What if NM played in Loefflers offense? Would his stats be better or worse than his JUCO stats?

http://stats.njcaa.org/sports/fball/2012-13/players/nickmarshall0w6k?view=splits&pos=qb <<<<20ints for arguments sake.

Also....not to mention, he'd have to learn CGM's offense in a very short time.

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In regards to NM...he may end up being a great QB at AU, but since we are making predictions, I do NOT believe a kid who threw more picks than TDs at the JUCO level will make it in the SEC. I've been pulling for Frazier as much as the next guy. JW was better yesterday. My prediction on the starter come September is Frazier or Wallace due to experience. If we were counting on a new guy to be the QB, I'd say JJ has a better shot than NM.

NM didn't throw more INTs than he did TDs...now how do you feel? Check that, maybe he did but he accounted for 36 TDs and that's not bad.

I feel like you should check things before you start talking s***. He passed for 18tds and 20 picks. He can't run a zone read every play and when it comes time for him to drop back and let it fly, everyone will be on the edge of their seat wondering if it's a pick or completion.

Again, he may end up being the guy, but if he can't pass well in JUCO, he won't do it in the SEC. Period.

Furthermore, he had 8 fumbles, 5 of which were lost. So to recap...Passing: 196 out of 343att. 18tds 20ints. Rushing: 171att 1095yds (very impressive, I'll give him that) 19tds, 8 fumbles 5 lost. <<<<In JUCO. Those won't get better in the SEC.

And tell me now, that you've completely discredited NM in your mind exactly what KF has done that leads you to believe he'll be better?

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In regards to NM...he may end up being a great QB at AU, but since we are making predictions, I do NOT believe a kid who threw more picks than TDs at the JUCO level will make it in the SEC. I've been pulling for Frazier as much as the next guy. JW was better yesterday. My prediction on the starter come September is Frazier or Wallace due to experience. If we were counting on a new guy to be the QB, I'd say JJ has a better shot than NM.

NM didn't throw more INTs than he did TDs...now how do you feel? Check that, maybe he did but he accounted for 36 TDs and that's not bad.

I feel like you should check things before you start talking s***. He passed for 18tds and 20 picks. He can't run a zone read every play and when it comes time for him to drop back and let it fly, everyone will be on the edge of their seat wondering if it's a pick or completion.

Again, he may end up being the guy, but if he can't pass well in JUCO, he won't do it in the SEC. Period.

Actually he had 19 INTs but he accounted for 36 TDs....care to share what KFs stats are since he's been at Auburn?

At Auburn and at JUCO are different things aren't they? Since we're playing what ifs...What if KF was in JUCO? Do you think his stats would be better? What if NM played in Loefflers offense? Would his stats be better or worse than his JUCO stats?

In regards to NM...he may end up being a great QB at AU, but since we are making predictions, I do NOT believe a kid who threw more picks than TDs at the JUCO level will make it in the SEC. I've been pulling for Frazier as much as the next guy. JW was better yesterday. My prediction on the starter come September is Frazier or Wallace due to experience. If we were counting on a new guy to be the QB, I'd say JJ has a better shot than NM.

NM didn't throw more INTs than he did TDs...now how do you feel? Check that, maybe he did but he accounted for 36 TDs and that's not bad.

I feel like you should check things before you start talking s***. He passed for 18tds and 20 picks. He can't run a zone read every play and when it comes time for him to drop back and let it fly, everyone will be on the edge of their seat wondering if it's a pick or completion.

Again, he may end up being the guy, but if he can't pass well in JUCO, he won't do it in the SEC. Period.

Actually he had 19 INTs but he accounted for 36 TDs....care to share what KFs stats are since he's been at Auburn?

At Auburn and at JUCO are different things aren't they? Since we're playing what ifs...What if KF was in JUCO? Do you think his stats would be better? What if NM played in Loefflers offense? Would his stats be better or worse than his JUCO stats?

What if he did? Are we going to name starters now based on what ifs? the fact is KF = Billy Beane and that's a fact that is undeniable

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The fact of the matter is, its of precious little consequence now what Malzahn said about KF 3 years ago. He hasn't said one positive word about him lately and based on what I saw Saturday I can completely understand why that's the case.

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You're an idiot. I didn't name a starter nor am I in a place to do such. The odds of either KF or JW being the starter are much higher than NMs. A half-brained person would agree with that. Again, my original point is he (NM) had more INTs than TDs in JUCO. Also, I never said he wouldn't be the guy. In fact I started with, "he may end up being a great QB at AU..."

Seems to me like every time you post it's confrontational and directed at someone. And I know I'm not the only one expressing that view.

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You're an idiot. I didn't name a starter nor am I in a place to do such. The odds of either KF or JW being the starter are much higher than NMs. A half-brained person would agree with that. Again, my original point is he (NM) had more INTs than TDs in JUCO. Also, I never said he wouldn't be the guy. In fact I started with, "he may end up being a great QB at AU..."

Seems to me like every time you post it's confrontational and directed at someone. And I know I'm not the only one expressing that view.

Things are rarely what they seem. I've watched NM JUCO highlights and I do not believe KF could've done what he did in them. I don't care who wins the starting job but I do get a bit weary of people continually reminding this board what Malzahn said about KF 3 years ago. If you don't like my posts put me on your ignore list... may help reduce your obvious heartburn. You're in a dither over 18 TD passes and 19 INTs but seem to be OK with 2 TDs and 10 INTs which are KF's stats.

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You're an idiot. I didn't name a starter nor am I in a place to do such. The odds of either KF or JW being the starter are much higher than NMs. A half-brained person would agree with that. Again, my original point is he (NM) had more INTs than TDs in JUCO. Also, I never said he wouldn't be the guy. In fact I started with, "he may end up being a great QB at AU..."

Seems to me like every time you post it's confrontational and directed at someone. And I know I'm not the only one expressing that view.

Things are rarely what they seem. I've watched NM JUCO highlights and I do not believe KF could've done what he did in them. I don't care who wins the starting job but I do get a bit weary of people continually reminding this board what Malzahn said about KF 3 years ago. If you don't like my posts put me on your ignore list... may help reduce your obvious heartburn. You're in a dither over 18 TD passes and 19 INTs but seem to be OK with 2 TDs and 10 INTs which are KF's stats.


And no where has Browning, or anyone else for that matter, claimed they are ok with the way KF has played in his career so far.

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You're an idiot. I didn't name a starter nor am I in a place to do such. The odds of either KF or JW being the starter are much higher than NMs. A half-brained person would agree with that. Again, my original point is he (NM) had more INTs than TDs in JUCO. Also, I never said he wouldn't be the guy. In fact I started with, "he may end up being a great QB at AU..."

Seems to me like every time you post it's confrontational and directed at someone. And I know I'm not the only one expressing that view.

Things are rarely what they seem. I've watched NM JUCO highlights and I do not believe KF could've done what he did in them. I don't care who wins the starting job but I do get a bit weary of people continually reminding this board what Malzahn said about KF 3 years ago. If you don't like my posts put me on your ignore list... may help reduce your obvious heartburn. You're in a dither over 18 TD passes and 19 INTs 20 but seem to be OK with 2 TDs and 10 INTs which are KF's stats.


And no where has Browning, or anyone else for that matter, claimed they are ok with the way KF has played in his career so far.

Thanks. BlueVue has a knack for putting words in peoples mouths. I didn't mention what CGM said about Frazier two (not 3) years ago. I even admitted that NM *could be* the guy. I have no vested interested in anyone except that I want the best to be the guy. All of our guys have to prove themselves....NM hasn't even made it on campus yet, thus my reasoning why I feel he's behind (again, never said he won't or can't be the QB). Don't know why that's hard to comprehend.

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Hopefully my last response on this thread. Too many posters were quick to anoint Frazier as the next starter, there were so many comments about we did not sign a 4-5 star qb to sit the bench or red shirt as a freshman from numerous AE posters and mods. I said then that we are talking about two different levels of football and the game gets much more complicated and reading defenses is much different than high school, but since so many were buddy buddy with his dad, it would get deleted or ripped on. I never have any expectations for freshman as there are so many life changes that happen in that year as we all know. I had no expectations for Frazier when he signed so I only hope for his success, however I have no disappointment in him as he has become a great Auburn man, what really matters the most.

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Hopefully my last response on this thread. Too many posters were quick to anoint Frazier as the next starter, there were so many comments about we did not sign a 4-5 star qb to sit the bench or red shirt as a freshman from numerous AE posters and mods. I said then that we are talking about two different levels of football and the game gets much more complicated and reading defenses is much different than high school, but since so many were buddy buddy with his dad, it would get deleted or ripped on. I never have any expectations for freshman as there are so many life changes that happen in that year as we all know. I had no expectations for Frazier when he signed so I only hope for his success, however I have no disappointment in him as he has become a great Auburn man, what really matters the most.

Oh and by the way, does anyone remember what Gus Malzahn said after the Chick-fil-a bowl two years ago? If only I could remember....

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Hopefully my last response on this thread. Too many posters were quick to anoint Frazier as the next starter, there were so many comments about we did not sign a 4-5 star qb to sit the bench or red shirt as a freshman from numerous AE posters and mods. I said then that we are talking about two different levels of football and the game gets much more complicated and reading defenses is much different than high school, but since so many were buddy buddy with his dad, it would get deleted or ripped on. I never have any expectations for freshman as there are so many life changes that happen in that year as we all know. I had no expectations for Frazier when he signed so I only hope for his success, however I have no disappointment in him as he has become a great Auburn man, what really matters the most.

Oh and by the way, does anyone remember what Gus Malzahn said after the Chick-fil-a bowl two years ago? If only I could remember....

A better question might be...what has Gus Malzahn had to say about KF in the last month? Cant miss prospects aren't that uncommon, and 2 years later, KF has been a cant miss that has missed badly. I haven't seen anything from him that leads me to believe that he can lead Auburn's offense and win in the SEC. It would be much better if he suddenly came to life because the uncertainty of having a new guy every year makes for a much tougher go of it in this league. Anyway, best of luck to him. I understand he has a large contingency of fans who will make excuses for him and prop him up even when his play doesn't merit it. That's the way it is but I expect the best will play. If he turns out to be the best we have, IMO, the specter of a 5 or 6 win season suddenly looms much larger on Auburn's immediate horizon.

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