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i believe kiehl frazier comes back with a vengeance...


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I don't think you could say KF came back wit a vengeance today. I think he probably sealed his fate with the A-Day game. I think the best he can hope for is the backup but if Marshall comes in and takes the job ( which I think he will) I'm afraid KF will be third string.

I didn't get to see the game and looking at the stats KF's didn't look that bad. 10-16 and 2 TDs with no ints doesn't paint a bad picture especially when the other QB was involved in 2 t.overs. Can someone explain the KF didn't look good stuff? Secondly can Wallace throw the long ball successfully? Did he have any long completions?

No, Frazier didn't look bad. Didn't look great either. We just have the usual KF bashers doing what they do. Truth be told both looked like about the same. Wallace has an arm, but has hardly any touch on the deep ball.

I don't think it's bashing at all. I think most people are calling it like they see it, but what I saw is the O as a whole seemed to respond better to JW rather than KF. Yes Wallace lacks some consistency on the deep ball which I think will come in time, but his short to intermediate throws were pretty good for the most part. KF on the other hand still looks indecisive and his short to intermediate accuracy needs work. Short and Intermediate throws are a very important part of Gus's Offense and I think JW has the better of that IMHO. As of right now I see JW as the guy because he seems a lot more calm and collected and the other players seem to respond to him, but we'll have to see if NM or JJ can really make a move when they get on campus.

Exactly. Overall saw some good things...still alot of work to do.

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Hate to say it but I doubt we win many games with KF or JW as QB's in the SEC. Just don't see it. Just being honest.

We won 8 games with Chris Todd (Had a real chance to win 10-11 but dropped the close ones late). I think Gus could make a winner out of Wallace especially behind a solid Oline, but I just don't see the light switch coming on with KF. This won't be settled for awhile though :D

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I don't think you could say KF came back wit a vengeance today. I think he probably sealed his fate with the A-Day game. I think the best he can hope for is the backup but if Marshall comes in and takes the job ( which I think he will) I'm afraid KF will be third string.

I didn't get to see the game and looking at the stats KF's didn't look that bad. 10-16 and 2 TDs with no ints doesn't paint a bad picture especially when the other QB was involved in 2 t.overs. Can someone explain the KF didn't look good stuff? Secondly can Wallace throw the long ball successfully? Did he have any long completions?

No, Frazier didn't look bad. Didn't look great either. We just have the usual KF bashers doing what they do. Truth be told both looked like about the same. Wallace has an arm, but has hardly any touch on the deep ball.

I don't think it's bashing at all. I think most people are calling it like they see it, but what I saw is the O as a whole seemed to respond better to JW rather than KF. Yes Wallace lacks some consistency on the deep ball which I think will come in time, but his short to intermediate throws were pretty good for the most part. KF on the other hand still looks indecisive and his short to intermediate accuracy needs work. Short and Intermediate throws are a very important part of Gus's Offense and I think JW has the better of that IMHO. As of right now I see JW as the guy because he seems a lot more calm and collected and the other players seem to respond to him, but we'll have to see if NM or JJ can really make a move when they get on campus.

I call try to call it like I see it as well. Neither played great, but neither played poor. I just think its funny that some are saying one clearly outplayed the other. What I really can't wrap my brain around is how some are singing the praises of a player not even on campus that they have never seen other than a highlight tape, and was on defense 17 months ago, who was dismissed from school for stealing from his teammates.
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Hate to say it but I doubt we win many games with KF or JW as QB's in the SEC. Just don't see it. Just being honest.

We won 8 games with Chris Todd (Had a real chance to win 10-11 but dropped the close ones late). I think Gus could make a winner out of Wallace especially behind a solid Oline, but I just don't see the light switch coming on with KF. This won't be settled for awhile though :D

Good point. especially behind a solid Oline

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Hate to say it but I doubt we win many games with KF or JW as QB's in the SEC. Just don't see it. Just being honest.

We won 8 games with Chris Todd (Had a real chance to win 10-11 but dropped the close ones late). I think Gus could make a winner out of Wallace especially behind a solid Oline, but I just don't see the light switch coming on with KF. This won't be settled for awhile though :D

Good point. especially behind a solid Oline

I don't care who our QB is come game 1, if we have Oline play like we did last year none of them will be successful.

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Hate to say it but I doubt we win many games with KF or JW as QB's in the SEC. Just don't see it. Just being honest.

We won 8 games with Chris Todd (Had a real chance to win 10-11 but dropped the close ones late). I think Gus could make a winner out of Wallace especially behind a solid Oline, but I just don't see the light switch coming on with KF. This won't be settled for awhile though :D

Good point. especially behind a solid Oline

I'd love to have Todd right about now. Todd was an accurate QB. Put him behind an good Oline and give him time...he was a good serviceable QB. Plus he had good WR/RB play. Both JW and KF very inconsistent and inaccurate even when provided with those things. I don't think either JW or KF can be turned into Chris Todd and put up similar numbers that he did. KF is capable of doing it but his "light switch" has yet to come on and time is winding down for it to come on. I was hoping KF would make me eat my words today...didn't see it. Neither QB was that great but I'd go with JW for sure at this point.

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Hate to say it but I doubt we win many games with KF or JW as QB's in the SEC. Just don't see it. Just being honest.

We won 8 games with Chris Todd (Had a real chance to win 10-11 but dropped the close ones late). I think Gus could make a winner out of Wallace especially behind a solid Oline, but I just don't see the light switch coming on with KF. This won't be settled for awhile though :D

Good point. especially behind a solid Oline

I'd love to have Todd right about now. Think with Todd that he was accurate. Put him behind an good Oline and give him time...he was a good serviceable QB. Plus he had good WR/RB play. Both JW and KF very inconsistent and inaccurate even when provided with those things. I don't think either JW or KF can be turned into Chris Todd and put up similar numbers that he did. KF is capable of doing it but his "light switch" has yet to come on and time is winding down for it to come on. I was hoping KF would make me eat my words today...didn't see it. Neither QB was that great but I'd go with JW for sure at this point.

I disagree partially because of the fact that on the short to intermediate throws I'd have to say Wallace is pretty consistent making those throws. The deep ball accuracy def needs some turning up though forsure. He needs to work on his wheel, streak, and deep post routes a lot this offseason, but IMHO he looks very comfortable with the short to intermediate stuff like I said: Curls, outs, and those types of routes.

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As one that has been in the KF camp for a long long time, after watching the Spring game, I have to say we do not have an exceptional QB on the roster right now. Both QBs played just ok, but neither were exceptional. JW's 2nd TD pass was actually a sack that they didn't call, so his stats are somewhat misleading. KF played ok once the 2nd qtr started, but again not exceptional. Now, for the first time, I think one of the 3 QBs coming in has a real chance to take the starting job. This is important because the OL is playing much better and with some exceptional play at the QB position, I think this offense has a chance to do some really special things.

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I thought going in that NM will be our QB come fall. That being said, I was fairly pleased with both QB's and thought they played about equal. As some have said, KF looked shaky to start with but then settled in. Both looked decent in spurts and both made mistakes.

I think if we can get better at QB, then our offense could be really exciting. It was so nice to see a number of players making catches.

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Its amusing reading the scrawls from the arm chair experts "breaking down" A-Day and writing off 20 year olds. How are they different from or an improvement on Updykes?

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I'll admit I haven't watched the whole thing yet. But nothing I saw so far or in the highlights on the news makes me think Nick Marshall or Jeremy Johnson don't have a decent shot at taking the job before the first game rolls around.

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As one that has been in the KF camp for a long time, after watching the Spring game, I have to say we do not have an exceptional QB on the roster at this point in time. Both QBs played just ok, but neither were exceptional. JW's 2nd TD pass was actually a sack that they didn't call, so his stats are somewhat misleading. KF played ok once the 2nd qtr started, but again not exceptional. I think now more than ever, one of the 3 QBs coming in has a real chance to take the starting job. This is important because the OL is playing much better and with exceptional play at the QB position, I think this offense has a chance to do some really special things.

The fustration part for me about the QB position is that IMO i don't think we need exceptional. If either QB was just consistent and accurate i think we'd easily be at least a 7 or 8 win team. I don't think we need a ton out of the QB position but if neither can complete basic throws on a regular basis and can't quickly read defenses to make the right play.....we're in deep ish. I'm don't expect a Cam or Johnny Football from our QBs....heck i just want a Chris Todd at the very least....I don't think KF or JW is a Chris Todd. NM just got some added pressure today...JJ too. Going to be a long summer!

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KF did not look good. His passes are still very slow. JW lost a lot of confidence when he missed that snap.

I was really pulling for KF, however, I was really disappointed today. I was hoping he would look better.

I dont think JW lost confidence at all, he came back the next series and scored a TD! Another aspect to consider, is that the defense could key on the RB and not have to worry too much on QB scrambles. Both QBs had their ups and downs. KF made some nice moves on his feet though!

I meant to say I lost a lot of confidence in JW. When he missed the snap, he looked dumbfounded.

My overall impression was that the offense did not look good. It's just a spring game, so it doesn't mean a whole lot. I was just really hoping the offense would look leaps and bounds better than last year. They didn't.

Defense looked promising.

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As one that has been in the KF camp for a long time, after watching the Spring game, I have to say we do not have an exceptional QB on the roster at this point in time. Both QBs played just ok, but neither were exceptional. JW's 2nd TD pass was actually a sack that they didn't call, so his stats are somewhat misleading. KF played ok once the 2nd qtr started, but again not exceptional. I think now more than ever, one of the 3 QBs coming in has a real chance to take the starting job. This is important because the OL is playing much better and with exceptional play at the QB position, I think this offense has a chance to do some really special things.

The fustration part for me about the QB position is that IMO i don't think we need exceptional. If either QB was just consistent and accurate i think we'd easily be at least a 7 or 8 win team. I don't think we need a ton out of the QB position but if neither can complete basic throws on a regular basis and can't quickly read defenses to make the right play.....we're in deep ish. I'm don't expect a Cam or Johnny Football from our QBs....heck i just want a Chris Todd at the very least....I don't think KF or JW is a Chris Todd. NM just got some added pressure today...JJ too. Going to be a long summer!

10-16 is pretty consistent, but like I said I didn't have the opp. to see the game being in FL.
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I thought jw looked better and it wasn't even close. Half of the passes that kf completed were screens, and even those weren't accurate. I can honestly remember one really good pass from him the whole time. Wallace wasn't spectacular, but he led the team down the field, and he at least made the easy throws. At the end of the day, I don't think our starter is on campus yet.

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"What I really can't wrap my brain around is how some are singing the praises of a player not even on campus that they have never seen other than a highlight tape, and was on defense 17 months ago, who was dismissed from school for stealing from his teammates."

My thoughts exactly!!

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As one that has been in the KF camp for a long time, after watching the Spring game, I have to say we do not have an exceptional QB on the roster at this point in time. Both QBs played just ok, but neither were exceptional. JW's 2nd TD pass was actually a sack that they didn't call, so his stats are somewhat misleading. KF played ok once the 2nd qtr started, but again not exceptional. I think now more than ever, one of the 3 QBs coming in has a real chance to take the starting job. This is important because the OL is playing much better and with exceptional play at the QB position, I think this offense has a chance to do some really special things.

The fustration part for me about the QB position is that IMO i don't think we need exceptional. If either QB was just consistent and accurate i think we'd easily be at least a 7 or 8 win team. I don't think we need a ton out of the QB position but if neither can complete basic throws on a regular basis and can't quickly read defenses to make the right play.....we're in deep ish. I'm don't expect a Cam or Johnny Football from our QBs....heck i just want a Chris Todd at the very least....I don't think KF or JW is a Chris Todd. NM just got some added pressure today...JJ too. Going to be a long summer!

10-16 is pretty consistent, but like I said I didn't have the opp. to see the game being in FL.

Numbers don't always tell the story. Plus it was very vanilla. Not reading a ton into a spring game but I thought I would see signs of much improved QB play. Didn't see it. What i saw was that both QBs can beat the cupcake teams but very questionable against toss up teams and likely we still lose to the "big boys"..maybe not as bad. If we can get decent QB play with the 3 RBs we have and the D is looking better..sky is the limit. We need to find a QB!

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KF did not look good. His passes are still very slow. JW lost a lot of confidence when he missed that snap.

I was really pulling for KF, however, I was really disappointed today. I was hoping he would look better.

I dont think JW lost confidence at all, he came back the next series and scored a TD! Another aspect to consider, is that the defense could key on the RB and not have to worry too much on QB scrambles. Both QBs had their ups and downs. KF made some nice moves on his feet though!

I meant to say I lost a lot of confidence in JW. When he missed the snap, he looked dumbfounded.

My overall impression was that the offense did not look good. It's just a spring game, so it doesn't mean a whole lot. I was just really hoping the offense would look leaps and bounds better than last year. They didn't.

Defense looked promising.

Ahhhhh okay sorry, yeah I was in the stands sitting there thinking "it's not practice jump on the ball!!!!".

It shocked me for sure. Yeah and for the most part it was really perimeter passes with play action and alot of power runs. No crossing patterns or slants.

If we do not have a QB sticking out with their arm, I think NM would be a good candidate because of his athleticism. He can scramble and he has the arm strength to test a secondary deep.

I honestly just want to have a QB that can play consistently when faced with adversity.

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I just don't see the "it factor" when it comes to these guys, lack of confidence, leadership, and accuracy that is needed for this offense. hope they prove me wrong, but I hope what shows up in June takes control of the offense and leads them.

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Both QBs also had some nice passes that were dropped. I was also happy,to see the DBs breaking up some of the deep balls!

Reed dropped 2 or 3 i think.

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"What I really can't wrap my brain around is how some are singing the praises of a player not even on campus that they have never seen other than a highlight tape, and was on defense 17 months ago, who was dismissed from school for stealing from his teammates."

My thoughts exactly!!

I think it's pretty easy actually....

1. We have seen what we have, and we have to have better.

2. His highlights are pretty spectacular, as were his stats. He appears to have more natural talent than our current options.

3. What he was playing 17 months ago is irrelevant, he played qb for four years before that and for a year after.

4. Stealing from his teammates is irrelevant to how good he is at football.

5. Our coaching staff knows more about football than all of us combined and they are willing to burn a scholarship to bring him in right now, and only have him for a couple of years. At qb.

If nothing else, I think that the real battle may end up being between nm and jj. All of this is of course just one guy's opinion.

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Both QBs also had some nice passes that were dropped. I was also happy,to see the DBs breaking up some of the deep balls!

Reed dropped 2 or 3 i think.

Yeah, kinda depressing! Ricky parks was wide open on a wheel route but Wallace lead him too far out! The pace looked good however!

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I will wait to fall to have an opinion on the QBs. This is the same fan base that lambasted Campbell in the first game of the 2004 season-we know what happened the rest of that season.

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