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i believe kiehl frazier comes back with a vengeance...


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When NM was signed, it gave cause for pause. When GM gleamed when answering questions about NM, it seemed like a "tell". I don't care who wins the QB job either but, more and more it appears that it wont be won until fall camp. That said, I wish them all the best in the pursuit of their dreams. Ultimately, Im just hoping for a stark contrast in the quality of play at that position versus last year.

I admit that at I thought that as well at first. But after looking at it, NM can play on my team any day if he is acting like he should. He is SOOO gifted that I find it odd that more SEC teams weren't after him. You are also right in that we HAVE to see better QB play no matter what. If not, it's gonna be a long year.

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I posted a question( notice the question mark) not a fact! Reports that I read, said that there were no separation between the two quarterbacks! Sorry Mr. exact ,JW is indeed a soph.

Dude, how you got the question you did from "no seperation" is comical. Don't get all hurt if you head in a certain direction with inaccurate facts and someone takes you down a notch. Happens to all of us. Especially TBV! (Just kidding guy!)

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Leave it up to the fans to study every detail and try to find some minute piece of information. My personal addicted-fan-anonymous story would be about how I watch the QB passing drills. I know that they mean nothing and that I am probably reading into things that aren't there, but I always watch where KF and JW catch the ball when they are throwing to each other. KF usually catches the ball right on the numbers when the pass is from JW. JW always seems to be doing a lot more reaching.... just saying...

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Thanks for your kindness! I guess I am too old to post on this site. Being a 70+ year old Auburn alum from Tuscaloosa, I guess I have been away from Alabama a--holes too long! I didn't know Auburn had so many also! All I was trying to do was to ask a question. You can get get "butt-hurt" over here too easy. War Eagle!

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Thanks for your kindness! I guess I am too old to post on this site. Being a 70+ year old Auburn alum from Tuscaloosa, I guess I have been away from Alabama a--holes too long! I didn't know Auburn had so many also! All I was trying to do was to ask a question. You can get get "butt-hurt" over here too easy. War Eagle!

dont let it get you down. this is one of 2 message boards i have ever posted on. so we are all on the same side, for the most part, and you still have to have some thick skin to have a conversation/debate/discussion around here. the other board i posted on ... i stopped ... my skin wasnt thick enough for it. i get my "fix" here.
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Thanks for your kindness! I guess I am too old to post on this site. Being a 70+ year old Auburn alum from Tuscaloosa, I guess I have been away from Alabama a--holes too long! I didn't know Auburn had so many also! All I was trying to do was to ask a question. You can get get "butt-hurt" over here too easy. War Eagle!

Well, although we're all AU fans, we are not all the same kind of people and weren't all raised the same way. If ya get hammered just hammer back. Best defense is a good offense. Ha! Seriously though, there are times I tussle with folks but generally speaking this is a cool site for relevant info and AU conversation and in the end we all want the same thing so it's all good.
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When NM was signed, it gave cause for pause. When GM gleamed when answering questions about NM, it seemed like a "tell". I don't care who wins the QB job either but, more and more it appears that it wont be won until fall camp. That said, I wish them all the best in the pursuit of their dreams. Ultimately, Im just hoping for a stark contrast in the quality of play at that position versus last year.

I admit that at I thought that as well at first. But after looking at it, NM can play on my team any day if he is acting like he should. He is SOOO gifted that I find it odd that more SEC teams weren't after him. You are also right in that we HAVE to see better QB play no matter what. If not, it's gonna be a long year.

Not every team in the SEC is running a spread offense, thus, he probably doesn't fit their plans like he might with Auburn. Gus was also recruiting him to Arkansas State last year. So, am I to believe you know more about what NM brings to the table than GM does? IMO, I don't believe GM signs NM if he didn't think he needed him. I know, I know, GM raved about KF after the Chick Bowl game against Virginia but last I checked that was before KF melted down in 2012. I'm pulling for all of them but when you prove me wrong is the day I'll say, "You're right". Thus far its been nothing but personal attacks with(just kidding) from you but not much else. Not that I care because some people, like you evidently, just cant help themselves.

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Folks I know who went to the scrim, I was going to go but had family things to do, told me Fraizer looked as bad as he did last year. Sucks is the word I was told. I will take thier word for it. As always TIFWIW. I'm not hater just posting what I know.

Neither QB lit it up, but the wideouts did help out either.

I can just keep PMing a couple of people here and giving them the scoop, as I have been for a couple of years, or I could start posting a little more here. Don't care one way or another.

I hope the light comes on for Fraizer but he has to step up as a leader.

Also have to give Gus a lot of credit about how he handled something that went down with one of our starting players over summer. Would post more about this but I'll just be called names again. Gus has this program going in the right direction.

Always TIFWIW.

As long as it is not personal and related to play on the field, I think you should post what you know, hear or see. If it is personal in nature, I think PMs are the best way to go.


So another player is about to be kicked off the team?

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When NM was signed, it gave cause for pause. When GM gleamed when answering questions about NM, it seemed like a "tell". I don't care who wins the QB job either but, more and more it appears that it wont be won until fall camp. That said, I wish them all the best in the pursuit of their dreams. Ultimately, Im just hoping for a stark contrast in the quality of play at that position versus last year.

I admit that at I thought that as well at first. But after looking at it, NM can play on my team any day if he is acting like he should. He is SOOO gifted that I find it odd that more SEC teams weren't after him. You are also right in that we HAVE to see better QB play no matter what. If not, it's gonna be a long year.

How many other SEC teams went 0-fer in the SEC last season, have a Junior QB on the current roster and found themselves in a situation where they HAD to sign a Juco QB?
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When NM was signed, it gave cause for pause. When GM gleamed when answering questions about NM, it seemed like a "tell". I don't care who wins the QB job either but, more and more it appears that it wont be won until fall camp. That said, I wish them all the best in the pursuit of their dreams. Ultimately, Im just hoping for a stark contrast in the quality of play at that position versus last year.

I admit that at I thought that as well at first. But after looking at it, NM can play on my team any day if he is acting like he should. He is SOOO gifted that I find it odd that more SEC teams weren't after him. You are also right in that we HAVE to see better QB play no matter what. If not, it's gonna be a long year.

How many other SEC teams went 0-fer in the SEC last season, have a Junior QB on the current roster and found themselves in a situation where they HAD to sign a Juco QB?

Good point..one I afraid that will sail over Dixie's head. His judgement is so clouded by his bromance with KF he clings to his story unwaveringly..

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When NM was signed, it gave cause for pause. When GM gleamed when answering questions about NM, it seemed like a "tell". I don't care who wins the QB job either but, more and more it appears that it wont be won until fall camp. That said, I wish them all the best in the pursuit of their dreams. Ultimately, Im just hoping for a stark contrast in the quality of play at that position versus last year.

I admit that at I thought that as well at first. But after looking at it, NM can play on my team any day if he is acting like he should. He is SOOO gifted that I find it odd that more SEC teams weren't after him. You are also right in that we HAVE to see better QB play no matter what. If not, it's gonna be a long year.

How many other SEC teams went 0-fer in the SEC last season, have a Junior QB on the current roster and found themselves in a situation where they HAD to sign a Juco QB?

The same number as replaced both coordinnators twice and the Head Coach within 2 seasons of a National Championship? :dunno: Again if he had signed an EE, then that would have made your point for sure. I don't think there are any teams outside of UAt that can pass on his athletic ability due to having others just as talented.

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When NM was signed, it gave cause for pause. When GM gleamed when answering questions about NM, it seemed like a "tell". I don't care who wins the QB job either but, more and more it appears that it wont be won until fall camp. That said, I wish them all the best in the pursuit of their dreams. Ultimately, Im just hoping for a stark contrast in the quality of play at that position versus last year.

I admit that at I thought that as well at first. But after looking at it, NM can play on my team any day if he is acting like he should. He is SOOO gifted that I find it odd that more SEC teams weren't after him. You are also right in that we HAVE to see better QB play no matter what. If not, it's gonna be a long year.

Not every team in the SEC is running a spread offense, thus, he probably doesn't fit their plans like he might with Auburn. Gus was also recruiting him to Arkansas State last year. So, am I to believe you know more about what NM brings to the table than GM does? IMO, I don't believe GM signs NM if he didn't think he needed him. I know, I know, GM raved about KF after the Chick Bowl game against Virginia but last I checked that was before KF melted down in 2012. I'm pulling for all of them but when you prove me wrong is the day I'll say, "You're right". Thus far its been nothing but personal attacks with(just kidding) from you but not much else. Not that I care because some people, like you evidently, just cant help themselves.

I have no idea about you personally and don't care to know. Thus, it would be hard for me to have done what you claim. I don't need you to tell me when I am right nor will I be trolling your past posts looking for a chance to say when you are wrong. We are all wrong on here, A'LOT! So I doubt it would be too difficult if I actually cared to.

NM was playing what position as a frosh at thUGA? So it doesn't matter who runs a spread and who doesn't as it seems to me that he is talented enough to play WR or DB in the SEC and has a much higher ceiling at either position than he does QB if he wants to play professionally. That is why I would prefer one of KF or JW step up at QB as we need his ability elsewhere. (DB for sure.)

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When NM was signed, it gave cause for pause. When GM gleamed when answering questions about NM, it seemed like a "tell". I don't care who wins the QB job either but, more and more it appears that it wont be won until fall camp. That said, I wish them all the best in the pursuit of their dreams. Ultimately, Im just hoping for a stark contrast in the quality of play at that position versus last year.

I admit that at I thought that as well at first. But after looking at it, NM can play on my team any day if he is acting like he should. He is SOOO gifted that I find it odd that more SEC teams weren't after him. You are also right in that we HAVE to see better QB play no matter what. If not, it's gonna be a long year.

How many other SEC teams went 0-fer in the SEC last season, have a Junior QB on the current roster and found themselves in a situation where they HAD to sign a Juco QB?

Good point..one I afraid that will sail over Dixie's head. His judgement is so clouded by his bromance with KF he clings to his story unwaveringly..

:-\ I will try one more time. I have zero vested interest into who starts at QB for us next year. None. I happen to be an aquaintance of KF's father, not of KF. I am pulling for him though as I believe he is a great athlete and an even better person. JW is a great kid as well however I don't have the specific examples with him that I do for KF. I do not believe that last season is indicative of either young man's ability. Although I remember many people saying many negative things regarding Jason Campbell as well before the light came on for him. I believe that KF has what it takes. He is running out of chances though. Some is his fault and much is not but that is life in and of it'sself is it not? If NM was not as versatile as he is then I'm not sure even GM signs him this year. Maybe he would, it would be interesting to find out.

If any of that is how you define a "bromance", then by all means I am guilty. And I will try to be a tad gentler with you. I am sorry if I caused you any emotional pain. I assumed you could take it as you are very quick to dish it out.

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When NM was signed, it gave cause for pause. When GM gleamed when answering questions about NM, it seemed like a "tell". I don't care who wins the QB job either but, more and more it appears that it wont be won until fall camp. That said, I wish them all the best in the pursuit of their dreams. Ultimately, Im just hoping for a stark contrast in the quality of play at that position versus last year.

I admit that at I thought that as well at first. But after looking at it, NM can play on my team any day if he is acting like he should. He is SOOO gifted that I find it odd that more SEC teams weren't after him. You are also right in that we HAVE to see better QB play no matter what. If not, it's gonna be a long year.

How many other SEC teams went 0-fer in the SEC last season, have a Junior QB on the current roster and found themselves in a situation where they HAD to sign a Juco QB?

Good point..one I afraid that will sail over Dixie's head. His judgement is so clouded by his bromance with KF he clings to his story unwaveringly..

:-\ I will try one more time. I have zero vested interest into who starts at QB for us next year. None. I happen to be an aquaintance of KF's father, not of KF. I am pulling for him though as I believe he is a great athlete and an even better person. JW is a great kid as well however I don't have the specific examples with him that I do for KF. I do not believe that last season is indicative of either young man's ability. Although I remember many people saying many negative things regarding Jason Campbell as well before the light came on for him. I believe that KF has what it takes. He is running out of chances though. Some is his fault and much is not but that is life in and of it'sself is it not? If NM was not as versatile as he is then I'm not sure even GM signs him this year. Maybe he would, it would be interesting to find out.

If any of that is how you define a "bromance", then by all means I am guilty. And I will try to be a tad gentler with you. I am sorry if I caused you any emotional pain. I assumed you could take it as you are very quick to dish it out.

You vastly over-estimate the impact of your posts. I'll give you credit though, you do an outstanding job of 'remaining neutral" on who you want to win the QB job but conveniently take every shot you can at NM and why he's better suited to play anywhere but QB....its pretty amusing watching you work both sides of your mouth. I have no problem with your position but you'll never catch me giving reasons why KF cannot succeed. In fact, I hope he does. The problem is I saw him play last year and consequently just don't have much confidence in him. Its a little too early to expect the coaches to be tipping their hand as to who they expect to win the job. In this case, however, I don't think they would even if one had significantly out-performed the other . I believe they want to see what that DB you were talking so glowingly about can do under center before they make their final decision. ***Just for the record....KF is no JC.

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When NM was signed, it gave cause for pause. When GM gleamed when answering questions about NM, it seemed like a "tell". I don't care who wins the QB job either but, more and more it appears that it wont be won until fall camp. That said, I wish them all the best in the pursuit of their dreams. Ultimately, Im just hoping for a stark contrast in the quality of play at that position versus last year.

I admit that at I thought that as well at first. But after looking at it, NM can play on my team any day if he is acting like he should. He is SOOO gifted that I find it odd that more SEC teams weren't after him. You are also right in that we HAVE to see better QB play no matter what. If not, it's gonna be a long year.

How many other SEC teams went 0-fer in the SEC last season, have a Junior QB on the current roster and found themselves in a situation where they HAD to sign a Juco QB?

Good point..one I afraid that will sail over Dixie's head. His judgement is so clouded by his bromance with KF he clings to his story unwaveringly..

:-\ I happen to be an aquaintance of KF's father, not of KF. I am pulling for him though as I believe he is a great athlete and an even better person.

This is where Dixie1860's objectivity begins and ends.


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When NM was signed, it gave cause for pause. When GM gleamed when answering questions about NM, it seemed like a "tell". I don't care who wins the QB job either but, more and more it appears that it wont be won until fall camp. That said, I wish them all the best in the pursuit of their dreams. Ultimately, Im just hoping for a stark contrast in the quality of play at that position versus last year.

I admit that at I thought that as well at first. But after looking at it, NM can play on my team any day if he is acting like he should. He is SOOO gifted that I find it odd that more SEC teams weren't after him. You are also right in that we HAVE to see better QB play no matter what. If not, it's gonna be a long year.

How many other SEC teams went 0-fer in the SEC last season, have a Junior QB on the current roster and found themselves in a situation where they HAD to sign a Juco QB?

Good point..one I afraid that will sail over Dixie's head. His judgement is so clouded by his bromance with KF he clings to his story unwaveringly..

:-\/> I will try one more time. I have zero vested interest into who starts at QB for us next year. None. I happen to be an aquaintance of KF's father, not of KF. I am pulling for him though as I believe he is a great athlete and an even better person. JW is a great kid as well however I don't have the specific examples with him that I do for KF. I do not believe that last season is indicative of either young man's ability. Although I remember many people saying many negative things regarding Jason Campbell as well before the light came on for him. I believe that KF has what it takes. He is running out of chances though. Some is his fault and much is not but that is life in and of it'sself is it not? If NM was not as versatile as he is then I'm not sure even GM signs him this year. Maybe he would, it would be interesting to find out.

If any of that is how you define a "bromance", then by all means I am guilty. And I will try to be a tad gentler with you. I am sorry if I caused you any emotional pain. I assumed you could take it as you are very quick to dish it out.

You vastly over-estimate the impact of your posts. I'll give you credit though, you do an outstanding job of 'remaining neutral" on who you want to win the QB job but conveniently take every shot you can at NM and why he's better suited to play anywhere but QB....its pretty amusing watching you work both sides of your mouth. I have no problem with your position but you'll never catch me giving reasons why KF cannot succeed. In fact, I hope he does. The problem is I saw him play last year and consequently just don't have much confidence in him. Its a little too early to expect the coaches to be tipping their hand as to who they expect to win the job. In this case, however, I don't think they would even if one had significantly out-performed the other . I believe they want to see what that DB you were talking so glowingly about can do under center before they make their final decision. ***Just for the record....KF is no JC.

How do you know KF is no JC??? Can a young player with horrible coaching and no O-line, have a bad year then make a come back, or would that be impossible based on your opinion of last season?
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When NM was signed, it gave cause for pause. When GM gleamed when answering questions about NM, it seemed like a "tell". I don't care who wins the QB job either but, more and more it appears that it wont be won until fall camp. That said, I wish them all the best in the pursuit of their dreams. Ultimately, Im just hoping for a stark contrast in the quality of play at that position versus last year.

I admit that at I thought that as well at first. But after looking at it, NM can play on my team any day if he is acting like he should. He is SOOO gifted that I find it odd that more SEC teams weren't after him. You are also right in that we HAVE to see better QB play no matter what. If not, it's gonna be a long year.

How many other SEC teams went 0-fer in the SEC last season, have a Junior QB on the current roster and found themselves in a situation where they HAD to sign a Juco QB?

Good point..one I afraid that will sail over Dixie's head. His judgement is so clouded by his bromance with KF he clings to his story unwaveringly..

:-\/> I will try one more time. I have zero vested interest into who starts at QB for us next year. None. I happen to be an aquaintance of KF's father, not of KF. I am pulling for him though as I believe he is a great athlete and an even better person. JW is a great kid as well however I don't have the specific examples with him that I do for KF. I do not believe that last season is indicative of either young man's ability. Although I remember many people saying many negative things regarding Jason Campbell as well before the light came on for him. I believe that KF has what it takes. He is running out of chances though. Some is his fault and much is not but that is life in and of it'sself is it not? If NM was not as versatile as he is then I'm not sure even GM signs him this year. Maybe he would, it would be interesting to find out.

If any of that is how you define a "bromance", then by all means I am guilty. And I will try to be a tad gentler with you. I am sorry if I caused you any emotional pain. I assumed you could take it as you are very quick to dish it out.

You vastly over-estimate the impact of your posts. I'll give you credit though, you do an outstanding job of 'remaining neutral" on who you want to win the QB job but conveniently take every shot you can at NM and why he's better suited to play anywhere but QB....its pretty amusing watching you work both sides of your mouth. I have no problem with your position but you'll never catch me giving reasons why KF cannot succeed. In fact, I hope he does. The problem is I saw him play last year and consequently just don't have much confidence in him. Its a little too early to expect the coaches to be tipping their hand as to who they expect to win the job. In this case, however, I don't think they would even if one had significantly out-performed the other . I believe they want to see what that DB you were talking so glowingly about can do under center before they make their final decision. ***Just for the record....KF is no JC.

How do you know KF is no JC??? Can a young player with horrible coaching and no O-line, have a bad year then make a come back, or would that be impossible based on your opinion of last season?

Anything can happen. I just don't think he's as good as JC. Could I be wrong? Absolutely but he's got to show me im wrong

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The bickering back and forth on this board is getting ridiculous. Damn near every thread turns into a pissing contest.

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The bickering is why i post little.

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When NM was signed, it gave cause for pause. When GM gleamed when answering questions about NM, it seemed like a "tell". I don't care who wins the QB job either but, more and more it appears that it wont be won until fall camp. That said, I wish them all the best in the pursuit of their dreams. Ultimately, Im just hoping for a stark contrast in the quality of play at that position versus last year.

I admit that at I thought that as well at first. But after looking at it, NM can play on my team any day if he is acting like he should. He is SOOO gifted that I find it odd that more SEC teams weren't after him. You are also right in that we HAVE to see better QB play no matter what. If not, it's gonna be a long year.

How many other SEC teams went 0-fer in the SEC last season, have a Junior QB on the current roster and found themselves in a situation where they HAD to sign a Juco QB?

Good point..one I afraid that will sail over Dixie's head. His judgement is so clouded by his bromance with KF he clings to his story unwaveringly..

:-\ I happen to be an aquaintance of KF's father, not of KF. I am pulling for him though as I believe he is a great athlete and an even better person.

This is where Dixie1860's objectivity begins and ends.


I am neither a reporter nor a pundit. I am not paid for my posts (which is no surprise I'm sure). Unless you would like to step up I will unapologetically continue, thanks though.

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This is your warning. Enough with the back and forth. Take it to PM, the board doesn't deserve this constant bickering.

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Unlike Jason Campbell, who had four seasons to get it right, Kiehl has this Spring/Summer to get it together or not. If he does not then I would prefer Jason Smith or JJ run the O if they can do so without costing us games. We have no one on campus at DB that has proven they can make the type of plays that Nick Marshall is capable of.

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Unlike Jason Campbell, who had four seasons to get it right, Kiehl has this Spring/Summer to get it together or not. If he does not then I would prefer Jason Smith or JJ run the O if they can do so without costing us games. We have no one on campus at DB that has proven they can make the type of plays that Nick Marshall is capable of.

Well, just to play devils advocate ( :angryfire: ) seems KF might ?

He used to run the ball pretty good in high school !

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