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i believe kiehl frazier comes back with a vengeance...


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I think KF is a really good kid and am pulling for him. I also love JW's work ethic.That being said, I have a feeling that NM is the QB next year. It just sux that he couldn't be here this spring, We probably go into the season running a very base offense and will have to gradually add packages as he picks up the system. I hope he is a quick learner.

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It's hard for me to believe there is a real QB competition going on this spring when, IMO, the strongest candidate is not in school yet. On the other hand, maybe the coaches can decide who will be the most serious challenger for NM...and allow NM enough reps for him to become familiar with the offense.

I don't think it will be a four man competition in August...kind of like NM getting a "bye" this spring and moving to the finals when he shows up.

Wow! Do you know something, we don't about KF? I mean you are completely writing him off? Maybe some inside info you can share.

While I agree with 64 most days, I only need to remind you two of Gus' statement after the 2011 bowl game and that was after having him for a whole season. He didn't waffle, or even give a long pause. He felt then that KF would start in 2012. Then in regards to NM, I simply do not believe that CGM is planning on starting a QB he has only had on campus for a month and a half. Of which he will only practice with the team for a month. Cam had been in School since Jan. and still was just getting the feel of things.

If Gus had not recruited KF nor made the statement he did after the bowl game then I would feel differently. If he had gotten a QB that could have enrolled in Janurary out of JUCO it would signal to me that he was desperate. So my $ is on Kiehl. (Obviously)

I'm not writing KF off...I'm just saying it's obvious that either KF or Wallace...one or the other will be ranked #1 coming out of spring practice.... and whoever is not #1 between them is sure not going to be #1 when the season starts. NM has to get as many reps as possible in the short time he has...and the way to that is to basically eliminate one of the two guys on campus now and then see if NM can beat out the winner in spring practice. At least that's how I would approach it.

They might not name a leader. I watched a video (pay site) of practice with the teams running speed drills. It was a short video but I watched JW and a walk-on (#17) complete 2 short passes to the running backs flaring out of the backfield. KF missed the same 8 yard throw by about 4 yards. Looked very much like his throws from last season during games. His inaccuracy issues appear to still be a problem. Maybe it is a just a confidence issue but I don't think so.
I guess that's possible but Gus said one of the goals was of spring practice was to develop a depth chart....and I would think that would include the QB. I just can't see them trying to sort out 5 QB candidates in the short time they have in the fall.


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I made a prediction in this thread before Spring camp began that KF would finish camp as the starter. I also said that this was his best, as well as his last, chance to become the established starter and that if he can not separate himself from JW now, that will be it. I am going to stand by all that and will be very interested to see how this plays out over the next 14 days.

One thing I feel pretty good about is that Gus will have the best QB of the 5 on the roster by the Summer, leading the team on opening day. If it is Nick Marshall, Jeremy Johnson or Jason Smith instead of the 2 we have in Spring camp now, so be it. But whoever it is, we will all know he will be the best of the 5 so it is not something for us to be too concerned about. Let the best man win.

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Is this Frazier's third spring practice? And he can't outplay a true freshman!

Huh? Wt are you talking about? One, you have no idea who is "out playing who" and JW played last year so he is going into his sophomore season.
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Is this Frazier's third spring practice? And he can't outplay a true freshman!

Wrong - this is Kiehl's 2nd spring and JW is a sophomore

Hey! At least he's on top of it all. :dunno: He sounds like a typical college football fan to me

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I posted a question( notice the question mark) not a fact! Reports that I read, said that there were no separation between the two quarterbacks! Sorry Mr. exact ,JW is indeed a soph.

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I find it laughable that many write one QB or another off because of one INT in the first scrimmage....

"When you play quarterback, and you're mixing and matching different personnel, it's really hard to look really good in a scrimmage," CGM

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I find it laughable that many write one QB or another off because of one INT in the first scrimmage....

"When you play quarterback, and you're mixing and matching different personnel, it's really hard to look really good in a scrimmage," CGM

I also find it laughable that so many are talking no negatively about KF because he had interceptions last year but yet Nick Marshall is the savior coming to campus. Just how many INT's did NM throw last year???? I forget the number - but it was a lot more than KF did.

War Eagle!

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I find it laughable that many write one QB or another off because of one INT in the first scrimmage....

"When you play quarterback, and you're mixing and matching different personnel, it's really hard to look really good in a scrimmage," CGM

I tend to agree. The thing is there is a large contingency of pro KF fans in here who have repeatedly reminded everyone that GM's system is the one KF was recruited to play in and he would flourish and be a star in it. At the very minimum, it appears his beginning in that role has been something quite short of auspicious.

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I find it laughable that many write one QB or another off because of one INT in the first scrimmage....

"When you play quarterback, and you're mixing and matching different personnel, it's really hard to look really good in a scrimmage," CGM

I also find it laughable that so many are talking no negatively about KF because he had interceptions last year but yet Nick Marshall is the savior coming to campus. Just how many INT's did NM throw last year???? I forget the number - but it was a lot more than KF did.

War Eagle!

That's a decent point but its fair to remind you that he didn't throw 4 times more INTs than he did TDs. He actually threw more TDs than INTs.

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Folks I know who went to the scrim, I was going to go but had family things to do, told me Fraizer looked as bad as he did last year. Sucks is the word I was told. I will take thier word for it. As always TIFWIW. I'm not hater just posting what I know.

Neither QB lit it up, but the wideouts did help out either.

I can just keep PMing a couple of people here and giving them the scoop, as I have been for a couple of years, or I could start posting a little more here. Don't care one way or another.

I hope the light comes on for Fraizer but he has to step up as a leader.

Also have to give Gus a lot of credit about how he handled something that went down with one of our starting players over summer. Would post more about this but I'll just be called names again. Gus has this program going in the right direction.

Always TIFWIW.

As long as it is not personal and related to play on the field, I think you should post what you know, hear or see. If it is personal in nature, I think PMs are the best way to go.


Nothing personal. KF is a good kid.

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Compare their ratios and see who leads. Int vs TD and Int vs Completions. I think you will see who is better. But then we will need a discussion on the level of competition.

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I would like a discussion on how qualified these forum observers are in judging how well a QB is doing at practice....

Many AU posters were completely negative about Cam after the Spring Game. See how that worked out?

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I would like a discussion on how qualified these forum observers are in judging how well a QB is doing at practice....

Many AU posters were completely negative about Cam after the Spring Game. See how that worked out?

Well, I wasn't one of them. In fact, I was certain that he would not only become the starter but also would very good. I did not predict he would win the Heisman or that he would be the catalyst to winning a NC.

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I would like a discussion on how qualified these forum observers are in judging how well a QB is doing at practice....

Many AU posters were completely negative about Cam after the Spring Game. See how that worked out?

Well, I wasn't one of them. In fact, I was certain that he would not only become the starter but also would very good. I did not predict he would win the Heisman or that he would be the catalyst to winning a NC.

Nobody saw that coming based on the Spring Game....

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I would like a discussion on how qualified these forum observers are in judging how well a QB is doing at practice....

Many AU posters were completely negative about Cam after the Spring Game. See how that worked out?

Well, I wasn't one of them. In fact, I was certain that he would not only become the starter but also would very good. I did not predict he would win the Heisman or that he would be the catalyst to winning a NC.

Nobody saw that coming based on the Spring Game....

And why was that? And while I wouldn't say "nobody saw that coming"....IMO, coaches put a blanket over Cam during pre-season with the intent of springing him on the competition without them knowing what to expect.

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Folks I know who went to the scrim, I was going to go but had family things to do, told me Fraizer looked as bad as he did last year. Sucks is the word I was told. I will take thier word for it. As always TIFWIW. I'm not hater just posting what I know.

Neither QB lit it up, but the wideouts did help out either.

I can just keep PMing a couple of people here and giving them the scoop, as I have been for a couple of years, or I could start posting a little more here. Don't care one way or another.

I hope the light comes on for Fraizer but he has to step up as a leader.

Also have to give Gus a lot of credit about how he handled something that went down with one of our starting players over summer. Would post more about this but I'll just be called names again. Gus has this program going in the right direction.

Always TIFWIW.

Did they elaborate on what specifically KF & JW are having issues with?

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I think KF is a really good kid and am pulling for him. I also love JW's work ethic.That being said, I have a feeling that NM is the QB next year. It just sux that he couldn't be here this spring, We probably go into the season running a very base offense and will have to gradually add packages as he picks up the system. I hope he is a quick learner.

Seems that way thus far. Very vanilla in the passing game and Run, Run, & RUN it some more. Kinda sucks b/c we have offensive weapons all over the place. Hoping for the best whoever the starter is.

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I find it laughable that many write one QB or another off because of one INT in the first scrimmage....

"When you play quarterback, and you're mixing and matching different personnel, it's really hard to look really good in a scrimmage," CGM

I tend to agree. The thing is there is a large contingency of pro KF fans in here who have repeatedly reminded everyone that GM's system is the one KF was recruited to play in and he would flourish and be a star in it. At the very minimum, it appears his beginning in that role has been something quite short of auspicious.

+1. Things are not always that simple. I think Rhett's comments have made that somewhat clear.

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Folks I know who went to the scrim, I was going to go but had family things to do, told me Fraizer looked as bad as he did last year. Sucks is the word I was told. I will take thier word for it. As always TIFWIW. I'm not hater just posting what I know.

Neither QB lit it up, but the wideouts did help out either.

I can just keep PMing a couple of people here and giving them the scoop, as I have been for a couple of years, or I could start posting a little more here. Don't care one way or another.

I hope the light comes on for Fraizer but he has to step up as a leader.

Also have to give Gus a lot of credit about how he handled something that went down with one of our starting players over summer. Would post more about this but I'll just be called names again. Gus has this program going in the right direction.

Always TIFWIW.

As long as it is not personal and related to play on the field, I think you should post what you know, hear or see. If it is personal in nature, I think PMs are the best way to go.


Nothing personal. KF is a good kid.

No one should have a problem with facts being discussed. As long as you look at ALL the facts. I heard that we have a ways to go. The simple fact that Rhett hasn't said that anyone stands out at QB says that neither has come in and run away with it. And yes, that needs to change. I happen to believe that by the time the OL and WR's are decided upon one of the two or both will have gelled with the scheme by then. It mat not be where it has to get to but that will come or we will be seeing NM at QB and while he will be exciting, for him to win as CAM came in and did would be miraculous. But hey, I am all for miracles for the good guys!

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I posted a question( notice the question mark) not a fact! Reports that I read, said that there were no separation between the two quarterbacks! Sorry Mr. exact ,JW is indeed a soph.

Dude, how you got the question you did from "no seperation" is comical. Don't get all hurt if you head in a certain direction with inaccurate facts and someone takes you down a notch. Happens to all of us. Especially TBV! (Just kidding guy!)

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