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2013 5* LB Reuben Foster (Alabama signee)


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Pull out your maps folks after Ruben commits tonight Atlanta is a straight shot West across I-20 to Ttown. Just another tricky little nicky diversion to keep him from going back through Auburn. Anybody know where Ruben lives? Maybe you should ride by and see if there is a Uhaul in the yard. You know kind of like when a head coaching job breaks the head coach is already on a plane and never returns to that town hiring someone to move them to a new city. Kind of like if your house is on fire you leave with the clothes on your back wife, kids and the dog and the rest will sort its self out. If Ruben commits to UAT chances are he never sees Auburn again till the next Iron Bowl !!!!!!

^^^^^^^^ SARCASM

Come on folks take a breather because this horse is DEAD until further notice! Good new is Auburn will always be Auburn .... thats what we love!

It was great before this recruiting class and it'll be great after it :)

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Well my feelings have done a complete 180 on this kid. War Eagle!!! Loving the kids we have committed so far. I can't wait for the Alexander kids announcement.

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All you guys that would rather the process be over and not get THE BEST LB in this class, I got news for you. You are the problem, not Rueben Foster. If you can't handle the stresses of WATCHING recruiting, then don't keep up with it. Saying that you don't want one of the best players in the country because he changes his mind a lot is absolutely stupid. I just hope that he doesn't read this board and see this garbage and decide to flip just based on fans not wanting him. I for one like when AU wins games, so I am 100% behind Foster to AU, and I don't care if he decides the day before players report to class. I don't care if he has 20 televised decision ceremonies and then starts his own daytime talk show in the off season. WHO CARES?! As long as he comes to Auburn and helps us win football games, I'll be the first to sign up and let him give me a hard kick to the nuts if that's what it takes.

This may be the single most ignorant post in the history of the interwebz.

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All you guys that would rather the process be over and not get THE BEST LB in this class, I got news for you. You are the problem, not Rueben Foster. If you can't handle the stresses of WATCHING recruiting, then don't keep up with it. Saying that you don't want one of the best players in the country because he changes his mind a lot is absolutely stupid. I just hope that he doesn't read this board and see this garbage and decide to flip just based on fans not wanting him. I for one like when AU wins games, so I am 100% behind Foster to AU, and I don't care if he decides the day before players report to class. I don't care if he has 20 televised decision ceremonies and then starts his own daytime talk show in the off season. WHO CARES?! As long as he comes to Auburn and helps us win football games, I'll be the first to sign up and let him give me a hard kick to the nuts if that's what it takes.

This may be the single most ignorant post in the history of the interwebz.

Definitely one of them at least.

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All you guys that would rather the process be over and not get THE BEST LB in this class, I got news for you. You are the problem, not Rueben Foster. If you can't handle the stresses of WATCHING recruiting, then don't keep up with it. Saying that you don't want one of the best players in the country because he changes his mind a lot is absolutely stupid. I just hope that he doesn't read this board and see this garbage and decide to flip just based on fans not wanting him. I for one like when AU wins games, so I am 100% behind Foster to AU, and I don't care if he decides the day before players report to class. I don't care if he has 20 televised decision ceremonies and then starts his own daytime talk show in the off season. WHO CARES?! As long as he comes to Auburn and helps us win football games, I'll be the first to sign up and let him give me a hard kick to the nuts if that's what it takes.

This may be the single most ignorant post in the history of the interwebz.

I don know I've seen some sh**

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All you guys that would rather the process be over and not get THE BEST LB in this class, I got news for you. You are the problem, not Rueben Foster. If you can't handle the stresses of WATCHING recruiting, then don't keep up with it. Saying that you don't want one of the best players in the country because he changes his mind a lot is absolutely stupid. I just hope that he doesn't read this board and see this garbage and decide to flip just based on fans not wanting him. I for one like when AU wins games, so I am 100% behind Foster to AU, and I don't care if he decides the day before players report to class. I don't care if he has 20 televised decision ceremonies and then starts his own daytime talk show in the off season. WHO CARES?! As long as he comes to Auburn and helps us win football games, I'll be the first to sign up and let him give me a hard kick to the nuts if that's what it takes.

This may be the single most ignorant post in the history of the interwebz.

baub- you went a little overboard, but I loosely agree with your premise. I agree that the drama of recruiting is part of it sometimes with these kids and people saying they don't even want Reuben anymore because it's too much of a circus are not very smart IMO. He's seems like a good kid, just emotional and under a lot of stress. People shouldn't be giving up on the No.2 player in the country and be fine with letting him go to our arch enemy just because he's having hard time making up his mind.

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The truth of the matter is nobody knows the truth of the matter!!! It will all come out eventually and I will reserve my judgement until then. I wish RF the best and I hope he believes in prayer. Only God knows where he should be at this moment!!! Although we are all emotionally invested in this situation, let's please refrain from making accusations and innuendos about a recruit and his family...

On the other hand...if you want to dog Bama, I'm all for that! :bananadance:

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A couple of points a friend and I were discussing last night.

1) Reuben Foster enjoys messing with the fan base's heads. He likes having fun with all the attention and all of us sitting on the edge of our seats with every tweet. If you remember Cam was like that messing with Wolfson with his Cammy Cam Juice.

2) If there is any truth to what we have heard about the time he has spent at Auburn's Athletic Department in the past few months he deserves an Oscar for his performance. In short if he is playing us well done!

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4 hours and 21 minutes guys 0.o lol

They're saying technically he is announcing at 6 C.T. but that the tape delay will cause it to be 9 C.T. but :dunno: forsure, just what ive been hearing.

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If Reuban works hard and stays focused on football, he will be a very good college player and end up playing on Sundays. That is true for most of the recruits every year. UAT does not guarantee the path nor are they the only path. It's unfortunate that if true, RF will turn away from a great school and a uniquely great atmosphere. Au is just a very different culture than UAT and I would have hoped that he felt that when he committed previously. As a mother of a senior who has been accepted at both schools too, there is no question in my mind which school I will entrust with my child's future. I wish that he and his family would come to this realization.

Regardless of how we do Wednesday, the focus has to be on coaching and developing a winning program. The recruits will come.

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Is it over yet? I have a life to carry on with please...............Seriously, aren't we the silliest people. We are a by-product of our own obsession. War Eagle! And whatever you do Rueben,DO IT RIGHT!

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So if Reuben does read the message boards, I'd like to throw him a life preserver. Don't go to Bama, son. Seriously, never and I mean NEVER in the history of college sports has there been a fan base as filled with lowlife, backwoods, hillbilly, underachieving, arrogant, obese, dentally and mentally challenged criminally minded pathetic unlearned reprobates as Tide Nation. Don't go there son. You don't want to identify with that pack of grifters and knuckleheads. Save yourself and come to Auburn.

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So if Reuben does read the message boards, I'd like to throw him a life preserver. Don't go to Bama, son. Seriously, never and I mean NEVER in the history of college sports has there been a fan base as filled with lowlife, backwoods, hillbilly, underachieving, arrogant, obese, dentally and mentally challenged criminally minded pathetic unlearned reprobates as Tide Nation. Don't go there son. You don't want to identify with that pack of grifters and knuckleheads. Save yourself and come to Auburn.

Also go to a school where you're allowed to be even slightly happy after a win

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I pretty much colored him gone when i saw the 95% odds placed on him committing to Auburn. I guess the cynical perspective in me was looking for a way to shine through Anyway, I wont have any comment on what he does unless he commits to Auburn because theres no mystery in my mind about where he's going to play college football.

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So if Reuben does read the message boards, I'd like to throw him a life preserver. Don't go to Bama, son. Seriously, never and I mean NEVER in the history of college sports has there been a fan base as filled with lowlife, backwoods, hillbilly, underachieving, arrogant, obese, dentally and mentally challenged criminally minded pathetic unlearned reprobates as Tide Nation. Don't go there son. You don't want to identify with that pack of grifters and knuckleheads. Save yourself and come to Auburn.

that is funny!
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if that is indeed true, then the updykes are again pulling out all the tricks they know how to play.

Sure, blame UAT for all of our problems. It is not like RF was recruiting guys to AU back when he was committed to US, back when he was best friends with the son(s) of AU coaches (the ones the fans were so desperate to get rid of).

Unless RF was recruiting players to Auburn on an official visit to UA, you are barking at the moon.
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A couple of points a friend and I were discussing last night.

1) Reuben Foster enjoys messing with the fan base's heads. He likes having fun with all the attention and all of us sitting on the edge of our seats with every tweet. If you remember Cam was like that messing with Wolfson with his Cammy Cam Juice.

2) If there is any truth to what we have heard about the time he has spent at Auburn's Athletic Department in the past few months he deserves an Oscar for his performance. In short if he is playing us well done!

re: #2 - yes, he was a frequent visitor... golden globe, maybe.

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I still have this suspicion that after tonight's announcement, another "event" will happen before he signs his LOI and everyone will be on the edge of their seats again. See, Reuben realizes that when he signs on the line which is dotted (can anyone name that movie?) he will effectively be forgotten. All recruitniks will be on to the next class. Reuben strikes me as a guy that wants to leave his mark on the recruiting landscape. I've found that the best way to predict future behaviour is to examine past behaviour.

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Just promise me guys if he commits to the turds leave it be, everyone should be one comment about it a piece

Just one? Bet you flip your commitment on that one comment by 10pm........wink
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Reuben Foster might be the next Ray Lewis, in terms of talent. He could be the next Mike Dyer, in terms of a 5 star player who is a drama queen of sorts, though I can assure you Nick Saban and Mark Richt have no desire for that crap any more than we do.

The kid has Bama coaches telling him he can feed his family much better in the NFL by going to Bama, and win a ring or two in the process. On paper, that's easy to believe, given their recent success.

At Auburn, he gets to start as a Freshman or sophomore, and lead the rebuilding of a once dominant defense. This situation is a mess of sorts, and it will be over soon, if not tonight.

Foster may be a great talent, and I'd love to see him in orange and blue, but I'm less worried about whether we finish 5 versus 9 in the recruiting rankings, and more focused on seeing Auburn as a program with disciplined, focused players.

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if that is indeed true, then the updykes are again pulling out all the tricks they know how to play.

Sure, blame UAT for all of our problems. It is not like RF was recruiting guys to AU back when he was committed to US, back when he was best friends with the son(s) of AU coaches (the ones the fans were so desperate to get rid of).

Unless RF was recruiting players to Auburn on an official visit to UA, you are barking at the moon.

Great song BTW

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