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2013 5* LB Reuben Foster (Alabama signee)


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After the insinuations and innuendo that has been thrown around on this very board about he and his mother, are we to assume everything is above board if he chooses AU?

Someone said is mother was put as "ease" with the housing arrangements. Someone said RF would do what's "be$t" for him.

If he chooses AU tonight, do those little jabs just fade away or will some folks still feel that way? There's been enough implications of potential wrong doing thrown out about RF & his mother.

A little caution needs to be used until we know what his final decision will be, JMHO.

Those comments don't go away. How many secondaries have we had the past couple years? Auburn may be mostly clean, but there's no way we are lily-white.

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Well ESPN's rumor mill has a headline that reads "Auburn still leads for Reuben Foster" So it must be true then ;)

No, remember, ESPN hates AU, so that some way has to be part of the UAT plan.

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I refuse to read much into EDW's tweets.

I love them. His tweets are like a rehash of the subscription sites without having to get a subscription for myself.

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After the insinuations and innuendo that has been thrown around on this very board about he and his mother, are we to assume everything is above board if he chooses AU?

Someone said is mother was put as "ease" with the housing arrangements. Someone said RF would do what's "be$t" for him.

If he chooses AU tonight, do those little jabs just fade away or will some folks still feel that way? There's been enough implications of potential wrong doing thrown out about RF & his mother.

A little caution needs to be used until we know what his final decision will be, JMHO.

Those comments don't go away. How many secondaries have we had the past couple years? Auburn may be mostly clean, but there's no way we are lily-white.

I have no idea how many secondaries we've reported the past couple of years. Where can I find that info?

I just hate to see people make accusations about a recruit and his mother as if there is some shady stuff going on behind the scenes. What if the kid signs with us?

You can't have it both ways, either the recruit & his mom would accept benefits outside of the NCAA rules or they wouldn't. And, to make insinuations that they would at this point is just not right. They kid still has a decision to make. His mother has been very involved with his recruitment from day one when they moved to Auburn. She has met with numerous programs and coaches, and even met with them when RF wasn't present. She has been much more involved than many parents and she is looking out for what's best for her son and grandchild.

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When will Brian Matthews be able to spill the beans on the "something negative happened on this visit?"

Exactly, there has been everything out there from what we already heard about, to a player overhearing Foster trying to recruit Adams to bama. This whole RF drama is the craziest stuff I've ever heard of. :rolleyes:/>
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I refuse to read much into EDW's tweets.

I love them. His tweets are like a rehash of the subscription sites without having to get a subscription for myself.

Which is both taking money from someones job, and usually he interprets the material incorrectly

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When will Brian Matthews be able to spill the beans on the "something negative happened on this visit?"

I'm almost certain he is referring to Foster recruiting Montravius Adams to Alabama while on his OV to Auburn. If any "altercation" did indeed happen, it was likely over this.

I also heard this, and that a current player heard it and said something to Foster about it.

Yep and if that is ever confirmed it would be understandable that the player would say something too.
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if that is indeed true, then the updykes are again pulling out all the tricks they know how to play.

Sure, blame UAT for all of our problems. It is not like RF was recruiting guys to AU back when he was committed to US, back when he was best friends with the son(s) of AU coaches (the ones the fans were so desperate to get rid of).

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Well folks, my prediction means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things. That being said, i have him goin to bama

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Will/should he feel like a fool with an AU tattoo on the 'Bama sidelines? He can say that he got that tattoo for Phillips, but if that's what his intention was, he would've gotten a more personal tattoo.

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Well I don't know what happened but if I caught any recruit trying to convince another player to go Alabama while he was on an OV at my school I'd pull his offer immediately and kick him out. But I feel if that's what happened with Reuben I don't think his mom would've stayed the whole time

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No offense intended to anyone on this board, but we all need to relax about RF. He WILL NOT MAKE OR BREAK THIS CLASS!!!! If he doesn't sign with us, that means he doesn't feel at home at Auburn, and he doesn't want to be here. If that is the case, I don't want him at Auburn.

I have nothing against him or his mother. It's a shame that recruiting has become this sadistic game to these kids, committing/decommitting, making announcements (or two, or three) to "shock the world". Everything is set up to promote a "all about me" culture, and it really is sad.

I love Auburn, and follow recruiting just like everyone else on this board, but I am beginning to feel the same way about it as I do about the NBA, NHL, NFL and MLB. The current culture is killing sports. Multi-millionaire kids threatening to sit out seasons for MORE money. Players using teams against each other in bidding wars. Recruits playing cat-and-mouse games with several schools, seeing who LOVES them more. It's gotten pretty ridiculous, and doesn't appear to be getting any better with the new rules next year.

Oh well, Auburn is poised to have a GREAT class with or without RF. I wish him the best no matter what, but I hope he realizes that Auburn needs LB's more than any position on the team, and at bammer, he'll be just another guy in line.

War Eagle!!!

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No offense intended to anyone on this board, but we all need to relax about RF. He WILL NOT MAKE OR BREAK THIS CLASS!!!! If he doesn't sign with us, that means he doesn't feel at home at Auburn, and he doesn't want to be here. If that is the case, I don't want him at Auburn.

I have nothing against him or his mother. It's a shame that recruiting has become this sadistic game to these kids, committing/decommitting, making announcements (or two, or three) to "shock the world". Everything is set up to promote a "all about me" culture, and it really is sad.

I love Auburn, and follow recruiting just like everyone else on this board, but I am beginning to feel the same way about it as I do about the NBA, NHL, NFL and MLB. The current culture is killing sports. Multi-millionaire kids threatening to sit out seasons for MORE money. Players using teams against each other in bidding wars. Recruits playing cat-and-mouse games with several schools, seeing who LOVES them more. It's gotten pretty ridiculous, and doesn't appear to be getting any better with the new rules next year.

Oh well, Auburn is poised to have a GREAT class with or without RF. I wish him the best no matter what, but I hope he realizes that Auburn needs LB's more than any position on the team, and at bammer, he'll be just another guy in line.

War Eagle!!!

Much respect and I agree with you, but their has been many posts over the course of this thread that have been along the same line as yours. I am not one of the venters but the people who are on here to complain about their frustrations will do so whether you, me or anyone else tells them to calm down. lol

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A small side bar is Reuben has a sister I think in school in Auburn. His mother likes Auburn school system and it is not far from their previous home. Reuben may be pulled to bama but a mother , sister, and daughter has a say as well

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A small side bar is Reuben has a sister I think in school in Auburn. His mother likes Auburn school system and it is not far from their previous home. Reuben may be pulled to bama but a mother , sister, and daughter has a say as well

that was my thought when he mentioned he'd do what was best for his family (although everyone joked that must mean he's a turd lock)
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Pull out your maps folks after Ruben commits tonight Atlanta is a straight shot West across I-20 to Ttown. Just another tricky little nicky diversion to keep him from going back through Auburn. Anybody know where Ruben lives? Maybe you should ride by and see if there is a Uhaul in the yard. You know kind of like when a head coaching job breaks the head coach is already on a plane and never returns to that town hiring someone to move them to a new city. Kind of like if your house is on fire you leave with the clothes on your back wife, kids and the dog and the rest will sort its self out. If Ruben commits to UAT chances are he never sees Auburn again till the next Iron Bowl !!!!!!

^^^^^^^^ SARCASM

Come on folks take a breather because this horse is DEAD until further notice! Good new is Auburn will always be Auburn .... thats what we love!

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