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2013 5* LB Reuben Foster (Alabama signee)


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Lawson was the #1 recruit I wanted us to sign. Foster and Alexander is too hard to call for the #2 spot. I love Foster's size and raw ability, but there is something about Alexander's swag that got me hooked. Swag is something we def need going into next season. Also Carl and Toney were class acts throughout the recruiting process and Im glad to have men like them representing auburn.

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Lawson was the #1 recruit I wanted us to sign. Foster and Alexander is too hard to call for the #2 spot. I love Foster's size and raw ability, but there is something about Alexander's swag that got me hooked. Swag is something we def need going into next season. Also Carl and Toney were class acts throughout the recruiting process and Im glad to have men like them representing auburn.


I agree with you.

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A few things about Reuben and his recruitment.

-Reuben likes the spotlight

-He is very emotional and makes decisions on the fly. He doesn't think very long before making them. He's a good young man but his emotions do get the best of him.

-His mother loves Auburn. If it was her decision, Reuben would sign with Auburn.

-Reuben is expected to make his decision tomorrow night. If I can give you a little advice, DO NOT bash him over his decision bc he does read message boards and his fax won't be sent until Wed so there will be plenty of time. That being said I still have him as a slight lean towards Auburn.

This means IMO

1.This was not a bammer plot to get RF to flip(Ala TJ)

2.Something probably upset him on his AU visit

3.His Mom still wanst RF to go to AU,if something upset RF it didnt upset his mother

4.We still have a shot at him,bammer isnt a done deal

And as long as mom is not mad...

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After reading the previous 57 pages, I'm actually shocked that the USA is still a viable country in the world, but it does explain why Alabama ranks toward the bottom in all measures ranked against other states when they are reported (education, economics, etc). And to think, if documentation from more than one reliable source was required to post, this thread would be empty.

Are you aware Auburn is in Alabama. Why are you here? If you are not I hope you will not have to have the agony of coming to the Great State of Alabama and if you are here don't let the door hit you on the way out.


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We break records for Foster! 62 pages in a day!

That being said

Just imagine the defense with Foster, Lawson, Adams, and Alexander! Watch out!

And Cam Toney, Not to mention Bower....

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We need to all remember that Reuben is a kid and, I assume, without a strong father figure in his life. Trooper was that man to him, but is no longer around. He seems to have a temper and makes knee-jerk decisions based on his emotions at the time, like most teenagers. I imagine that our coaches are trying hard to connect with him and be there for him, but have been incredibly busy with recruiting and are limited in their time for him. I wish he could talk to kids like Micheal Dyer and the other four who got in trouble and let them tell him how much they wished they had kept a level head and hadn't been so self-centered. If Reuben continues to let his emotions rule his every move, he will not be a success in anything anywhere. I feel bad for him, actually. I hope someone in the coaching staff takes him under their wings and helps him to control his emotions a little better.

Of course, I am a female, and a mom, so I take a more nurturing approach. I do feel sorry for his mom. Imagine having to try and control that boy! LOL

Best of luck, Reuben, with whatever you decide. Just be sure to try and think rationally about your decision. War Eagle!

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A few things about Reuben and his recruitment.

-Reuben likes the spotlight

-He is very emotional and makes decisions on the fly. He doesn't think very long before making them. He's a good young man but his emotions do get the best of him.

-His mother loves Auburn. If it was her decision, Reuben would sign with Auburn.

-Reuben is expected to make his decision tomorrow night. If I can give you a little advice, DO NOT bash him over his decision bc he does read message boards and his fax won't be sent until Wed so there will be plenty of time. That being said I still have him as a slight lean towards Auburn.

What I'm saying is IF he DOESN'T choose AU to NOT bash him bc it could change by NSD

Always glad for your input, ST.

I'm going to go you one further on bashing:

NO ONE should bash ANY high school kid at ANY time just because he/she chooses to attend a different college than you would have picked!

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A few things about Reuben and his recruitment.

-Reuben likes the spotlight

-He is very emotional and makes decisions on the fly. He doesn't think very long before making them. He's a good young man but his emotions do get the best of him.

-His mother loves Auburn. If it was her decision, Reuben would sign with Auburn.

-Reuben is expected to make his decision tomorrow night. If I can give you a little advice, DO NOT bash him over his decision bc he does read message boards and his fax won't be sent until Wed so there will be plenty of time. That being said I still have him as a slight lean towards Auburn.

What I'm saying is IF he DOESN'T choose AU to NOT bash him bc it could change by NSD

Always glad for your input, ST.

I'm going to go you one further on bashing:

NO ONE should bash ANY high school kid at ANY time just because he/she chooses to attend a different college than you would have picked!


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A few things about Reuben and his recruitment.

-Reuben likes the spotlight

-He is very emotional and makes decisions on the fly. He doesn't think very long before making them. He's a good young man but his emotions do get the best of him.

-His mother loves Auburn. If it was her decision, Reuben would sign with Auburn.

-Reuben is expected to make his decision tomorrow night. If I can give you a little advice, DO NOT bash him over his decision bc he does read message boards and his fax won't be sent until Wed so there will be plenty of time. That being said I still have him as a slight lean towards Auburn.

This means IMO

1.This was not a bammer plot to get RF to flip(Ala TJ)

2.Something probably upset him on his AU visit

3.His Mom still wanst RF to go to AU,if something upset RF it didnt upset his mother

4.We still have a shot at him,bammer isnt a done deal

We have all made emotional decisions and some work out and some don't. I think Reuben is a good kid and his mom obviously sees what Auburn is all about. If he signs with us he should know he will be embraced long after his AU playing days are over. I really want Reuben, but I want him to be happy with his decision.

War Eagle !

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A few things about Reuben and his recruitment.

-Reuben likes the spotlight

-He is very emotional and makes decisions on the fly. He doesn't think very long before making them. He's a good young man but his emotions do get the best of him.

-His mother loves Auburn. If it was her decision, Reuben would sign with Auburn.

-Reuben is expected to make his decision tomorrow night. If I can give you a little advice, DO NOT bash him over his decision bc he does read message boards and his fax won't be sent until Wed so there will be plenty of time. That being said I still have him as a slight lean towards Auburn.

What I'm saying is IF he DOESN'T choose AU to NOT bash him bc it could change by NSD

Always glad for your input, ST.

I'm going to go you one further on bashing:

NO ONE should bash ANY high school kid at ANY time just because he/she chooses to attend a different college than you would have picked!


I don't think it is as much bashing as it is trashing and letting frustration off. I agree it is not proper but it is an expected emotion from high expectations....real or unreal. Reuben knows where he wants to go....I don't. To coddle a player is not correct as a fan or a coach. I hope Reuben goes to the college of his choice and not to follow bright lights and alluring sites. Reuben can make it to the next level where ever he goes. He needs to just do it.
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Thanks for the update, ST! As long as this wasn't an orchestrated event, then I think we still have a good chance. Especially if his immediate family still wants him to be in Auburn!

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I guess parade Magazine knows something nobody else does. They have Reuben listed as an Ohio State commit. :dunno:/>

Always knew he would go there XD

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I don't remember too many people bashing kids for going to a rival school. I have seen them, myself included, question the manner in which they handle themselves during the recruiting process. First off, thank God, we are in America so you can do and say what you want, for the most part, without penalty. But not without consequence. Sadly (for me) I have read hundreds of pages of Foster discussions and I don't recall anyone really bashing Reuben personally. I tend to remember where I was at 18 and try to cut slack. On the other hand is it not fair to ask is this a good fit? Our program is not stable. I feel great about all of the changes, our new coaches how well they have recruited in a tough situation and the message they (read Gus) have sent. But the sixty-something players currently on the team will be handling many many changes. This is not a time too add distractions. This is a fair question and is not a slam on Reuben. It is based on his unique actions during the recruiting process. I consider myself old so I call him a kid. He is not. He is a father and a young man. He is three years away from being a millionaire if he applies himself. He is the age of many who stormed the beaches of Normandy. If Gus and company want Reuben and can get him I will trust their decision as they have spent lots of time with the kid and us - well - none. I think I have finally reached balance on this. Remember Shawshank - Morgan Freeman in his final parole hearing. I guess that's where I'm at. Just stamp the form because right now I don't care one way or the other.

War Eagle Reuben. Hope you join us.

If not, better go to Clemson because you don't want no part of them Auburn tigers if you aint not wearing the Orange and Blue. :)

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I don't remember too many people bashing kids for going to a rival school. I have seen them, myself included, question the manner in which they handle themselves during the recruiting process. First off, thank God, we are in America so you can do and say what you want, for the most part, without penalty. But not without consequence. Sadly (for me) I have read hundreds of pages of Foster discussions and I don't recall anyone really bashing Reuben personally. I tend to remember where I was at 18 and try to cut slack. On the other hand is it not fair to ask is this a good fit? Our program is not stable. I feel great about all of the changes, our new coaches how well they have recruited in a tough situation and the message they (read Gus) have sent. But the sixty-something players currently on the team will be handling many many changes. This is not a time too add distractions. This is a fair question and is not a slam on Reuben. It is based on his unique actions during the recruiting process. I consider myself old so I call him a kid. He is not. He is a father and a young man. He is three years away from being a millionaire if he applies himself. He is the age of many who stormed the beaches of Normandy. If Gus and company want Reuben and can get him I will trust their decision as they have spent lots of time with the kid and us - well - none. I think I have finally reached balance on this. Remember Shawshank - Morgan Freeman in his final parole hearing. I guess that's where I'm at. Just stamp the form because right now I don't care one way or the other.

War Eagle Reuben. Hope you join us.

If not, better go to Clemson because you don't want no part of them Auburn tigers if you aint not wearing the Orange and Blue. :)

"You are so right Carl."

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Holy Crap I actually made it to the end of this thread. When I peeked in this morning it was around 20-25 pages. I am interested to see what the details were if any ever come out as to what the heck happened and where RF actually was last night. I do have to admit that I actually feel pretty good that Mrs. Foster seems to still be on board w/us. Here is hoping that tomorrow night all of this drama will be behind you and you will be judged on your merits as a college athlete vs. your projected success. WDE

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