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2013 5* LB Reuben Foster (Alabama signee)


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Just updated the original post

On my iPhone...can anyone tell me what the original post is now? TIA

Had the same problem earlier: AUSportTalk update

A few things about Reuben and his recruitment.

-Reuben likes the spotlight

-He is very emotional and makes decisions on the fly. He doesn't think very long before making them. He's a good young man but his emotions do get the best of him.

-His mother loves Auburn. If it was her decision, Reuben would sign with Auburn.

-Reuben is expected to make his decision tomorrow night. If I can give you a little advice, DO NOT bash him over his decision bc he does read message boards and his fax won't be sent until Wed so there will be plenty of time. That being said I still have him as a slight lean towards Auburn.

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A few things about Reuben and his recruitment.

-Reuben likes the spotlight

-He is very emotional and makes decisions on the fly. He doesn't think very long before making them. He's a good young man but his emotions do get the best of him.

-His mother loves Auburn. If it was her decision, Reuben would sign with Auburn.

-Reuben is expected to make his decision tomorrow night. If I can give you a little advice, DO NOT bash him over his decision bc he does read message boards and his fax won't be sent until Wed so there will be plenty of time. That being said I still have him as a slight lean towards Auburn.

What I'm saying is IF he DOESN'T choose AU to NOT bash him bc it could change by NSD

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Makes you go hmmmm? Ellitor and Reuben both missing at the same time three days before NSD. Condo on the beach?

Is J Lee with them? Seriously, what ever happened to him

Ellitor has been on twiiter. I also noticed him or someone posing as him has been posting as him has been on the Auburn recruiting section SECrant throughout the day as well as yesterday. Cant swear by it, but the grammar and information presented leads me to believe it is him. Could be wrong.....

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Makes you go hmmmm? Ellitor and Reuben both missing at the same time three days before NSD. Condo on the beach?

Is J Lee with them? Seriously, what ever happened to him

Ellitor has been on twiiter. I also noticed him or someone posing as him has been posting as him has been on the Auburn recruiting section SECrant throughout the day as well as yesterday. Cant swear by it, but the grammar and information presented leads me to believe it is him. Could be wrong.....

Thanks for the info rz.

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Thanks Scott. It seems like we really had a head of steam for all the recruits coming this weekend and this took the wind out of the sails.

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Thanks for the update ST. I definitely hope Reuben picks AU, I think he is by far the best senior in the country this year.

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After reading the previous 57 pages, I'm actually shocked that the USA is still a viable country in the world, but it does explain why Alabama ranks toward the bottom in all measures ranked against other states when they are reported (education, economics, etc). And to think, if documentation from more than one reliable source was required to post, this thread would be empty.

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Thanks for the update ST. I definitely hope Reuben picks AU, I think he is by far the best senior in the country this year.

For the whole package, I'll take Carl Lawson in that category.

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I hope whatever players sign with Auburn are focused, team players who want to just be a part of a championship caliber program and realize that with self sacrifice and dedication to their purpose and teammates can have a winning team that play like champions whether they are 6-6 or 12-0. I will trust our coaches to recruit players who fit this mold develop their talents both on and off the field and will hope they weed out those who do not.

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Thanks for the update ST. I definitely hope Reuben picks AU, I think he is by far the best senior in the country this year.

For the whole package, I'll take Carl Lawson in that category.

Both great players, so hard to argue.

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A lot of these kind of events are perpetuated by the attention and pressure modern day recruiting brings. In this instance lets hope that Rueben Foster makes not only the right choice for himself, but his daughter as well. No matter which school he picks lets all hope he gets a solid education and has a healthy playing career so he can live up to his responsibilities. Sometimes we all need to step back from the fan zone and realize these are just kids. Once they get on campus somewhere we can become fans again, until then let's stop this circus recruiting has become and wish them all the best.

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Thanks for the update ST. I definitely hope Reuben picks AU, I think he is by far the best senior in the country this year.

For the whole package, I'll take Carl Lawson in that category.

Ditto. RF is a very good player and plays a position that AU is in desperate need of talent, but I consider and have considered Lawson the best player in the class with or without RF. The way RF has conducted his recruiting has not been the best to say the least.


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Thanks for the update ST. I definitely hope Reuben picks AU, I think he is by far the best senior in the country this year.

For the whole package, I'll take Carl Lawson in that category.

Both great players, so hard to argue.

....and each plays a different position. Each plays a HUGE position of need for us. We would be a better team with each on our roster.

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Thanks for the update ST. I definitely hope Reuben picks AU, I think he is by far the best senior in the country this year.

For the whole package, I'll take Carl Lawson in that category.

I agree TT. I have seen too many extremely talented recruits not make it in the SEC. I just don't think talent alone will make you successful in this league.
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After reading the previous 57 pages, I'm actually shocked that the USA is still a viable country in the world, but it does explain why Alabama ranks toward the bottom in all measures ranked against other states when they are reported (education, economics, etc). And to think, if documentation from more than one reliable source was required to post, this thread would be empty.

Are you aware Auburn is in Alabama. Why are you here? If you are not I hope you will not have to have the agony of coming to the Great State of Alabama and if you are here don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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alabamapaper asks: "When was Brian Matthews an insider?" I guess that depends on your definition of insider.

Brian Matthews is a guy whose job is to track things around Auburn athletics. His specialty is recruiting. As such, he has sources that most of us don't have. His livlihood depends to a great extent on posting accurate information. If he makes a public comment, it bears more weight than most. He's not infallable, but he has some serious incentive to be correct.

Yes, and that was what I thought Brian Matthews was. For the record, I think he does a good job of covering things Auburn as a media representative. My definition of an insider does not include but a very select few media representatives that have other ties to Auburn above the basic media credentials. In no way was my comment intended as a sleight to Brian Matthews as I hold him in high regard. I simply would not consider him to meet the basic criteria as an Auburn insider as he only has a very censored pool of information made available to him as a media representative.

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Thanks for the update ST. I definitely hope Reuben picks AU, I think he is by far the best senior in the country this year.

For the whole package, I'll take Carl Lawson in that category.

Both great players, so hard to argue.

....and each plays a different position. Each plays a HUGE position of need for us. We would be a better team with each on our roster.


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A few things about Reuben and his recruitment.

-Reuben likes the spotlight

-He is very emotional and makes decisions on the fly. He doesn't think very long before making them. He's a good young man but his emotions do get the best of him.

-His mother loves Auburn. If it was her decision, Reuben would sign with Auburn.

-Reuben is expected to make his decision tomorrow night. If I can give you a little advice, DO NOT bash him over his decision bc he does read message boards and his fax won't be sent until Wed so there will be plenty of time. That being said I still have him as a slight lean towards Auburn.

While I agree with you on everything and love your insider info (huge reason I love auburneagle so much). Can you tell us anything at all on what actually occurred to cause any of this? I still haven't seen one shred of evidence expect possibly a made up story about Dismukes that points to what in the world happened? Leaving a visit to then go spend the weekend at the rival school, followed my most insiders now doubting you were committing to Auburn when you were a virtual lock 2 days ago. What in the world happened in that amount of time to cause a complete and total 180?

Appreciate anything you can share about it.

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After reading the previous 57 pages, I'm actually shocked that the USA is still a viable country in the world, but it does explain why Alabama ranks toward the bottom in all measures ranked against other states when they are reported (education, economics, etc). And to think, if documentation from more than one reliable source was required to post, this thread would be empty.

Are you aware Auburn is in Alabama. Why are you here? If you are not I hope you will not have to have the agony of coming to the Great State of Alabama and if you are here don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Relax, Francis. :poke:B)

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alabamapaper asks: "When was Brian Matthews an insider?" I guess that depends on your definition of insider.

Brian Matthews is a guy whose job is to track things around Auburn athletics. His specialty is recruiting. As such, he has sources that most of us don't have. His livlihood depends to a great extent on posting accurate information. If he makes a public comment, it bears more weight than most. He's not infallable, but he has some serious incentive to be correct.

Yes, and that was what I thought Brian Matthews was. For the record, I think he does a good job of covering things Auburn as a media representative. My definition of an insider does not include but a very select few media representatives that have other ties to Auburn above the basic media credentials. In no way was my comment intended as a sleight to Brian Matthews as I hold him in high regard. I simply would not consider him to meet the basic criteria as an Auburn insider as he only has a very censored pool of information made available to him as a media representative.

BM is not an insider so you are correct in your assessment of him. I will never forget BM (while an Admin at Rivals) posting on the Bunker while drunk in a bar regarding Tuberville at the end of Tuberville's time at AU. He was also one of those guys I have referred to in the past of pumping up the BS about AU having a monster signing day to get subscriptions on to start backtracking about 24 hours before NSD.


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Thanks Scott. It seems like we really had a head of steam for all the recruits coming this weekend and this took the wind out of the sails.

Maybe for you but for me I don't care. There were plenty of other highly sought recruits on campus that we need just as much. And...Carl cemented his commitment today, so I see that as big ole giant bright spot for the weekend!!! I for one was more excited to get Carl overall than any other recruit. Yeah RF is a great player, but his recruiting games have pushed me away as did Dee Liner.

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Thanks Scott. It seems like we really had a head of steam for all the recruits coming this weekend and this took the wind out of the sails.

Maybe for you but for me I don't care. There were plenty of other highly sought recruits on campus that we need just as much. And...Carl cemented his commitment today, so I see that as big ole giant bright spot for the weekend!!! I for one was more excited to get Carl overall than any other recruit. Yeah RF is a great player, but his recruiting games have pushed me away as did Dee Liner.

It seems it had to detract, at least to some degree, from the weekend experience.

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Thanks for the update ST. I definitely hope Reuben picks AU, I think he is by far the best senior in the country this year.

For the whole package, I'll take Carl Lawson in that category.

Both great players, so hard to argue.

....and each plays a different position. Each plays a HUGE position of need for us. We would be a better team with each on our roster.


He would be the cherry on top. I hope we get him also. Another position of need IMO.

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