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2013 5* LB Reuben Foster (Alabama signee)


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alabamapaper asks: "When was Brian Matthews an insider?" I guess that depends on your definition of insider.

Brian Matthews is a guy whose job is to track things around Auburn athletics. His specialty is recruiting. As such, he has sources that most of us don't have. His livlihood depends to a great extent on posting accurate information. If he makes a public comment, it bears more weight than most. He's not infallable, but he has some serious incentive to be correct.

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To be honest who cares about this whole situation. When recruiting its hard to determined who will be a bang or a bust. Reuben struggle to handle the spread and many times was found out of places and looked lost. When recruiting players you're not even sure if they can handle the academic life of Auburn. I wish him well simply b/c I wish nothing negative on anyone. Oh well if they kid doesn't sign with us, lets just focus on players who want to attend AU.

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Brian Matthews has posted that Foster won't be signing with Auburn.

Where did you see this? I searched his posts on AUC and don't see that. I did see that he said this can't be construed as anything good for Auburn, but he didn't say Foster "wouldn't be signing with Auburn." At least anywhere I could find.

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Brian Matthews has posted that Foster won't be signing with Auburn.

Where did you see this? I searched his posts on AUC and don't see that. I did see that he said this can't be construed as anything good for Auburn, but he didn't say Foster "wouldn't be signing with Auburn." At least anywhere I could find.

First off, I don't do tweets. In one of these threads, maybe this one or the deleted one, somebody posted a tweet from Mathews complete with a twitter link that said that.

PS: That would have been sometime before 11:30 last night, if that helps.

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Perhaps Rueben simply wanted to get another late night tour around the "campus" from his U of A "hostess" because he knows he won't be getting any more " special treatment" in Tuscaloosa after NSD.

PS- I'm a long time lurker who finally had to set up an account and post because apparently nobody here, especially golf, can remember the most likely reason a teenage young man might drop everything he is doing and drive 2 1/2 hours in the middle of the night.

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Can you say *****GOTCHA******......That's my story and i am smiling through it!!

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Perhaps Rueben simply wanted to get another late night tour around the "campus" from his U of A "hostess" because he knows he won't be getting any more " special treatment" in Tuscaloosa after NSD.

PS- I'm a long time lurker who finally had to set up an account and post because apparently nobody here, especially golf, can remember the most likely reason a teenage young man might drop everything he is doing and drive 2 1/2 hours in the middle of the night.

You may be correct. However, to do that while being on an official visit here without clearing it with our coaches reveals a personality type that we are trying to weed out, not bring in.

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Brian Matthews has posted that Foster won't be signing with Auburn.

Where did you see this? I searched his posts on AUC and don't see that. I did see that he said this can't be construed as anything good for Auburn, but he didn't say Foster "wouldn't be signing with Auburn." At least anywhere I could find.

First off, I don't do tweets. In one of these threads, maybe this one or the deleted one, somebody posted a tweet from Mathews complete with a twitter link that said that.

PS: That would have been sometime before 11:30 last night, if that helps.

I follow Bryan on Twitter... he never posted anything like that.

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People jump to conclusions WAY to much...ever heard of patience. ...like I said last nite football is just a game and there's far more important things

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Possibly wanted to go hang with those guys one more time..He has great relationships at each school. I bet he is back at the complex this afternoon

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Brian Matthews has posted that Foster won't be signing with Auburn.

Where did you see this? I searched his posts on AUC and don't see that. I did see that he said this can't be construed as anything good for Auburn, but he didn't say Foster "wouldn't be signing with Auburn." At least anywhere I could find.

First off, I don't do tweets. In one of these threads, maybe this one or the deleted one, somebody posted a tweet from Mathews complete with a twitter link that said that.

PS: That would have been sometime before 11:30 last night, if that helps.

I do follow Matthews on Twitter. I didn't see a tweet like that last night and I don't see it anywhere on his feed this morning.

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Brian Matthews has posted that Foster won't be signing with Auburn.

Where did you see this? I searched his posts on AUC and don't see that. I did see that he said this can't be construed as anything good for Auburn, but he didn't say Foster "wouldn't be signing with Auburn." At least anywhere I could find.

First off, I don't do tweets. In one of these threads, maybe this one or the deleted one, somebody posted a tweet from Mathews complete with a twitter link that said that.

PS: That would have been sometime before 11:30 last night, if that helps.

I do follow Matthews on Twitter. I didn't see a tweet like that last night and I don't see it anywhere on his feed this morning.

It's in there. He says he doesn't expect Foster to sign with Auburn

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Brian Matthews has posted that Foster won't be signing with Auburn.

Where did you see this? I searched his posts on AUC and don't see that. I did see that he said this can't be construed as anything good for Auburn, but he didn't say Foster "wouldn't be signing with Auburn." At least anywhere I could find.

First off, I don't do tweets. In one of these threads, maybe this one or the deleted one, somebody posted a tweet from Mathews complete with a twitter link that said that.

PS: That would have been sometime before 11:30 last night, if that helps.

I follow Bryan on Twitter... he never posted anything like that.

I'll admit I could have been fooled. I wouldn't know how to twitter somebody to save my life. BUT, somebody on this board posted something to that effect with a twitter link that looked to me like it was Matthews'.

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Has anyone gotten a look at his AU tat lately? Just curious about his brother? or friend that is the tattoo artist talking about Reuben shocking the world. It got me wondering if we were in for an altered tattoo unveiling....

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Ok, folks. I've gone through this crazy thread and cleaned it up. I'm instructing the mods to keep an eye on this thread and this subject and keep the nutty stuff out. What will get deleted on sight:

1. Off topic nonsense like the Batman tangent that got going. People want to hear updates to recruiting, not the ramblings of the ADHD crowd. Make your own thread for that stuff in All Things Considered.

2. Posts slamming Foster or Dismukes. We don't have all the facts so it is the height of irresponsibility to be trashing people right now. While it certainly doesn't look good if the rumors floating around are true for Reuben to sign with us, you never know how a sitdown with our coaches can straighten stuff out before NSD. Don't be an idiot and run a guy off that may still be open to being talked off the ledge. And regardless of what your friend thought he overheard at Skybar, until we know something more don't trash Dismukes on a public board.

3. Attacking posters who are new for being bammers or attacking Bama fans who happen to be on this thread just for being bammers. Deal with what people actually do, not what team they pull for.

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Has anyone gotten a look at his AU tat lately? Just curious about his brother? or friend that is the tattoo artist talking about Reuben shocking the world. It got me wondering if we were in for an altered tattoo unveiling....

I saw that... he said he was the only person that knew where Reuben was going. Too much drama...LOL

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I repeat:

Ok, folks. I've gone through this crazy thread and cleaned it up. I'm instructing the mods to keep an eye on this thread and this subject and keep the nutty stuff out. What will get deleted on sight:

1. Off topic nonsense like the Batman tangent that got going. People want to hear updates to recruiting, not the ramblings of the ADHD crowd or aspiring stand up comics. Make your own thread for that stuff in All Things Considered.

2. Posts slamming Foster or Dismukes. We don't have all the facts so it is the height of irresponsibility to be trashing people right now. While it certainly doesn't look good if the rumors floating around are true for Reuben to sign with us, you never know how a sitdown with our coaches can straighten stuff out before NSD. Don't be an idiot and run a guy off that may still be open to being talked off the ledge. And regardless of what your friend thought he overheard at Skybar, until we know something more don't trash Dismukes on a public board.

3. Attacking posters who are new for being bammers or attacking Bama fans who happen to be on this thread just for being bammers. Deal with what people actually do, not what team they pull for.

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I repeat:

Ok, folks. I've gone through this crazy thread and cleaned it up. I'm instructing the mods to keep an eye on this thread and this subject and keep the nutty stuff out. What will get deleted on sight:

1. Off topic nonsense like the Batman tangent that got going. People want to hear updates to recruiting, not the ramblings of the ADHD crowd or aspiring stand up comics. Make your own thread for that stuff in All Things Considered.

2. Posts slamming Foster or Dismukes. We don't have all the facts so it is the height of irresponsibility to be trashing people right now. While it certainly doesn't look good if the rumors floating around are true for Reuben to sign with us, you never know how a sitdown with our coaches can straighten stuff out before NSD. Don't be an idiot and run a guy off that may still be open to being talked off the ledge. And regardless of what your friend thought he overheard at Skybar, until we know something more don't trash Dismukes on a public board.

3. Attacking posters who are new for being bammers or attacking Bama fans who happen to be on this thread just for being bammers. Deal with what people actually do, not what team they pull for.

Thank you for that! I was just about to post something similar, though not as eloquently put as you.

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Here's my theory. Everyone was predicting RF to AU so to boost ratings for his comittment tomorrow night he had his friend Chris Jones tweet that he was in turdville. All the "experts" are basing their stories on that one deleted tweet. There has been no other evidence.

The Dismukes story has been completely debunked. It was started on a bama blog and spread from there. Dismukes did tweet last night that it didn't happen.

ST said last night that he'll find out more today so I'll just wait to see what he uncovers.

I still think he was feeling a little jet lag from his SDSU visit and left the AU campus at 2:30 to go home and take a nap. :-\

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Is there a dead period that starts tonight where the Coaches can't sit down with RF? I thought in years past there was always a dead period right before signing day.

Although, it is okay for those "unrelated" to the program to kidnap a recruit and lock up at a house on the beach.

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