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2013 5* LB Reuben Foster (Alabama signee)


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At one time I was still interested in Reuben but after reading his comments from his interview last night stating that he "expects" either Ala , Ga or Auburn to "take care" of him and his daughter, I prefer he just go somewhere else. Please..we do not need it! Please Reuben go somewhere else and be safe and enjoy, but not on our dime ok!

And you believe everything "you read" on these forums that are posted by rival fans, etc.????? Damn people! I saw the entire interview and he was nothing but POSITIVE about AU. He said he wants to stay close to his daughter so he can take care of her. He NEVER said anything about AU, UA or GA taking care of his or his family.

I not only disbelieve turds, I don't believe 1/2 of the Auburn fans post. Some of them seem to just post their ideas as fact, and if you can't figure out those you will not enjoy a free football forum.

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Hey guys...sorry but not a Troll..not even by a longshot..but I don't particularly blame anyone on here for their own opinion--whether it is in agreement with me or not. I was not trying to stir anger, as has been said, this is a free forum and i was just expressing my opinion.

Not that I have to say it but as listed with my screen name, I was a member of the Auburn Marching Bands and Concert Bands for 4 years straight. I marched on the field at Neyland Stadium when it was artificial turf and Pat Sullivan overthrew Terry Beasley and others all day because we did not have the correct fields to practice on to become properly acclimated to its effects. I marched for 4 years in the football stadiums of most all the opposing teams we played when Auburn allowed the band to travel. So in a lot of ways I can claim to be as close or closer to loving Auburn as much as any other soul on here. And as most of us on here I bleed orange and blue and still get as excited about Auburn as I did in college from 1966 through 1970.

However, regardless of his "actual" words last night, to me he has begun to sound too important for his own good and, in my opinion, Auburn's good.

And for anyone who was upset by me reading an article somewhere else (it was not from this forum) and responding to it, I apologize if he did in fact not say those words.

Anyone here old enough to remember another "in need" person (Eric Ramsey) that dropped in on Coach Pat Dye one day asking for some "help". Anyone care to be reminded where that took Auburn in the end. I genuinely feel that he is trouble and that is my perception. Hope that the adults on here can respect that..if not, so be it.

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Hey guys...sorry but not a Troll..not even by a longshot..but I don't particularly blame anyone on here for their own opinion--whether it is in agreement with me or not. I do not owe apologies to this group, as has been said, this is a free forum and i was just expressing my opinion.

Not that I have to say it but as listed with my screen name, I was a member of the Auburn Marching Bands and Concert Bands for 4 years straight. I marched on the field at Neyland Stadium when it was artificial turf and Pat Sullivan overthrew Terry Beasley and others all day because we did not have the correct fields to practice on to become properly acclimated to its effects. I marched for 4 years in the football stadiums of most all the opposing teams we played when Auburn allowed the band to travel. So in a lot of ways I can claim to be as close or closer to loving Auburn as much as any other soul on here. And as most of us on here I bleed orange and blue and still get as excited about Auburn as I did in college from 1966 through 1970.

However, regardless of his "actual" words last night, to me he has begin to sound too important for his own good and, in my opinion, Auburn's good.

Anyone here old enough to remember another "in need" person (Eric Ramsey) that dropped in on Coach Pat Dye one day asking for some "help". Anyone care to be reminded where that took Auburn in the end. I genuinely feel that he is trouble and that is my perception. Hope that the adults on here can respect that..

Certainly you're entitled to your opinion even though its not one I can agree with. The Eric Ramsey debacle was in 1991 and that was 22 years ago. Reuben Foster is not Eric Ramsey but go ahead and be paranoid if thats what does it for you.

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At one time I was still interested in Reuben but after reading his comments from his interview last night stating that he "expects" either Ala , Ga or Auburn to "take care" of him and his daughter, I prefer he just go somewhere else. Please..we do not need it! Please Reuben go somewhere else and be safe and enjoy, but not on our dime ok!

And you believe everything "you read" on these forums that are posted by rival fans, etc.????? Damn people! I saw the entire interview and he was nothing but POSITIVE about AU. He said he wants to stay close to his daughter so he can take care of her. He NEVER said anything about AU, UA or GA taking care of his or his family.

Correct, I heard the interview also.

Can't believe an actual AU fan would post such BS.

Give the guy a break. If you haven't seen Foster interact in public before he might of seemed brash to someone. Cocky. Just a perception difference between a quiet reserved prospect and an out going lime light prospect. The limelight is on the kids so much these days. The very least he was talkative and responded very well to the questions.

Agreed. But, keep in mind before u jump all over someone that it might be a young kid. Remember when u were 14 and a huge Auburn fan? Well, we have those on here. Relax.

(This isn't necessarily for nearest previous poster, but those of us who get angry when ppl post things that are a little out there or things the majority of us wouldn't agree with)

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Saw he said he is going to OV Auburn, don't really know what that entails considering he lives there but it must be good for us.

It means he won't be using that OV at another school so that's good I'd say. :)
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Saw he said he is going to OV Auburn, don't really know what that entails considering he lives there but it must be good for us.

It means he won't be using that OV at another school so that's good I'd say. :)/>

+1...and the last one. I think he's ours.

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Is Lawson visiting UGA?

Really wish if he is such a lock to Auburn he would recommit and give us some momentum going into these final 2 weeks. He seems to have a personality that a lot of other kids like and so would be nice to have him and JJ rally troops here at the end and finish off a solid class

He does not have to commit publicly to do that.

Agreed, I believe he will more than likely tip his hand following the visit this weekend. He, Lawson, Kamara and Adams will be there will they not? Then they (-Kamara) will be here the last weekend if I am remembering correct. THAT WILL BE HUGE! (<--understatement of the year!)

No. Lawson is due to go to UNC

DOH! :homer: I knew something was off with my post!

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Foster was spotted walking from class to class today. More on this as it develops...

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Foster was spotted walking from class to class today. More on this as it develops...

Thanks for the update, Red. Can you be a good guy and pm me if he stops at the water fountain? That will say a lot about his decision.


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Hope Coach Johnson complimented her on the fried chicken. :-\

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