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2013 5* LB Reuben Foster (Alabama signee)


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Seriously, comparing our fanbase to the turd fanbase is a ridiculous comparison to make. Unless you have just joined the Auburn fanbase. Or are just ignoring how they are. Come on. And I am not arrogantly saying we are better than they are, but we are not as maniacal as they are. You can't deny that.

We have our set of maniacal fans too... and i'm not comparing us to just uat, but every fan base... or at least the ones that are passionate enough to follow recruiting and post of forum groups.  

Look, I don't blame uat for feeling the way they do about recrits... they have a coach that seems to be on the top right now.  They do have a very nice campus, can't say much about the city.  They have a great stadium and lots of money from boosters.  They get good press from the media.  They are winning NC and getting looks from top recruits.  It's fully understandable why they feel the way they do.  I can say that was not the way they were feeling during the Shula and prior years.  

For us, why wouldn't we feel that if we can get a recruit to visit, he'll fall in love.  Our campus is beautiful.  Our Women are BEAUTIFUL!!!  It's a great city also.  We have a great stadium and VERY good coaches.  Passionate fans and plenty of history too.  I don't FAULT us for why we feel the we do, just like I don't FAULT uat for their feelings.

Having said that, there are cracy fans on both sides.  uat may have more of those types, but I would guess as a % of the total fan base we are on par with them.  

As for the our fan base is better than there... I never said we were not.  Just that we feel a passionate about our school and campus and football progarm as they do and we too feel a recruit would fall in love and want to come to AU as much as uat does.

As for killing trees and tea bagging people... I don't look at those types of people as true fans.  More like hillbilly idiots... if you want to make an arguement that uat has more hill billy idiots than we do, so be it.  I won't argue that.

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Having said that, there are cracy fans on both sides.  uat may have more of those types, but I would guess as a % of the total fan base we are on par with them.  

You would guess wrong. Move to Birmingham for awhile. Count the number of times you hear an AU fan give an unsolicited comment to a random stranger wearing uat gear. Now do the same with uat fans and random strangers wearing AU gear. I don't think that this is really even debatable. The crazy is STRONG in that group, and the examples are numerous and well documented.

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Having said that, there are cracy fans on both sides.  uat may have more of those types, but I would guess as a % of the total fan base we are on par with them.  

You would guess wrong. Move to Birmingham for awhile. Count the number of times you hear an AU fan give an unsolicited comment to a random stranger wearing uat gear. Now do the same with uat fans and random strangers wearing AU gear. I don't think that this is really even debatable. The crazy is STRONG in that group, and the examples are numerous and well documented.

True. ^^^^

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I can't even count the number of times I have been told rohhll tahhhdd by some random tool when I had Auburn gear on. I have never said War Eagle to a turd fan, doesn't even make sense to. They dumb.

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Having said that, there are cracy fans on both sides.  uat may have more of those types, but I would guess as a % of the total fan base we are on par with them.  

You would guess wrong. Move to Birmingham for awhile. Count the number of times you hear an AU fan give an unsolicited comment to a random stranger wearing uat gear. Now do the same with uat fans and random strangers wearing AU gear. I don't think that this is really even debatable. The crazy is STRONG in that group, and the examples are numerous and well documented.

That hasn't been my experience.  Having grand parents that live in Centerpoint and Trussvlle, wearing AU gear has never been a problem for me on numerous extened vists.  YMMV...
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I can't even count the number of times I have been told rohhll tahhhdd by some random tool when I had Auburn gear on. I have never said War Eagle to a turd fan, doesn't even make sense to. They dumb.

But have you ever given them the 6 finger salute ?  I know when we were on our roll over them, I wasn't afriad to remind them of that...
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Correct, gumps cannot mentally fathom why any high school player would not dream about playing for the mighty Updyke Community College. They also think that every coach in the country thinks coaching at bama is would be their dream job as well.

Have you read our boards... We aren't not much different when we talk about recruits. 

For that matter, have you read any boards... I think they all feel just about the same way about their school and potential recruits. 

Glad you brought that up, sounds like we can compete with anyone, with fan-base expectations and recruiting players. However, there are differences in schools cultures in attitudes but is hardly worth discussing here. Point taken.

And if you don't mind I am going go back to my delusional Auburn fan self again......  ;D:laugh::happydance:

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And if you don't mind I am going go back to my delusional Auburn fan self again......  ;D:laugh::happydance:

Wouldn't want it any other way....

Back to RF and why he'll fall in love with AU and be on our team come 2013... ;)

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My apologies for interrupting the conversation about bammer, but I have a question about RF.  Just to be clear, is he not going to Dawg Night like he didn't go to BCW?  Or is he really not going?

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My apologies for interrupting the conversation about bammer, but I have a question about RF.  Just to be clear, is he not going to Dawg Night like he didn't go to BCW?  Or is he really not going?

He is really not going to DawgNight and a reply to an earlier post in an effort to get this thread back on track people will speculate as long as Foster continues visiting Auburn and Gawga, which he will.

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Having said that, there are cracy fans on both sides.  uat may have more of those types, but I would guess as a % of the total fan base we are on par with them.  

As for killing trees and tea bagging people... I don't look at those types of people as true fans.  More like hillbilly idiots... if you want to make an arguement that uat has more hill billy idiots than we do, so be it.  I won't argue that.

With all due respect, are you serious? Yea, all schools have crazy fans but % wise no school comes close to the updike nation. They are many more updikes that are obnoxious and delusional. It isn't even close. There fan base mirrors there coach. 'Small' people'. I love AU football incredibly but I don't get my self esteem and significance in life from it. MANY MANY updikes do. It's sad but it is what it is.

You may not want to call the tree killers and tea baggers real fans but you are only fooling yourself. updike is a cult hero to a large portion of the bammers. These 2 idiots just acted on what many others would love to do.

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Can we please stay on Foster and you guys (not meaning mods) create a thread on the rest of this stuff in general chat or PM about it? Thanks!

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Can we please stay on Foster and you guys (not meaning mods) create a thread on the rest of this stuff in general chat or PM about it? Thanks!

I agree. I apologize for posting off topic but I read a post that floored me.

Back to Mr. Foster.

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Yes let's stay on topic because of the second by second breaking news about RF.

Anybody know his favorite color?

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Yes let's stay on topic because of the second by second breaking news about RF.

Anybody know his favorite color?

O & B.  ;D

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Yes let's stay on topic because of the second by second breaking news about RF.

Are his favorites changed second by second?  :P

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I can't even count the number of times I have been told rohhll tahhhdd by some random tool when I had Auburn gear on. I have never said War Eagle to a turd fan, doesn't even make sense to. They dumb.

But have you ever given them the 6 finger salute ?  I know when we were on our roll over them, I wasn't afriad to remind them of that...

Only getting back off track for a second. Back during the "fear the thumb" times I gave my one bama friend thumbs up every time I saw him for about a month straight  :laugh: Back to RF.

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Yes let's stay on topic because of the second by second breaking news about RF.

Anybody know his favorite color?

No, but his favorite singer is Manilow.

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Yes let's stay on topic because of the second by second breaking news about RF.

Anybody know his favorite color?

No, but his favorite singer is Manilow.

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Having said that, there are cracy fans on both sides.  uat may have more of those types, but I would guess as a % of the total fan base we are on par with them.  

As for killing trees and tea bagging people... I don't look at those types of people as true fans.  More like hillbilly idiots... if you want to make an arguement that uat has more hill billy idiots than we do, so be it.  I won't argue that.

With all due respect, are you serious? Yea, all schools have crazy fans but % wise no school comes close to the updike nation. They are many more updikes that are obnoxious and delusional. It isn't even close. There fan base mirrors there coach. 'Small' people'. I love AU football incredibly but I don't get my self esteem and significance in life from it. MANY MANY updikes do. It's sad but it is what it is.

You may not want to call the tree killers and tea baggers real fans but you are only fooling yourself. updike is a cult hero to a large portion of the bammers. These 2 idiots just acted on what many others would love to do.

Not all "Wal-Mart alum" or "sidewalk alum" or "completely non-affiliated alum" are lunatics, for sure. However, most of the crazies in fanbases, in general, did not attend the university or have kids that attended, etc. al. I'll say that Bama and UGA have more lunatics in their fanbases because MOST of their fans have no shame about making the school look bad because they were never truly affiliated with the institution.

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