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And I also think this recruiting class is going to be great.

It certainly still has the potential to be very good. We really need Foster and Lawson though.


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And I also think this recruiting class is going to be great.

It certainly still has the potential to be very good. We really need Foster and Lawson though.


I believe Foster is in but AU still has some work to do with Lawson. Little to close to call right now with Lawson.

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I am happy that Liner did this today. He was never coming to Auburn.

I took him at his word and said I'd continue to do so until he proved to be a liar, so I had too much faith in him. Better he quits on us now than in the 4th quarter against UAT.

Liner didn't quit. You don't have a clue and I'm gald this AU staff called him on his BS and forced him to come clean. Liner has been gone for months, way before the coaching change. As soon as Liner and his coach mended thier relationship Liner was gone.

Coming from one with your lack of reading comprehension skills, I that that as a supreme compliment. Thank you!

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I am happy that Liner did this today. He was never coming to Auburn.

I took him at his word and said I'd continue to do so until he proved to be a liar, so I had too much faith in him. Better he quits on us now than in the 4th quarter against UAT.

Liner didn't quit. You don't have a clue and I'm gald this AU staff called him on his BS and forced him to come clean. Liner has been gone for months, way before the coaching change. As soon as Liner and his coach mended thier relationship Liner was gone.

Coming from one with your lack of reading comprehension skills, I that that as a supreme compliment. Thank you!

I was refering to your whole body of work you have here on AUFamily. How in the world can someone rack up over 6000 post? Do you work?

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The guy quit on his high school this year. He doesn't respond well to authority and he is used to getting his way.

The guy has off field issues.


We will replace him with more character if nothing else.

He also seems to have forgotten who had his back, and who supported him during all his "off-field" issues last year. That would be AUBURN UNIVERSITY. The bammers railed against him, calling him every negative, derogatory name in the book. Good luck, Mr. Liner. I hope you enjoy it in Turdville.

Integrity and honor used to mean something, but not with today's youth. I have no problem with him decomitting, and choosing what he feels is best for him, but it's the way he did it. Had our coaches not called his bluff yesterday, he would have been another Yeldon, Koundjio, or Calloway. As far as I'm concerned, the University of West Vance can have all of those type players.

War Eagle!!!

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"Had our coaches not called his bluff yesterday," I have seen this reference several times, please excuse me for remedial "keeping up".

What did our coaches do y'day that forced his hand ?

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I feel like a lot of people, maybe myself included, got a little too excited about the great staff Gus hired, and thought/hoped they would come here and immediately sign a top 5 class. That just isn't very realistic. It takes time in recruiting to build relationships, and even though we have a great staff, it's asking a lot for them to sign a top 5 class in basically a month on the job. Also factor in the down year we had, and the complete change in football philosophy the program went through. We need to be patient, because I truly believe we hired the next great college football coach and this program program is headed nowhere but up.

Top 5 is crazy high expectations.

Top 25 is to be expected from the coaching change

Top 20 is great

Top 15 and I am doing backflips

Top 10 and I will buy me a "Gus Bus" shirt

Top 5 and I will kiss golf's :moon: everyday on this site until the season starts

God I hope we don't get in the top 5

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Got Miss America, Miss AL USA and Cam back.

In all seriousness, Carl Lawson is the only guy that can offer us immediate help. Reuben can get there. But its Lawson's maturity on and off the field that makes him the #1 priority and a sure thing. This is a direct result of having a father figure in his life IMO. The DL saga leaves our coaching staff in a strong position moving forward... "get serious about your future at AU".

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Posted this in another thread. With a new staff, I think we have a situation in which (a) players have to reassess their commitments to Auburn but maybe (B) the coaches don't necessarily plan to honor "committed" players they didn't recruit. Goes both ways.

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I just hope I can sleep and that AU can some how continue to field a football team with one kid decommiting everyday and another one commiting. How will we ever survivie this????

Since I haven't post much I hope everone can read the sarcasm

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We knew we would lose a number of Chiz's and Trooper's recruits....and it's happening. All in all, I'm very satisfied with the "replacements" that Gus and his guys have been able to recruit.

SInce JUCOs don't figure into the * count, we may not have a top 10 class by Rivals or Scout ratings....but the total class Gus brings here will be as good as any we've had lately...and seem well suited to the O and D he is trying to develop.

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Posted this in another thread. With a new staff, I think we have a situation in which (a) players have to reassess their commitments to Auburn but maybe ( B) the coaches don't necessarily plan to honor "committed" players they didn't recruit. Goes both ways.

I agree - I believe this new coaching staff will field a team that "they" feel best suits their plans for the future. Those plans may not necessarily coincide with the former coaching staff's recruits. Gus & Co. have to get the players in here that they can use for their scheme, regardless if the recruits have a buncha flashy stars shining all over Scout/Rivals boards. We gotta get whats best for AUBURN!
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IMHO Liner and Foster were critical and not just because of the number of stars some Dorito crumb-brushing-off-belly dork assigned to them. JUCO at select positions can be a fix but quality recruits still need to be coming in for red-shirts while the JUCO's play or a toilet season's just being pushed down the road a couple years. JUCO en masse is alamingingly short sighted.

If one believes in a staff's ability to identify talent needed by THAT staff, it's interesting to watch which colleges GET whom they want most instead of who lands the most stars blah blah blah. I think Notre Dame has a history of getting highly touted guys from out of state that don't fit what they like to do. Sure a Bo or a Cam can make any coach look good but every player (and staff) have ideal and poor fits.

So far I don't see this staff landing their first choices outside of JUCO's. Lots of time left of course and in fairness, Dameyune Craig (e.g.) just unpacked. Derrick Green would be a great land. I'd do flips if we could get Hackenburg from Penn State, very wishful thinking.

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For anyone to say they feel "great" or "fantastic" about this, something has got to be wrong with you. We've lost two HUGE recruits. HUGE. They would've been stars in our program, and would've made a massive difference. Just look at all the top players that have de-commited from us over the last couple years, and tell me you don't wish we had them. I expect the same thing out of Dee Liner and Reuben Foster, even possibly Carl Lawson. I always thought there was a bondage between those three players, and now that Lawson is the only one left, I am now expecting him to go, also.

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I also believe THIS staff will make filling needs a higher priority than getting every 5* guy we can. Not that they won't go after the best, just the best at what we need. And I want that! So far uat has been the ONLY school that is signing multiple 5*'s each year and winning championships. When I look at Texas, USC, OSU, FSU, LSU and UF I see very talented teams with very few championships. At least no more than we have had. You need superstars, everyone does, but the majority bring their 5* ego's with them and nicki seems to be the only one that can keep that many stars happy at one time. I also believe that the man must have sold his soul to the devil to have it work just the way he needs it to. Think about it, how many more more NC's in the last 20-30 years does Auburn have if we had the luck they have had (i.e. other teams losing when we needed them to) and the NCAA 's refusal to investigate them? Three at a minimum.

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For anyone to say they feel "great" or "fantastic" about this, something has got to be wrong with you. We've lost two HUGE recruits. HUGE. They would've been stars in our program, and would've made a massive difference. Just look at all the top players that have de-commited from us over the last couple years, and tell me you don't wish we had them. I expect the same thing out of Dee Liner and Reuben Foster, even possibly Carl Lawson. I always thought there was a bondage between those three players, and now that Lawson is the only one left, I am now expecting him to go, also.

Logan!! Step back young man! I believe Carl is coming to AU as will Foster on NSD at the least. I do not see the same can't miss skills in DL that I did in the unnamed one or C. Killamajaro(sp). He has Calloway written all over him.

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IMHO Liner and Foster were critical and not just because of the number of stars some Dorito crumb-brushing-off-belly dork assigned to them. JUCO at select positions can be a fix but quality recruits still need to be coming in for red-shirts while the JUCO's play or a toilet season's just being pushed down the road a couple years. JUCO en masse is alamingingly short sighted.

If one believes in a staff's ability to identify talent needed by THAT staff, it's interesting to watch which colleges GET whom they want most instead of who lands the most stars blah blah blah. I think Notre Dame has a history of getting highly touted guys from out of state that don't fit what they like to do. Sure a Bo or a Cam can make any coach look good but every player (and staff) have ideal and poor fits.

So far I don't see this staff landing their first choices outside of JUCO's. Lots of time left of course and in fairness, Dameyune Craig (e.g.) just unpacked. Derrick Green would be a great land. I'd do flips if we could get Hackenburg from Penn State, very wishful thinking.

There is NO high school senior critical for the Auburn football team. The reason for the Juco's is short sighted and is to fill immediate holes this year while new staff builds relationships. While recruiting has taken a hit from staff turnover this was expected and will be short lived. It's not like we are going to sign 5-7 jucos for 2014.
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Guest jojo1515

For anyone to say they feel "great" or "fantastic" about this, something has got to be wrong with you. We've lost two HUGE recruits. HUGE. They would've been stars in our program, and would've made a massive difference. Just look at all the top players that have de-commited from us over the last couple years, and tell me you don't wish we had them. I expect the same thing out of Dee Liner and Reuben Foster, even possibly Carl Lawson. I always thought there was a bondage between those three players, and now that Lawson is the only one left, I am now expecting him to go, also.

Logan!! Step back young man! I believe Carl is coming to AU as will Foster on NSD at the least. I do not see the same can't miss skills in DL that I did in the unnamed one or C. Killamajaro(sp). He has Calloway written all over him.


Logan, you seem very negative lately. Not calling you out in bad way, but I think you are missing the big picture. Just looking at the list of guys suddenly interested in AU ought to cheer you up a little. We knew we would lose a few this year. We actually look ALOT better than many on here predicted. We will be more than fine :)

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