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Tired of recruits


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We can't fight other schools that has money to give out in one way or another to recruits and their families.

Yes, that is it, Blame other schools for our self inflicted wounds.That will get us back to the top quickly.

Liner gave his reason for his change of heart and I respect that. It was AU's prerogative to change coaching staff's, it was Liner's prerogative to change his mind as well.

Maybe Liner had more faith in the previous staff than AU fans did; Maybe he has less faith in this staff than AU fans have.

EVERY FAN who screamed for wholesale coaching changes at AU is partially responsible for Liner's decision. Fans were warned that this would happen and most all agreed that they would accept a hit in this year's class for the changes they wanted made. You can't have it BOTH ways.

AU did what they thought was best for AU, Liner is doing what he thinks is best for himself. Fans need to man up and accept the consequences of their actions and STOP blaming other schools or attacking the character of a 17 year old who did nothing more than change his mind as a result of a HUGE change in circumstances.

It is not like we have never picked up a recruit when another school lost coaches.

He was never a lifelong AU fan because if he was there is No Way n Hell he would de-commit and sign with bama, period!! Especially considering he lives n the hotbed for turds!! Though he has not said that's where he will end up, it is where gifts lead u to go! No lifelong AU fan wears anything dark pink and white, Ever!!


Who cares he wouldn't have played a down other than maybe special teams next year anyways-he's too weak and needs a RS to get stronger, where as Bradley has had two years of college lifting and will be able to contribute immediately barring injury. I personally feel that DL and OL are the spots were recruiting Jucos on a regular basis is a good idea. Get whatever H.S. DTs/OLs you can get and RS them and fill in the blank spots with ready to go jucos. Even saban has done this on his DL. Playing so many Freshmen and Sophs the last two years on the lines really hurt Chizik's teams. He should have kept recruiting a few jucos for the lines until his "program" was better established and gave those young linemen a chance to grow and develop before being flung to the wolves. Malzahn sees this and that is why I think he will have success followed by continued success.
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