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California enters the "How were we supposed to know?" phase of history


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Victims of the abortuary?

I just spent Christmas out there (in the Sheeple's Republic of California). My brother-in-law and I decided to venture into the Sierras for some fresh pow with a 4x4 and skis no less. At the ski resort, we received a stern lecture from a police person about not having chains and being in the mountains. We're like, its downhill and we have a 4x4 with snow tires, we wouldn't put them on if we had them. They'd rather resurface I-80 every 2 years than put sand down (like CO).

The city of Sacramento just refinanced their debt to take on more debt so that they could keep the Kings. This is a town smaller than Birmingham. Who's the mayor? Oh yeah... Kay-Jay.

Companies are literally moving outside the bay area to the valley (ie Genentech) and busing their employees to work (from the Bay area). I guess cause it makes too much sense to move off an active fault, cut your cost of living by 1/3, shorten your commute and live in a location that will literally allow you to grow all your food in your backyard with almost 0 effort, just so you can enjoy the culture of the Bay and have a pretty view. Sheeple.

The whole state is in a constant state of economic "full retard". They have more agri-resources that the rest of the country, yet even with a 15% top marginal tax rate they can't balance their budget.

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The numbers from Michigan are purely due to lack of jobs. Auto industry cut in large numbers, its been going on for 10 years.

Some good news today, Ford and GM are hiring. So yes its a cycle...

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In some areas of California, they have made a conscious effort to stifle growth. In these areas, they claim that the revenues created by giving businesses incentives to move in, are not covering the costs of the infrastructure needed to support the businesses and their workers/taxpayers. In these areas now, instead of giving businesses tax incentives, they want them to help cover the costs of the added infrastructure they will require.

The part that governments don't seem to get is, that when the economy shrinks, they have to shrink with it. Or, if you are a Keynesian, they should spend money to stimulate the economy. Today, governments seem to talk about both and do niether. They just spend more building a bigger bureaucracy.

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