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Obama orders pay raise for all govt employees


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Obama approves pay raise for Congress

Published December 31, 2012

Washington – As Americans brace for across-the-board tax hikes, President Obama is giving members of Congress -- and his No. 2 -- a pay raise.

Obama signed an executive order last week that will lift a ban on pay freezes for federal employees.

So who benefits? Vice President Biden, for starters. According to disclosure forms, Biden made $225,521 last year. After his raise which goes into effect March 27, 2013, he’ll be taking home $231,900.

Rank-and-file members of Congress, meanwhile, will see a $900 bump -- up from $174,000. Congressional leaders will receive a slightly higher raise, with the House speaker receiving a $1,100 salary increase to $224,600. The top two Senate leaders will see pay rise $1,000, to $194,400.

They aren’t the only ones who will see a bump in their paycheck. Obama also OK’d raises for circuit and district court judges.

Some have questioned why the president would give Congress a pat on the back at a time when neither Republicans nor Democrats have been able to come to a compromise on how to head off $600 billion in automatic tax hikes and spending cuts that will kick in Jan. 1, which could possibly drag the U.S. economy into another recession.


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I don't think we need any more proof that he doesn't know what he is doing, but the real problem is that about 50% of the voters need to be educated before they are allowed to vote again. I do believe that if you receive government assistance you should not be allowed to vote, this really feels like votes are being bought to me.

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I just don't get it.

The sooner folks see this man for who he is, be it complete incompetent or die hard committed socialist, intent on destroying this country, the better. Somehow though, people continue to live under the delusion that he's just a good guy, trying to do what's right.

Neither could be further from the truth.

Oh... and happy new year.

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If you really want to get scared, watch 2016 Obama's America.

It gets a little dry in parts, but it's unnerving to see the kind of people that were his mentors throughout his life.

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It's part of the plan. The Democrats have waited for this for 100 years.

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