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Time to say goodbye to the payroll tax cut? It's looking that way.


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Plan B was the GOP plan which included a lot of concessions from the Democrats. The GOP wouldn't accept their own plan. The art of governance lies in compromise and the current House is incapable of compromise and it is because of the extreme elements of the GOP. So yes, in this case it is clearly a fault that lies with the GOP and their commitment to non-governance.

It's called representative government. The people in their districts expect them to represent them in our fragile Republic....or what's left of it.

Sometimes representatives have to vote against the wishes of their own constituents and vote their own judgement and conscience. See a young congressman named George HW Bush who voted for the cival rights act of 1964 in spite of extreme pressure from his constituents to vote against the bill. Sometimes the art of politics is knowing when to give and when to take.

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