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Arizona St. Article on Westerman


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he could have taken the high road, he might even be exagerating. i will never understand how a coach with the personal qualities of cgc allows the type of thugery we see/hear.

And yet, these things seem to keep popping up. As swell and nice as Chizik is, the problems seemed to persist. He SEEMED, from the outside, to put guys in the dog house when they screwed up, and then give them a 2nd or 3rd chance, but they'd KEEP SCREWING UP! And then, when he finally had enough, other players would seem to get ticked off that he was coming down on them too much. It's a real disconnect, somewhere along the line. It's like these kids, many of them, are spoiled as hell, and the more he tried to lay down the law, the more they gave up and quit.

Just strange as hell.

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still do not understand why so many of you are bashing him, it was clearly his father who has chosen to speak up and not him. Reading Comprehension??


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Nothing more pointless than commenting on this but damn that article makes your blood boil. Hard to think of a kid who got more message board love than him who played less meaningful snaps at Auburn. He just took up two years of a scholarship that could have gone to someone who was more deserving and was willing to stick it out. I don't wish him ill but definitely leaves a bad taste in your mouth. I am not sure of how the release thing works. Will he really have to sit a year before he plays at ASU?

Release or not, he has to sit out a year. If given a release, he can go on scholarship at his new school immediately. If not granted a release, he must pay his own way at his new school for the first year. The only reason to not grant a release is just being vindictive. Although, if Pop Westerman keeps running that mouth maybe we should not grant the release and let Pop pay. Just a thought.

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"Waa waa waa! I can't handle anyone criticizing my team! Waa waa waa! I know! To show him how wrong he is and how immature it is for him to talk bad about our program even though he lived inside it for 2 years, I'll make disparaging comments about him and his family. Yeah, that'll do it! Man! That Westerman is so classless!"

And what about whining about whiners whining about whining? Same boat if you ask me but unlike yourself, I actually contributed to the conversation with pointing out flawed logic. Thanks for playing.

LOL...manthatsnice cannot be an Auburn fan...no way!

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Only thing that worries me is the claim that we may be facing NCAA sanctions! I thought this was made up.

Other than that, we all know that some of the reasons given for Christian leaving sound familiar. The only other thing that doesn't make sense is why firing Chizik would cement his decision to leave. You'd think bringing in a new coach to fix those things would make him reconsider wanting to leave.

This is exactly what I was thinking. I would never dog a player for mistakes on the field or a recruit for picking another school but this kid is a whiney, punk. Glad this guy is gone because he is probably one of the entitled ones who think they are above earning a position or making the time for optional workouts. That whole article just reaks of excuses for not wanting to earn what's given to him. This just confirms exactly what I thought about this kid; he has zero character. Saying I'm homesick and I didn't fit into the program is one thing but to say the things he did about Auburn, especially when we have a totally new staff, is a total cop-out. If he had character he would have left it at "it's not the right place for me."This guy will never amount to anything in football. We certainly will not miss his lack of production on the field. WDE Christian; and have fun selling used cars after school.

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He sure is pointing fingers at everybody. I wonder how much did he worked out to keep in shape? It sounds like he and his father has some sour grapes.

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Sounds to me like he dad was trying to give the new school a way to justify for allowing a player to come in on scholarship that has only 2 years to play without really ever really playing at this level..

Westerman redshirted one year and will have to sit out one year.

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Sounds like Sour Grapes that he didn't get to start last year. I don't know what it say's if a bunch of thugs with no dicipline beat you out. Maybe you thought because you where a 5 * that you were entitled to start. I wish he hadn't left but it makes me mad when home sick kids leave and then dog the University after they leave. Sounds like the Dad needs to get a grip.

I was thinking the same thing....what is wrong with this picture when a 5* gets beat out by a "bunch of thugs"? I heard he had an ankle injury and that was the main reason he didnt see playing time. At any rate, he must want out badly to be willing to sit out a year.
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Whatever happened to the "No comments about " rule around here ?

I know he started it but calm down,

this kid is gone bye bye , no more at AU.

That team and staff no longer exists.

I am stoked on what I see as positives.

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